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Rated: GC · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #923947
family moves to a new town and discovers house across from them is haunted.
Looking back at my days in that house, I realize how lucky I am. You see, nobody knows what the house is like. Or how evil the house is. All they know is that many people have moved into that house, and were never seen again. Except for one. Me. I am the only one able to escape the horrors of that house. I alone escaped and am the only one who can interfere with their hideous plan and can stop anyone from entering that house.
During stormy nights, little children could look out their windows, right at this house, and see faces, illuminated, by the flashes of lightning. Their faces, pressed against the windows were hideous. And if they saw you looking at them, beware. They won’t stop hunting you and following you until you enter their house. But that is a myth. A myth made by those who built the house and shared around the campfires. Shared around the campfires to protect their children from going near there.
The stories say that hundreds of years ago, in the beginning of the civilization of the United States, a wealthy soldier decided to retire from the army and reside in a nice little area near the oceans and live his days out there with his new wife. He had the house made in her honor and gave that and a new pearl necklace to her. Just two months into their marriage when his wife asked him where he found the pearls, he pointed to the oceans and uttered, “Gnarly hands bay.” As soon as those words were muttered, he just keeled over and lay there twitching as maggots and worms crawled out of his head.
As his wife saw this, there was the snapping of tree branches and the rustling of dry leaves. As she turned around she saw a giant bear, about nine feet tall with six arms. As soon as she saw this, she screamed and ran. And that was the last thing anybody can say about her. And her body was never found. Some say she ran in to the ocean and drowned herself. While others say that she ran and eventually the bear caught up to her and brought her to its lair where it ate her. And yet more people say that years later, after all this drama had subsided, other women were dragged away by a giant bear, with the head of a woman, and six arms.
But who knows if this is true? The whole story seems absurd. I know I surely didn’t believe my friend when he told me and my family to stay away from the Rucker’s House. I just laughed and called him crazy. But little did I know that one day; I would be the one to uncover its revolting truth. Or how my life would be completely changed in one night.
I first moved to the town of Rucksville with my family when I was sixteen. I moved into a one family house directly across from the Rucker’s House. While my family and I were waiting for the Fast-Movers truck, I pointed out to my father how the house, even with nobody living there, looked awesomely neat and clean. As my mother heard my observation, she pointed out that maybe there was a gardener who looked after it. As I heard her say that, I laughed.
“Come on mom! It’s a haunted house. I highly doubt that somebody here would even want to be around it. I mean the people here seem to be a bunch of wimps! ‘A haunted house, whooooo!!! I am so scared!!’
With that my mother smacked me upside the head and said to be quiet. Somebody was coming. It was a kid, around my age it seemed. He was dressed in dark clothing and had a shirt with the numbers 666 in a deep red color and had drips of blood seemingly painted so that it looks like they are dripping off. As he walked by, he took a long look at me and my parents and then smiled and nodded his head and walked away. I noticed that on the back of his shirt were the words “The Code of The Dark One, the Evil One, the DEVIL!!!” These words were in the same color as the numbers in the front and had the blood dripping off also. Then my mother tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around.
“Luke, go on and talk to him. Make some friends. I don’t want you to live here and not make any friends.”
I turned around and looked her right in the eyes and said flat out, “Mom, come on. He’s a Goth. Why would I want to be friends with somebody who looks like that? He probably goes to school and everybody picks on him.
I don’t want to go to school and on my first day be pushed around just because I hang out with him. I just want to be around some normal kids. Kids like me. People who don’t worship the devil and want the destruction to Mankind and who want the destruction of Earth. Don’t ever tell me to do that ever and I mean EVER again.”
Then my mother looked at me with that crazy look in her eyes that she always gets when she doesn’t get her way and so I quickly turned around and ran after the kid yelling after the kid to stop and wait. But he was to far away to hear me and so I stopped running after the kid. I turned around and looked at my where my mother and my father was standing and noticed that they had vanished into the house and that the Fast-Move van had arrived and the drivers were carrying boxes and suitcases into the house.
I knew that if I returned home right away I would get in deep trouble with my mother and that would not be good. Getting her mad our first day here in this new town. So I looked around and decided to walk around the town and get a feel for where everything is. I walked around the corner and saw that right next to our house there was a graveyard and directly across the graveyard was the backyard of a really tall building with a lot of brush and weeds all around the house hiding the house from view. So I decided to walk over there and pull some of the brush away and see what the house looked like. As I walked over there, somebody popped out of the darkness and pushed me over and said in a raspy voice, “Don’t ever go in there! If you do, HE will come and kill you. HE already got my brother!!”
With that, the person jumped away from me and started running as fast as they could into the darkness. I leaned up on my elbows and looked into the direction of where the person had just run and shook my head. I got up and looked around and saw that there wasn’t anybody around. So I walked over to the house and started to move the nearest brush away when somebody came up and grabbed my shoulder, making me jump and yelled in my ear, “WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!! I mean what does somebody have to do to get something into that thick head of yours?”
As the person finished his sentence, I turned around and I said “Look, I have no idea who you are, but I’m warning you to watch out. Don’t mess with me, I am serious.”
“HAHAHA!!!” The person laughed. “Look, I just want you to watch out cuz your new here and I don’t want to have you end up like the last family.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it. Last family? What happened?” I cried out.
“Look, can we go to your house and talk about this? My parents would flip if I brought somebody over right now.”
“Dude, no way! I don’t even know your name! What makes you think I would open my door to you because of something some other family did?”
“You’re right. But you do know what I look like.” With that sentence, he clicked on a flashlight and when I saw the face I nearly screamed. It was the Gothic kid who had walked by earlier that my mother wanted me to talk to. I looked at him and closed my eyes.
“Dude, don’t you ever do that again. You nearly killed me. Man! Seriously.”
The kid looked and me and snickered. He then stuck out his hand and said, “My name’s Jorge. Jorge Gonzalez. What’s yours?”
I looked at his hand and even though he was a Goth and I didn’t like Goths I still decided to shake his hand because who knows…maybe he can help me out sometime soon. At least until I get to know the town. So I shook his hand and replied, “Name’s Lucas, but I prefer Luke.”
Jorge nodded his head and said, “Come on. We need to sit down and talk about this. It’s too important to talk about out here. People could hear and I’m not supposed to talk about this…but hurry let’s go…”
So I grabbed the flashlight out of his hand and said to come on. With that Jorge and I started walking to my house and even though I wanted to know as much as I could I knew that I had to wait until we get to my house. But when we got to my house, my front door was locked and I didn’t have a key. I walked over to the garage where I figured my mother or father would have parked the car and i thought that maybe they would be folding boxes and hanging up tools and such.
But when I opened the garage door I noticed that the car was gone and the tools weren't up. I walked up to Jorge and I said that they weren’t here right now but they would be back soon. They probably went out to get some food for dinner. But Jorge looked right at me and grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from the house saying, “Hurry man. They aren’t in the store or they aren't getting food. I know where they are.”
I looked at Jorge like he was crazy and pulled my hand out of his and said, “Jorge, man your crazy. How do you know where my parents are? You were with me. There’s no way that you would know.”
But then Jorge turned around and looked at me right in the eyes and I saw his face. It was all distorted and twisted out of shape. I looked him right in the eyes and saw that his eyes had changed colors. Instead of having blue eyes, I saw that his eyes had changed to a really dark shade of red. If I didn’t have the flashlight there would have been no way that I would have known.
So I started running away from him and as I was running I heard him yelling at me, “Stop! You have no idea what you’re doing! You will get lost and then they will come. Believe me…I am nothing compared to them. If you don’t listen to me, well…your parents will be dead next time you see them. They will be walking zombies.”
But all this just went right in and out my ears. I just kept saying to myself that he would kill me and that my parents were okay. They probably realized what was happening and they are driving around looking to pick me up and take me home.
So I kept running and then I was tackled from behind and I felt a really strong force holding me down. I had dropped my flashlight and it had bounced and rolled into some nearby bushes. And so with the heavy person on top of me, I started writhing and squirming like a little worm, trying to get out from underneath this…thing. But instead of allowing me to get out from underneath it, I only succeeded in gaining it to lie on top of me and push more of its weight down.
So now I was stuck and I started screaming for help hoping that my parents were near and hoping that this thing wasn’t Jorge. And if it wasn’t I hoped Jorge was near enough to hear me.
So I started screaming at the top of my lungs. And suddenly I felt the weight on top of start to shift and lighten. As soon as there was enough weight for me to lift, I pushed the weight off and I stood up. The weight I had pushed off was flung onto the ground and when I got my balance back I walked over to the bushes and looked for my flashlight.
It wasn’t hard to miss because as soon as I moved one branch I caught glimpse of a light shining. So I plunged my hand in there and felt my hand scrape against something sharp. But I knew that I had to get this light. I kept my hand there until I felt my fingertips brush against the light. So I pushed my hand in there farther until I finally grasped it.
But when I pulled my hand up and glanced at my hand I noticed my hand was covered in blood. I had a giant cut across my hand and blood was just gushing out. I was scared but there was nothing I could do yet. So I flashed the light to where the thing was but nothing there. Whatever it was had vanished into thin air.
I looked around astonished. If it had gotten up I should have heard it. But I didn’t. As I was looking around, I saw Jorge come up from the shadows. He had a bloody nose and walked very slow.
I shined my light in his face and squinting, I asked, “Jorge, what happened to you?”
He looked at me and just shook his head muttering, “Don’t ask. You don’t wanna know.”
So I shook my head and I asked him what happened to me back there. But there was no answer; he just kept his mouth shut and just looked ahead and kept walking. But I wanted to know so I ran up to him and grabbed his arm and demanded that he tell me.
He stopped and pushed me away and said loudly, “Look, kid. You don’t want to know. This town is terrible. There is some freaky stuff that happens here. You know when I told you about the last family that moved here? I told you that they ended up bad. But that is just putting it lightly. Us, us townspeople here, we’re dead. The haunted house that you live across from, there was an inventor here, when we all were living and had everything that we wanted. Our town had no problems.”
I looked at him and quietly asked if he could tell me so that I might perchance be able to help him. He looked at me and said he needed to think about it. But then in less than two minutes, he was babbling on about it.
“Well, this inventor here, he made this…this thing that would give us all immortality. Of course, we all believed him. I mean, who wouldn’t want immortality? But the day when we all were to get some, there was a bad accident. He was burning something and then his torch fell over and it destroyed this immortality stuff.
The next thing we knew was that there was a blue mist escaping from his place. We all went in it because we thought that that was the stuff. But then he came running out and screamed at us to get away and that the stuff was bad for us and would kill us all. But it was all too late. We had been around it enough.
We were all turned into the walking dead. And you know what the funny thing is, instead of trying to help us get out of this disaster; he went and locked himself up in his mansion. He then made this poison that if we even went near his place to try and break the doors down, we would get burned. We had somebody try to break in, but in less than five minutes, his body was a big puddle of puke smelling water. Or so we think it was water.
Nobody dared to even try to find out. But since then, families have been moving here and well, not to beat around the bush, but we get them. We have to keep our population up. Whenever someone dies, we need to find someone else. And recently, two people just got seriously sick and I’m thinking that your parents are going to take their place. So if you want to save them, good luck. I hope you can. But if you do, you’d better run because we’ll all be after you. But I know where they are. I can take you there.”
I looked at him and asked quietly, “How long until the two die?” He looked at me and shook his head, “If we don’t quit talking they’ll be gone before you know it. Now, I know you want to know everything that’s going on, but don’t worry, you’ll know before long. I’ll tell you more on the way there. Now come on.”
Jorge said with a bit of irritation in his voice. So instead of talking more I started to follow him to wherever he was leading me. I followed him to the graveyard. He led me into the middle of there and then stopped in front of a lone grave. I looked at him and then back at the grave not understanding what this was all about. I could see no cause as of why we would stop here.
Suddenly I felt the ground moving under my feet and then I saw something rising out of the ground in front of me. I looked back at the gravestone and then saw the name. Jorge Gonzales. I looked at him and then quietly asked if that was his grave. He looked at me right in the eyes and slowly nodded his head. Then he turned towards what looked like a house rising out of the ground. Then he turned back to me and I saw his eyes glowing bright red. Startled I stepped backwards.
He took a slow step in my direction and said in a slow deep voice, “Come. Come with me. I can give you great power and everything you want. Anything you want.”
I kept backing away from him until I had backed into a tree. Feeling around the tree, I watched scared as he kept coming closer mentioning things about power and having anything I want. I kept feeling around the tree hoping that I could find a branch that I could break off and swing at him in case he came to close to me. Suddenly, I hadn’t noticed how close he was to me, Jorge lunged at me. I stick out my foot and caught him right in the face. While he was stunned I turned around and ran as fast as I could away from him. But as soon as I ran away I noticed that more people were heading towards the house. Hoping that my parents would be among them, I slowly and quietly crept behind a gravestone and watched as they moved towards the house in a slow manner. The way that they were holding their stomachs and mentioning food among each other I figured that they either wanted me or my parents or there was a big dinner waiting for them in the house.
But as I watched the people walk up to the house, I noticed that my parents weren’t among them.
“Yes!” I cried out pumping my fist in the air.
Then I noticed the other people look in my direction. I quickly put my hands close to my side and huddled up in the dark closer to the tombstone. But it was too late. The people had already turned around and started moving in my direction. I knew that if I stayed there I would get caught. So I got in a crouch and started running in the shadows of the other stones.
There I realized was a low fence that I could climb over. So I grabbed to top of the fence and started to pull myself over the top. No sooner did I have my body over, I felt a tug at my left foot. Thinking I got it caught on some of the vines that were around the stones and bushes, I kicked at them and tried pulling my foot over. But then there was another tug, and it seemed stronger than the first.
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