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Welcome to my world! This is me, and I'm not gonna change! |
All About Me! She can always be found sprawled out on her bedroom floor, writing furiously, her toes wiggling, or nibbling on the top of a pen lid, staring into space, with a gormless expression on her face. Books surround her, along with little pieces of paper; planning her next masterpiece. Her blonde hair swept messily out of the way, into a blue crocodile clip, which is missing many teeth. She lies in total silence, letting the world pass her by, living in a fantasy world, where the only sounds she can here are her random ramblings of her brain. From a distance, Sky looks like your average person, if you ignore the clothes! Her straight golden hair flowing in the wind, underneath her bright polka dot brolly, which makes stand out a mile. Her shoelaces carelessly undone, getting squashed at every opportunity. Bags on each arm, full of the latest teen novels from the library, and a bright pink ‘Hello Kitty’ bag which sways as her pace decreases. Her fast eager pace lets everyone know she is in a rush, yet her mind is calm, humming the latest Skye Sweetnam tune. Her eyes glisten with joy as she receives a million and one new text messages from her friends as she receives the latest daily gossip. Books surround her, along with little bits of paper, each with tidy notes eyes can’t seem to make up their mind what colour they want to be. Some days blue, other brown, occasionally brown, and frequently a mixture of all of them. Sky is always an honest person, though her mushroom shaped nose always flares as she plays practical jokes. Only people that are very close to her will have noticed this, or the ones that don’t trust her. Her newly straight teeth are near enough prominently on show, as she smiles and laughs through the day. Her blonde hair glows under light, and sun, when the rare occasion comes that the sun actually shines. Her blonde hair is her best feature, as it is the only thing that can excuse her from her day to day clumsiness and dizziness, as she likes to point out several times a day, though she will not have anyone say so If you are trying to spot Sky from the crowd, you would probably hear her before you saw her. Her manic laugh can be heard from the other side of the world, pitch changing by the mini-second. Her voice louder than someone with a megaphone, though she often doesn’t realise that she is shouting. Another way to spot her I a crowd is the person on the floor who has fallen over, as accidents seem to occur a lot so far in her fourteen years of life. Sky has two sides of her. The happy side’ the girl who always looks for the best in everybody, and turns every situation into a positive one, despite how rubbish she may be feeling inside. This Sky looks at a glass as half full. The other side is moody, who puts herself and others down, and can get angry at the littlest of things. This Sky looks at a glass as half empty. Without a doubt, the cheerful side is seen a lot more than the happy side, though when she is in a mood, everyone knows so. There is nothing that matters more to Sky than her family. Although she sometimes doesn’t show it, she considers her family to be the most important people in her life. She may spend quite a bit of time on MSN chatting to her friends that she has seen all day in school, but when her family need her, she tries her best to be the first person there to love and support them. Sky is a very emotional person, her hormones running riot within her deluded mind. She is strong willed and has a passionate belief in things that matter to her. She will debate in an argument as long as possible, and will always try to ensure that she wins. Sky will give as good as she has got, and will want to be the one who wants to have the last say. She knows what she wants in life, and nothing will stop her from striving for the top. Sky has a mysterious side to her, that she shows no-one. The side where she feels alone in the world and that she will always be different in body and soul. But Sky has decided, she doesn’t want to be normal, or common; she wants to be herself. And if that means that she I perceived as strange, weird or insane, so be it. |