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Created: September 15th, 2004 at 6:08pm
Modified: December 28th, 2005 at 2:30am
No Restrictions
I've mentioned my love of driving, right? Well, now you can see my beloved Stikmobile, a.k.a. Moby. This is the third car I've had in the past five years and has lasted the longest out of the three. I got the car in July 2002 after a car accident that lead to me taking a bit of an absence on the site. When I first got the car, it had 94,000 miles. In three years, it's now up to 140,000+ miles and still going in spite of the fact it's been mildly abused. It's a 1993 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera (hence the name Stikmobile), and for being as old as it is, it works pretty well. My car is famous for being very messy inside (much like my room) and being driven all over the place from Lake Wales to Miami. Eventually, my Moby will travel out of the state of Florida and have several thousand more miles on it. 
(In case you couldn't tell, I love to drive.)
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