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A mission to save a princess who uses telepathic powers to guide her bestfriend to her. |
Chapter One ~ 09/20/04 ~ ELRM The King and Queen entered the small conference room. Both looking like they had not slept for days. They sat at the head of the table and waited for everyone else to be seated. The King took a deep breath and looked around the room. "I am not going to waste time. My daughter and only heir, Princess Alaira, has been kidnapped." They room burst out in shock. Many people asking the same questions. The King just raised his hand and waited for the room to be silent. "It happened 2 days ago... but before I tell you everything about it there's something else you all need to be aware of." He lightly touched his Queens hand. "Alaira is a gifted child, born with some rare talents. She is a pure empath and she also has some telepathic powers." She waited for a moment before continuing. "Whenever she touches someone she feels their emotions, and if she concentrates she can hear the front most thought of that person. If Alaira is around another telepath they can have full conversations by just looking at each other." "How does she have these powers?" Menrick one of the crown advisors asked. "The power comes through me, although I do not have any... my mother was from the witches isle. It is said that a witches power will only manifest in a female child." The King answered. The room was shocked to say the least. The witches’ isle is the home to a kingdom of magics and not meny have ever set foot there and returned sane. It's said that the 4 islands off the coast is one of the fountains of magic into the world, and all born there are its guardians bathed in magic to protect the land. "Alaira was on her way to a remote Temple of Light so that she could spend some time in mediation and learn how to better shield herself from being overtaken by others emotions." A beautiful woman with long golden hair and sky-blue eyes dressed in a long white gown told the group. "Yes, thank you Hannah” The Queen said smiling to the woman. "Hannah is a Priestess of Light and one of there Great Healers. It was her temple that Alaira was going to." "We were trying to keep it quiet that Alaira was leaving for this retreat. No more than 30 people knew where she was going and now 9 of them are dead. The 8 guards and her ladymaid were all found killed not a mile from the Temple." The King said. "Someone betrayed us, and our kingdom, by telling our enemies where and when they could take our daughter” The Queen said with her anger rising and her eyes full of unshed tears. "What is to be done?" someone asked. "Darious Vir'ee" The King answered. Hearing his name Darious stepped up from the back of the room where he had stood with his men during the discussion. Full armored in black his hand resting on his sword hilt he looked every bit his title. Captain of the Deathdealers. "I have asked Daroius, and his men, to track down those who took my daughter and bring her back to us. What I need those of you gathered to help me cover things up in court. I do not want it known Alaira is missing. Hannah, we would like you to go with them, Alaira will need you." He paused when the guard came back into the room. A young girl, no more then 15, trailed behind the guard. She had blood red hair and pale skin. She kept her eyes downcast, her hair partially hiding her face. "Everyone, this is Raea Alexa" The Queen said. Hearing her name the child lifted her head. Several people gasped at the sight of her eyes. They were black bottomless wells, but they were not empty, they were full of power. When those eyes looked at you they say into and through your very soul. "Who.. Who is she?" Merick a war General asked his voice trembling. "Raea is from the witches isle. She is the 3rd daughter of their Queen, Alexa. And she is Aliara's bestfriend. She is also a telepath along with many other things. Raea, sit down” The Queen said indicating the empty seat next to her. "I want you to speak with Alaira, we need to know where she is, and if she is okay" The girl nodded and sat by the Queen. Then she changed. Her whole body seemed to glow. She threw her head back causing her hair to look like pure flames cascading down her back. And her eyes burned with power. *Mother...Father... I'm scared* the voice coming out of Raea was not her own. It seemed echo and distant, but was unmistakable that of Aliaras. "Tell me where you are Aira" Raea's voice commanded whispering into the room. *We crossed a river a few hours ago. There was a meadow on the other side and there's a forest on this side... one of the men said something about using the caves tonight because of the rain... Raea I'm afraid come get me. * "Soon Aira, soon” The connection was lost the glow was gone and Raea was rocking back and forth with tears running down her face. Her eyes locked with Darious. "We leave with at first light” Darious said without looking away from the girl. ...end of chapter one... |