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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Other · #899499
Beverly has lost someone dear here comes Adrian to awaken the heart that died with Daniel.
Chapter 2

China pulled up to her house after dropping Trina off and noticed a car she didn’t recognize parked out front. She touched the garage opener so she could pull inside. As she stepped out and was locking up thoughts ran thru her mind about what could be bothering Beverly tonight. Walking thru the laundry room into the kitchen she saw Terrance sitting holding Jordan in his arms.

“Hi boo” Terrence said as she walked towards him.

“How’s my sweet baby doing tonight?” Trying to keep the grin off his face Terrence said “I’m doing just swell”.

“T I was talking about my lil man Jordan” she said smiling. As she bent down to pick the baby up Terrence said “You have a visitor.” Looking at the clock on the wall not looking to thrilled China asked “Who the hell comes to visit at this time of night?”

“Hey baby girl” came a booming voice from behind her. China stood there startled it couldn’t be who she thought it was. She spun around so fast almost tripping and there he was her cousin Adrian.

“How you sneak into town without me knowing?” She asked while kissing his cheek.
“I wanted to surprise you. I’ve been back for a few days now.” said Adrian. “When I called you earlier this evening Terrence said you was out so I thought I’d drop in for a visit is that ok?”

“You know you’re always welcome in our home” said China reaching for Jordan. “Well I’m worn out so I’m going to go up and get ready for bed I have a lot to do tomorrow.” Smiling Terrance jumped up behind his wife and asked “Worn out from what?”

“Don’t start T. Adrian make yourself at home sorry to leave you hanging but my bed is calling me.”

“I’m right behind you” Terrence whispered.

“Night baby girl, see you tomorrow. T I’m going to go now I’ve got to hit the bed myself.”

“You know you can crash here in the guestroom”

“I think I will take you up on that offer”

Terrence headed out the kitchen towards the stairs to catch up with China. The thought of her brought a smile to his face. Every since they hooked up the summer of ’99 the two were practically inseparable. He declared his love for her and refused to let her go. 3 years later they were married and few months ago she blessed him with a son.

Flicking the kitchen light off Adrian was just a few steps behind Terrence.
Standing in the doorway Terrence watched as China sat on the bed drying off. He turned when he heard Adrian reach the top step.

“Night man” he told Adrian “Same to you” spoke Adrian as he closed the door to the guestroom. Turning around to shut the door China startled him when she said “what you going to do just stand over there and watch me?” Terrence smiled then said “you hold that thought let me jump in the shower.”

China lay on the bed looking in his direction. The quietness of the room along with the sounds of Jordan sleeping thru the monitor was enough to relax her.

“China” called Terrence from the doorway of the bathroom. She gave him no response.

Walking over to the bed he could see she was sound asleep. He reached down to touch her thigh but changed his mind. Not wanting to bother her she looked to peaceful but oh so sweet. Terrence pulled the covers up on China. Reaching into the drawer of the nightstand he pulled out pajama pants and joined her in the covers. Putting his arm around her waist she inched back coming to rest on his thigh. Terrence let out a subtle sigh then shut his eyes.

Chapter 3

Awakened by a noise coming from the baby monitor China sat up in bed. Before she could get up out the bed Terrance was already up. “I’ll go” said Terrence as he walked out the room.

China looked over on the nightstand at the alarm clock that read 7:30am in big red numbers. Leaning back and falling on the pillow she pulled the covers up over her head and screamed “Damn!” Knowing she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep she just lay there thinking. She jumped when she felt something inching it’s was up her leg. Opening her eyes and pulling the covers down to her surprise it was Terrence.

“What are you doing?”

“Was going to give you a wake up call” he whispered.

“What am I going to do with you Mr. Hall?

“Love me, love me and love me some more” he replied. Next he was up on all fours climbing towards her like she was his prey. Seeing that devilish look in his eyes China knew just what his intents were. Knowing her only way out was to get up before he reached her. Just when one foot hit the floor his arms grabbed her around the waist.

“Why are you rushing off?”

“As much as I’d like to stay and entertain you, we really should get up” said China. Pleading with her Terrence said “come on baby.”

“You are so cute when you beg” China whispered as he removed his hands. “You so owe me” said Terrence as he planted a kiss on the back of her neck this sent shivers down her body. China turned slowly and seductively ran her tongue along his lips. Knowing where this would lead if she stayed a second longer she turned and walked away.

“I’m going in to check on Jordan” China said as she hurried out the bedroom.

Walking towards the crib China could see Jordan was awake cooing at his musical toy hanging on the crib. “What’s mama’s lil man doing this morning?” Jordan just smiled up at her as she reached down to him. As she sat down in the rocking chair that was nestled in the corner Adrian walked in. Smiling up at her cousin she motioned for him to sit opposite her in the other chair.

“Sorry about last night”

“That’s cool I know you need to rest to get up early with lil man among other things” said Adrian smiling.

“What’s on your agenda for today?”

“Not much, why what’s up?”

“We’re having a barbecue today. Why don’t you come hang out” China said as she lifted Jordan to her shoulder to burp him.

“That’ll work I’m sure I can round up a honey or two to tag along with me” Adrian said with a smirk. China hit him in the arm giving him a disapproving look. Knowing the lecture was coming he just had to grin and bear it. It wasn’t the first and probably wouldn’t be the last time she would lecture on him. She’d been giving him hell about his ways with women for the past few years.

“I see you haven’t changed” said China not sounding to pleased. Walking towards the window avoiding eye contact he thought he’d humor her before leaving to go home and get changed.

“You know me can’t be tied to one women” he turned around and she was now toe to toe with him.

“Now you know that’s a lied. I could smack you for saying that”

“Damn baby girl you don’t have to get violent” Adrian said laughing.

“Come on now be serious I thought you was slowing down”

“Believe me I have slowed down just haven’t meet anyone who’s capable of taming me” Adrian jokingly said. Now leaning his tall frame over her he planted a brotherly kiss on her forehead. “ Ok baby girl I need to be heading home now have a few things to take care of”

“I’ll see you when you get back so don’t think I’m done with you” said China as she lay Jordan down in the crib. He had fallen asleep during the verbal exchange between Adrian and China. Looking back and smiling at China as he reached the doorway. He knew she meant well but she just didn’t understand. China was the sister his parents didn’t give him. He was able to talk and confide everything to her.

“Tell my man T I’ll catch him this afternoon”

“You better or you’ll be in serious trouble” China jokingly threatened him. He waved goodbye as he continued to walk away.
© Copyright 2004 deeenvi (deeenvi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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