Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/895982-The-Prophets-Eye
Rated: 18+ · Non-fiction · Other · #895982
Suspence, sci-fi,
Alien invaders have destroyed most of mankind, those that have survived are in slavery. What the invaders missed was the vampyre society. The vampyre prophet Deideronmon foretold the event in the long lost book known as Nish'tok'wa, the Prophet's Eye. The Initatu, the vampyre elite, possess all the legendary abilities. Lord Khento, premiere, takes on his last disciple, Offaba Gemani, royal descendent. He soon realizes this is the one that was foretold to dissolve the chasm between man and vampyre. Offoba is the future for both races. However, he must learn the Initatu ways quickly or all hope of survival will be lost.


A short story by Max Kiser


The cities will be wasted before their eyes; there will be no source for their hunger. Desperation will cost them a great compromise. Those immortal shall scream for death, but death will not answer them. Horror one hundred fold shall the LORD of VENGENCE shower upon their tortured essence. Hell has no place and heaven offers no sympathy." -Prophet Deidronamon

Excerpt from "The Vampyre Prophecies"


His pen flowed across the paper as millinea of calligraphic experience exhibited it's perfection.

October 3rd, 2066
Journal of Khento Luciradi (Grand General of the Inner World Army and Premiere of THE INITATURE):

It has been 1,833 moons since the fall of human civilization. Billions have been slained. Millions have they enslaved. What a terrible waste of blood. The blood that was meant for my kind to feast. Our only hope to feed is to recapture some humans for ourselves. We are far past killing humans, we have used many of their "blood banks" as cover for our feeding centers. We appear human on the outside. However, the "invaders" know nothing of our kind. That is because they seek humans by body heat and monitor life forces. We, as vampyre proper, have neither.
Our kind have had a few interactions with the "invaders". We know that they can be killed. In spite of our viciousness they dismiss us as if we were not even here. They're race seeks no peaceful solution. They only understand violence. My kind used to be like them, but we have changed. What they're purpose is has to this day been a mystery to man and vampyre. Soon, we will all understand their purpose and the universe will never be the same.

Khento lifted his eyes and pen simultaneously as he watched his newly assigned fledgling. This one was a pure born and the fruit of Queen Gamnani's womb. She had chosen Khento to train all her offspring. Khento noticed the intensity in his pupil's face as he studied his lesson.

"Fledgling, read aloud to me," Khento ordered.

The fledgling vampyre read aloud from the scroll, "Jaf'ratu talik mohmas keku'tat."

"What does this mean to you fledgling Offo'ba?"

"Lord Khento it means, 'Blood that is drained and old is forbidden' This is how I read it."

Khento placed his pen down on the table and lifted himself up in the air. He stood motionless about six feet in the air. He stared down upon his pupil. "Close. But that is not an accurate interpretation!"

"I must have misunderstood, Lord Khento." Offo'ba defended himself, "What I meant to say was 'Blood that is old is forbidden to be drained.' Forgive my oversight Premiere."

Offo'ba was always impressed with levitation. Only vampires of The INITATURE knew how to defy gravity. This was just one of the signs of an Initatu. What else they were capable of was unknown. It is a violation of Vampyric Code to ask questions about the Initatu abilities. These were the highest "tricks" of all vampires and have been passed on to only 200 in all of history. To know these secrets was the desire of all vampyre kind.

"This interpretation is correct." Khento floated a little closer to Offo'ba.

"When are my lessons up, Lord Khento?" Offo'ba asked his new mentor not knowing his reaction towards an impatient student.

"TIME IS OF NO IMPORTANCE!" Khento bellowed, "Such impunity from a royal blood! I swear on Deidronamon's name that our kind have lost their essence little by little. Things are too easy now. You behave like a human!"

"Lord Khento, forgive my insolences and strike my flesh for discipline if it pleases your essence."

Offo'ba lowered his head readying himself for the beating. Khento was right. Vampyre-kind had mingled with humankind for so long that what differences existed between the species seemed to grow smaller. He also knew their time was short and the future resided in the fledglings and Cajgo'ta (young warrior race).

"No, Offo'ba as a Lord I must also offer you an example. I strike no kind for ignorance, only for foolishness and stupidity! Experience cannot be beaten into a fledgling or Cajgo'ta. Learn this lesson well, though or next time I will rip into your tender flesh!" Khento floated back to his table.

"Study the works Nish-tok'kwa, when you return I want a full explanation of this saying, "Chof-cabra deki'uyun stakomalo shm' taq." Khento returned back to his works.

Offo'ba placed his scrolls in a small leather case and headed toward the exit.

"Fledgling Offo'ba?" Khento said without lifting his head.

"Yes, Lord Khento?", Offo'ba knew what was coming.

"Your report will be in writing, Vampyri script." Offo’ba did not see Khento’s grin.

October 4th, 2066
12th Pride Headquarters
Week 12 of 15

Lieutenant Ariuk Tandar'ja was pushing the 12th Pride Caj'gota to their limit today. Their war game consisted of scaling the ruins of a 30-story old red brick building without going inside until they reached the top. Once they eliminated the six mock guards atop the building their next step was to make their way to the 27th floor while being careful not to set off any alarms or spring any traps. From the 27th floor they would locate the three prisoners and help them escape back the way they came.

Ariuk knew the humans would not cooperate so chloroform will be used to quiet their useless protests. Ariuk knew that the inferior Caj'gota would die today. They had no chance of making it past his clever traps. Only the best recruits would survive this was vampyre evolution - survival of the fittest.

The Caj'gota made their way up the exterior of the building. Wall climbing was basic to all Vampyre and was considered a simple task.
Jetsu was four months in training and prided himself as the strongest of his peers. He was already on the 16th floor and reached out for an inviting ledge. His hand touched the small wire that set off a quick high-pitched sound. It was a "shreaker". There was a slight pause and the ledge exploded taking Jetsu's hand and shredding his face and upper torso. He fell to the ground and landed with a sickening thump.

"There should be no delays! Move and this time use more caution!" The command was shouted over the pride none other than Gengu Yari. He was the 12th Caj'gota Pride leader. The fact that he was not liked by his peers was a mark of his leadership.

"Leader Gengu! I have found another shreaker! 22nd floor" The voice was Derius Harko's, 12th Pride technology recruit.

"Well, Derias what are you going to do?" Gengu asked.

"I am going to tap into to the circuit and refocus the blast back into the building"

"To what purpose is this Derius?"

"Improvisation, Leader Gengu. Consider it another route."

There was a moment of silence over the COM system then Gengu replied, "Derius, you genius! This way you and I can circumvent the roof altogether. We will send the rest of the Pride to the roof and make Lieutenant Ariuk think we are keeping with the plan. Meanwhile-"

"Meanwhile- we will give our host a big surprise!"
Derius caught onto Gengu's plan.

"OK? Let's do it!" Gengu ordered.

The blast ripped a hole large enough to squeeze through. Gengu and Darius stealthily made their way into the building. After a quick scan they realized they were alone.

"12th Pride, this is Leader. I want you to proceed as planned. Watch for traps and trip wires. That damn bastard Ariuk can't be trusted," Gengu ordered.

The Pride all hung by their fingertips from the 30th floor roof. Waiting to take the 6 mock guards was the least of their worries. If Lt. Ariuk set more traps they were in for great danger.

"Pride. Go on three." Gengu called, "Three, two, one!"

The pride threw their selves up over the ledge and drew their weapons, an assortment of high-powered flechette rifles and collapsible pole arms. In less than 8 seconds the guards were neutralized. They all turned toward the building entrance. After a few steps a young Caj'gota held up the signal to stop.

"Leader, this is Number 6. We have a problem," The recruit's voice trembled over the COM system.

"What is the problem, Number 6?" Gengu asked.

"Pressure pads, all over the roof. I happen to be standing on one."

"Number six…listen to me. If you set that pad off then the rest will go. You won't have a chance to survive-" Gengu said, "This may sound crazy but the pressure balance is about 25 pounds. Lose your leg and you'll survive."

"Leader, how do you recommend the removal?"

"A Pole arm with one quick cut. Have Tirku do it, he has one nasty cut."

Some recruits steadied Number six by holding his arms out and lifting his left leg off the pad.

Tirku extended his pole arm. Then a whisper came over his com system. "Tirku, make as if you don't hear me. I want you to kill Number 6 without him losing pressure on the pad. Can you do this, then say 'ready', OK?" Gengu knew Number 6 wouldn't hold still to be killed so Gengu used deception to keep him still.

"Ready?" Tirku raised his pole arm.

"As ready as I can ever be", Number 6 replied, "just don't miss."

"I won't!" Tirku swung his pole arm with such speed there was a flash of steel, a whoosh and then number 6 stood motionless and headless.

The other recruits looked at Tirku in amazement.

"Leader's order, now carefully put him in a seated position on the pad."

"Pride, this is Leader! Once you open the roof door, stay put. I will be up soon. And make sure that there are no more mistakes. Tirku, you are in charge up there."

"Roger, Leader." Tirku replied.

Gengu and Derius made their way up from the 22nd to the 25th before they made a visual of any guards. The guards stood facing away from Gengu and Derius.

Gengu motioned towards Derius' side satchel. Derius raised his brow and opened the satchel toward Gengu. Gengu spied the contents and then touched a green cylinder.

Derius removed the cylinder and rolled it under the guard's feet. There was a quick flash and in that moment guards were stunned and temporarily blinded.

Gengu leapt upon the guard closest to him. They both crumbled to the ground. The guard was stronger than expected and was able to turn to his back and reach up and grabbed Gengu by the throat. Gengu felt his airway close under the iron-like grip. In an act of desperation Gengu began to gouge with his thumbs into the guard's eyes. The guard realizing he would lose his eyes loosened his chokehold on Gengu.

Gengu leaned close to the guard's ear and whispered, "That was a wise choice." Gengu then slammed his elbow into the guard's nose. The concussions of the blow made the guard’s head bounce on the hardwood floor. The guard was immediately lost consciousness.

During Gengu's struggle the other guard was trying to find his com system. Darius had snatched it from his head and was taunting him by moving behind and slapping the guard in the back of the neck.

"Darius! Quit screwing around!" Gengu breathed out the words in frustration.

"Very well" Darius then slammed a flexible lead-filled sapper over the guard’s head. CRACK! The guard fell without a chance to let out a cry.

"I think you hit him too hard Darius." Gengu said.

"What gives you that idea, Gengu?"

"There's some gray matter coming out of his ears."

"Oops, not my fault he has a soft skull," reasoned Darius.

"Darius, not every Vampyre-kind can be as hard-headed as you." Gengu scolded.

"Oh, that is right. That is a quality every Vampyre doesn't possess." Darius smiled.

© Copyright 2004 Max Kiser (maxkiser at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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