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humans come to the digital world and become mage digimon. |
nine children are brought to the digital world and take on the sprirts of Mage digimon. They have to free the other Mage spirits and band together. their will be a minimum add size for a few weeks ************************************************** Elements are ~Earth~ ~air~ ~water~ ~fire~ ~solar~ ~lunar~ ~Celestial~ ~light~ ~dark~ ~ice~ ************************************************** Bios go as follows Name Age 13 16 element Apperance History/Family. ~you can have up to 2 combined Elements |
*You can use elements that have been taken already and by the end all the digi Destined will be able to control all of the Elements just start with one ta Two. K K on with the Add. Dont forget to give your First Spirit a name KK.~* Name: Sera Katarn Age:13 Element: Lunar/Celestial Apperance: she has eyes of Silver myst and hair of moon veil. She stands 6'0 and weights about 160. She has a mark on her sholder in the shape of a cresent moon on a star. Family: she Is the Great grand daughter of Kari, So she inherited the Crest of Light. She also at times is like the friends of the families TK and Matt. She is shy most of the time till she gets taken to the digital world. Digimon Mage: Saphanmon (looks like ophanimon and angawomon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sera was walking down the street when she saw a neckless on the street when she picked it up the world began to spin and she floated then when the spinning stopped she fell to the ground. When she looked up she saw a strange looking person thing. "hello I am Kaparamon and i See you have the spirit of the Lunar Mage."said Kaparamon. She was about to run away when her Phone became a D-Vice (looks more advanced then the one that Takuya and them had). She was about to freak out when a Maigica came looking for her spirit. She somehow knew that she had to use its power to save the village. |
Name: Arentea Tashio Age: 16 Element: Solar and Darkness Appearance: 5’8 and 137lbs. Her hair is pitch black and to her waist while her eyes are a beautiful dark golden color. Aree is simply stunning. Her body is lithe, yet curved. The contrast between her hair and her eyes play perfectly against her tanned skin. She has strong features, yet somehow manages to be completely feminine. Personality: Every ounce of Aree exudes quiet might. Just underneath the graceful, composed surface is a ruthless combatant. She is a fighter through and through, and at the same time, always the true leader. She is extremely intuitive and clever. Aree is extremely protective of her little sister. Family: Great granddaughter of Rika and Takato (Digimon Tamers). She has a younger sister, Alana, age 14, who idolizes Aree. (Note: Anyone who wants to play Alana should ask m first...) Digimon Mage: Reguilmon (A mix of Guilmon and Renamon) Aree and Ala sat in the living room playing with their ancestors digimon cards. “I’m going to beat you this time!” Ala said. “You wish.” Aree said with a laugh. The two sisters played, and as always, Aree won. “You’re getting better.” “Won’t you ever let me win Aree?” Ala said with a sad face. “No Ala. Know why? Because when you do win, your victory will taste so much sweeter. And learning through experience builds character.” “Can we go to the park?” “Sure. Make sure to grab your phone. Mom or Dad may call us.” The sisters went out of the penthouse flat and traveled through the city. As the walked, Ala skipped ahead and called out to her sister. “Arentea! C’mere!” They looked on the sidewalk to see a set of earrings and a ring. Ala bent over and grabbed the earrings, then disappeared. Arentea did the same. An odd feeling came over her and a moment later she was lying on the ground next to her sister. “Are we where I think we are?” “I think so...” Aree said looking around. “I think we’re in the digital world...” |
Sera Gripped both her neckless and D-vice. She took her neckless off and placed it on the D-vice the Gem became Crystal Clear then Black and Silver she put the neckless back on a felt what she had to do now. ~Mage Exicute Evlolution.~ she said as she was engufled by pale Gold and Vibrent Silver. She felt her self grow taller and grow wings. She felt magical Armor cover her body and Ribbions weave their way around her. She felt a robe of Ribbons flow with her and hid her wings. ~Saphanmon~ she said The maigica saw her and rushed towards her but she evaided ~Angels Gift~ she said which was a basic attack the she said ~Celestial Eclipes.~ the maigica said "you shall bow be for my master soon enough" before it became a Shard which flew into Sera's D-vice |
Name: Angeless rikimaru. Age:16 Element: Celestial/dark Apperance: Very long black hair that he ties back into a ponty tail that reaches the bottom of his back. Very pale. 6'3. Silvery blue eyes. A loose black top with long sleeves. Baggy black trousers that are ripped at the bottom. has his nails painted black. A silver ring with ten gems, two are already filled. One black and one sparkley gem. *one for each element* Personality: Bit rash. Desn't speak much. Acts calm and collected. Has a sarcastic nature. Likes to poke fun at his situations with people. Family: TK's decendant. Has the crest of hope. Digimon Mage: MetalLucimon (Lucimon in adult form and made from metal with silver hair) -------------- Angeless had been walking around late as he usualy did. He saw what looked like a ring on the floor and he picked it up. It was silver with 10 clear gems on it. Pocketing it he carried on walking for a few feet and then fell down. He could feel grass under him not the cold pavement. Looking around himself he saw a vast green feild. Looking behind him he saw a village and something flash and then he saw it. What looked like a digimon standing there. It was like an Angel. It looked up at him and began walking towards him. "Oh crap "he said as he tried to run. He turned and ran right into something very hard and shiny. Shaking his head he saw a Lucimon. But it was adult and made from metal. The MetalLucimon put it's hand out to help him up. "Welcome. Sorry about the concussion. Hmm odd combination...Celestial. Well I bestow the power of the dark upon you "it said turning into a shard and hiting him in the chest. His ring felt like it was burning his finger. Looking at it he saw that 2 of the gems had been filled. Looking around he couldn't see the Lucimon anywhere. He remembered why he had been about to run. Turning around he saw the angel digimon standing right infront of him. "Uh Hi? "he said wondering if he could run away before it killed him. |
Sera felt that she was changed and then collapsed to the ground and de-digivolved. She was exugsted and fainted. She was worried about the village and felt herself being moved but she had not the strength to awaken and stop them. Sera finally slept but not peacefully. She had 3 nightmares in a row of death, being shunned, evil and more. She was thrashing about very badly. she was having a battle between herself and her dreams but this was no ordinary dream but a Pluaged dream from the Dark Lord to show that right now she was not strong enough to with stand him and if they were to meet she would be at his side. 'NO!' thought Sera as she was released from the dark dreams grip. |
"NO "shouted the former angel digimon sitting up. The flickering light of the campfire reflecting oddly on his silvery skin. He'd changed into The metal Lucimon he'd talked briefly with earlyer. "Are you okay? "he asked fluttering his wings? "Who the hell are you? "she asked seeing him more clearly? "My name is Angeless Rikimaru. I thaught I'd keep a watch over you till I knew you'd be okay "he said standing up. He looked up and he changed back to his human form. He shook slightly and fell to his knees. "Damm that does take alot out of a guy "he said falling to his side. He felt very weak and tired but he sat up and acted tough. His hand had a odd mark on it. A sword with wings. "God I hope that's not perminant "he said looking at his hand. |
Two small digimon hoped up to the two girls. "Hi!" The larger said. "I'm Reguilmon." "And I'm Guilremon." The other said. "I'm Alana and this is my sister Arentea." "Are you two related?" Aree said looking at them. "Yep, I'm the oldest!" Reguilmon said happily. "Me too." Aree said. "Could be travel with you? We're a bit lost." "You mean, we can have humans?" Guilremon asked. "Ya!" Ala smiled. The two digimon led the way into the forest. |
Sera shook her head at the boy who tryed to act all tough. "So how long have i been out?"asked Sera as she watched the fire. She looked around and saw that they were still in the village. She thought about the dreams she had and shuddered. 'What can i do to keep that from happening' she thought as she picked up her D-vice which is silver now. She was Scared but she knew that her great grandmother talked about a place like this but it was different. "How could a fairytale i was told at bed time be true?"she asked her self as she brought her knees to her chest. |
"Well...Juging by the fact there are digimon around...I guess we're in the digital world. My great grandfather told me it was real but...I never thaught it was actualy true... "sighed Angeless trying to rub the mark off his hand. "Your great Grandfather knew about the digital world? "asked Sera? "Yep...said he came here alot when he was a kid with his brother and a whole bunch of other people. He was ahh hell what did he say it was. Digi...digimaster, no thats not right. Digi...digisomething. What was that word? "he sighed trying to remember. "Digidestined? "she said perking up. "Thats the one...he came here and helped get rid of Devimon, the Darkmasters and Myotismon "he smiled. "Devimon...then that means you're TK's great grandson? "she said standing up. "Wow you know gramps...wait how would you know Gramps? "asked Angeless? |
"Because he is a friend of my families."said Sera relaxing a bit. She watched as the stars flew across the sky. "Wow the stars look beautiful here."she said laying back. She felt the power they radiated but then she also saw the 3 moons. Each looked as if darkness had taken there light. She was scared but something about the stars calmed her nerves. "So how is T.K?"she asked trying to be friendly. She listened to the song the stars were singing and found that it was unique and nothing she had ever heard before. |
"He had the flu the other week...I was going round to see him before I ended up here "he laughed thinking about how T.K would react to him being in the digital world. He was thinking about things and then something popped into his head that he couldn't shake. "How the hell are we mean't to get home? I mean I don't see anywhere marked exit "he said thinking it was a fair question? "Umm...to be honest...I have no idea "she said shrugging. He sighed and tried to rub the mark off of his hand. It grew darker and more prominent and he sighed. He then noticed he had the exact same symbol on his other hand. "Oh for crying out loud...how the hell am I going to explain these? "he asked himself outloud? |
“Ohh!” Guilremon said tugging Ala’s shirt collar from atop her shoulder. “We forgot.” “The D-Vices!” Reguilmon exclaimed. “The gold one is for Aree and the blue one is for Ala. There are supposed to be crests, but we don’t know where they are.” “So what do we do with these?” Ala asked. “Dunno.” Guilremon shrugged. “Shouldn’t we see if there are any other Digi-Destined? It can’t be just us.” Aree said. “Good idea. There’s a village not too far from the end of this forest. Let’s go through and see in any other the digimon saw other humans.” Reguilmon suggested. The two girls along with their digimon headed through the forest. At dark they rested, not knowing that there was an evil digimon watching them from the treetops. (Hey guys can you help bring the sisters into the story? I think I gave a good opening to work with.) |
Sera was listening when she was told that there were two more humans in the digital world. "hey Angeless want to go find two more companions?" asked Sera standing up and thanking the stars. |
"Yer why not.....I'm up for anything...just aslong as my hair doesn't get messed up "he joked. He stood up and shook his head fluffing his hair up. He concentrated and turned into his metal lucimon form. He looked at her and saw her looking at him. "What? The monsters are less likly to want to tangle with you if I'm walking around like this. From what I have gathered...Lucimon are not to be messed with "he smiled oddly. He may have been made out of metal but it was strange how he didn't really feel that different. Okay taller and more shiny but that was about it. "Come on....lets get this show on the road "he said cheerfully |
Sera smiled as she made her way down the road towards the two that had just gotten there. She also sensed something evil awaiting them where the others were. The evil's many eyes saw Sera and Angeless coming into the forest. Sera gripped her D-Vice just to be ready at a moments notice to become Saphanmon. The eyes of the true Dark one were Fixed upon her and fed off of her fear. ~~~~Dark One~~~ The dark one watched Angeless and Sera through a water-like mirror pool. He knew that Sera's fear would allow him an easier time to take her over especially with Nightmaremon. "At last, the last royal Mage of celestial and lunar kingdoms shall become my faithful survent in a mater of time." Said the Dark one as he drank from his glass and waited for the right time to take her over but it had to be done while she was in her human form for it to last long enough for him to find a way get her to stay in her mage form till she was purified once more. |
Angeless felt strange...as if he was sensing a very powerful evil. But if what he was sensing was true then nothing in the world could compare to it. He also felt strangly atracted to it like something in him was questioning why was he helping...why not destroy everything. "Do you....never mind "he said dropping the subject quickly. While the feeling repulsed him he somehow wanted it. To be surrounded by such and eternal darkness to give into it. Tearing his focus away from it he resigned himself to ignore it. Looking over his shoulder he could feel something there watching. While he couldn't see it he could feel it clear enough. ~~~~~~~ Dark one "Intresting...the boy can sense me...so much anger in one being....His heart is already filled with darkness...This one maybe useful to my plans "Laughed the Dark one as he saw Angeless stare right at him. ~~~~~~~~ "Do you ever feel like there's something within you that wants to kill everybody "asked Angeless? "...No why? "she answered. "Because....something feels very wrong...about exactly what I'm feeling right now "he sighed. "Well...Lucimon have alot of negative energy. It's only natural that you'd be feeling different "she answered. "Okay...I sure hope she's right....I don't like the idea of going all evil...especialy knowing What this body is capable of "he sighed as bolts of black energy crackled in his hand. The two girls were closer now and he was having a ard time ignoring his senses and supressing his energies. He couldn't be sure but he thaught he could hear soft laughter. |
Name:Brandonian Katarn Age:14 element:Water,Darkness Apperance:Blue hair,blue eyes Family:Sera Katarn(elven rose) |
Angeless spun around after feeling something he recognised. He had just enough time to see a set of red eyes. Sera was right next to the girls talking about something. "Lightning strike "shouted a voice from within the shadows. It was strange he saw the energy build up and release all as if it was moving slowly. He broke into a run he over took the attack. "Get down "he shouted throwing himself into the line of fire. He threw his arms out as wide as he could and spread his wings to offer more cover. The attack hit him square in the chest. It was pushing him backwards slowly even with his feet digging in. He was shaking not from the attack but the force of it. He fell to one knee and was then blown over completly. The lightning was pushing him into the ground and towards the girls. "It's just lightning....and I'm metal so I can absorb it...and return it "he sighed pushing himself up. He Had his eyes closed as he extended his hand into the lightning. His metalic skin was darknening around his chest and hand. "Dark lightning "he shouted sending his negative charge into it. A blinding white flash lit up the area and when the light faded Angeless was on his back charred and smoking. His entire left hand was covered in cracks and a light blue liquid was seeping from it and many other places. He coughed sending a spray of the blue liquid up into the air which then splattered down onto his face. He changed back into his normal self and got up slowly. He staggered a few steps and stopped. "I'm feeling...alittle drained "he sighed before falling over and landing face down in the dirt. |