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This is a story of abuse, love and facing the unknown. The story of Frances Duiprucator. |
*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* My alarm went off the next morning at 6:00 A.M. I went to wake my brother up since I was the responsible one. I turned the light on and, as expected, he covered his head up with his green comforter. I only smirked then walked off leaving the light on and my smirk widened at his groans of protest. I went back into my room and started rummaging around in my closet for something to wear to school. I chose a white short sleeve shirt that showed my belly button and a pair of snug, black pants. I put on my black choker and pulled my hair up into a loose ponytail with a few strands of hair hanging out for effect. I had nothing else to do with it since it hung down to my waist, straight as a board. I looked into my full length mirror. My brown hair looked soft and smooth with the way the light was hitting it and my clothes made my body look slim. I grabbed my mascara from my desk and put some on to bring out my green eyes. When I decided I looked presentable I went into the kitchen to eat breakfast. I was about to pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit down at the table when I saw a neatly wrapped package with white paper and a black bow sitting on top of the mail from yesterday. I looked at the card by the package to see who it was for. I looked quizzically down at the name that was written on it. It was addressed to me. I opened the card first. It only had a couple of lines written on it. My Sweet Rose, This may come as a shock to you, but I have watched you grow up since you were a year old. You have been chosen. This is a token of my appreciation on how you’ve turned out so far. I’ll be watching! Forever yours, Dragon I stared at the card for a moment trying to figure out the meaning but soon gave up and opened the package. It revealed a black silk sweater that went down to my feet. I checked the card again to see who it was from but all it said was ‘Dragon”. So I checked inside the package to see if there was a note inside. But all I found was the paper that was wrapped around the sweater. I had no idea what to make of it but put the sweater on regardless. It went perfectly with my outfit, plus I was in need of a new sweater. “You ready Frances?” a low deep voice said from behind me. “Where’d you get that?” I looked up to see my brother, Blake, dressed in a dark blue, button down the front shirt with loose fitting jeans and a silver chain hanging around his neck. “I don’t know. It was in that package over there.” I pointed to the spot where I found the package, but it was gone. Blake just raised an eyebrow at me in response. We both walked out the door and got in his black truck to drive to school. I listened to the calming beats of “Bother” By Stone Sour as I started thinking about Tommy, my boyfriend. The way he used to hold me in the mornings and kiss me sweetly. He never did that anymore. When I got there before school now, all he would do is give me a hug and tell me ‘hi’ and go off with his friends. We never went out anymore. He basically ignored me. ‘I’ll just talk to him and if he doesn’t listen then I’ll break up with him.’ I thought as we approached the school. Blake drove into the parking lot and stopped at the front of the school to drop me off. “Don’t forget to lock the door.” “Alright Blake. Bye!” I said as I got out of the truck and walked towards my friends. “Ashley! Jason!” Ashley had her cell phone practically glued to her ear as always so she didn’t hear me call her but Jason looked up. “Good Morning.” “Morning!” Jason was one of my best friends. I met him my freshman year. He was also a year ahead of me. He had ebony black hair that he kept tied back at the nape of his neck and silver blue eyes. He was wearing camouflage pants and a black muscle shirt. And as usual he had on his class ring that had his name engraved inside it and his silver chain he got from his mother last Christmas. I examined his face for a moment. Why does he look so sad? “Are you still upset about Helena-” I didn’t get to finish my question because I was cut off by a very irritated looking face in my personal space. “NO! Drop it right now!” He yelled at me and a few people turned around to stare at us. “..s-sorry..I was j-just asking,” I stumbled over the words. He is very scary when angered. Note to self: Don’t ever make Jason angry. “Well don’t ask,” He spat out the words like they were venom glaring me down. Helena had been the only girl to reject him so far and he was not taking it lightly. I didn’t reply, not meeting his eyes for fear of them reducing me to a puddle. I used to have a crush on Jason. But who hasn’t at one point in their life? I had to hold back a laugh at the thought. Almost every girl in the school had a crush on him but he didn’t really care. The only reason they liked him was for his looks and popularity and he ended up dumping them in a couple of days anyway. He was a nice guy and everything but the girls he tried to go out with just strutted around, hanging off his arm like he was the prize for first place at a beauty contest or something. I was glad to say I was his best friend. I knew how he wanted to be treated. Of course, I was still scared of him at times. He was the bad boy type. Yeah he was smart and got straight A’s in all of his classes but he was also feared and respected by students and teachers alike. The younger boys feared him, and the older boys respected him for his control. The girls of all years fawned over him and sent him gifts everyday. Frankly it makes me sick. How can you put up with being treated like that? I would never be able to handle it. That’s why Jason started talking to me in the first place. I didn’t stare at him and drool over him the way all the other girls did. I just always had my head in a book or was doing my homework. The only other girl I new that didn’t treat Jason as a boy toy was Ashley. Ashley always had her cell phone stuck to her ear. She was too busy with her boyfriend to fawn over some other guy. Ashley was my other best friend. I had met her in sixth grade when some girl twice my size was picking on me in the school library. Ashley had told her off and sat down with me. We’ve been inseparable ever since. I was startled as two big warm arms circled around my waist. I looked up to see two brown eyes staring right back down at me. But what I saw in them I didn’t like. Mischief, Anger, and Hatred all at one time. “Can I talk to you?” Tommy asked me with a forceful tone. “Well I was just about to-” “Now!” He said this time more demanding, tightening his hold on me. I flinched but agreed and gave Jason an apologetic look while Ashley still hadn’t noticed I was there yet…most likely having a fight with Junior. Tommy led me away from my friends to go sit at an empty bench. “We need to talk,” He said as he shoved me on the bench forcefully. “About what?” I asked concerned, not even worried about my bottom which was in serious pain from the impact. I didn’t like the way his tone sounded. Quite frankly, I was scared. “About us…” I looked up at him with wide eyes, only one thing going through my head. He’s going to break up with me! “What do you mean?” I replied shakily. I was getting extremely nervous. “I mean that you never come to me anymore in the mornings. You just go to your friends and wait for me to come to you. That’s not how it works,” He said forcefully, grabbing my chin so I wouldn’t look away from him. “But when I do come to you, you just give me a hug, say hi and then you go back to talking to your friends and ignore me like I’m not even there,” I protested. It’s not like he even cares about me anyway. He looked like he was looking for something to say to this and I had to hold back my grin. Serves him right for trying to make me feel bad. “Well if you want to talk to me so bad join me and my friend’s conversations,” He said after a minute. I opened my mouth and closed it again when I realized I had nothing to say. He looked like he almost smiled at this. I had no idea what his friends were ever talking about. How was I supposed to join the conversation when I had nothing to say? Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jason staring. I focused my attention back on Tommy and noticed that he was starring straight at Jason. If he could have done it with his eyes I’m pretty sure Tommy would have killed Jason right then. He was very possessive, overbearing, and controlling. When he finally looked back at me there was a wicked gleam in his eyes and blatantly, it scared the crap out of me. I was no longer looking into the eyes of my boyfriend but into the eyes of an insane man who had a wicked grin spread on his face. “Tommy are you Okay?” But the next thing I knew he had swooped down and kissed me. It wasn’t a kiss of love or passion but one of fury and jealousy. One an enraged man would give. One an insane man would think pleasurable. But I am neither enraged nor insane and I didn’t like the way he was kissing me at all. I moved my hands to his chest to push him away from me but he just grabbed my hands and kissed me harder. I whimpered and started to struggle. Why isn’t anyone doing anything? When he let me go my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I slowly raised one hand to my lips and felt them. They were swollen I could tell and most likely bruised. I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I hadn’t realized it but my lip was bleeding from where Tommy had bitten me. I looked up at him but instead of fear in my eyes like there usually was, there was anger. I had put up with his roughness but never had he caused me harm as this. I had never bled for him and that was the last straw. He smirked down at me and held out his hand to help me up. I looked around and saw that a lot of people were looking at us. I glared at them and they turned back to whatever they were doing once I took his hand and stood up. “That’s it Tommy. We’re over. I’m ending this now. You will no longer push me around! I will not stand for it!” I yelled at him. He seemed truly surprised by my outburst but soon recovered and his glare came at me full force. “You can’t leave me, Frances,” He said defiantly. “Watch me!” I returned spitefully but before I could stalk off he grabbed my arm and whirled me around to face him. His face was inches from mine and I could smell that sweet scent that I had loved for so long. “Don’t you walk away from me. You are mine Frances. You will see,” He whispered. I angrily yanked my body out of his grasp, forgetting about everything and walked towards Jason who had stood up when Tommy had grabbed me. The bell rang and Ashley hastily got off her cell phone and put it away. “Come on Ashley, let’s get to class.” Ashley and I walked on either side of Jason to our first period class. I took one more look at Tommy and smiled at the fury evident on his pale face. If this morning was any indication today would be a very good day indeed. *** When I left after my last class that day I was conveniently the last person to leave. I said my usual goodbye to my Spanish teacher and closed the door. I made my way out of the labyrinth of annexes and entered the main school building. I proceeded to my locker and retrieved the books I needed for that night's study session with Ashley and Jason. “Miss Duiprucator may I ask what you are doing with all those books?” I closed my locker, books in hand, and slowly turned around only to find Tommy and his friends, Billy and John. “Leave me alone Tommy,” I replied briskly and turned to leave. I heard the footsteps of Tommy and his friends following me and quickened my pace. “Frances wait up! I just came to apologize. I know I was a jerk today and I’m really sorry but I was stressed. I had a really big History test today and I just took my stress out on the nearest outlet. Please! Just give me another chance.” Tommy pleaded with a grin on his face but he quickly turned it into a pleading expression when I turned around. “Tommy you weren’t a jerk today,” I said with a gentle expression on my face, then it turned into one of contempt and anger as I continued, “...you were a royal bastard with a capital ‘B’. You won’t change because you’ve always been this way. And you know what! I thought that if I stayed with you, you would eventually change that and start acting nicer towards me but I was wrong. Oh, was I wrong. You only got worse as time wore on and I didn’t do a damn thing about it. Well, now I am and you can’t change that. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were only using me anyway.” The whole time I was speaking Tommy’s face got redder and redder as he got madder and madder. At my last sentence he had had enough. Tommy turned on his heel and stalked off calling over his shoulder, “Be careful Frances.” I sighed as I watched him leave and I collected my fallen books from the ground. When did I drop them? “No need to think on it too much. Just be glad they actually left,” I muttered to myself as I walked out of the school doors. Spotting Ashley and Jason sitting on a bench in the courtyard in front of the school I made my way towards them and sat next to Ashley who was, surprisingly enough, not on the phone. “Hey Ash, what’s up with the phone situation?” I teased playfully. “Junior has to work today,” She said in a serious tone then added jokingly, “It’s not like I’m on the phone twenty-four hours a day, only about eighteen.” Ashley and I laughed at her comment but we both quieted down when we noticed Jason wasn’t laughing with us. I figured he was still sour about the whole ‘Helena Ordeal’ as Ashley and I had dubbed it and so I started my own conversation with Ashley. “So what are you and Junior gonna do for Valentine’s Day?” “We’re going to the Dance.” “What dance?” “Don’t you ever pay attention in homeroom? Nevermind, don't answer that. There’s going to be a Valentine’s Dance on Valentine’s Day and,” she lowered her voice, “I hear that a certain someone is going to ask you.” Ashley’s eyes flickered from Frances to Jason and back to Frances with a wicked grin. In an equally lowered voice Frances answered, “I doubt that he will ask me. He’ll probably try his luck with Helena again or one other of his admirers. And even if he did ask me I have nothing to wear. I probably won’t even go anyways.” “Oh come on Frances, I know you’re not that blind. He likes you and you like him. The sexual tension between you two has been there since you first met. He’s just scared that if he tries it out with you that if it ends you’ll either end up hating him or you’ll turn into one of his crazed fans.” “Okay Ash, I used to like him but not anymore we’re just friends now. Don’t be ridiculous.” “I am not ridiculous!” “Are too!” “Not!” “Too!” “NOT NOT NOT!” “TOO TOO TOO!” Our playful banter had erupted into a playful yelling match, and to our dismay, was ended by an irate Jason yelling at us both to, “Just shut up, I can’t think when you’re both yelling!” We both irrupted in laughter at the sight of Jason’s flushed face. This, of course, only served to make him madder and when he was about to make a retort I stood up and spoke, “So are we going to have this study session or not?” “Not!” Ashley said. Jason and I glared at her. “We have a Spanish test tomorrow and we’ll never pass it unless Jason gives us his notes. This is serious Ashley so you have to keep your phone turned off.” I replied narrowing my eyes at her as she was about to turn her phone on. “Fine be a spoil sport.” Ashley pouted putting it back in her pocket. Jason just rolled his eyes and then stood up by me and looked at Ashley. “Get up. I guess I’m driving since neither of you have a car so come on. I’ll drop you off at home when we’re done.” Ashley and I grumbled at this but complied and followed Jason to his car. I sat up front so I could mess with the radio and Ashley sat in the back so she didn’t have to put her seat belt on, seeing as the seat belts in the back didn’t work. I flipped through the stations trying to find a good country one as Jason started up the car and backed out of the parking lot. Finding one I liked, I sat back and relaxed in my seat trying to forget about today’s earlier events with Tommy. *** The study session that night served to keep me occupied and kept my mind away from Tommy and from the mysterious card I had gotten this morning. When Jason’s living room clock struck nine I informed him that I had to be getting home. Jason and Ashley agreed that it was time to end our study session and Ashley and I quickly packed up our books and got ready to leave. Once we had gotten into the car Jason looked at both Ashley and I before asking his question. “Who’s going home first?” I was about to reply and, seeing this, Ashley smirked and answered before me, “I live closer so take me home first.” Jason nodded and gave Ashley a wink which I didn’t notice since I was glaring at my female companion. Ashley knew I wouldn’t feel comfortable alone with Jason after what she had told her. Especially at night alone with him in a car, but I sucked it up and decided not to worry about it. I didn’t turn on the radio deciding I wanted a quiet ride home instead of the usual fun filled country singing. I sat silently, absentmindedly looking out my window as Ashley gave Jason the directions to her house for the millionth time. He never could remember how to get there. When I had ever brought this up with Ashley she’d always give the same answer. ‘But he does remember the way to your house.’ As we approached Ashley’s house I offered to walk Ashley to her door to which Ashley replied, “I’m not a little girl Frances. The boogie man isn’t going to get me I promise.” Ashley gave each of us a hug and thanked Jason for the ride home and left. When she was safely in her house Jason pulled away and started towards my home. “So, have you heard about the Valentine's Dance they're having?” I was surprised at this question and it took a few moments for me to get an answer out. “Yeah, I heard. Ashley was telling me about that earlier today at school, don’t you remember?” “Oh, yeah that’s right. Now I remember. Do you have any plans on who you want to go with?” “Well, I don’t know. I guess it just depends on who asks?” I replied. Jason was silent for about ten minutes before he asked, “Would you go with me?” My head snapped around to stare at him. ‘Did he really just ask what I think he just asked?’ His expression was of pure curiosity but I could tell he was anticipating my answer by the way all his facial muscles were tensed up. “Come again?” I said dumbfounded. He calmly repeated his question. This time I was sure I had heard him clearly. “Umm, I don’t know.” “Just as friends of course,” He added seeing my hesitation. “Alright. As friends.” She agreed. The rest of the ride home was in comfortable silence, though we both were frequently trying to sneak glances at eachother when we thought the other wasn’t looking. *** The next afternoon found Ashley and I in ‘Water Fabric’, a dressy yet classy clothing store. Ashley walked over to the dress section and looked at a bright yellow dress with a generous neckline, however, in my opinion it shouldn’t even be qualified to be in the store because of its daring length. I, meanwhile, had found my way into the dress pants section. Usually you would only find business women in this section looking for a new suit to wear to a luncheon she had with her boss so she could, hopefully, get in some points to upgrade her position with the company. However,I was not a business woman, but I had found in my earlier years that wearing pants suits to special occasions fit me better then dresses ever did. Passing several different suits that looked to be rather flattering I stopped at one that fit my taste. It was a light blue halter top made of a flimsy fabric with a generous yet unrevealing neckline. The pants that went with it were of the same fabric but thicker and a darker shade of blue. However, the jacket that matched the outfit she wouldn’t include. I picked out my sizes and took the clothing into the dressing area. *** “Blue? Why did you have to pick blue?! Blue is not a Valentine’s color!” Ashley was currently screaming into my ear as we walked through the mall and towards the food court. “Yellow isn’t a valentine’s color either so I don’t know why your screaming at me,” was my calm reply. Spotting an empty table I grabbed Ashley’s arm and dragged her to it and made her sit down then sat down myself. “Yellow is too a valentine’s color. It’s the color of the sun that makes the day beautiful for all the couples.” I rolled my eyes at the ditzy comment before making my own. “Then blue is also a valentine’s color. It’s the color of the birds that tweet merrily around lover’s heads as they kiss.” I let out a howling laugh at my own comment but hurriedly got myself back under control when I was met with rude stares from the surrounding tables. Ashley also glared at me though it quickly turned into a pouty expression. “But that’s all you ever wear to these types of occasions. I’ve never seen you in anything other than blue!” “Is that a problem? I like blue anyways. It reminds me of the sky which has no limitations and unending possibilities.” I let out another laugh but a much quieter one. “You two ready to leave? I do have other things to do you know.” Ashley and I both looked up to meet the grinning face of Blake. “Nope we have one more stop to make. We both need shoes for our outfits.” My grin broadened at the fake look of horror that had arrived on my brother’s face. “And you can help pick them out for us.” He covered his face with his hands in mock grief and dropped to his knees. “Good Lord what did I do to deserve this cruel punishment?” He cried with his hands now raised to the heavens. Now people were staring more than ever at the scene the trio were making and so Ashley and I quickly pulled Blake to his feet and dragged him to the shoe store. Picking out shoes wasn’t hard and we were done in less then ten minutes. Blake dropped Ashley off at her house and took me home before he took off on his own to attend to his own business. “Dad, I’m home!” I yelled as I made my way to my room. I didn’t receive a reply but didn’t expect to anyway. I opened my door and set my outfit on my bed and proceeded to take off my watch and empty my pockets of loose change or bills I had left from my shopping trip. When I was done I picked up my outfit off the bed and opened my closet door to hang it up. I was about to close my closet door when I noticed an envelope on my closet floor. Thinking it was an old birthday card I picked it up and put it on the shelf in my closet with the rest. But when I turned around to face my bed the same envelope was now resting on my pillow. Curious and a little spooked I reached for the envelope and looked at it closely. In loopy old fashioned calligraphy was my name. I looked around for any sign of another presence in my room and, finding none, sat on my bed and opened the envelope. Inside was another letter just like the one I had recieved the morning before. My Sweet Rose, Surprise, surprise little one. You hear from me for the second time. Though my message may seem bizarre listen well. Beware of the moisture; it can be both enemy and friend. It will begin very soon. Forever yours, Dragon I gaped at the card. The message really was bizarre, but what did he (or she) mean by ‘beware of the moisture’. Am I going to melt or something? Skeptical, I put the letter back in the envelope and set it on my dresser. I put the letter to the back of my mind as I got ready for bed. However, when I closed my eyes I couldn’t help but picture who this mystery person was and why, or more importantly, how was I getting these letters. Would there be any more? Was this person even real? *** The following days went as normal as could be. My relationship with Jason didn’t change even though we were going to the dance together nor did I get anymore letters from my mysterious ‘stalker’ as I had dubbed him. (Or her.) The day of the dance arrived quickly and for me, too quickly. I hadn’t missed the sneaky glances that Tommy had been throwing me nor had I missed the wide grin that arrived on his face every time our eyes met for a millisecond. I didn’t know why but the stares didn’t scare me as much as they normally would have. It was like I could feel a protective presence somewhere around me no matter where I was. Maybe I was being too cocky or maybe there actually wasn’t anything to be afraid of. Ashley and I walked to the parking lot in front of the school to look for Blake’s truck. The parking lot was extra crowded today because, instead of most of the students leaving, some had stayed behind to do last minute decorations in the gym for the dance that night. “Is that it? That black one?” I turned to look to where Ashley was pointing and nodded. We chatted about the dance as we were walking to the car but stopped short when Tommy and Billy stepped into our way. Ashley glared and made to shove passed them but Billy just stood in her way not letting her pass. “What do you want now?” I asked Tommy with a fierce glare. “You should know the answer to that already,” He said grabbing my arm and jerking me into him where he crushed me against his chest. “Let go you pervert!” “Not until you say you’ll go with me to the dance.” “You’re a little late for that you jerk I’m going with someone else.” Tommy immediately loosened his grip and I hurriedly moved myself from his hold and out of reach. The look in his eyes was that of someone who had been beaten at his favorite game. “Who are you going with?” He spat out, though you could tell by his posture he was anticipating the answer. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m going with Jason.” Billy elbowed Tommy and nodded his head behind me. Tommy followed his gaze then looked back at me. He opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it again when Billy elbowed him for the second time. They both gave me a glare before walking away. I turned around to see what had made them leave and saw Blake making his way over looking curiously at each of us then to the two boys leaving in the opposite direction. “What was that all about?” he asked when we were in speaking range of each other. “Just trying to scare us that’s all. It’s no big deal.” We all got in the truck and drove off and I, again, put Tommy’s bulling to the back of my mind. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my night. This was going to be an exciting night, I could just feel it. Author's Note: This is a work in progress, the story does not end here. I've had some readers think that this was all so I thought I'd make that clear. There's still more coming! |