Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/877332-Chronicles-of-DIlmetre-Silver-Days
Rated: · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #877332
The history of a forgotten world has been found, now its truth is revealed!
During the conquest of Alexander the Great he established the unification of many great societies and the naming of the Seven Wonders of the World, it has been a myth however that all his findings and information of the Ancient World were brought together in the Library of Alexandria, countless scrolls catalogueing a world still barbaric and dark. The Library of Alexandria was taken by the sea and all that was stored had been destroyed.

In 1995 Archeoligists found its ruins in the Mediterranian, what was discovered in the many scolls that remain intact was hidden as the truth of an ancient Era would destroy modern soceity.

Recently however under the new Data Revelation Proceeds many tales of the Library of Alexandria have been shared, here lies the scrolls known as Silver Days of the Chronicles of D'Ilmetre.

(The Scrolls have not been fully translated so its entire history is still to be told by each individual translator from across the world)

Enclosed with the scrolls were maps which set the tales in the world of D'Ilmetre, here is a brief description:
To the south is the mighty kingdom of Sorinos, a unity of man and elves living on the Southern Plains.
To the East lay the Stump Men, or Dwarfs. They live along the Hydra Mountain range and are allies with the Elves of the far east. (Little is known of this fair kind)
To the North is the Woods of Finosar which have the United Woodland Realm, this consists of Gaidor Kingdom, the Liddoe Tribe and the Edepla Realm.
Not much is known of the west, only a babarian race live and breath there, it is called Scyor or Deamas, it spreads down to the T'Sair ocean to the south.

Many of the lands have been uncharted and are left to the interpretation of the translators.


The main characters which have so far been uncovered are:

King Hestmai
-King of Sorinos

Queen Relea
-Queen of Sorinos

-Unknown Wizard of the North

-Hero of Sorinos, stands at 6ft three with dark brown hair, he has green eyes which are a trade of the Western barbarians.
His father was an outlaw and trained Ardimos hard to become a great warrior of the Scyor, however when he aged he travelled into the far east and learned many skills, to the dissapointment of his father he joined Sorinos and fought many wars against his kin. Ardimos believes in the greater good however his mind has slipped into maddness over the years after the murder of his wife and daughter, he has also never been the same since he killed his brother at the battle at Welstore Bridge as he led an army of outlaws and captured Lord Weathers.


-An elf of the Far East, stands tall with blonde hair and silver eyes, an ace shot with the bow and is one of the few elves that can tame an eagle.
As a child he was outcasted as an omen of chaos when his silver eyes revealed him to be decended from an ancient Dark Elf who terrorised the Eastern Lands, he was raised by his uncle after his parents were killed in a storm whilst trying to get Danosis as far away from there village as possible.
Danosis vowed revenge and as he grew his anger consumed him, he killed those who were responsible for forcing his parents to there demise. He was a great swordsman and archer who went on a personal war against the Elves, he became a myth however as he grew in maturity he sought solitude in the hills with his uncle.
It was in this hills that he befriended an eagle called Ralcoes, Danosis spent many decades with Ralcoes and they taught each other much about the world, Danosis had found peace in the sky with his companion Ralcoes.
Events took place however in the Eastern land of the elves that saw the uprising of Soskeri against the King, Soskeri heard of Danosis and his legendary stature and so he approached Danosis in person to ask for his aid.
Upon refusing him Solskeri and the elf mage Umas had his uncle killed before his eyes, Ralcoes came to the rescue and took Danosis into the new Himylayan Mountains.
The uprising of Soskeri brought much support and the rebellion was brought to the D'esoi Palace where the King dwelled, the great siege it was known as.
Danosis had not forgotten him and as the battle was about to be waged for D'esoi Palace he landed on Ralcoes to confront Soskeri, despite being slowed by the wizard Umas Danosis brought Soskeri to his knees. The King then appeared on his golden horse and asked for Soskeri to live forever in the dungeons of the Dark Wood, Danosis was then asked by the king to join him as one of his Chief Knights. Danosis felt this was his oppurtunity for acceptance and redemption from his darker days and so joined the King to tame the uprising.
A few more years passed when the King got word of the union of his cousin Hestmai and a maiden of man Relea, Danosis was asked to protect his cousin in the new western lands of Sorinos.
Danosis humbly accpeted his task and with Ralcoes passed into the west, the years of building the realm were hard but eventually they established the mighty kingdom of Sorinos.


- A short man who stands five foot five with a black hair, he has a stout face and seems like he has had his nose broken in every possible way, he seems to have some distant descendant from the Stump Men but he is not sure.
He was raised in the Sorinos and contributed to it construction from a young age, he was then held in high regard by Lord Weathers and he took Ressi under his wing to train as a bodyguard for himself as he admired his devotion and courage.
Ressi is deadly with two blades and an axe, although he is disliked by horses he can tame any animal from Valley Wolves to Plain and Sea Gulls. In recent years Ressi has married to the estranged daughter of Lord Weathers who has bore him five childern, each one he loves with all his heart however they are seen as Ressi's greatest weakness for he is strong and has faced death in more than one occasion but his childern are his only soft point for any enemy to exploit.
Ressi became close to Danosis during the battle of Weltore Bridge where Lord Weathers was captured and held by the Sycor, Lord Weathers was captured at his fortress along with his servants one of which was Ressi's eldest daughter Cathari.
With the arrival of reinforcments led by Ardimos the Sycor were forced into the retreat and Lord Weathers escaped but his servants were taken by special chariots, Ressi chased them into the Western Forest where he was ambushed by hidden soldiers in the wood, with an arrow in his chest he was luckily rescued by Danosis who then managed to catch up with the chariot and rescue Ressi's daughter and the rest of the prisoners.
Ressi has forever been in his debt and both have saved each others life on countless occassions, Ressi has now been made a honourary knight by King Hestmai and is respected by both elves and men for his strength and courage.


- A young woman of the age of 17, she stands at five foot four and has radiant light brown hair and green eyes.
She was originally from the Lidoe Tribe but after her mother was given the Gift of the Gods, this gives her the power to speak to the Gods and do there bidding, her mother went on personal quests throughout the world and brought her daughter with her.
Rolara met many people and is popular with those from the Woods of Finosar, she has still much to learn and knows that upon the death of her mother the Gift of the Gods will be passed to her and she will have to embark on her own quest to do the Gods bidding and will claim her life.


- An elf of the hidden northern realm, Kay is a bard who was outlawed for a crime that she did not commit.
She is a fierce fighter for justice, as it is what she wishes she would have received.
She is friend and protecter of Destroni, having first allied with him as a mercenary. After a while, they became friends and she has been nearby ever since. She is about 5'1" with auburn hair and greenish eyes. She dresses in men's breeches and boots, mixed with close fitting tops for mobility.
She is usually cloaked. When she chooses to speak she has a lilting, musical voice and tends towards dry sarcasm.
Here lies the tale of Silver Days, it was an age where the Sun and Moon waltzed with one another in the daylight, where the dragons and giants fought over the tall mountains of the North, and when all creatures from Men to Gulls formed there unions.

Here lies the tale of one such union and its decline, this land which is named Sorinos was a Kingdom shaped by the marriage of King Hestmai of the Elves and Queen Relea of Mankind and now spans the Southern Plains of D'Ilmetre.
The Kingdom was the greatest of all but upon my arrival I witnessed the comming of the Barbarian men of the West on Plain gulls, a foul bird that is in shape greater than an eagle but in courage far weaker.

I arrived as the sun began to settle on the horizon ....

"All men and elves united, prepare your bows and blades." Ardimos stood tall at the peak of the tower wall looking west as the sun sets. "These creatures shall rue the day they come to this land."
Ardimos held his shield up to the sky which began to fade into a pale darkness. The shield however had an elvish power that made it reflect the red sunlight onto the armies that marched forth.
The chants of the enemy could now be heard and the fields were now alive with fire as they marched slowly to Sorinos.
"Dan!" A man in silver armor whispered at his comrade, an elf who stood beside him with a strong powerful posture as he took deep breaths. "Danosis, you still awake?"
The elf smiled and looked at the knight. "I'm still here Ressi, just confused why they chose now of all times to do this, I feel something else is at work here."
Ressi was thinking and nodded his head in agreement, it had been thirty years since the end of the war between Men and Elves in Sorinos, and now on the tenth aniversary of King Hestmai and Queen Relea marriage and union of our race the barbarians wage a full scale attack aginst the heart of Sorinos, something they have never had the courage before to do.
"What is the King going to do about this?" Ressi whispered again to Dan.
He stood there and did not answer, "What he has to do, this situation has never arose before!"
Ardimos shouted and drew his sword, everyone then drew there bow.
"Gulls of the west approach." In the distance thoasands of birds carrying archers were approaching from the hills. "Draw your arrows and fire at my command!"
Danosis' blood flowed through him with a great amount of renewed strength and vigor, this battle will span the night and the men and Plaingulls will be defeated. Now it is the true test of a King and his Knights.


Rolara, the young mage of the woods lived in peace with her mother, seen as many as a witch or a healer Rolara's mother was brilliant with magic however her days finally drew to a close the same night as the battle of Sorinos.
"Rolara ..." The old woman was consumed by magic and healing other people that the effects made her age quickly. "... I will leave now Rolara and go to Elyssium with my sisters."
Rolara was a young girl of seventeen, she had long brown hair with green emerald eyes, she cried as she was unable to keep the lump from the back of her throat tamed. "I understand mama."
"Rolara I have been granted a gift to speak with the Gods of D'Ilmetre, tonight that gift is entrusted into your soul." She put her hand on her daughters chest. "Tonight the Gods will speak to you. I have been proud to be your mother, and I am sorry I deprived you of a normal life however you have been destined Rolara, destined to save this world from peril, a world from evil. I love you, my daughter"
Rolara looked at her and continued to whisper enchantments to keep her alive but it got to the point where not even magic can prolong her death and she eventually passed away.
Rolara fell into tears in the darkness where no-one could see the lonely child of the night.
Words however remained distant, Rolara could hear her mothers last words but then the words of a greater being were heard above hers:
"You must stop Destroni, the wizard for he will tear this world appart"
"Pull the troops along the western front .." Ardimos walked the along the wall and gave an order to his second in command, he then shouted down behind the wall. "... load your arrows, launch on my mark."
A flame was then launched along the ground as all the archers prepared to load there arrows and fire into the sky.
The men of the west could now be seen, there drums echoed a beat into everyones hearts. "The battle is near Ressi..." Danosis whispered to the short man that stood next to him, his face began to harden and he took deep breaths. "... are you ready?"
Ressi took a deep breath and smiled as he looked to Danosis. "I was born ready!"
The Plain gulls then glided from the clouds into the fields and were drawing near, there great white wings spread like giants arms and there giant yello beaks screetched a dreaded echo of fear.
"Light ...." Ardimos shouted and held his shield again in the air, all along the front line of both fronts he could be seen once again. He then lowered his shield and screamed "... fire!"
The archers then released there arrows from behind the wall, the noise of whistled fired passed the soldier ears, the heat could be felt on there knecks as a sky was brought to live with a hail storm of arrows.
"Fire when ready!" Ardimos shouted once again.

To look over the battle was to see a sight of death, it was as if Ardimos once lowering his shield released the fires of hell and unveiled the true power of Sorrinos.

The arrows coninued to fall on the armies as they charged the castle, the King then called for a stop and Ardimos held his shield up once again. In the whistles of the arrows and the cries for help from both Plain gulls and men of the west in pain, no-one would be able to hear Ardimos but by holding his shield up it called for a halt.
What remained of the army beyond the walls and on the fields wanted to fight and so it was that King Hestmai mounted his unicorn and rode to the main gates with Ardimos at one side and his son, the future heir Thomeris to his other side.
The troops along the wall now rallied behind the King, they knew now the Gulls were down all that remained was the people and the best way to defeat them is to annihilate them in humilation, with this all in the west will fear Sorrinos and they will never return.
The gates opened, the plains were on fire and the sky was alive with a dancing ray of golden red and black burning together in a deadly waltz, the Kings unicorn shone bright and he held his sword in the air and led the way as he shouted, "Victory!".


"Rolara..." The voice seemed to put a smile on her face as she turned to see Elisei appear from the village, she managed to catch up to Rolara put found it hard to catch her breath. "... are you leaving now?"
The young girl looked at her older companion, Elisei, she had always helped her and her mother for many years but now it seems she can aid her no longer. "I'm sorry Eli, I thank you for your help but I must go now."
"Go where?"
Rolara looked towards the horizon which was shrouded in forests and mountains of afar. "I must continue the legacy of my mother and aid all who seek the advice of ..." She then looked down and wondered if Elisei could or even would understand. "... everyone who seeks the advise and aid of the Gods!"
Elisei nodded gently and felt a gentle tear fall from her eyes down her cheek, she then breathed deep and looked at the sun which was begining to appear upon the horizon. "So much saddness, first your mother ..." She then couldn't contain it anymore and burst into tears. "... now you!"
Rolara knew she should had comforted, she felt like aiding her old friend but she was compelled to leave. She then put her hand on Elisei's shoulder and looked into her gray clear eyes. "I will return, now I ask of you to care for my mothers body, I must go ..."
"Can I come with you ?" Elisei said directly as she interupted Rolara.
She then shook her head and whispered a spell of an ancient tongue that seemed to sooth Elisei then she spoke. "I must venture alone, I have a destiny to fulfil for me, a world that needs my help and I must do what I feel is right. Good bye old friend."
Rolara then walked toward the North as the sun shone through the hills, a soft wind then blew through Elisei and she whispered. "Good bye, I hope you find what you are looking for!"
'A true companion. You are very much like your mother.' The voice returned within her.
"How so?"
'She too would not share the burden of this gift with any other, even you, her only daughter. I must ask you why?'
Rolara felt a bit confused and believed that the voice within her, be it the Gods or a messanger from God would understand. "I believe that this gift can aid and destroy dreams, it can make or break life and predetermine choices, if that is the case it cannot be good for any who walks with me!"
'Why's that?'
"Because it could result in there death, like Fosew and Pelgor." She whispered as she recalled her mothers previous allies.
'I understood your mother but you may be a different human being all together Rolara, take on board your mothers lessons but that doesn't mean you must follow her and be her shadow, not when you can be greater.'
"What do you mean?" She snapped and looked at the trees that surrounded her.
'You must find Destroni, he holds the answers and will bring this word to its knees.'
"It was a hard fight!" Ressi said as he tore into his chicken like an animal.
Danosis stood holding his side and calming the pain. "It was a tough battle."
Ressi looked at his hands as he put the meat down, his mind flashed with memoirs of death and pain, his fingers and palm were solid and was scared with cuts of old and new. "You okay Dan?"
Danoisis' eyes widened and he looked at his friend and smiled. "That knight really took it out of me."

The palins continued to wage with the war, the King charged withi his unicorn, the echoing cry of victory could be heard in the hearts of both man and beast as they tore the enemy apart.
The steel smashed like waves of the rocks and the sun pierced through the darkned sky revealing a sea of silver, the gulls fly high as the arrows whisk by there ears and in some confusion many fled North.
In the battle Ressi realeased his rage as he had two blades that sliced through the Western barbarians.
Ressi then halted and the field fell silent as all that could be heard was a thunder, a wave of arrows were launched into the sky.
Ardimos shouted at the top of his lungs but his voice was drowned by the arrows falling, like a rain of sword they fell and all that stood, friend and foe alike were masacred, the hatred towards each other was ended and the though of survival had consumed them.
Crys were echoed in the fields as a constant rally of arrows fell from the heavens.
The beasts that charged with the Sorinos were protected by either the spells or the armour that had been laid on them by there mighty companions. Only those with metal shields survived the constant volley of arrows, all fell victim and in the end the Sorninos arose and the King Hestmai appeared at the front and continued his cry for victory.
The blood that flowed through Danosis was boiled and his primative rage for revenge was unleashed as he jumped on his horse, as did all who beheld there king charge from the pits of seemed like hell.
The field laid as blood and the survivors charged to the archers, as they raced across the field and saw the archers reload there arrows and continue to wage there weapons of pain to there brothers and friends aswell as there enemies.
The horses charges into them and ripped the archers apart, Danoisis stood alongside the beast and warrior Ardimos as there swords and shield became weapons.
"Westoe anmi raa!"
The scream of a barbarian captain echoed through the hearts of the Sorinites as they stopped the massacre of the defensless archers and so a front line of heavily armoured knights charge at them from the forest.
The horns of the King were heard and all dismounted and stood in a line, they watched the front line of knights harge towards them.
Ardimos then held his shield up and all the elves and men of Sorinos held there sword infront of them and blessed there blades.
They then screamed and charged there enemies head on.
Danosis stood behind Ardimos, he sliced through some of the remaining archers who were trying to make the most of what time they had left to live, the first knight then punched Danosis in the jaw as he removed his sword from a man who was a comrade of Ressi's, an old friend who at this moment is just another true soldier.
The adrenaline overpowered Danoisis and his sword took on a mind of its own
One, two, three, he kept thinking as he read the moves of his enemy who became bewildered by the sudden flood of strengh that had taken over him.
The knight fell but as he did so another appeared before Danosis, it seemed that he too was a close friend that Danosis had sliced his throat.
The second knight was stronger and he too had the hidden rage that lied deep within his soul. The two reacted faster to each others attacks, Danosis was then hurled back by a powerful kick from the knight.
As Danosis lay for a brief second it seemed his thought were suddenly clear, looking up at the darkened sky which seemed to turn broght, he felt one with the earth and once again felt death draw near. His mind and body were prepared to accept his demise as he was too tired in mind and body.
He closed his eyes as he could feel the knight charge towards him to deliever the final blow.
"That will never come!" Danosis eyes then were open and he jumped up and pulled a second sword from a knight lying dead, with the two blades he bloked his death blow. His mind and body may have been prepared to accept death but his haert and soul would not conceed until all is truely lost.
With the two swords he managed to hold his enemies sword from falling on him, with more strength he pushed back the knight then with the two sword Danosis attacked his side where only the Knights shield could defend him from certain death.
Danosis then spun around and thrust his sword into the knights thigh, his cry of pain was not heard but as he was about to fall his sword slashed across Danosis' armor and tore a gash in his side. The knight was knelt and as they both stared at each other in pain there minds became clear, 'what is the purpose of this?' as if they were both thinking the same thing they both shook there heads.
With what was left in his will Danosis picked himself up and chopped the knights head off.
Danosis could feel the coldness of the battle enter into his body, the wound was deep and will lead to his death.
Danosis turned and saw another knight stand before him and his sword unsheathed and ready to kill Danosis, as he held his breath Ressi leaped off a horse and fell on the knight with his sword.
As Ressi crashed to the ground his sword went flying into the battle, he then pulled two large blades from his belt and stabbed them into the knights lower back.
Ressi then stood up, he had blood and mud all over his face and blades. "Dan, you okay?"
Danosis smiled and clentched his wound.
"Stay calm Dan, I'll get you out of here!"

"Mages done a good job!" Ressi said again as he took a sip o his mug of ale, a treat from the Northern Forest tribes.
"Not as good as the Elven mages..." Danosis complained as he felt the coldness within him. ".. these human mages know the magic but its still cold!"
Ressi then laughed. "You'll be fine after some rest. I can't believe you lot charged without me!"
"I didn't expect them to be like that!" Danosis said still rather traumitzed from the battle and the horror that he had seen and felt.
"No..." Ressi said as he shook his head and took another bite. ".. they are learning and advancing, I never knew they would train knights and those archers ...."
The both fell silent thinking of the rain of blades as they fell and killed all on the plains of death.
"The arrows.." Ressi whispered as he looked back at his hands that were shaking as his mind recalled the death of hundreds, not as enemies but as people for a few moments everyone was equal and shared one common purpose, survival.


The rain beated hard as the ground reflected the water droplets like a hail storm, the cold wind blew the water through the trees.
The storm was getting darker as the suns light was about to disapear for the night.
Rolara shook as the cold began to eat at her hands and feet, she could feel the cold enter under skin, the notion made her teeth judder as she held tightly her cloak that seemed to give her some warmth on this dark night.
"There is shelter on this path." The voice echoed within her again. "It is owned by a man of great belief in nature, he will warm and shelter you tonight."
The sky grew black and the storm began to consume Rolara in the forest, she breathed a sigh of relief as she saw a house burrowed into a large rock at the side of a cliff face.
She then ran quickly to the shelter, after two knocks the door opened and a tall man with a beard answered.
Upon seeing her he put his arm round her and brought her into the cavern. "What in the name of Plawoe are you doing out there kid?"
The shelter was well lit with two fire places one on either side of the room, it was nice and warm and there was no windows so the thought of the storm became dismissed as the big man rushed to get her a towel and spare clothing.


"Destroni..." A messanger came into the small village, the village was at the foot of a peaceful mountain which at this time of year is coated in snow.
Destroni was forging a sword with his tools of steel, he then looked up at the messanger who was shouting his name across the village.
"Son, tell that man I am Destroni." Destroni gently gestured his five year old son towards the messanger.
Destroni stood tall with a small beard and long curley black hair, it seemed to be a trade mark for this part of the mountains.
The messanger then came to Destroni out of breath. "You are needed Destroni!"
Destroni looked at the troubled lad and put his hand on his shoulder. "What is wrong?"
"The Hyntai, he's dying and he has asked for you!"
Destroni looked at his peacful village, he has lived here for a long time and has had no contact in the realms beyond his since the days of Oerta, the first Hyntai or King of the Western Realm. "I will come although I do not understand why!"
The messanger then gave him a scroll. "Here are the directions to Guilemar ..."
"I know the way boy..." Destroni sad in a frustrated tone. "... it was my city."


Rolara changed into dry clothes and the man put her clothes to dry above the warm fire.
"I do apolygise I don't believe I caught your name?" The man said as he turned to the young woman was pale white from the cold.
"My name is Rolara." She said quietly then a bit more louder afterward.
"Welcome Rolara. I am Davhar, I used to b from the Lidoe Tribe but now I dwell in peace here." Davhar had a wooden bowel and put some soup in it, he then passed it to Rolara. "Its apple and pear soup, drink whilst its hot."
Rolara was confused by the combination however she still grasped the bowel with both hands and begun to sip the soup, it eased down her throat and warmed her hands and feet as it gently soothed her stomach.
"This is actually very good." Rolara commented.
Davhar nodded his head and crossed his arms as he sat down. "Whats a young lady like yourself doing out in the deep forest at this time of the night?"
Rolara smiled and thought of her mother and quest. "Its funny you should ask!"

"Destroni! Destroni!"
Kay hurriedly picked her way along the mountain path down towards Destroni's hut. She winced at the cold snow seeping through her clothes. She'd been out scouting in the snow for hours and hadn't had time to stop back at her own hut for clothes. Her auburn hair whipped back and forth, loosing itself from the leather thong that held it out of her eyes, and she frustratedly pushed back as she ran.
Kay finally made it into the village. She waved a quick hello to another townsperson and stopped at Destroni's hut. She swung Destroni's son onto her hip affectionately, then turned to him.
"The Hyntai is dying?"
Destroni nodded, not bothering to wonder how Kay had found out.
"Well", she said, "Will you go to him Destroni?"
"Kay, what are you doing here?" Destroni asked as he placed his sword in his sheath and his shield on his back.
The sun had broken through the clouds and the auburn hair seemed to lighten the room as the young elf held the boy at her side. "The Hyntai, your legacy is ending Destroni."
Destroni looked at her and put his hand on the tall elfs shoulder. "It was not my legacy Kay, it is a memory now."
Kay looked shocked, the man who she razed was now going to turn his back and all he had tried so hard to achieve. "If its a memory then why do you go?"
"Because Kay it is that memory that has kept me alive in these mountains." He smiled and walked out the door.
Kay then knelt at the young boy, he always reminded her of Destroni as a child. "Go and find your friends little one." She then kissed him on the fore head and pushed him gently in towards the house.
Destroni mounted his horse, he had an old shield of the Guilemar on his back and a cloak that seemed ancient and mystical. "You didn't answer my question Kay." Destroni then looked at the path that leads down the mountains.
"I came to see what has happened to the man I brought up in this world. The Hyntai was as much of your blood as it was mine."
Destroni looked at the elf who seemed so young and fair in these cold village. She was more than his guardian and teacher, she was his mother and father. "Come with me Kay and we will find out whether it is the end of Guilemar or not!"


King Hestmai sat alone in his chambers, the room was bright white with candles brightenen the corners of the room.
It had been several days since the great battle that took the lives of thousands of Sorinos' finist knights and warriors, since the acclaimed victory King Hestmai has spent many days alone in thought.
Thoughts of the end seemed to come over him. "Who trains such barbarians to be great men, what new evil is afoot."
As he whispered to himself the door opened and Queen Relea entered. The most beutiful of mankind, she swayed when she moved with her long blonde hair. "My darling what troubles you?"
Hestmai did not answer her as he stared out at the window at the plains which seemed to be torn apart with mud and blood still stained.
"My love?" Relea asked once more.
"I know what must be done Relea." He finally whispered. "I guess our world is not destined for peace." He breathed out heavily and turned his beautiful wife, his Queen.
He then embraced her and felt her cool breth on his chest and could feel her heart beat and like a melody gently align with his.
"It is time to bring an end to the tribe of the West once and for all. I want Ardimos and his knights to be here as soon as possible."
Queen Relea broke away and bowed. "Anything you wish my lord."
As she turned to face the door he grabed her arm and she turned back to him, her face seemed to glow as he spoke. "I wish for a world where me and you can live in peace, please I am not your lord we are one, you are my Queen and I will forever love you Relea."
She smiled and he kissed her.


"Uncle Dan." All of Ressi's childern went sprinting the doorway of his hut as Danossis voice could be heard.
"How do you keep with them Serra?" Danosis asked as he had two of Ressis youngest attached to his legs whilst he held another in one arm.
The young woman smiled as she polished one of the dirty cups that she had cleaned. "Sometimes I wonder Dan. Come on boys get off Uncle Dan and get your father."
Danosis smiled as the boys ran off into the other room. Serra put the cup down and looked at Danosis. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, the wound is going slowly but surely. Hows Cathari? Ressi tells me she is learning to be a mage."
Serra took her hair band off and revealed a lush shine of brunnette hair that flowed in the air, she was the daughter if Lord Weathers a powerful man in Sorinos but he respected Ressi and so granted the union of his only daughter to him. She pulled her hair back and put the hair band back on. "Yeah our little Cathari was chosen by my father to learn magic, I worry for her sometimes Danosis, I know she is only twelve but she really wants to go to battle and fight."
"She was never really the same after the incident." Danosis recalled when he first met Ressi and what rage had taken him to almost the brink of maddness as his little girl was taken by the Sycor.
"No she hasn't. No girl should have experienced that at her age." Serra shook her head as she too remembered the pain and loneliness of there first born being taken from them. "Sorry Dan do you want a drink?"
Danosis then looked at her and smiled. "Yes please Serra, what have you got?"
"We got some Blackberry juice, pear juice or do you fancy some Celtor?" Serra picked up the cup she polished.
"Could I have some Celtor please."
"Make that two." Ressi walked in and kissed Serra and smiled. "Hello honey!"
"Where have you been?"
"I was showing the boy a few sword tricks." Ressi said as he could hear all his kids running around in the garden. "Dan, how you doing?"
"I'm fine Ressi. Just thought I'd drop by."
"Take a seat Dan." Ressi then took the drinks from his wife and gave her a smile. He then put the drink infront of him. "How your wound?"
"I'll live." They both took a sip of there Celtor drink, a strong natrual ale that warms the blood.
"You fancy something to eat Dan? Serra's cooking up some Pores." Ressi offered.
"No that okay, I know how rare it is to find Pores." Danosis laughed.
"Nonsense, honey could you serve Danosis a portion as well please?"
"Sure thing." Serra started cutting the meat.
"We've been summoned Ressi." Danosis whispered as he put the cup down.
"By whom?"
"King Hestmai has asked Ardimos to get us two and meet him in the castle this afternon."
Ressi then looked at his kids. "Well there goes Arelss fighting lessons. What is this about? Do you know?"
Danosis stared into space with his elven eyes. "I have a vague idea, but to be honest I don't know."


After several days and nights Distroni and Kay arrived at Guilemar, the fortress of the West.
"Its been too long." Distroni whispered as he smiled looking up at the great stone walls that mould around a mountain.
The got the main gate where a guard recognised him and opened it immeadiatly. "Bring forth word to the Hyntai, Distroni has returned."

Kay and Destroni were escorted through the gates and into the Hyntai’s capital city. Kay drew a shaky breath. “It’s been so long, and yet it looks just the same as it did the day that I left it!”

Destroni smiled and said quietly, “yes, that it does.”

The guard, an old, grizzled warrior, led Kay and Destroni to a square with a large fountain in its center.

“Please wait here until one of the pages comes to fetch you. I must ready the Hyntai for an audience with you.”

Kay nodded and waved the man off, then ran over to the fountain. She grinned, and kneeling, thrust her hands into the cold, clear water.

“I used to take you here when you were a child whenever I could whisk you away from your parents. Do you remember?”

Destroni chuckled. “Of course. My mother used to complain that you should have your own children, instead of exposing hers to all manner of disease and dirty commoners. And you always just laughed at her.”

Kay gave her best impish grin and leaned back against the rim of the fountain.

Destroni joined her. “Kay, why did you never have your own children? I know that you love them.”

Kay smiled sadly. “Des’, I know how hard it is living as an Elf in a word of humans. Being a half-breed is a thousand times worse. Besides, there’s that little matter of falling in love, and I’m much too busy for that. Risking my life is much easier than risking my heart.” She threw back her head and laughed heartily. Her long auburn hair gleamed in the sunlight as it whipped through the air. However, her eyes were wintry cold, and Destroni knew better than to keep pressing Kay on this topic. The two sat quietly instead, enjoying the beautiful view as the sun wreathed the square in golden light. It was almost noon, and townspeople who had been dressed for the chill mountain morning were beginning to remove their warm cloaks and overtunics as they began to feel the gentle kiss of the sun.

A few minutes later a harried looking page found Kay and Destroni and gestured for them follow him through the now busy marketplace. They made their way easily, the streets clearing before them at the sight of the Hyntai's page in his official robes. About 15 minutes later they reached the Hyntai's palace. It was an exquisite piece of craftsmanship, carved directly into the highest peak of the mountain that the city was perched on. It shone like alabaster, it's magically smoothed walls glittering like marble. The harried page didn't give them any time for memories. He dashed up the steps to the entrance way, waited a moment for Kay and Destroni, then continued on into an audience room.

"Wait here while I fetch the other one," he said, looking strangely at Kay as he spoke, then disappeared into the maze that was the Hyntai's palace.

Kay shot Destroni a confused look. "The other one? And why did he give me that look when he said it?"

A moment later it became clearer. A tall, handsome elven man entered the room. He moved with the grace of a deadly warrior who is never totally off his guard, possibly tempered with the ache of a recent injury. He grinned disarmingly at Kay and Destroni and said "So...what did we do this time, eh? By the way, I'm Danosis. Call me Dan."

© Copyright 2004 Seviour, Nightbreeze terribly busy, (known as GROUP).
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