Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/876469-Dark-Dreams
Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #876469
The Prolouge and first chapter to a story I'm writing.

Explosions erupted all throughout the Veremas Shoals. Its inhabitants, the elves were running in a panic, never before have they been under such an assault. Their enemy, a savage and unknown evil laughed horribly as his evil minions did his bidding. Orcs, with rotting flesh and foul breath, they bore crude and terrible weapons of their own craft.

Fell dragons just as loathsome and rank as the orcs , were mounted by these creatures and encompassed the helpless village and surrounded it in a ring of firey flame sufficating any hope for escape for the terror- stricken villagers. Families cowered in fear in their burning homes. Within one a mother wraps her sleeping infant in a soft cloak of silversilk, and placed it into a basket. She slips silently out of her home, tiptoeing through the burning ruin of what was once a majestic home of beauty and peace to the elves who inhabited it. She halted at the edge of edge of the island they lived on and placed the basket containing the tiny babe into the water. " Be safe, my dear child, be safe." She gave the basket a firm yet gentle push and watched it float off into the mists. The crunch of a foot on the ground cane from behind her, she spun about in terror and found herself looking into the face of a foul creature, a servant of the enemy. The last thing she saw was the glint of it's brandished sword as it came down on her. She felt and saw nothing any longer. Nor would she ever again.

The child in it's basket floated to the shores of the village of Randwa, and was found the morning after by a Princess out for a walk with her infant son cradled in her arms. " What's this?" She stooped down at the waters edge and pulled the basket out of the water. " Why it's a child, a baby the Preveth* have sent me a daughter!" She tenderly lifted the baby girl from the basket. She gasped in wonder and awe at the beauty of the cloak the child was wrapped in. " This is an elf child..an immortal." She whispered. A small piece of fine paper fell from within the folds of the cloak, the young princess unfolded it and read a short message written in the common speech.

" Please take care of my daughter Aflaviel. Our land, The Veremas shoals has been cast into ruin, there is no hope. A horrible and great evil is afoot, be on your guard."

Tears streamed down the princesses face. " I will take care of you as if you were my own." She gazed out across the sea. A red sun rose across they way, smoke was rising to the air in the distance. Much blood of the innocent had been spilled that night.
Authors Note* Peveth-A group of gods worshiped by the peoples of Andrast


* Chapter One *

I wonder if I ever went away, anyone would notice. likely not. I am the only one of my kind here. Though I do deem Elbe might notice, sometimes I think he is the only one around here who really cares about me. There is Mother too, she isn't my real mother though, you see, when I was just a baby my home was destroyed, my real mother, died in an effort to save me she put me in a basket and sent me across the waters where I was found on the Shores of Randwa, a village of men, by a princess out for a walk with her infant son. I have lived here as a princess of Randwa ever since. I don't recall much about my real mother but sometimes If I close my eyes I can see her face vaguely, and smell the soft fragrance of roses on a spring breeze, and her the melodious sound of her voice singing me a beautiful song in elves tounge. That brings me to the actuality that I am very different from everybody else here, I am immortal, an elf. I am the last of one of the most powerful Kingdoms of elves in the bygone days of Andrast. So here I am the only one of my kind.

Mother, the Queen of Randwa has always loved me as her own and everlastingly tried to cheer me up about being so different. But sometimes people have to be with others they can relate to. So I suppose two people may notice me gone, I don't know what is wrong with me, lately I have been feeling so restless. It is getting harder and harder to keep busy . I'm beginning to feel like there is something lacking, I just wish I could determine out what it is. I have lived here among men for as long as I can remember there are no longer any of my kindred (the elves of Veremas) Left in this great world. All was destroyed years ago for reasons no one knows. Not knowing is what haunts my dreams each night, not knowing why I had to loose my home, my family, and my kind. Randwa is a sightly place, but I find there is no one I can relate to here. Elbe, the queens son, prince of Randwa and Heir to the throne is my greatest friend, he it seems is the only one who fully understands me sometimes. A true kindred spirit among spirits.
"Aflaviel!" Aflaviel looked up from the book she was writing in. She saw Mirie one of the servants dashing up the steep hill she was sitting on, she was flushed and panting as if she had been running for miles. " The King needs to see you straight away!"

Now that she was beside her she saw that Mirie looked worried, and fainthearted. "What is it Mirie?" Aflaviel stood and began to gather her belongings. " What's going on?"

Mirie shook her head. " I'm not sure Miss, but it has something to do with the Queen!"

Aflaviel looked at Mirie in alarm. " The Queen? What is it?"

Mirie shook her head.

"If there was something wrong with her Mirie I would have you tell me this instant!"

" I would tell you Miss but I do not know myself, The king just ordered me to find you and tell you to come at once."

There was a hint of dismay in her voice and Aflaviel could sense her urgency. The King was a very severe man and Mirie was always somewhat intimidated by him. As they neared the castle a profound sense of foreboding chilled her heart, something was very wrong. Without saying another word she began to run down the hill towards the village gates. She ran past the guards, past homes and villagers then across the bridge going over Blue river then through the gates of the castle. The castle doors were open and she ran through without slowing down. Then ran into one of the guards who was making his way out, falling and landing hard on my back.

"Miss! I'm sorry I didn't see you there!" It was Breg.

"Oh that's OK Breg, I was just in such a hurry, Mirie said there was something wrong with Mother."

Breg pretended to be preoccupied with something on the floor.

" Breg?" Breg looked at her despondently. "You had better just go see for yourself. The Queen is in her bedroom."

He patted her shoulder and left, leaving her confused. Aflaviel ran up the staircase and down to the end of the corridor and pushed open the double doors of The Queen's room. She was lying on her bed and the room smelled potently of herbs. The village healer was crouched at the bedside he turned to the King with a grave expression on his face.

"I don't think she is going to make it through the night. She is very sick, Falla I'm afraid there's no remedy for it. Every second she lives is a wonder. I'm sorry your majesty, I've done all I can. The herbs will help for the pain, but it's all that can be done."

The healer gathered his things and smiled as he walked past . "Take care Aflaviel."

Aflaviel smiled back unsure of what was happening. "You too Shiñe."

She walked slowly over to her mother's bedside Her face was beaded with sweat and she seemed to be hanging between life and death.

"Mother?" Aflaviel held her icy as death hand in her own.

The King spoke to her sharply. " You will call her Queen Lia, how many times do I have to tell you child? She is not your mother! And yet she was asking for you, you could have come more quickly!"

Tears stung her eyes at the King's scolding. She was never permitted to call the queen mother in his presence. And in the circumstances she had fully forgotten to put on a more formal air.

"Yes your majesty, I am sorry."

"You had better be!" He growled. Just then Elbe came into the room. " Father whats wrong with Mother?"

"Your mother has fallen ill with Falla, she will not survive through the night." He glared at Aflaviel as if it were her doing.

Elbe bowed his head in sorrow he came and put his arm around Aflaviel after seeing the tears that were now flowing down her face.

"Don't you worry Aflaviel. We have been through a lot together through the years, we can get through this." Aflaviel looked over at the King he said nothing at Elbes words but a nerve near his lip twitched, and he looked as surly as ever.

The following day a funeral service was held in the Palace courtyard. The whole village showed up to pay homage to the Queen. She had been loved by all. After the service Aflaviel locked herself in her room, she needed to be alone. What was going to happen now that Mother is gone? What will become of me? The King despises me She thought.

She heard the door open and Mirie entered.

" I have come to check on you miss, see that you are well. The King has released me but the prince insisted I remain, he told me to come and check on you and ask you to meet him in the Old forest, by the stream this afternoon. Shall I tell him you will be there?"

"Yes, Mirie and thank you. It seems you have been placed into my care now. Be heedful whatever you do the Queen is no longer here to cease the temper of the King. I think it would be best if you maintained your distance."

Mirie bowed her head. "Yes miss."

"You may have the rest of the day off Mirie. I will see you tomorrow morning." Mirie mumbled her thanks and quickly left the room.

Rather than wait for afternoon to come Aflaviel rose and put on her cloak and left the castle walking along the cobbled street until it came to an end at an old worn down path leading through the woods. It was early spring and there air smelled fresh and clean. The budding trees housed tunefully singing birds, and the wild roses were in bloom. Aflaviel came to the stream and sat in the soft cool grass beside a rosebush. Other than open her book and begin to write she sat it at her side and stared into the rippling cool waters of the bubbling stream. Time passed and suddenly the surface of the water began to transform. Her reflection slowly vanished and was replaced by a vision of the most enchanting place she had ever seen. There were no clumsy man made structures to mar the beauty of the place. The homes of the inhabitants were built in the trees. Everywhere a gentle glimmering light shone and the sound of voices singing softy in a tounge she had never heard before, She realized she understood their words. The place was untouched by war,fear, and pain. Only feelings of happiness, and love filled the air.


Her mind gave a jolt and the water surface showed only her reflection once again, she felt uncertain of what she just saw.

"Aflaviel, what ever are you doing?"

Aflaviel now realized she was hanging quite unsafely at the edge of the bank lying on her stomach. She sat up to find Elbe standing behind her a slightly bemused expression gracing his face. She shook her head to clear her thoughts which were left cloudy after the vision.

"I saw something in the water, or I thought I did."

She tried to hold on to the recollection of what she had just seen, The lights, the beauty, the voices..but what were the singing voices. She tried to remember the words but the harder she thought about it, the more the memory faded until it was all just a far blur in her mind.

Elbe dismissed it. " I need to talk to you about father."

Aflaviel looked at him incredulously, they never spoke of the king together. " What about him?"

Elbe shook his head. " He is a fool! an old callous fool!" The look on Elbe's face was beginning to frighten Aflaviel.

"Elbe, please tell me whats going on!"

" Father, the Great King of Randwa has charged you with the murder of the Queen."

She felt her heart plunge to her stomach. " What?" she began to feel faint. " Elbe, I didn't kill Mother..I wouldn't!"

Elbe looked at Aflaviel with tears in his eyes. " I know that. Father would not listen, not that he needed me to tell him you did not do it. He knows he is just looking for a way to be rid of you."

Aflaviel looked up sharply. " Rid of me...how will he do that?" In her heart she already knew.

"He has sentenced you to death Aflaviel. You are to be hung tomorrow morning."

Aflaviel suddenly couldn't think straight. " But the age limit, I am only eighteen! I am a woman, they don't hang women .."

Elbe took Aflaviel's hand. " He is the King, that cannot and will not stop him." Tears were now streaming down Elbes face.

"Aflaviel you must leave you must go into Exile. I brought you your horse and plenty of provisions to last you a few weeks. I will try to find you in a few months and Mirie will meet you in the next village."

"What!" Aflaviel was overwhelmed she had not expected to have to leave this soon. " "I have to leave right away?"

Elbe was getting desperate. " Yes, there is no time to waste if you go back they will throw you in the dungeons. Mother had you trained to defend yourself. You are a shield maiden. You will do fine."

He reached into a pack he had with him and pulled out a silver cloak. "This is the cloak mother found you wrapped in. It is the making of your people. All Elves use this material but the Elves of your homeland were the only ones who made cloaks like these. There is magic in this cloak."

He put the cloak around her shoulders and fastened it with a pin set with brilliantly colored gems. "Good luck." He handed her the heavy pack and led her to her white stallion. " Goodbye."

He Gave the horse a sharp slap on the flank, and instantly it took off before Aflaviel even knew what was happening she was galloping across green fields, the familiar sights of Randwa were no longer in view. Her Exile had begun.


Finally when the sun was beginning to set, she arrived at a large gate. she had reached a village. Hungry and not wanting to waste her provisions, and also feeling wayworn Aflaviel dismounted and rapped sharply on the gate. A small window near her face opened quickly.

"No strangers allowed!" the Gatekeeper said harshly.

"Please," She said despairingly. " I have been riding all day. I merely want to stay the night at the inn and be on my way again in the morning."

There were a few minutes of silence then the gate swung open, she could see no one.

"Oy!" Aflaviel jumped in surprise when the Gatekeeper jumped out from behind the gate.

The gate keeper looked at her. "Well, it's just a girl!"

"Please let me in!"

The Gatekeeper went on, prattling to himself as if Aflaviel weren't there. "I don't deem it could do any damage If I let her in...though we are under strict orders not to let any strangers into the keep. Though she only want's to stay at the Inn that cant hurt nothing."

He stopped talking quite suddenly. He continued to stare at her. Then after a few moments he Spoke again. "Well come girl what are you waiting for?"

Aflaviel adjusted the pack on her shoulders and walked though the gates. she turned to the man and asked, " Where am I, what is the name if this place?"



She continued on her way down the vacant streets. It was quite late. she had never been to the village before so she had no Idea where to find the Inn but after only a few moments of wandering she spotted a fading sign above a forest green door simply reading Indis Inn. she tied her horse Pilori to a post, and entered the Inn. To her left was a desk. A woman sat behind it fast asleep her chin lolling onto her chest. to her right was a hallway and staircase, and straight ahead was a tiny room filled with tables. A few weary travelers were seated there sipping their mead.

"Might I help you Miss?" A kind voice asked front the desk. Aflaviel turned and saw that the old lady had woken up. She was smiling kindly.

"Oh, yes. I was supposed to meet my friend Mirie here. Has she arrived?"

"Yes she has miss. You must be Princess Aflaviel. She told me to be expecting you. She has already rented a room for you. I will call someone to take you there."

She pulled on a long rope that hung nearby. A man came out looking a bit miffed at being woken up. "What is it now Hide?"

The old woman scowled. "Lead this woman to her room, it is Princess Aflaviel. and please Arnuil remember your manners! I am going to bed now. Goodnight." With that the woman exited through stairs leading downstairs which she had not seen before.

"Can I take your pack Miss?" Aflaviel turned to look at the man he was quite handsome the fatigue seemed to have left him and he was looking at her with interest. she said nothing but handed him her pack pleased to be rid of its weight. "Follow me"

He started up the stairs on the right and she followed when they got to the top he lit a torch and led her down a dark cool stone hallway lined with doors he stopped at the fifth door on the left.

"Here you are Miss." He sat the pack on the floor. They looked at each other for a moment presently he spoke. " Er..Miss might I be so bold to ask you a question?"

She laughed at the formality and Arnuil looked insulted.

"Of course." she replied smiling so that he knew she was not making fun of him.

Encouraged he smiled. " You are an Elf aren't you?"

Aflaviel nodded. "I am."

His smile broadened. "I thought so. We have never had one of your folk in here before, I have always wanted to meet an elf!" Arnuil looked exited. "I thought none existed, none have ever been seen or heard of since the destruction of the Veremas Shoals eighteen years ago."

"I am from there...it was where I was born. I'm the solitary survivor."

Arnuil's eyes widened in wonder. "Aflaviel Rothinizil!" she was surprised to hear him use her surname,oddly a feeling of pride filled her heart to hear it.

Arnuil continued. "Elven princess of Veremas daughter of the Elf king. The jewel of her people!"

This she had not heard before. "What?"

"You mean you have never heard the old stories about you? The poems and songs?"

"No I haven't." Aflaviel was just about to ask him which poems and songs it was that he spoke of when the door opened Mirie stood in the doorway.

"Thought i heard voices." She smiled at Arnuil. "Were you going to keep her up here talking all night?"

He smiled. "No Miss. I'm sorry. I got carried away. Can I bring you anything to eat?"

Mirie nodded. "Yes, but don't bother anyone..just bring us whatever is left in the kitchens that is fit to eat and drink." Arnuil bowed and left to fetch the food.

Inside the room a fire blazed brightly in the hearth. The room was quite plain. Except for a worn threadbare rug in the middle of the stone floor. Mirie was watching Aflaviel nervously.

Aflaviel smiled. "You and Elbe were planning this all along weren't you?"

Mirie grinned. "Begging your pardon Miss Aflaviel, but yes."

"Mirie, please no formalities, we are no longer in Randwa. You are my friend, and I am yours. Treat me as nothing more and nothing less and I shall to likewise for you." Aflaviel spoke sincerely.

Mirie laughed. "Very well Miss...I mean Aflaviel. But after we leave Indis You can no longer use the name Aflaviel Rothinizil, for your own safety. There could be men looking for you."

Aflaviel was hit by a sudden worry. "Where are we going to go, where will we stay?" "I don't know."

Aflaviel sat at a worn wooden table. She felt helpless. What would she do? I suppose there would be no harm in becoming a Wanderer, it would be a great way to see Andrast. And she might also be able to learn about her people, perhaps one day he would make it to see the Ruins of Veremas.

There was a knock on the door. Mirie went and opened it, it was Arnuil with the food. He also carried a book. He sat the food on the table, then turned to Aflaviel. "There is a bit about you and Veremas in this book its nothing big but..."

Aflaviel smiled. "It's very thoughtful of you to have brought it Arnuil, thank-you."

"Do you want me to read it to you?" Aflaviel nodded. Arnuil opened the book to the first page and began to read.

"The Veremas Shoals have been home to the Elves since the creation of the world by the Preveth, the high Gods and Goddesses. There was Lithrio the Fair creator of the plants, and also there was Miones the mighty her husband, creator of Men. There was also Nithid, creator of light and dark. And his bride Tinuvid, creator of the Elves. There were more among them But these were the most Revered by the Elves for they loved all that lived and walked the earth. Tinuvid created the Elves after the likeness of the high gods and goddesses, In their fairness, and their ability to weave magic through words, and also their Immortality. once the Elves were created, Lithrio created for them a land of beauty, with sweet fruits for food and plants for healing and for the making of clothing and weaponry. To protect them from Men who wished to learn the secret of their Immortality. They called this Land Veremas. For five hundred years the Elves lived in peace and happiness in their lands, and had no desire to leave, but soon some began to grow weary and decided to venture out into the world of Andrast. And made homes of their own in the far off places of the World. Three Kingdoms of Elves were established in Andrast. One in The forests of Meldris by King Hilth,Shinova in the mountains by King Earedil, and another second greatest to that of Veremas, Teniquts Ruled by Evred. In Veremas the Ruler was King Alfain Rothinizil, who was a good and just King. His rule was long and prosperous. In the Year 1045 a daughter was born to him by his wife and queen, on 3 Sextills*. Also during this time there was a rumor of a great Evil in the world. Evil creatures prowled the earth. And when the babe was eight months of age, an unexpected attack came upon the city. They were subjected to an onslaught of Orcs, Goblins and fell beasts. Veremas shoals was raised to ruin. Because of her mothers Bravery Aflaviel Rothinizil, deemed the light of her people, was the sole survivor of the destruction of Veremas, and was sent across the sea where she was brought into the Kingdom of Randwa, A kingdom of men."

Arnuil sighed. "Thats all there is in this book, it just gives brief histories for each of the places in Andrast...of course there's not much here for Veremas."

Aflaviel was silent. There was people out there who are from Veremas, perhaps she could finally find her own people. Arnuil was watching Aflaviel curiously. Finally he spoke, "Why aren't you in Randwa now, what happened?"

Aflaviel sighed sadly, "The Queen has died of Falla of which there is no cure. The King has accused me of her death, he knows her passing was not my fault. But still he as sentenced me to death so I have gone into exile there was no other choice. It was Prince Elbe's wish that I get away, and live."

"What will you do now?"

"I will become a wanderer. And while doing so I will seek out my past, and find out the truth that was for so long kept from me."

Arnuil looked confused. "You were never told of who and what you are? About your people their magic, and their history."

Aflaviel shook her head. "I was taught swordsmanship from the time I was big enough to wield a sword, but it was the Queen's wish that I learn it. I am glad that I have. I feel that it will be of use in my Exile."

"Do you even have a sword?" Arnuil asked her.

Aflaviel nodded, then went over to her pack and pulled her sword out of it's sheath. Skillfully she swung it around stopping abruptly when the blade was only inches from Arnuil's waist. Arnuil gulped nervously. Aflaviel smiled.

"I have trained for many years." She sheathed her sword again. I am just as good as the men in the Guard of Randwa. She looked at Mirie. "Mirie and I have trained side by side all our childhood. I think we would do just fine as wanderers. Swordsmanship, not to mention my knowledge of herbs and plants things are going to be fine."

"Let me come with you!" Arnuil said determinedly. "I have longed for adventure all my life, allow me to join you!"

Aflaviel and Mirie exchanged looks of amusement. "What can you contribute?"Aflaviel asked coyly. Arnuil thought. "Well I can cook quite well. I'm an excellent hunter. I have much knowledge about the places and creatures of Andrast..."

Aflaviel laughed. "Of course you may come my friend. There more the better. Now, it's getting late. We had better get some rest." She ushered Arnuil out of the room.

"We leave at dawn. Be ready."
© Copyright 2004 J. M. Lynch (tolkienite at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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