Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/909896-Sylvia-Before-the-Altar-of-God
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Religious · #909896
God shows Sylvia how much He loves the people of Earth, and what He did at the cross.
To see this scene incorporated into "Alien Bond: Spring of Life and expanded a bit, see "Chapter 30--What Real Love Is. I hope you enjoy it. I couldn't wait to write it before its time in the novel, lest it would disappear from my mind.

A fierce chilling wind tore past Sylvia's hot, moist skin as she ran from the reporters, who wished to understand what she had just done, how she had walked through fire and did not burn. She ran into the darkness, her breath coming quicker and quicker.

"Turn in unto My house," a rumbling voice echoed into her ears. She looked to her left and saw a beacon of light shining down on a Cathedral. The Lord spoke to her again, and said, "Turn in unto My house, and be safe and rest."

She ran to the huge wooden doors and grasped one of the large brass handles. She stepped inside and shut the door behind her as those who pursued her came within inches of grabbing her. Hearing the shouts of agitation behind her, she turned around and saw the doors being shaken with their efforts to open it, but they were not able.

Her eyes scanned the worship hall: its soft white lighting soothing her irritated nerves. Her sight focused on the crucifix which stood before her as she walked down the aisle. She went past the front row of pews and prostrated herself on the ground to rest and to pray. She heard a slight noise and looked to the side.

Standing at the doorway of the worship hall exit into the church offices was a priest. He started to speak, but as his eyes met her exposed spirit, he collapsed to the floor with a thud.

She looked up to the crucifix, and into the eyes of an image she has never seen. Tears ran down onto the floor as she put her nose to the carpet. Her exposed white hair flew into the air with a gentle breeze.

A gentle whisper tickled her ears. "You have not known the sin of these people. You do not understand their disobedience. You do not understand the price that had to be paid so that they would not die in their sins. You have read about my Son, who was crucified, so you know the facts. You have not seen Me except in My glory during the end times of another civilizaton. You have not seen the mercy I have shown for these people of Earth through my Son, yet you believe. To prepare you for what must be done through you, I must show you what you have not seen. I must show you something that your people will not to see because of their faithfulness in the beginning."

Her tears flowed to the ground as she sobbed uncontrollably. "No, Lord, please don't put it before my eyes."

"I must. I must show you who died, so you would not have to sacrifice yourself."

Taunting stung her ears as she saw a man being beaten and scarred beyond recognition, and upon His head was placed a crown of thorns. She grimaced in pain in her spirit as the whip cracked again and again, and when each spiteful word spoken hit her ears with more intensity that the last. "King of the Jews," the people jested, as they spit on Him. Believers stood by helpless and in tears. Jews and Gentiles alike did nothing to impede this cruelty. Blood spattered to the ground as He was forced to carry His cross. Nails were placed in His hands and feet, and He hung on the cross, His last words being, "It is finished," as He gave up His Spirit.

"Why, oh Lord, why did it have to be that way?" she said, trembling.

"Wait, it was finished on Earth, but it was not over." The depths of the hell were visible, then disappeared before her eyes. A pulse of elation and peace hit her mind as the a bright light arose from the Earth and into the heavens. "The price had to be paid for the great sins of these people. The price has been paid and the ones who call on and believe in my Son, YAHshua, the one they call Jesus, also are my children before my sight. They are free."

"Why must you show me this, Lord?"

"You are about to embark on a mission that will prove that I, alone, am the God of all."

"Thank you for Your mercy on me, that I have not always listened to Your words with wide-open ears. I am listening now, and have seen Your love for these great people. They are surely blessed with Your tender grace and mercy."

"You will see trials in the time to come, but do know that I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

She felt and heard someone drawing near to her.

"Get up, my child and speak to my servant," the gentle voice whispered like a stream over sharp rocks.

Looking up, she saw the older man who had collapsed to the floor earlier. His silver and white hair shimmered in the light of the room. He extended his hand down to her and helped her to her feet. "What are you, that you make me weak. May we please sit down at the pew here, for my knees are still shaking."

She walked with him to the front pew and sat down next to him. "I am not of this world, as you can see by my appearance."

"Are you an angel?"

"No, I am not an angel. I am from another world outside among the heavens. Are you Father Kodesh?"

"Yes, how do you know my name?"

"Joseph Hamil has spoken to me about you. He said that I should speak with you."

"You must be Sylvia. Has he seen you like this before? He didn't say too much about your appearance being out of the ordinary, but it certainly is. Your hair is pure white and your eyes are like I've never seen, but maybe in a wolf with star-like pupils."

"He's never seen me like this, but he will soon. What has he told you about me?"

"He said that he believes you might be a saint. I've heard on the news about that car accident and how you saved that woman's life just by laying hands on her."

"I am no saint, nor do I want to be named one. The Holy Spirit works through me, and God deserves all of the credit for all the gifts He's given me."

Father Kodesh massaged his chin with his fingers. "I understand. Now, I've heard you mention the Holy Spirit, and God. Do you know Jesus?"

"I know Him and love Him. He is my Lord. God showed me what happened at the cross as I was prostrated at this altar. I know him as YAHshua Messiah, but have known to pronounce it as you do. I do know the word Christos, meaning Christ, before coming to this world, but I can't remember where I heard it. The humans who used to live in my world called Him Doranai, meaning My Love, being the Son of Doran, who is the same God as that of Abraham in this world."

He leaned in and looked closely into her eyes. "Just what happened to the humans there. Did your people kill them?"

"It became the end times for them, and it was the time of God's judgment. The believers went to heaven and the heathens went to hell, and God knew the difference between the two, for He knew all the evil that they had done. It happened all according to the prophecy that was laid before them, just as you have a book of Revelations."

© Copyright 2004 Beth Barnett (angellove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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