Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/863765-THE-LIGHT-THAT-SHINES
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #863765
A poem about our purpose in life
by Jacque Graham

My God is the light
That must shine through my love.
He is the ultimate source.
The light of my life is lasting and true;
A gift of God's own true "love-force".

He pours out His light
On each of us now
Thru His own true Spirit divine.
He labels us for the world to see,
"This precious child is mine."

Our lamp is lighted
With God's love flame
So we can be set on the hill.
And the world can see that He is the light
And that He gives His guidance still.

His word is a light
On our darkest paths
And a lamp to our stumbling feet.
As we walk thru life lifting high His flame
To each stranger and friend that we meet.

God lighted His lamps
for a purpose - a task.
A special mission is ours.
We must carry the light to the darkest domains,
The valleys, and high-rising towers.

On the pathways we take
O'er life's winding roads,
Thru valleys and by rocky rills,
We lift His flame high for a light to our feet
And let His light shine as He wills.

To let our light shine before men
Is our task,
That glory may be to the Father.
As our light glows with God's love
We may light the path for another.

This is the task
For which we are called.
His Love is the light we lift high,
That others may feel the warmth of the flame
And see our God walking by.

The light of our soul
Is a flickering flame.
Its glow is soft- sometimes dim,
Until the flame is fed with His Love
And it shines more brightly with Him.

Our flame is but one,
Fed by faith and by hope.
It alone cannot light the whole earth.
But each one who comes to the Savior anew
Lights a corner with the flame of rebirth.

Each soul who lights the candle of Love
And reaches out to another
Lets His light so shine,
And the flame is spread
From child, to sister, to brother.

Our light must spread
O'er all the earth
Into darkest corners and bright.
That God's great love might enfold the earth
And chase away Sin's fearful night.

"I am the Light of the World",
My heavenly Father declared.
I could give light to another,
Only in faith,
As I dared.

Giving of myself to another
Or to a child as he cried.
'Twas to give me this power
To love the unlovely,
That my Savior was beaten and died.

But even in death
His light was bright.
His love was not crucified.
Only in the power of His love
Will life remain, though we've died.

Yes, this is the task
For which we are called.
His Love is the Light we lift high.
That others may feel the warmth of the flame
And see our God walking by.

© Copyright 2004 Jacque Graham (jacquegraham at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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