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Never doubt the power of prayer. I pray for all of the lost souls out there. |
I have been moved to write of the power of prayer, and hope to shed some light on how prayers can be answered in three different ways, according to God's will, not our own. I also feel I must share how the prayer of a believer can affect those who are nonbelievers. Glory to God! ![]() We are sometimes mistaken in our prayers, when we ask for things in selfishness. We want things to happen in our own time, and in the way we perceive to be the only way that is right. The Lord's prayer, which is outlined by Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13 is a prescription for prayer. In this prayer we realize where the real power lies, which is not within ourselves. The prayers of many Old Testament kings and prophets start with praising the Lord for the power He has shown to His people. They knew who was in control also. And the power of the answers they received, like in the case of Solomon, was not limited as if they were to have come from Man. Wisdom truly is of God, and knowledge of Man. The answers we receive today are no different from the answers given in the times of the Old and New Testament. I've found in my own experience that God answers one of three ways, and that they are "Yes," "No," and "Wait." The last two really bite at us, for there is no "Maybe." Many Americans want everything right now, but God doesn't always work that way. Another aspect of prayer is the number of people praying for a certain outcome for someone. If it is only you praying for something, God will surely hear it and respond. The power behind a prayer team, each member praying for one another, is much greater than one person praying alone. I can give you an example out of my life, which has blown my mind as of late. I lost count of how many people I had praying for my marriage and for my husband, now my ex-husband, who was struggling with decisions he had to make. He also needed a job in Germany which would lower his stress level. I am living in the U.S., meanwhile, waiting, so I thought, for an answer. I, and many others, were praying that his hard heart be softened. He was not a bad person, don't get me wrong, but his once-soft heart, for many reasons, had been hardened. Let me mention that he is not a Christian. He is Agnostic, so he doesn't believe in the power of prayer. I've learned that it doesn't matter if he believes or not. I needed guidance, and I was about to give up on our marriage, when I heard a soft whisper, "Wait." I waited and worried. I worry senselessly about nonsense, which is a weakness I am slowly overcoming. A couple days later, after making some important decisions in my writing career, I received a phone call from my husband. May I point out that this is the first time he had called since I left Germany over two years ago. I had been the one making all of the phone calls, for he had no means at the time of calling me, short of getting his cell phone cut off from overdue charges. For a short time he had no way of emailing me either. Things were looking bleak to me, no doubt. In this phone call he told me of the new job that he was offered to be a partner in a company of an old classmate of his. This job was offered to him around the same time that I had been vehemently praying for it to happen. He told me that he missed me. He also said, "I love you." He had been hesitant to say that for quite a long time, and it had hurt me that he was so embittered, being that I knew some of it was my doing. I humbly prayed to the Lord for forgiveness many times, but only really needed to just once. I have been flying high lately because of this phone call, and him saying that he just had to hear my voice and was prompted to call me on his cell phone from Germany, despite the cost. I got my answer, also. He said that he had been thinking about our marriage, and although it will be difficult, wanted to see if we could give our love another try. I had tears of joy welling up and overflowing as he said those words. The power of the many prayers had led to this moment, and he didn't even share my beliefs. The power of a praying wife, indeed! I felt I had to share this experience, as it has taught me not to underestimate what the Lord can do. I had thought to myself that the man I once knew as my husband was gone forever and that our differences were too great for him to come back and say, "I love you." As we talked on the phone, I heard the man who I married, the man I fell in love with. I had to do, after much counsel from my pastor, my mother, my stepfather (who had been through seminary), and others, what took me much strength to do: to end the marriage. My husband and I had had a friendly discussion about divorce. We did not blame one another for anything, nor did we want to argue about petty matters. We did not want to lose one another's friendship, and we are still friends to this day. We had lived apart since 2002, so I had already went through the phases of divorce before I even filed for it. I saw that it would be unfair to him to have a wife he could not hold, for he chose to live an ocean away in Germany. I care for him as a friend, and will continually pray for his salvation. I know that it will come to pass. As a friend I continue to intercede on his behalf. So, I say to all of you out there, that prayer does have tremendous power. There are times in which believers will blurt out for God to damn someone or something, which He has the power to do, but, and not in all cases, the answer is "No," for it is often not in our power to pray such a thing. It is a prayer, no matter how much in vain, and I do take offense to those who make light of the power of my God. I, also, cannot understand why those who do not believe in Jesus still spout out His name in vain, as if they do know Him and His teachings. I pray in Jesus's name because I love Him and I acknowledge that He is and ever will be, the Son of God. Those who try to cast out "demons" in His name without knowing Him will be laughed at by those who persecute them. You are lovely to God, and He loves you, but you can't claim something to be done in a name you don't know. Words are not cried out to the Lord in vain. He hears them, and He does answer. Just because the answer is not what we envisioned for ourselves, doesn't mean that we should shut our ears to it. I say, open your ears wide, for the Lord will pour out His abundance to those who are faithful in prayer. Pray without ceasing, as the Bible says, for the Lord hears all of your words. Be careful what you say, for it will come back to you ten-fold. God be with your spirit. If you need the strength of a prayer group, please come to "Invalid Item" ![]() |