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A group of underage friends have their first nightclub experience with surprising results. |
The alignment on this one is a little wierd because of writing.com's take on scripts... but I hope you enjoy all the same. It's a short film I wrote continuing the story of Rick and his friends (see "Loving Force, Immovable Object"). 1. EXT. QUIET, BUT OPEN STREET NIGHT. 1. JULIAN can be seen for a short moment walking through the streets, with BARRY beside him, but hidden off screen. This shot returns intermittently throughout the next seen to establish focus on JULIAN. 2. EXT. QUIET, BUT OPEN STREET NIGHT. 2. Early night, around 9.30pm. RICK and MARY are walking down the street making their way towards the nightclub ‘Spectrum’, a popular gay venue in their (undefined) city. RICK is slightly annoyed, as KYLIE has not yet joined them as she said she would. MARY is trying to engage RICK in conversation and get him to relax. MARY Will you slow down? She’s not going to catch us up if you power on ahead! And I don’t think Kylie has much practice at being lost in the city at night! RICK sighs and there is a noticeable slow-down in his walking. RICK Sorry. Just that, you know… MARY This was your idea, don’t tell me you’re nervous now! RICK I’m not nervous. We’ve got the ID’s, we’ll be fine. Hope Jules remembers his! MARY So Julian’s coming then? Scene briefly cuts back to JULIAN’s feet, walking along the pavement, before returning to RICK and MARY. RICK nods. RICK He’s going to meet us there. Bringing his boyfriend along he says. MARY turns around and stands in front of RICK, stopping him and looking at him in amazement. MARY What? That one he won’t let us meet? RICK Well unless he has two, then yeah. MARY gets out of the way and resumes walking beside RICK. There is an awkward pause as MARY looks like she’s about to say something, then decides not to. Scene cuts again to JULIAN and BARRY, this time behind them, with BARRY fully in shot. But scene quickly returns to RICK and MARY. RICK He’s older apparently. Nearly thirty. MARY But Ju’s only seventeen, is that legal? RICK shrugs. RICK Depends what they do… MARY looks at him suddenly. RICK No, of course I didn’t ask! Scene makes its last cut back to JULIAN. This time, his face, looking up at BARRY for a second before returning his view forward. The scene then returns to RICK and MARY. MARY relaxes and keeps walking with RICK. RICK Can tell you what’s not legal… using a fake ID to get into a club. MARY starts laughing as though savoring Rick’s ‘admission’ of guilt. MARY You are nervous! I knew it! You’re getting cold feet! RICK I am not! This was my idea, I’ll… Suddenly, KYLIE’S voice can be heard far behind them. KYLIE Hey guys! Wait up! RICK AND MARY turn around to see KYLIE running up behind them, out of breath. RICK Where have you been? We waited a full fifteen minutes! KYLIE Well I kind of needed to make up a story for Mum and… MARY Yeah, it’s okay. Let’s just go. RICK nods in agreement, and the three of them start walking together. KYLIE Are you sure I’m going to be okay coming along? I mean, it’s like, you know, I’m not gay, and… RICK Just don’t spend your whole night trying to pick up some gay guy and you’ll be fine. MARY laughs at RICK’s statement. KYLIE giggles belatedly, not really understanding what was just said. KYLIE Oh, I know, you want them all for yourself. RICK Well… yeah, what’s wrong with that? MARY There better be some spunky dykes to look at in this place or I am gonna be so ripped off… RICK Hey, what’s the time? MARY looks at her watch. MARY Shit, nearly ten! Come on! The three of them start running quickly off shot. 3. EXT. OUTSIDE SPECTRUM NIGHTCLUB NIGHT 3. JULIAN and BARRY are waiting outside the nightclub for the others. JULIAN is has obviously made an attempt to dress for clubbing, but due to his inexperience still looks and acts awkward. BARRY on the other hand has done all this before, does not really enjoy going out and has put very little effort in, yet somehow has managed to look far more suitable for the club than JULIAN. BARRY is looking a bit bored, and is only there thanks to coaxing from the younger man. JULIAN is feeling embarrassed and starting to worry about his friends. He is looking up and down the street nervously, with brief, apologetic glances to BARRY. BARRY’s eyes are also wandering. As several attractive men walk past, BARRY’s gaze is firmly fixed on them before breaking away. BARRY Where are they? JULIAN I don’t know, they were meant to be here ten minutes ago. BARRY shakes his head and rubs his eyes. BARRY I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. Haven’t been on the scene for years. JULIAN Come on, I thought guys like you normally liked clubs… BARRY looks at JULIAN, puzzled for a moment before speaking. BARRY Wandering around a room full of half-drunk queens bouncing around pretending they’re Madonna is not really my idea of fun. JULIAN laughs, forgetting his nervousness for a moment. BARRY If they don’t turn up soon, I’m going home okay? You can come if you like… JULIAN Barry… I’m sure… BARRY I don’t know why it’s so important for you that they meet me. JULIAN They’ve all been asking about you! BARRY Let ‘em ask. It’s none of their business. Just… this is really putting me out mate. JULIAN Yeah, Barry, I know, okay? And I appreciate it, I really do. BARRY Yeah, alright, but you owe me a damn good fuck after this! JULIAN looks at BARRY, slightly taken back by the statement. But BARRY’s eyes are smiling at him, letting him know it was a joke, and JULIAN can’t help but smile back. He reaches out a hand and takes BARRY’s, squeezing it gently. Scene cuts to close-up of hands so we can see that BARRY briefly squeezes back before breaking away. Then, KYLIE’s voice can be heard off screen. KYLIE Hello! KYLIE, RICK and MARY come into shot and KYLIE envelopes JULIAN in a big hug and kiss. RICK Sorry we’re late… somebody got held up. KYLIE Hey, sorry okay? JULIAN nods. JULIAN Sure, no worries. There is an awkward silence before JULIAN realizes he hasn’t introduced BARRY. JULIAN Oh guys, this is um… BARRY interrupts, extending a hand to RICK. BARRY Barry, and you must be Rick? RICK nods, shaking the man’s hand. RICK That’s me. This is Mary and Kylie. BARRY nods at the two girls. RICK Well, are we gonna stand around waiting or go in? MARY Yeah, come on. The group all start walking to the door. BARRY is last, and his facial expression clearly shows us he’d prefer to be anywhere but where he is. A very big BOUNCER meets them there, practically standing in their way. RICK tries to look confident as he takes out his wallet and shows his fake ID. The BOUNCER takes it and scrutinizes it for a moment before handing it back and tilting his head inside, admitting RICK. The others all go through the same ritual, before BARRY is admitted without an ID check. 4. INT. SPECTRUM NIGHTCLUB DANCEFLOOR NIGHT 4. Walking into the main club, the kids look a bit nervous at first, but quickly relax as the flashing lights and loud music take them over. The club is full of people from all walks of life dancing to lightweight if very loud pop music, often wearing very tight clothes. There is a bar to one side, with a couple of very attractive and slender barmen working behind it. BARRY is again casting his eye over the good looking men in the club, before regaining control, leaning down to whisper in RICK’s ear. BARRY Is this really something you want to be a part of? RICK is just looking around the club, his mouth open in awe. Its edges slowly rising. RICK Hell yes! The group make their way out onto the dancefloor, the kids with enthusiasm and BARRY shuffling behind. He leans over and speaks to JULIAN. BARRY Will you guys be okay? I think I’ll just head over to the bar. JULIAN Yeah, I think so. BARRY nods and breaks off from the group, making his way over towards the bar. He is stopped by KYLIE who hurries after him with a small amount of change in her hand. KYLIE Oh Barry! Could you please get me a Coke? BARRY examines the amount KYLIE has given him. It isn’t enough to cover the Coke, but he just sighs and gestures for her to follow him, which she happily does, towards the bar. On reaching the bar, they are approached by a BARMAN. BARRY Can I get a Midori and a Coke please? The BARMAN nods and goes to fetch the drinks. KYLIE continues bopping along to the music, standing on the spot, and BARRY looks over to see the other three dancing madly out on the floor. The BARMAN shortly returns with their drinks, and BARRY hands him the money. KYLIE Thanks! KYLIE hurries off to rejoin the others, and BARRY leans back against the bar, sipping his drink. It’s now that we see WARREN, who’s been watching the whole incident, sitting next to BARRY. BARRY turns and sees him, and almost instantly starts looking him up and down in silence. WARREN smiles. WARREN Do I measure up then? BARRY shakes his head, and quickly looks away, realizing what he’s been doing. BARRY Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean… WARREN Hey, it’s cool. I’m flattered. So, you looking after the chicken coop tonight? BARRY looks at WARREN in surprise. BARRY Sorry? WARREN points to the kids out on the dancefloor. WARREN How old are they? BARRY Yeah, well keep your mouth shut about it. WARREN Don’t worry. Your business. BARRY looks into WARREN’s eyes, somehow attracted and intrigued. WARREN smiles at him. WARREN My name’s Warren. BARRY Barry. There is a moment of silence between the two as they look each other up and down. WARREN So, what do you do with yourself Barry? BARRY is quiet for a moment, as a wide smile crosses over his face. 5. INT. SPECTRUM NIGHTCLUB DANCEFLOOR NIGHT 5. MARY is out on the dancefloor, dancing with a woman in the club, almost oblivious to the world around her. MARY keeps on shooting glances over to BARRY from time to time, who’s in earnest conversation with WARREN. MARY is looking slightly concerned, but isn’t too worried. 6. INT. SPECTRUM NIGHTCLUB GAME ROOM NIGHT 6. About an hour has passed since the group arrived. The kids have all but forgotten about BARRY, and have now split off into areas of the club. RICK, JULIAN and KYLIE have been watching a pool game going on in the gaming room of the club. It is nearly finished, and DALE, another patron in the club is lining up his final shot. DALE takes his shot and squarely pockets the eight ball in a corner pocket of the table. Another MAN in the club who’s playing against him nods, and deposits a monetary note into DALE’s hand, which DALE stuffs into his pocket. DALE looks over at the kids and smiles. DALE My drinks for the night. RICK and KYLIE smile back. JULIAN looks preoccupied. DALE puts a bit more change into the pool table and collects the balls as they rumble to the catch trough. Then, he arranges them back on the table, ready to start another game. DALE You guys just going to watch all night? You’ve been wandering around in here for the past half hour! RICK Umm… Before RICK can say anything else, DALE holds out a cue, stopping it just short of RICK’s nose. Rick’s eyes widen in surprise. DALE You can break. KYLIE Oh, but we don’t have any money… DALE Who cares? Just for fun. RICK nods, trying unconvincingly to look confident, and tries to line up the opening shot. He shoots, pocketing two balls of the same kind. DALE raises an eyebrow and nods approvingly. DALE Hidden talent… The shot cuts briefly to JULIAN, who’s still looking very preoccupied and concerned, as though he’d rather be anywhere else but there. RICK steps back from the table and can’t quite believe he’s even managed to break the set, let alone pocket any balls. There is an awkward pause, during which DALE gives RICK an odd look. DALE Umm… you get another shot mate, you sank a ball. RICK snaps back to attention suddenly. RICK What? I do? Oh, okay then, cool… RICK turns to JULIAN and hands him the cue. RICK Do you want it? JULIAN eases himself off the wall he’s been leaning on and nods, taking the cue. He lines up another shot. He shoots, sinking the white ball and missing everything else on the table. DALE smiles and shakes his head. DALE You’ve seriously never played this before have you? JULIAN shoots back a half hearted smile. JULIAN Sorry, got my mind on other stuff. As DALE leans over the table to take his shot. RICK apparently has his eyes firmly fixed on the back of DALE’s pants, but as JULIAN passes by, RICK whispers to him. RICK Relax, it’s just one night. He’ll be fine. JULIAN looks up at RICK in surprise, who turns to him and looks at him sympathetically. RICK Oh come on, you’re making it pretty obvious! Look, if you stay around him all the time… JULIAN Look just shut up okay? I’m fine. RICK Hmm… yeah, whatever. JULIAN gives RICK an incredibly dirty look before sighing and turning his attention back to the game. It is the kids’ shot again, but instead of handing the cue to RICK or KYLIE, JULIAN takes it himself, and forcefully shoots. This time, he squarely pockets a ball. KYLIE shrieks with delight. KYLIE You got one! RICK rolls his eyes and has to fight the urge to forcefully shut KYLIE up. JULIAN looks up at DALE, who just smiles back. Suddenly, DALE’s mobile rings in his pocket, and he has to answer it. SFX: Mobile phone rings. DALE Hello? Yeah mate… what, now? God, your timing’s a bit… yeah, alright, alright, I’ll be there. Give me twenty. DALE snaps off the phone and looks up at RICK. DALE Sorry mate, got to go. Your game eh? DALE takes RICK’s hand, but instead of shaking it, pulls himself closer and gives RICK a kiss on the cheek, which RICK returns. RICK Thanks Dale, nice meeting you. DALE nods as he quickly leaves. KYLIE Wow, how long have you known him? RICK About fifteen minutes. 7. INT. BARRY’S APARTMENT NIGHT 7. BARRY has taken WARREN home for the night. The two are kissing each other passionately on BARRY’s couch, eagerly exploring each other’s bodies. Suddenly, BARRY pushes WARREN away gently. WARREN Look, what is wrong? BARRY Nothing. I’m just… you know. WARREN Ah… no, not really! It’s like… WARREN looks down at the coffee table just in front of them and sees a photograph of JULIAN. He picks it up and shows it to BARRY. WARREN This kid was in there… with you, tonight. BARRY Yeah, that’s Julian alright? Now will you put it down please? WARREN Boyfriend? BARRY No! WARREN I see. So… you want me to leave? BARRY quickly grabs the photo out of WARREN’s hand and puts it face down back on the table, putting himself upon WARREN, working the man’s top button. The exploring continues as they stand up and they begin to help take off each other’s shirts, continuing to kiss each other, and stumble back, out of view, deeper inside the apartment. 8. INT. SPECTRUM NIGHTCLUB DANCEFLOOR NIGHT 8. The music has changed again. MARY hurries into the main area of the club, and looks over to the bar, to see only two empty seats where BARRY and WARREN have been sitting. She mutters under her breath. MARY Shit! Suddenly, a hand is placed on MARY’s shoulder and she jumps, looking around to see RICK, JULIAN and KYLIE. RICK Hey! It’s just me! MARY is forced to step aside as JULIAN hurries towards the bar. His jaw drops as he sees that his ‘boyfriend’ has gone, and there is an empty stool next to the one BARRY was sitting on. MARY slowly comes up behind him. MARY Umm… I don’t really know… JULIAN suddenly pushes her out of the way and storms out of the club. RICK is stunned. RICK What the hell’s up with him? MARY ignores RICK and hurries after JULIAN. MARY Jules… Jules! RICK looks at KYLIE in amazement. KYLIE just shrugs and tries to look happy. RICK shakes his head, before turning to KYLIE and making a half hearted effort to sound amused. RICK I don’t know… you’re the resident hetero, you had enough yet? KYLIE shrugs. KYLIE I don’t know, have you? RICK smiles and nods firmly. RICK Come on, if there’s any place still open we can go get a milkshake. KYLIE Cool. Let’s do this another time though! RICK Are you sure? KYLIE Yeah, I had a great time! RICK and KYLIE hear a familiar voice from off-screen. MARY Me too. MARY rejoins the other two. MARY No way I can catch him. He’s really upset. Poor guy, we’ve got to call him tomorrow. Hey, can we come back here next week? RICK Why? MARY Well, there’s this girl I was talking to, and she’s just really nice… RICK Well yeah, why not? Only this time, no bringing ‘extras’ ok? KYLIE laughs before Mary silences her with a look. MARY Yeah, just us. RICK smiles before looking around the place one more time. The three of them leave. 9. INT. BARRY’s APARTMENT - BEDROOM MORNING 9. It is the next morning, and the sun is shining through the bedroom window of BARRY’s apartment. WARREN is lying in BARRY’s bed, still asleep. BARRY is standing by his window, wearing just boxer shorts, looking outside. BARRY moves away from the window, puts on a thin dressing gown that is sitting on a chair just near the door, and walks back into his lounge room. 10. INT. BARRY’S APARTMENT MORNING 10. BARRY goes to the kitchen, which is part of the main living area, turns on the electric kettle and gets out a jar of instant coffee and one mug, starting to make himself a coffee. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door and BARRY goes across and opens it. It’s JULIAN, standing there, half angry and half nervous. BARRY looks at him, open mouthed, not quite knowing what to say. BARRY Ju… what’re you…? JULIAN Can we talk… please? BARRY looks back inside his apartment nervously. BARRY Umm… well it’s not really a good… JULIAN Barry, it’s important! BARRY sighs, nods, and steps aside, letting JULIAN through. There is an awkward moment of silence, as BARRY heads back to the kitchen and continues making his coffee. BARRY Can I get you anything? JULIAN No. There is another awkward pause. JULIAN Where did you go last night? Why did you just leave us like that? BARRY Didn’t know I was meant to be under guard! JULIAN You know what I mean! God, I was so embarrassed! BARRY Now look, don’t be… BARRY is interrupted by WARREN emerging from his bedroom, almost fully dressed and doing up the buttons on his shirt. WARREN Barry? WARREN looks over and sees JULIAN, whose face takes on an expression of complete shock at seeing the man. BARRY quietly breaks the silence. BARRY Warren, this is Julian, a friend of mine. WARREN puts out a hand, which JULIAN very slowly accepts and shakes. WARREN then turns back to BARRY. WARREN I better get going. You got my number? BARRY Yeah, it’s cool. Thanks. WARREN walks over and kisses BARRY briefly on the cheek, but BARRY is too distracted to return it. WARREN No… thank you. WARREN leaves the apartment, and JULIAN gives BARRY an absolutely withering look of contempt. JULIAN I don’t believe… BARRY Oh shut up! JULIAN What about me then? Did you just see your Greek god and then forget all about me? BARRY turns away and continues making his coffee. BARRY You’re being very unfair Ju. JULIAN Why? BARRY Will you stop acting like we’re fucking married? We’re friends Ju! That’s all! JULIAN Friends! Friends? What do you mean? I’ve slept with you like, I don’t know how many times, you’ve even… I mean doesn’t that mean anything to you? BARRY turns around and glares at JULIAN. BARRY Actually, no, it doesn’t. JULIAN Then what am I to you then? BARRY takes on a sarcastic tone. BARRY Hmm… let’s see, oh yeah, you’re just sex to me, that’s all. A casual fuckbuddy. Is that what you’re expecting to hear? Oh for Christ’s sake, grow up! You are just a seventeen year old kid with no clue what he really wants yet, and that’s fine, but you’re not my damn boyfriend okay? You’re not ready for a full on relationship with a guy ten years older than you! JULIAN has to choke back tears as he hears BARRY’s words. BARRY sighs and stirs his now made coffee. BARRY Look, I like you, I really do. I just don’t see you that way. I know that hurts and I’m sorry, but I can’t lie. JULIAN suddenly bursts into anger. JULIAN You should’ve told me that before! BARRY Look, I’ll call you alright? Now just go to school! JULIAN It’s Saturday! BARRY Go anyway! Or just get out of my house and go spend time with your friends. I think you need some time to cool down. JULIAN Don’t tell me to cool down! BARRY points to the door. BARRY Out! And say hi to Rick, Mary and Kylie for me. JULIAN slowly turns and heads for the door, but halfway out he turns back and asks BARRY a question. JULIAN You didn’t really get his number did you? BARRY doesn’t answer. He just points at the door again, more forcefully, and stares at JULIAN, who nods. JULIAN Didn’t think so. JULIAN opens the door fully and leaves, slamming it behind him. BARRY winces as the door slams, drinking his coffee. He walks over and sits down on the couch, untying his dressing gown and letting it hang open. Looking down, he picks up the photo of JULIAN and looks at it for a moment, before tossing it down onto the table again. |