Dork>>>: Tiger*girl  
: 12-27-04 @ 12:27am : ^^Stickers, or shirts :P
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 12-27-04 @ 3:26pm : Lol, those are good.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 12-27-04 @ 3:27pm : Save the trees... wipe your ass with an owl. Heh heh... great, huh?
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 12-27-04 @ 3:29pm : Life is like a vaccuum. It sucks.
Dork>>>: Cloudspun Thanks Lexi!  
: 12-27-04 @ 3:58pm : Question is where to....Wait a minute....
Dork>>>: Cloudspun Thanks Lexi!  
: 12-27-04 @ 3:59pm : You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same!!!! hehe...I like that one.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 12-27-04 @ 7:26pm : Jesus and the devil held a contest. They had to type a report on the computer on why each was better suited to be worshiped. An hour into the contest, the power went out and flickered back on again.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 12-27-04 @ 7:30pm : The devil screamed in agony as he realized that all of his report was lost. He watched angry when Jesus calmly turned on his computer and retrieved his report and printed it.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 12-27-04 @ 7:31pm : The devil yelled at God, "Your playing favorites! How come his report wasn't lost and mine was?!?" God smiled and gave the Devil a wink. "Jesus saves."
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 12-29-04 @ 11:26am : someone write something, puh-leeze!!!!!! Muahahahah.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 01-25-05 @ 5:31pm : Oh please Noooo! Lol, j/k. I only like chocolate pie. I know, my dad hates me cause I don't like "pecan pie"... its all they eat at his house. Kinda sucks, like suction cups.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 02-24-05 @ 12:02pm : OOOOhhh! I have one!
"It's better to find a whole worm in your apple than half of one."
I thought it was funny- *wink*
Dork>>>: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 02-24-05 @ 8:00pm : Hahaha! That was a good line on 12-26-04: "I'm so hungry that I'm farting fresh air." Hehehehehe...
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-05-05 @ 5:12pm : I know! Great huh?
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-06-05 @ 11:41am : Someone add something, please. I like to hear from everyone.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-24-05 @ 10:59pm : What does everyone think about the Schiavo case? I think Michael Schiavo is a cold blooded murderer. Bloody Fu-king c-ck su-ker!!! Hope he dies of guilt...
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-24-05 @ 11:03pm : I have another one- "I may be fat, but your ugly, and I can lose weight." Lol, my friends tell me I'm not fat, but I think I am a little.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-24-05 @ 11:04pm : Oh well... I'm just depressed today. I hope Michael Schiavo burns to a crisp in hell. I don't care if Terri is in a "wake-coma" or not. She is alive!
Dork>>>: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 03-25-05 @ 8:38am : Re: Schiavo ... Seeing her when she was normal, I can understand how she might say "I don't want to ever end up lying in bed all day unable to move or speak with a feeding tube in my throat." Maybe he loved her very much and still does.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-25-05 @ 9:29am : If he really cared about her, I think he would let her parents decide what is best for her, instead of denying them visitation. It is kind of funny to know that he will inherit everything of hers when she dies.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-25-05 @ 9:42am : Murder by jury.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-31-05 @ 6:35pm : Yuppers, it's still there! Lol, I guess I could have been better... I still can't believe that Terri died. Well, I can. Michael Schiavo will go down into the history books right next to O.J.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-06-05 @ 5:18pm : The Pope died, too! What a shame... He was from Poland, right? I liked him. My friend told me that he was shot in the stomach way-back-when. And he survived, crazy huh? I'm a Baptist, but I was sad when he died. How about y'all?
Dork>>>: 'Ropa  
: 04-07-05 @ 1:12am : This guy came through my checkout at work with a shirt that had upside down writing on it and when i read it it said: if you're reading this then get your drunk ass up off the floor. not exactly funny but kinda.
Dork>>>: 'Ropa  
: 04-07-05 @ 1:14am : *looks around, whips out a can of spray paint and writes 'europa was here' on the wall, cackles madly and runs away*
Dork>>>: 'Ropa  
: 04-07-05 @ 1:17am : *sneaks back into the purple corner, makes sure there's no witnessess and then adds to her previous tagging "p.s. europa did not write this" then hides the spray paint under a rug*
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-12-05 @ 11:51am : I can't be Pope! Lol, I don't look good in white, only purple. *shakes finger at europa*- I can't put my finger on it, but there is something fishy going on... You smell like paint. But it couldn't be you... No...
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-12-05 @ 11:54am : Hah! That's a good one! I want that shirt... I saw another one with a picture of a sniper gun on the back that said, "If all else fails, vote from the rooftops." I laughed, but now I realize that it was kinda mean.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-12-05 @ 11:54am : Go to and look at the pictures.
Dork>>>: 'Ropa  
: 04-12-05 @ 5:25pm : *walks in, trips over a bulge in the rug* Hey purtyinpurple, look at this...*holds up a spray paint can - and tries her best to look very innocent*
Dork>>>: chickfest  
: 04-13-05 @ 1:41am : thanks for that Demonic Angel. Thats NOT how it happened. We were in the car going to school and my sister was being a cow and started telling my that i should do more exercise.
Dork>>>: chickfest  
: 04-13-05 @ 1:41am : i said "I don't have to do exercise, im expanding my mind." then my sister said, "Expanding you butt more like."
Dork>>>: chickfest  
: 04-13-05 @ 1:41am : i said "I don't have to do exercise, im expanding my mind." then my sister said, "Expanding you butt more like."
Dork>>>: chickfest  
: 04-13-05 @ 1:42am : thanks for that Demonic Angel. Thats NOT how it happened. We were in the car going to school and my sister was being a cow and started telling my that i should do more exercise.
Dork>>>: chickfest  
: 04-13-05 @ 1:42am : i said "I don't have to do exercise, im expanding my mind." then my sister said, "Expanding you butt more like."
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-14-05 @ 12:04pm : Heh heh! Don't worry, echoes happen. I think I get your point, chickfest... Lol, that's how I always feel, Gemski. By tommorrow, I'll be ready for today.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-14-05 @ 12:05pm : I saw another one: Lefties do it right, but Righties do it BETTER. It was one of my friend's t-shirts. He's a nut.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-14-05 @ 12:08pm : Oh WOW, Europa! Now I can catch that spray painter purple handed!
Dork>>>: Mark Robson  
: 04-19-05 @ 3:12am : I am out of my mind right now, but please feel free to leave a message.
Dork>>>: 'Ropa  
: 04-19-05 @ 9:33pm : Lefties are soooo BETTER than Righties!! *smiles* So purty, who are our suspects?
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-21-05 @ 6:15pm : I like that one, Mark.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-21-05 @ 6:16pm : I have my ideas, but I don't want to acuse anyone wrongly... I still smell paint, somewhere over----------------->there. Let's check it out, europa.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-21-05 @ 6:17pm : I think I just may have to finger-print the spray can. What do you think?
Dork>>>: 'Ropa  
: 04-21-05 @ 9:52pm : Um um um um um um um um um um okaaay, purty....
*gets out a piece of sandpaper and begins to frantically scrub at her fingers*
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-27-05 @ 11:52am : Well, never mind... Since you have some sandpaper out, you can scrub the walls clean. *snicker*
Dork>>>: TAofR  
: 04-27-05 @ 11:57am : How DOES the crocodile improve his shining tale?!
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 05-05-05 @ 11:26am : With sandpaper... You can help scrub the alligator, too, europa. Lol
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 05-06-05 @ 11:47am : How?
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 05-17-05 @ 11:41am : School's out in 3 1/2 days! Yay! I wish I were out of high school already, but alas, it cannot be...
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 08-05-05 @ 9:21pm : 'bout to go back to school. bummer. blegh! *groan
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:12am : Dave Thomas-The founder of Wendys!
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:13am : I got a cell phone yesterday
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:14am : My grandpa's old
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:15am : Scott Man is the best super hero to have ever worn a kilt!
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:17am : I'm bored
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:18am : I talk to myself
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:19am : I don't know that one.
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:20am : Dominique, shut up, people can hear you.
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:20am : Put your hands behind you back, like everyone else, dumb, dumb.
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:21am : Get back to your spot. No, you cousin can't cheer with us.
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:22am : Were starting the cheer without you.
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:23am : I honestly don't know how you even got on the squad.
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:23am : This is what I have to go through every game.
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:24am : blah blah blah
Dork>>>: I Love the Stage!  
: 09-11-05 @ 12:25am : I used to have a hampster named Ricky, but he died.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 09-13-05 @ 9:04pm : Interesting... Do you like cheese?
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 10-20-05 @ 10:36pm : What's the answer?
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 02-20-06 @ 4:05pm : wow, it's been months since I've been on here... anyone got anything interesting to tell me about thier awesome lives?
Dork>>>: R.D.735  
: 02-21-06 @ 5:34pm : If I could do it all over again.... I would KILL MORE PEOPLE!!
Dork>>>: E. Ericson  
: 03-06-06 @ 4:27pm : ah, so I'm debating about whenther I want to try out for higher choir next year... its scary
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 03-25-06 @ 6:31pm : LOL. I hope that was just a quote R.D.735.
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 04-25-06 @ 2:53pm : Eh, I hardly ever get on here anyway... I write down all of my stories, it's like double the work to type them out along with all of my homework. Maybe this summer I will find more time.
Dork>>>: crystal37145  
: 05-09-06 @ 10:01pm : I loved the one about Jesus and Satan on the computer soooo cute!
Dork>>>: purtyinpurple14  
: 05-22-06 @ 2:17pm : Lol, why did he do that?
Dork>>>: Jake Striker  
: 12-20-11 @ 10:00am : WOW THIS THISNG IS LITERALY DEAD
Total Displayed: 75 |