Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/870281-Forbidden-Love
by Kyra
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Teen · #870281
Kyra San Kimoto begins to tell her story of what happend to her at age fifteen
He Left Me Crying

Chapter one

Forbidden Love

         Cold and heart broken, I stood there on the side of the dirt road. It was almost dusk and the night winds had already begun to blow, leaving the air fresh and cold. I watched as his car drove away into the loving pink and crying blue sunset. He told me he loved me, he lied. He told me that there was no one else he would rather be with, he lied. He told me he would never leave me, but he lied. He took what he wanted and left.
         My name is Kyra San Kimoto and I’m here to tell you a story, a story of love, a story of happiness and a story of betrayal. I’m here to tell you who and how to trust and when to give it. I’m here to tell you my story.
         “Sarah, stop being so dramatic, he is not looking at me. Why would Izomu, the coolest guy in school, be looking at me,” I protested dramatically, hoping with all my heart that I was wrong but unfortunately, I can’t even be wrong when I want to. Sadly enough he was looking at the school prep Morgan, sitting behind me. My other friend Ashley noticed this as well and scoffed, rather irritated with the both of them for reasons not even I know.
         Most the time I normally wouldn’t have cared, but then again, normally it wasn’t Izomu. But hey, you get what you can with what is given to you. The rest of the day I couldn’t stop thinking about Izomu, his hair, his teeth, him as a whole. I wanted him so much, yet couldn’t have him. He was probably one of the only things, out of what I wanted, that I couldn’t have.
         I loved everything about him. The smooth, silkiness of his solid black hair, his white, shimmering teeth; I loved the way he looked at girls most of all, his nice, sweet, charming smile. He used this one in-particular only on the girls that he had past relationship with, almost like a lure of bait to draw them back in. Then hook line and sinker, back on his arm and kissing once more.
         Now, “the special smile,” as I called it, was occasionally used to catch a new girl’s eye, but not very often. Now before there is any confusion about names, Izomu was from a Japanese family, and his best friend Kyoshi, who also happened to be his cousin was Japanese as well, but their parents were very traditional people and couldn’t bare to name them English names. Of course, I am Asian, my name pertains to that as well, and I’m not necessarily sure which country I am from though.
         It was five days until my fifteenth birthday and the only thing I could say that I wanted was, well, Izomu’s companionship. Five excruciatingly dull days past, none of which anything worth going over happened, waiting for my big day and hoping that that day of all days Izomu would notice me and sure enough, when it came, he did.
         “Hello…Kyra,” he said in a voice that sounded as if he was guessing my name but had probably heard it once or twice before and needed a little reassurance, “I heard today is your birthday.”
         “Yes, you heard right,” I said, trying hard to look pretty and smile, without screaming, “Today is my 15th birthday.”
         “Well now that your 15, maybe…,” slowing his words to almost a complete stop, “We can go out sometime. Does that sound good to you?”
         Almost about to pass out in excitement, I cried out, “Yes…that would be so wonderful, I would love to, thank you so much.”
         “Yea,” was all he could conjure up say, quite surprised, even shocked that I didn’t say no, so he just walked away.
         “See you later,” I called after him as he left, waving my hand through the air rapidly as if it was asleep and I was trying to wake it up.
         “Yea, see you later.” Ending in almost a whisper because of the distance from me he had already made.
         I twirled around excited to see the face of my best friends’ Sarah Cornell, and Ashley Rogers in a complete awe over what had just happened because most would say that I wasn’t really what Izomu neither needed nor should want. It broke every unwritten rule that we followed like the rule that said, “Only freshman can date freshman.” But that rule was being broken at the moment as well, for Izomu was in tenth grade at the time being, whish of course made it feel so much better for myself and it gave me something to brag about to the few friends that I had.
         “I can’t believe that just happened.” Sarah sighed out; tone was shaky, making it sound like she was almost laughing, due to excitement.
         “I know, can you believe it, Izomu, the Izomu Ito Suzuki wants to go out with me, Kyra San Kimoto.” I said giving her a high five, something we had done since sixth grade, that most people in grade nine considered quite childish; but we had to keep some things alive, or our friendship just wouldn’t be the same. Ashley, on the other hand, was more of a hug person and since she was too shocked to say anything, she just held out her arms, letting me fall into a hug with her; I almost giggled at her face, it was an utterly priceless, a Kodak moment, as she would have said it.
         I went home that day feeling light as air, but I couldn’t let my parents know about Izomu because I wasn’t allowed to date until I was to turn sixteen. So I walked in a talked to them in the normal drawl.
         “How was school today,” my dad asked in his, oh-so-too-perky voice.
         “It sucked,” I replied, trying as hard as I could to sound like the normal me.
         “Don’t use that language,” my mother scolded, almost ready to yell.
         “Sucks, is not a bad word,” I sighed, trying to inform her what the word meant, but she already had her own definition and I just would have gotten’ myself grounded; so I dropped the subject then and there. Mumbling, as I went down the steps to my room, words that would have gotten my mouth washed out with soap.
         A couple days went by and finally Izomu asked me out on a real date. It was almost a shock considering I had begun to think that he had been kidding with me about dating, but for once I was wrong. (Halleluiah)
         That night, Izomu came to my house to pick me up for the date and thank the creator my parents were out on a little date of their own. He came by in a small sports car, bright red under the street light, but as we drove off into the darkness, the color seemed of dry blood. Feeling sick to my stomach even considering the fact of a blood color car, I gave Izomu a quick smile, trying to get him to smile back, but it didn’t work. He seemed like he was upset, or dared to do what he was doing.
         Not wanting to pay that anymore thought I simply played with my dress, tighter than what I would normally wear; I fidgeted with it to keep it from riding up and making it look as if I had a large gut.
         “Don’t, the dress looks beautiful on you and it’s just the perfect length,” he said smirking and readjusting the rearview mirror.
         “Thank you,” I replied blushing, with the sweetest smile I had ever used.
         “Darn, look what I’ve done, I’ve gone and made you blush,” he said, flirting and tossing his hand, trying to make me laugh and of course, being the girl I was, I did.
         “Don’t think nothin’ of it,” I replied tossing my hand back at his. Just then we pulled into the drive through of a McDonalds. “I thought that we were going out to eat?” I asked in a confused voice.
Smirking still, he replied, “We are going out, just not to eat. We are going to the movies. Do you have any suggestions on which movie we watch?” taking one glance at me his smirk turned to a small sweet smile.
         Oh, that smile, small yet so passionate it could make a grown man cry. He held my hand in his. “We don’t have to see a scary movie if you don’t want to,” He whispered to me, “We can watch whatever you are comfortable with.” He was now looking at me like I was an angel from the heavens and being as so stupid as I was, I started to cry. “Oh, no, don’t cry; please don’t cry,” He softly begged, “I hate to see you cry.”
         I looked up at him at that moment, his eyes so longing, so caring and so… so loving. Just then my frown faded and a final tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped it away almost as quickly as it left my eye. Grinning, “Good, there will be no more of that. Now, will there?” I shyly looked up at him and all sadness in me disappeared as his smile glowed and showered down upon me.
         “Right, no more of that now,” I smiled softly at him, in return, my lips received a nice chaste kiss.
         “Well, then,” He said happily, “Back on topic, is there any movie you would like to see?” He asked in a confused voice over what had just happened.
         “Um, well, maybe we can watch a horror movie, those are always fun.” I blurted out; a rather stupid look plastered across my face. Not really thinking if he thought that they were fun or not, but I thought they were and at that moment I felt so special from the kiss that it was all about me.
         “O.k.…,” He replied, shaking his head slowly back and forth, even more confused than before with a little laugh to end the perfect word.
         We decided to skip eating and go strait to the movie because it was getting late and the movie would start soon. We went to the movie theater and found a spot in the first row of the parking lot, parked and got out smiling at each other nervously. I had never been on a date before and I had never expected my first one to be with Izomu. I was just flabbergasted at the entire fact that I was even going out on a date. I liked the feeling of it, even though at some parts, my head would throb and my stomach felt so empty that it had its own special little pain. The kind of pain I would get when my period gave cramps. I didn’t like the pain, but I loved the way Izomu was looking at me, he was using his “special smile,” on me, more or less.
         We walked in the theater silently but his arm was around my waist, pulling me close to him; so no words were really needed. We bought tickets to see “The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King” and walked into the room that had already darkened as much as it would before the movie was to start. We placed ourselves in the last row, pretty convenient that there was a spot back there because the child up-front had gotten sick in the last playing of the movie and the air still partially smelled of vomit and just a hint of chocolate that the boy had been eating that had caused the sickness. The smell finally vanished completely after the movie started and made it half way through, but by then Izomu and I really didn’t care.
         We were too caught up with each-other. The looks we gave one-another, smiles, frowns, tears and every now and then a look of need and want, even fear. The movie was almost over when Izomu gave me the first real kiss. It wasn’t the longest but it wasn’t as chaste a kiss as the one before: this one had feeling in it, passion, I felt as if I could feel his soul there with me. Loving and ready to give it all away to someone who could feel the same as it did. Then again, who can compare to a soul of pure love and happiness, no sadness nor tears. Giving is all it can do; all it knows how to do and no person could ever live to that. We all have some greed somewhere with-in us, gnawing away at us, begging us to take what we can’t have or to greedily keep what we do.
         After the movie, we let the crowd die down before we stood up to leave. The only family left after we stood was the family of the boy, they stayed for a while after the movie to help clean up the mess that they were ashamed of the boy for creating. Most families would have apologized and left but this family had something different in mind. They weren’t the richest people in town, so they planned to stay after and possibly earn a dollar or two and if they were lucky, enough to buy another bag of extra buttery and greasy popcorn before they left; Of course not planning to share any of it with the boy who technically caused the problem to begin with.
         As we walked out I could hear the mother scolding the boy for something that he couldn’t have controlled. I felt like going back and comforting the now heartbroken and crying child. But yet I didn’t want to leave Izomu’s side considering he was giving me his “special smile” again and well, I was a real give-in to things like that. So we left the boy to get scolded and screamed at, crying as I walked out Izomu stopped to comfort me. “Oh no! Please don’t cry,” he cooed in a soft whisper of a beg, “What’s wrong? Did the popcorn upset your stomach?” he asked longingly, wiping away the tear on my right cheek, with the touch of his soul that I felt earlier.
         “It’s just…just,” I said crying and holding my stomach as the boy had done while he was screamed at and scolded so harshly, “I hate to see children get screamed at like that, especially for something he couldn’t have controlled.” Suddenly as if remembering something, a tear rolled slowly down my right cheek once more.
         “Oh please don’t cry, please,” he begged the words just flowing out of his mouth like he practiced them or something, “I’ll take care of it, but you have to promise to stop crying.” The last tear of the night fell at that moment as I spoke smiling as sweet as I possibly could.
         “Promise,” I whispered holding up my right hand as if I was swearing in a court-of-law. He smiled widely at what seemed like obedience.
         “Good, now you stay here while I go and take care of this,” he cheerfully replied. I nodded and he walked back to the family and began talking in a calm voice. I couldn’t hear what he said, but the words of the woman were in a loud, clear, and screeching yell.
         “Go away dumb ass; I will do what I wish to teach my child the ways of life.” Now angry Izomu began to raise his voice at the woman.
         “Now listen up, if anyone is teaching anyone, I should be teaching you,” He said pointing at each of them as they were referred to, “you obviously know nothing about life if you think scolding for something that can’t be controlled has anything to do it. You mam,” He said poking her where the heart was considered to be, “Need help and my father, a police officer will see sure that you get it.”
         With the word officer spoken, the lady closed her mouth and looked down at the floor, as if ready to cry but she didn’t, instead she spoke in one solid, sad and devastated tone.
         “I’m sorry sir, it will never happen again,” looking up at him at the last moment hoping to get a nod to reassure her that she wasn’t going to get in any trouble unless she was caught doing that again. But instead, leaving her to complete sadness and fear he just walked away. The lady fell to her knees crying, Izomu walked over to me and we left. I stared at the lady until we had made it out of the room and wondered about the fear, sadness, pain and sorrow she was feeling ‘til I finally had to ask.
         “Izomu is your father really a cop,” I asked in a nervous and stuttering voice.
He smiled at me and replied almost laughing,
         “No,” and at that moment it happened, he laughed for the first time during the date. I smiled at him and he nodded his head to reassure me that his father wasn’t a cop. I then to began to laugh along with him.
         We, then hungry once more after not having any popcorn through the entire three hour movie, we went out to eat at a Hometown Buffet. We sat down at one of the couple’s tables, the ones that only have two chairs and are only big enough to fit two plates and the elbows of ungrateful customers that didn’t know the rules of proper etiquette or just didn’t feel like using them.
         We peacefully sat there, smiling softly and lovingly at each other, neither one of us wanting to break the moment, but sadly enough I broke it, not even meaning to. My stomach, out of nowhere, made a low growl, sounding like a dog ready to pounce. Izomu burst out laughing and I blushed, my ears also turning a deep red. Something that happened when I was at the peek of embarrassment, anger, or sadness and this was a mixture. I was angry with myself, embarrassed of the sound and sad for being laughed at.
         Taking one glance at me Izomu’s smile faded. “What’s wrong?” He asked sounding hurt from me not being happy, “Did I do something wrong?” sounding even more hurt than before. I smiled at him and he smiled back, realizing my embarrassment. Grinning he spoke in a nice and charming voice, “Don’t be embarrassed around me,” he cooed, “Being hungry is something we all do.” All of the sudden, setting the mood and proving his point, his stomach growled much louder than mine had. I cracked up laughing and just to be silly Izomu pointed at his stomach and pretended to talk to it, “Hey, you’re not supposed to growl when I’m sweet talking a pretty girl.” He looked up and I stopped laughing to add on.
         “Yea, I’m the pretty one,” I joked, giggling and pointing at myself. I looked at Izomu and he was no longer laughing. He was looking at me with a small smile that looked similar to a smirk but not quite as sly. He took my hand in his and kissed it, holding both our hands to my cheek.
He whispered in a sweet, almost sad voice,
         “Yes you are; you’re the beautiful one.” We smiled at one-another and decided to go get some food before a stomach ruined the moment again. We went to up to get our food and came back to sit. After sitting we said a prayer and started to eat. I was finished with my food when Izomu, who had had an overflowing plate, was only half way done; but he decided to take me home and take the food he didn’t finish home in a box.
         After getting a box to put his food in, we left a tip and got up to leave. After we were in the car we looked over the bill, thinking the price had been a little higher than it should have, and realized that the tip had been included in the price. Neither one of us cared though, five dollars wasn’t all-too-bad. We then drove off into the sunrise, it was a good thing that my parents were to be gone for two days or I would have been in some major trouble. The car in the soft light of the sunrise now seemed to look like fresh, wet blood on a wound and as the car drove it looked like the blood spilling out onto the ground. Being completely sick of the different colors the car seemed to make, I simply laid my arm across my stomach to show the slight pain and sickness.
         Izomu didn’t seem to notice though, he just kept his eyes on the road, and the look of being upset or dared to go on the date was back again. I felt like he really was dared to go on the date and was upset at the fact that he had fun or was actually getting attached to me.
         We pulled into my driveway and I sat there for a moment. Then ready to get out I grabbed the handle on the door and Izomu stopped me. “Let me get that,” he said smiling and stepping out to get my door and as he did, I smiled and felt a bit better about myself. When he opened the door he held my hand and helped me out. Holding hands we walked up to the door together. Stopping at the door we looked deeply into each others eyes and smiled. His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, rather odd for someone of Japanese decent; but he was special. His eyes held all his feelings, and his eyes said he was longing, for what, I wasn’t sure; but I found out. Thus a long kiss and an invading tongue told me good-night.
         When the kiss finally broke, we were both gaping for air. He peck kissed me one last time on the cheek and neither one of us could conjure up anything to say, so Izomu walked to his car and drove away into the sunrise once more, and I stood on the doorstep for half an hour watching in the direction Izomu had drove off in. It was almost like his car was still there and he was watching me too; but I finally decided to go inside and to bed. Once in bed I laid there, smiled to myself and dreamed about something that I hadn’t gotten.
© Copyright 2004 Kyra (kyra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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