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Harry and Co. Go to another school in thier 5th year |
This is as if The 5th book had never happened. Welcome to Dragon Academy for the Gifted and Uniqe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bio's are as Follows: Name Age apperance other ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chars needed to be played: Harry Potter- Ron Weasly- Hermione Granger-Daizy ![]() ![]() |
It was Early in the morning when an owl was flying into an inn. It landed on the Window still of a young girls room. She had silver hair and silver eyes. She took the item that was attached to the owls leg and bid it good day and opened it up. Dear Ms.Eldárwen Silimaurë, you have been accepted into Dragon Academy for the Gifted and Uniqe. Please use the feather to come by Augaust 14th. Please get the supplies listed. Thank you Evan Horous Head master Eldárwen was surprised to see that they had her full name on here. |
Name-Serena Nindë Vardamir Apperance-blonde hair that is almost silver, baby blue eyes that turn red when angry and has a muscular build Nickname-Stripes Other-Serena is a elven vampire princess that can change into a black panther...can do some magic without a wand and has been running away from an abusing family all her life... Street Name-Penelope Hallfaway 'Penelope' was waking up in the alley like usual when an owl landed on her shoulder. It had a letter attached so Penelpe took it off and read the letter. Dear Serena Nindë Vardamir, You have been accepted into Dragon Academy for the Gifted and Unique. Please use the feather to come by Augaust 14th. Please get the supplies listed. Thank you Evan Horous Head master Penlope was wondering if the letter was real or if it was her family tracking her down so just for safety she wrote a new letter and sent that with the owl instead. Thn she burned the other letter just incase it had a tracker. Penelope slipped out of the alley and went to get the supplies just incase this school was real. Then she got some new clothes and walked around. |
Eldárwen grabed her cloak to hide that she was an Elf from where she was going. 'What is this London.'thought Eldárwen as she casted an Illusion spell over herself. The spell changed her silver hair to blonde and silver eyes to blue. She was still tall but had no pointed ears. she went to the innkeeper and told him she needed a way to get to London Diagon alley. the innkeeper being a wizard of many tricks called the knights bus up for Eldárwen and told them that she was going to Diagon Alley and then he payed for her trip to Diagon alley. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry It was a hot day at the burrow for harry,Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore had came to see them this morning and told them that Voldermort was rising to quickly and that the 3 of them needed to go to another Top wizarding School Dragon Academy. 'he said the academy was for the Gifted and Uniqe, He also said that there would be a lot of different people that were not human their but to be careful about who they talked to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eldárwen She got off the purple bus at a dark alley and went to the bar and asked to be let into Diagon Alley nicely. "thank you oh please can you have me a room ready for when I come out of the Alley I need a place to stay for a while."Eldárwen asked Tom "yes madam I will have a room ready for you by the time you get back. Eldárwen then went to Gringots and saw that she had Family that had opened an Account for her long ago that had an Elven password. The Goblins took her to her vault she then said her name 'Eldárwen' then went in and saw a saphire blue dragon in her wake. 'ahh misstress you have come please let me become smaller and join you to where you go' the dragon spoke to Eldárwen in elven. 'sure and Im sorry you have been waiting for so long' Eldárwen responded in Elven. She then called her dragon Eáránë Séregon which was Blue Saphire. Eldárwen and Eáránë Séregon went and go get Eldárwen wand. Olivander gave Eldárwen a wand that was made out of Elven oak with 2 drops of elven blood and 3 strands of elven hair with magical quality as her core. Eldárwen got the rest of her supplies and asked Eáránë Séregon if she could become anything that she needed like an owl and Eáránë Séregon said yes but i'll always be blue. "thats fine"said Eldárwen then went to her room and fell a sleep quickly. |
'Penelope" turned around as she sensed another elf nearby and wondered if the other elf had sensed it too. Then she quickly went into Olivander's shop and was sized for a wand. Penelope got a wand made out of Elven wood with a unicon hair and three drops of dragon's blood. Olivander seemed curious about Penelope but she stayed quiet. Then as she was leaving she sensed the elf again and looked around. She also smelled blood and didn't know whee it was coming from. She followed the trail and it led to an ally. At the end of the alley stood a boy in the shadows that looked to be the same age as Penelope. She snuck up on him then bit his neck. The boy started laughing then flipped Penelope over his shoulder. Penelope landed on her feet and looked at her attacker. Just then his fangs started slipping out too. Penelope turned her head and the boy laughed again at her confusion. The smell of blood was still strong as the boy approached her and said, "You must be new little one. I have never seen you before." You just glared at him. Then you felt the anger well up inside of you. The next thing you knew the boy was lunging at you and you were on the ground. You let out a small scream and instantly relized that someone could have heard you... |
Eldárwen and Eáránë Séregon heard a scream and ran to the source of the scream and saw a boy on top of another girl. Eldárwen felt anger building up in her till she chanted a spell: Edvarson ventron kelivent NIAMOS. and the Boy flew off the girl and was stuck to the wall. Eldárwen and Eáránë Séregon went to help the girl up and she then noticed that the girl was an elf also. |
Name-Heather Feath Apperance-Heather has beautiufl dark brown hair that falls just past her shoulders. Its in loose curls and falls about her face. She has a nice tan and gorgeous blue eyes. Personality-Heather is really smart. She has a nasty temper though and gets in trouble all the time. She's always in detention for doing one thing or another. She knows her way around the castle and has an invisiblity cloak. (Bring my char into the story please) |
Eldárwen was helping the girl up when Eáránë Séregon became a big cat and stood between Eldárwen and the other girl. 'Mistress she is a Vampire please stand back I'll Protect you if she tries to bite you.' said Eáránë Séregon to Eldárwen through her mind 'But then why would she have Screamed?Who was that boy and why dont we find out what was going on.'said Eldárwen to her dragon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ heather Heather was walking to diagon Alley when she got a letter and found out that she was going to go to Dragon Academy, She went to the black cauldron and then the Diagon Alley. Heather saw two girls and a big lepord in on of the Alleys. |
'Penlope' got up and then ran towards the boy while changing into her panther form. She heard the others gasp but didn't stop. She sat infront of the boy and said, "You have no idea who your messing with." Then she changed again into her human form and let her fangs slip out. The boy just smiled. Then out of nowhere a wooden stakwe appeared in 'Penelope's' hand. SHe drove it into the vampire's heart. When the vampire was gone she turned and said "Thankyou Eldárwen and Eáránë Séregon but I will not be needing your assistance anymore." Eldárwen exclaimed, "What are you talking about without us you would have been hurt or even killed....Wait how did you know our names?" 'Penelope' laughed quietly and then smiled and turned into a panther. "I'll see you at school." then turned and ran off. |
{I don't think I need to put Hermione's bio lol.} Hermione's mind was reeling after Dumbledore's sudden appearance. A new school with non-human sudents... It wasn't as if Hermione wasn't used to non-humans, one of her favorite adults in the world was Remus Lupin after all. She and Harry had been spending the summer at the Burrow and Mrs. Weasley decided for the next day to be a trip to Diagon Alley. Hermione had saved up quite a bit of "muggle" money and was ready to go to Gringotts and exchange it for proper wizard money. The way Hermione calculated it, she had enough extra money to buy at least a dozen new books. Plus, if her parents gave her birthday money thet would be more reading material for her to buy! So needless to say, Hermione was almost giddy at the prospect. Ginny had already pointed it out several times. "Jeez Herm. They're just books." "No Ginny! They're not just books. Book equal knowledge and knowledge turns to wisdom. Dumbledore even said so." After that, Ginny dropped it. ******** After exchanging her money, Hermione went straight into Flourish & Blotts. Soon after entering she saw a very familiar blonde haired boy. "Oh no." "So the Mudblood is shopping?" "Shut up Malfoy. I'm not the mood for a verbal sparring with you." "Neither am I. Good thing that I won't be at Hogwarts with the likes of you this year." "Finally being shipped off to Durmstrang huh?" "No the Dragon Academy. Not that it is any of your business." "What?!?!?!" Hermione shouted. "What's your problem?" "Why are you going there?" Hermione pressed. "Because it's a school for the Gifted. And I'm gifted." "Please tell me you're joking Malfoy. Just this once tell me that this is some horrible prank." Realization hit Draco. "Don't tell me that's where you and the Potty club are going this year." Hermione muttered a "yes" and Draco swore loudly. |
Eldárwen and Eáránë Séregon walked into a book store when they hear someone swear loudly. "so someone is not happy Eáránë Séregon"said Eldárwen as she walked farther into the store. A blonde Bumped into Eldárwen and appligized and Stared at her while she made her way through the book store toward the lauguage section. Eldárwen walked with Eáránë Séregon right behind her. As Malfoy watched the Elven girl he felt a tap on his sholder "sir could you kindly leave for you language was inapproperate."said the Casher. Hermione bought her books and Rushed to Harry and Ron to tell them the horrible news. |
'Penelope' had watched Eldárwen and Eáránë Séregon enter the shop and decided not to go in just yet. But then with her hearing she had been able to here someone talking about school and it happened to be the Dragon Academy. Then a few moments later she picked up the voice again an followed it. It led to a girl and two boys. At the first look att them all 'Penelope' could think about was their blood bu then fought it down and went over to them. "I hear your going to the Dragon Acadamy." 'Penelope said. They all jumped then turned and looked at her. "Yea we are. Are you?" the red haired boy asked. "Of course I'm going." Then 'Penelope' noticed the scar on the boy's head. "Nice to meet my future clssmates. I'll see you in school." Dumbleore had told her that those three would be attending this year right before she had fled. Just then I felt really weak and the sound of their pulses in my head grew louder... |
"Well that was certainly odd..." Hermione said looking after the girl who had startled the three of the half to death. She shook it off and proceeded to tell Harry and Ron the bad news. "You can't be serious Herm!" "You know I couldn't possibly joke abot something like that!" "Just who we need Draco Malfoy at our new school." Harry said with a sigh. "I simply don't believe it." Ron said. "Bloody 'ell." "Ronald Weasley! You watch your tongue young man!" Mrs Weasley said coming ou of the Owl Emporium. She had to pick up medicine for errol, as he was sick. "Into Madam Malkin's shop, we need to get school robes." "You mean I get new robes?" "You have to dear. There aren't any in your size at the second-hand robe shop." Mrs Weasley paused for a moment. "What else was there? Ohh yes. After robes, we'll pip into Fortescue's for some ice cream. Fred and George are treating us all. Last stop will be for the cauldrons." "I need to head to the Apothicary as well." Hermione interjected. "All right dear, the boys can go into the quidditch store and have a look around as well." |
As Eldárwen got up the next day she went out but stopped at the new store, It caught her enterest with some of her heritage with in it. She decided to go in when she saw 3 other non elves in the store buying a book on elves and their culture, the girl bought one of every race their was a book on and the two boys were looking anoyed. Eldárwen walked up to the Casher and said hello in elvish and asked about the three that were in the store and then went to the books and picked up a elvish book and paid for it and went to the ice cream parlor to read. |
'Penelope' was weak and she knew it. everyone who came near her was just a pulse. She was sitting in the back corner of an alley when she noticed that Eldárwen was near her. She looked up and across the street to the ice cream shop and saw her. 'Penelope' chanted a spell. The spell made the words in the book appear to the owner brighter in order to spel out a message. HELP ME! |
"Herm? Would you just enjoy your ice cream? Put the book down for once." Ron said with a sigh. Hermione gave him a not very nice look and gazed back down at her book. HELP ME! "Guys! Look." Harry and Ron looked down at it. "Help who?" Hermione looked out the window. There was an alley with a girl collapsed. "That's the same girl from before" She jumped up and went outside, straight to the girl. "You're not Eldárwen... My spell went awry." The girl said softly. "You asked for help, what can we do?" Harry asked. |
heather was walking down the street when she noticed harry potter and his friends run into a alley. 'What are they doing?' thought heather. she walked closer and noticed a person who looked like she needed help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eldárwen walked out of the shop and almost collapsed but she sat down before that happend. 'what just happened?' thought Eldárwen as she watched harry walk behind his friends 'maybe i should go check it out.' thought Eldárwen as she got up to go see what they were looking at. |
Penelope looked at the group and said, "Run." "No way. You asked for help." a red head said. "fine then. I need blood." "BLOOD!" they yelled. Penelope nodded then saw someone running towards them. "Hey. What's going on?" she asked. Then she noticed that the girl looked paler. She knew that this girl was a vampire instantly. She shoved the trio out of the way and knelt down. "Getpigs blood." she said. "Now!"she said as the girl fainted. |
Eldárwen was sitting by the elven vampire as the trio went to get the Blood. When they got back Eldárwen Helped the Vampire drink it. When the Vampire was done Eldárwen Helped her up and then she knew that she was fine she and the trio left and the vampire followed Eldárwen |
"Thank you." Penelope said. "Shh. Save your strength." was all Eldárwen said. Penelope nodded and followed Eldárwen to a little house. |
Eldárwen opened the door and went in Elven books and other elven items. She had placed this here to make her feel at home when she needed to. "Come in come in" she said to the others knowing they were finding them. |
'Penelope' gratefully sat down and relaxed. The others followed. Soon, Hermione brought the blood and 'Penelope' drank it gratefully. When they looked it her funny she said, "You expecting me to where it?" then Hermione said, "You're a vampire." I nodded. The boys paled a bit but id didn't bother me. "Yep adn you are all students that are going to be attending Dragon Academy for the Gifted and Unique. No?" they all nodded. "Who are you?" they asked. My name is Penelope. And as you saw erlier I am a vampire. |