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The Dream Queen edges closer to victory |
There was a knock on her door. Hurriedly finishing buttoning up the blouse she'd just changed into, Jenny called out "Yes?" A maid came in. Not the one from that morning, she was relieved to see. "Tracy is here to see you, miss," she said. A delighted smile crossed Jenny's face. "Great!" she exclaimed, and hurried out of her room and down the stairs. Her best friend was waiting for her at the bottom. "Hi Jenny!" she cried happily, and they hugged. "How've you been?" Jenny hesitated. "Things have been a bit odd, actually," she admitted. "Well, a week in the wilderness, what do you expect?" Tracy asked. "Did you wind up with Dave in the end?" Visions of herself helplessly begging for sex, kneeling to give head, on all fours to take it up the ass, and being fucked time after time passed through Jenny's head for a few moments before she answered. "Yeah. I got together with Dave." And with Ted and Ray and Terry as well, she thought silently. And several guys I'd never even met before. "Great," Tracy exclaimed. "Let's go get some lunch and you can tell me all about it." Tracy drove them into town, and over lunch, Jenny gave her a very edited version of events on her mountain trek. Tracy caught her up on the local gossip in return, and then they spent the afternoon shopping. After that, it was time for another meal, of course, and then Tracy suggested they move on to a bar. "Bit early isn't it?" asked Jenny. Tracy shrugged. "We'll beat the rush then. I want to go see what that new club is like." Jenny sighed. Her mother being who she was, Jenny could get in to almost anywhere. She sometimes felt Tracy took more advantage of the fact than she liked. But in truth, she was used to it by now. "Okay, why not?" A few hours later, slightly unsteadied by alcohol, the two of them tottered to the head of the queue outside the newest and most fashionable club in town. After one look at Jenny, they were waved in, and were soon enjoying themselves on the dance floor. "You're a lot more flirty than you used to be," Tracy observed after a while. "Are you sure Dave would approve?" "He's in no position to argue," Jenny told her, grinning lopsidedly. Tracy raised an eyebrow, but didn't press the issue. The grin faded from Jenny's face as an all-too-familiar urge started pressing at her mind. Ditch the bitch and get yourself gangbanged, it told her, so clearly it was almost like hearing it. No, she thought furiously. Go away! There's no way that that can happen by accident, and I'm not going to just give in! Tracy signaled that she was going to leave the dance floor. Jenny hurried to follow, in case separation from her friend would lead to her following her urges once again. "Finish up," Tracy told her, pointing at Jenny's glass. "I'll go get the next round." Jenny sat down, raised her glass, and drank the contents as she watched Tracy walking away to the bar. As she raised the glass to pour the last of it into her mouth, she noticed that there was an odd powdery residue at the bottom of the glass. She put the empty glass back on the table. There was a slightly bitter aftertaste in her mouth. Uncertainly, she tried to get up and go to Tracy, but her legs refused to move. The noise of the club became distant, and specks floated in front of her eyes. Helplessly, she looked up, and saw two men coming towards her, grinning in a way she didn't like. Then her vision clouded over, and she could only see vague shapes, as if through fog. A long way away, she felt hands fasten on her arms, and pull her up. She heard a distant voice say "That's it, sweetie. Just walk with us, now." Then she was stumbling forward, being guided blindly across the floor and up some stairs. Vaguely, she heard someone say something, and one of her guides replied "Yeah, she had too much to drink." Then there was more stumbled walking, and she realized she was in a car. Her vision cleared slightly as the fresh night air cleared her mind a little, and she could see her clothes being pulled off by unfamiliar hands. Dimly, she wondered what was going on. "She's very nice," she heard. "The others will be happy." Then she felt his cock sliding into her. Oh, she thought vaguely, I should have known. Indifferently, she felt him thrust in and out of her until his cum flowed into her. Then she realized she was out of the car and in a clearing surrounded by trees. She could make out other figures, but not clearly enough to count them. Dimly, she heard voices talking, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Then she felt hands groping her body, and another cock slid into her. Another pressed at her lips, and she could hear somebody encouraging her to suck on it. Barely aware of it, she obeyed, and was soon drinking down its cum. It was replaced, and she carried on with the next one. She didn't even notice when the cock that was fucking her went away and a new one slid up her ass. She was sinking down into the depths of unconsciousness, drifting ever further from the waking world. As she hovered on the brink of sleep, she seemed to see a woman, a beautiful woman with pale skin, a yellow dress, and amazing violet eyes. The woman was pulling at her, pushing her down. Jenny tried to push her away, but she wasn't even sure where the attack was coming from. Floundering helplessly, she was shoved down, and her mind fell into blackness. She woke up in a clearing, surrounded by trees. As she opened her eyes, she realized she was naked. Sitting up hurriedly, she searched around for her clothes. They were laying just a few feet away. Relieved, she relaxed, and realized she felt terrible. A vicious hangover plus aches and pains all over her body. Wincing, she rolled onto her front, then up onto all fours. Crawling, she went to her clothes and struggled into them, grimacing at the cold dew-damp fabric. Then she hauled herself to her feet, and followed the tyre tracks until she reached a road. She recognized it - a few miles from home. Just a few hundred yards away, she remembered, there was a small store. To her relief, it was open, and she bought a large bottle of water. She gulped it down, and her hangover faded as the water started to clear her dehydration. Then she trudged back home morosely. Once again, that damned urge had come over her, and once again, she had been robbed of choice and forced to comply with it against her will. She felt awful, she was throbbing from the aches and pains of being gangbanged whilst drugged, and Tracy was probably either terrified or furious at her sudden disappearance. At home, she managed to avoid Ellie and Ellen, and ran herself a hot bath. An hour later, as the water started to cool, she got back out, feeling much better. The hot water had eased most of her pain, and her hangover was nearly gone. She decided to go over to Tracy's house and explain what had happened. She couldn't bear to go on suffering in silence any more. Tracy'll help, she thought, she's my best friend. When she knocked on the door, however, Tracy didn't answer it. Her father did. "Oh, hi Jenny," he greeted her in surprise. "Nice to see you." "You too, Mr. Taylor. Is Tracy in?" "No," he said. "She went to your house looking for you." "I must have just missed her," Jenny realized in frustration. "Can I come in and wait for her?" "Sure!" Jenny went up to Tracy's room and sat on the bed. After a minute or two, boredom started to take its toll, and she felt awfully tired. Without thinking, she laid down on the bed, smiling slightly as her head sank into the pillow. The she dozed off. The urge hit her, waking her from her nap and snapping her eyes open. Several realizations hit her at once: She hadn't put any panties on that morning. She had put on a quite short skirt. Tracy's father was standing in the doorway smiling slightly. He could clearly see her pussy from where he was standing. And he was staring at it. And she was smiling. Fuck him, she was urged. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him! She felt utterly horrified as she contemplated the notion of having sex with her best friend's father. He noticed her eyes had opened. For a moment, Jenny wondered if she could get out of this gracefully. Then she remembered her success rate of resisting the voice that was now yelling at her to fuck Tracy's father. If I don't initiate it, she thought nervously, will he rape me? Her will crumbled. The best possible outcome she could hope for was to be humiliatingly remembered as the girl he'd seen half naked, and the worst didn't bear thinking about. She hiked up her smile a little more, making it look inviting. Tracy's father went into the room. "I didn't think you were that kind of girl, Jenny," he whispered. "I'm usually not," she told him honestly. Then she switched to lying. "It's just you, Mr. Taylor." He sat down on the bed and unbuttoned her blouse. Only then did she realise she didn't have a bra either. He leaned down and sucked on her nipples, and she moaned in unwilling pleasure. Let's get this over with quickly, she thought desperately. She unbuttoned his trousers and he pulled them off. Then he climbed on top of her, and she whimpered slightly as his cock slid into her pussy, still sensitive from the multitude of the previous night. "Why don't you go on top?" he asked her, smiling. Automatically, she nodded in agreement, and they rolled over. Then she sat up and began to fuck him. He watched her tits bob up and down, and caressed her ass as she slid up and down on him. After just a few seconds, she felt an orgasm build, then surge in intensity, and then suddenly stop, as it had so many times before. The Agony, she thought in dismay. It's still there! Unable to control herself, she fucked her best friend's father in a frenzy of passion, desperately forcing him deeper and deeper inside her in an effort to gain relief from the overwhelming need. The sudden shocked gasp from behind her only barely registered. The outraged cry of "Jenny!" made her turn her head to see Tracy, standing in the doorway with a look of fury on her face. When Jenny's movement made her father's face visible to her, anger turned to utter horror. Unable to stop herself, Jenny turned her back on Tracy to concentrate on fucking her father. At last, she felt him cum inside her and screamed in pleasure as her orgasm hit. She could just hear Tracy running down the stairs over her cries of ecstasy. She collapsed, panting, on Mr. Taylor's chest, and fought to keep from crying as she realized that by giving in to her cravings yet again, she'd lost her best friend. ------------------------ As she slid into the warm bathwater, Jenny felt herself relax a little. It was her second bath of the day, and once again, it was to wash away the aftermath of sex. She knew that mere water wouldn't wash away the contaminated feeling that fucking Tracy's father had imparted, and she wondered vaguely if she'd ever feel truly clean again. What's happening to me? She wondered. Why am I being forced to do these things? Will it ever stop? Wouldn't it feel good to have someone take me up the ass? She sighed. It had crept up on her without noticing, but the urge was there again. So now I'm going to have to have anal again? she thought despairingly. But there's nobody here! How am I supposed to find somebody to do me? The urge didn't go away. Hopelessly, Jenny got out of the bath and went into her room. She wondered if, maybe, she could placate the urge by doing something else. She went over to her bed, and took the lamp and alarm clock off her bedside table. Then, she lifted the tabletop off, and put it on the floor, upside down. The tabletop was an oval shape, designed to have the ends fold down when not needed. To switch between full-size and folded, the table was rotated ninety degrees. Years ago, when she'd only just started to learn about sex and masturbating, Jenny had found that the tabletop rotated around a central column, about five inches long, perfectly round, and with a domed end. She'd had her first ever orgasms sitting astride the upturned tabletop, sliding the smooth wood in and out of her pussy. She hadn't used it much in recent years, since learning there were easier ways to get herself off I'll fuck myself with it, she thought, and maybe that'll be enough. She knelt down on the underside of the tabletop, and lowered herself down onto the column. It slid in more easily than it ever had in the past, thanks, she supposed, to all the cocks that had been in her recently. She began to slide up and down, and visions began to pass across her eyes of all the times recently when it had been a real cock she was bouncing on. She flinched as Tracy's father came into view. Maybe, she thought, if I start fucking my ass with it, the visions will go away? No, damn it, she thought obstinately, I'm not doing it. It's getting ridiculous! Then she heard a noise. She opened her eyes and saw a window cleaner, staring at her through the glass doors leading to her bedroom's balcony. Oh fuck, no! she thought in horror. "Ohh, fuck me!" she heard herself say. The cleaner tried the doors, which opened. He came in. "Uh, ma'am. ." he began uncertainly. The urge was getting stronger and stronger, and Jenny gave in. It always wins, she thought miserably, why fight it? "My pussy's happy, but my ass feels lonely," she told him, hating herself. "Why don't you introduce your cock to it?" He didn't need any further prompting. He went round behind her, and she heard him fumble with his clothes. Then she bit her lip together to keep from crying out as he forced his cock up her ass. His hands reached around and took hold of her breasts. "Now fuck me like the cheap slut I am," she heard herself say. Oh God, what am I doing? She thought in horror. I'm not taking part in this. I'll just stay still until he finishes and goes away, she decided. His first thrust made her change her mind, as it shoved her forward and the unmoving wooden shaft in her vagina was pushed painfully hard against her inside. Hurriedly, she reacted, pushing herself back into him as he drove his cock into her and pulling forward as he slid back down. Only by thrusting back and forth against him could she keep her pussy from being pummeled by her unmoving wooden dildo. Mistaking her unwilling responsiveness for enthusiasm, the cleaner happily obeyed her instruction and fucked her hard. Tears leaked from her eyes as both her pussy and ass complained of their mistreatment, but he couldn't see her face, and her groans of distress sounded like moans of pleasure to him. She felt his hands tighten painfully on her tits as he came, and then she too came, to her disgust, crying out in pleasure time and time again. When he finally released her breasts, she hurriedly got up off the tabletop. Relief swept through her as his cock slid out of her ass as well. A thought crossed her mind: That'll teach me not to obey immediately. She wondered momentarily if she'd really thought that, but decided that, wherever the thought had come from, it was true. The slower she was to obey, the worse it was when it happened anyway. -------------- The violet-eyed woman in a yellow dress lead her down the corridor. When they reached the doorway at the end of it, she turned and said to Jenny "Go in." Jenny looked through the door. The room was vast, so huge she could barely see the walls. And it was full of men. Millions of them, naked, waiting for her. She looked back at the woman. "I can't go in there!" she exclaimed in terror. The woman slapped her. "Obey me! Go in there, you slut!" "I'm not a slut!" Jenny cried tearfully. "It's not my fault! I didn't want to!" The woman hit her again. "You're a slut and you WILL obey me! Go in there and get fucked like the worthless whore you are!" "I can't," Jenny wept. "I just can't bear it." "Yes, you can," the woman told her implacably. "You bore it for years, every night of your life. You retreated from life and became a mindless slave. You must learn how to do it again. Then you will be free from suffering." "How?" asked Jenny. "How do I learn?" "You go in there!" the woman snapped. "Obey me and become a slave. Go into the room!" Crying, Jenny's resolve faltered, and she obeyed the authority in the woman's voice, as she had so many times before. She walked slowly into the room of men. Like an avalanche, they swept towards her. Knocked flying, she tumbled to the ground, completely disoriented. She could feel hands clutching at her, pulling her in all directions. Then she heard the woman's voice, shouting at her. "Fuck! Get them inside you, slut!" Like a drowning man clutching at straws, Jenny flailed around until she felt her hand close on a man's cock. She drew herself to it, and slid it into her pussy. As she sat on the man's body, the maelstrom eased slightly, and eased more as she started fucking him. But even so, she was still being assailed by an unbearable number of men. . . "Not just one, you stupid bitch!" she heard yelled at her. "Fuck them ALL!" Her mind shied away from the concept of fucking the hordes of men. She recognized it as a shift towards the state of mindless obedience that she had been promised would take the pain away. Deliberately, she focussed on it, and tried to move further into it. She reached out to another guy's cock, and guided it up her ass. She felt him start sodomizing her as she carried on fucking the guy beneath her. Again, she felt a slight easing in her ordeal. Again, she cringed away from the awareness of what she was doing and sank into the comforting oblivion. "More! Don't stop there!" she heard the order. Obediently, she reached out for another guy, and guided his cock into her mouth. "More!" She reached out and guided another cock between her tits. "More!" She reached out with both hands and started jerking off two guys. "More! More! More!" Hopelessly disoriented now, Jenny's awareness of her body became confused, and she could feel only the cocks, sliding in and out of her. More and more joined in, penetrating her and forcing her open. Her mind reeled as she felt herself spread farther and farther, as more and more men entered her and made her their own. And always there was the woman's voice on the edge of awareness, goading her on endlessly. "More! More!" She could feel herself sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness as she was used, and helplessly, she allowed more and more invasions deeper and deeper into her, until there seemed to be nothing left of her but a tiny spark, fading slowly away. . . The Queen watched as Jenny's soul was slowly torn apart, smiling. Although still unable to enter the Dreamworld, she had found a way of tapping into Jenny's memories of the Queen's own ordeal as a whore. Night after night, she had been forcing Jenny to relive them. To start with, she had only done it one at a time, but as her hold over Jenny became stronger, she was able to bring all of them at once, an avalanche of soul-shattering abuse, dredged up from Jenny's memories of the Dream Queen's own experiences. Dream watched from outside the doorway that marked the border between the Dreamworld and the waking world, guiding Jenny into reliving conditions that had reduced even a Goddess to mindless obedience. If it was enough to break ME temporarily, the Queen thought, it should utterly destroy HER, unleashed all at once, night after night. As she watched, the last of Jenny's resistance crumbled. Just before it was completely unmade, Jenny vanished. The Queen turned, and walked away, back to Jenny's waking mind. Jenny's subconscious had again woken her up out of the dream in a last-ditch attempt to protect her. It had done so every night, and the Queen was not strong enough to counter it yet. But the effects of Jenny's nocturnal experiences were carrying over into the day ever more strongly. --------------------- Jenny woke up with a start. She tried to remember what had disturbed her dreams so badly it had woken her, but all she could remember was darkness and a sensation of unraveling. And a woman's voice, saying something. . . A woman's voice interrupted her musings. "Sit up, bitch!" She opened her eyes. It was the maid who she had forced to fuck her ass with a strapon some weeks ago. That seemed like a lifetime ago to Jenny now, a life where Jenny had been the one in charge. The roles had been drastically reversed since then. Jenny closed her eyes in resignation, rolled onto her front, and got up onto all fours. The maid got onto the bed behind her, and Jenny buried her face in her pillow. A few seconds later, she squealed into it as something huge forced its way into her ass. The maid slapped Jenny's thigh. "Shut up, bitch. This is what you like, isn't it?" Jenny made no reply, just cried silently into her pillow. "Isn't it!?" the maid demanded, slapping her again. "Yes!" Jenny cried, as she'd been taught. "I'm a slut and I love you fucking my ass!" "That's right. If it hurts, it's what you deserve for being such a little slut," the maid told her. Then she began fucking Jenny's ass. Jenny buried her face back in the pillow and tried to keep herself from crying out in pain. The violence with which the maid was fucking her told Jenny she was in a bad mood today, and was taking it out on her as she so often did. Like the rest of the palace staff. Over the last few weeks, one way and another, Jenny had found herself reduced to a slave for just about everybody in the palace. When she couldn't bear it any longer, she burst out with a cry of "Please, stop it! Please!" Her words dissolved into incoherent sobbed pleas. Instead of stopping, the maid moaned in pleasure as Jenny's admission of agony took her over the edge of orgasm. Jenny had learnt some time ago that her maid was inherently sadistic, but had been unable to ease her ordeal by pretending her pain was greater than it was. The Voice in her mind forbade her to do so. The maid subsided as her orgasm faded away, and left Jenny sobbing on the bed. After a while, her pain faded to the point she could face getting out of bed. As she threw back the covers, the door opened and a servant with a tray came in. "Breakfast, miss," he told her. He set the tray down on a table. "Beg for it." Fighting back tears, Jenny sank to her knees. "Please let me eat," she begged. "I'm so hungry!" A rumble from her stomach proved her words. The servant unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out. "Eat this first." After she'd swallowed down his cum, he left and she hurried to eat breakfast before anybody else came along that might take it away. Then she had a quick shower and left her room. She went quickly down the stairs, listening carefully for sounds that somebody else was near. To her relief, she made it out of the palace without encountering anybody else, and was soon walking through the town streets on her own. I'm still starving, she thought. I've got to get some food! She looked through her handbag, but there was no money or cards in there - they had all been confiscated by the servants who were now her masters. Oh well, she thought, I know how to deal with that now. She made her way to a less reputable part of town, and stood around waiting. It wasn't long before a car pulled up alongside her. She leaned down. "Hi, sweetie!" "Hi. Still the same price?" the driver asked her, looking approvingly down her top at her breasts. "Of course," she smiled. ---------------------------- Sitting in a restaurant some time later, Jenny sighed happily as she finished her meal. The waitress came and took the plate away, and Jenny felt momentarily amazed: Every other person who was supposed to serve her had been forcing her to do their work. Good grief, she thought, how long has it been since I interacted with somebody who didn't treat me as a slave? She tried hard, but she couldn't remember what it had been like to be in charge of her own life. The Voice that had been getting ever more loud and powerful in her mind had lead her slowly down the path to abject slavery, and she couldn't clearly remember any more what it was to be anything else. You've been quiet so far today, she thought to herself. No instructions for me today? "Fuck the Waitress," came the reply instantly. It was like her own thoughts had become an independent voice, telling her what to do. "Become her slave, too." Jenny almost smiled at that. She should have expected that. Any time she felt any slight feelings of being in control or of hope she could escape her slavery, the Voice would head it off instantly. But she knew all too well that whatever the Voice told her to do, she would wind up doing, willingly or not. It made it easier, in some ways, she reflected as she took the bill and wrote on it, then folded it over some cash. It meant she didn't have to worry about "How?" when the Voice spoke. Any effort to obey its orders would wind up being successful. The waitress came back to take the money for her meal, and took it to the till. When she unfolded the paper, her eyes widened in surprise as she read the message Jenny had written there. "I don't have enough to give you a tip. Want me to fuck you instead? I'm a whore with no limits." The waitress hesitated for several seconds, then went through a door. As she closed it behind her, she waved Jenny to follow her. Jenny obediently got up and went over to the room. The waitress locked the door behind her, then hiked up her skirt. "I haven't had good oral sex in weeks," she told Jenny excitedly. Jenny sank to her knees, and got to work. Continued in: