Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/862185-Life-is-Strange
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Death · #862185
a family is murdered..but the suspect didn't do it
Life is strange, it’s unpredictable. It can change in an instant…I know…mine did.

I had come home from college for winter break. I liked our newly made guest room which I was staying in because it was separate from the rest of my family; it was on the opposite side of the house.

One night after dinner we all went our separate ways. My father went out to the garage to work on a car, my brother headed down to the basement to play on the computer, my mother sat in the living room doing her crosswords, and I went into my room to listen to music and write my stories.

My headphones were over my ears; which explains why I didn’t hear anything.

At about 1:00 a.m., I got up to turn off my light and realized the lights in the basement were still on.

I walked through the darkened living room and headed down the stairs. My brother was sitting at the computer with his head resting on his chest.

I smiled and turned the chair, he didn’t move. I lifted his head. “Little boy, it’s time for bed, you have school in the morning.”

There was a red dot on his chin, I wiped it off. I felt it and smelled it. It was blood. I soon realized that his dark red shirt was covered with blood.

I picked him off the chair and set him on the ground, I put his legs up on the chair. I started doing
C.P.R. but there was no response. I saw a knife lying nearby and I picked it up…then I quickly dropped it when I saw the blood on the blade.

“Mom!” I screamed running to the phone charger and picking up the phone quickly dialing.

“911 emergency, please state your emergency.”

“My brother’s been stabbed or shot or something. He’s dead!” I screamed and walked up the stairs.

“What is your location?”

That’s when I saw him. He was in the kitchen

“You! you did this!”

He flipped on the living room light and I saw my mother had be strangled while sitting on the couch.

“Ma’am please state your location.”

He stepped toward me. “Yeah, state your location.”

I stepped backwards; forgetting the stairs were behind me, I tumbled down them, I heard a snap, but couldn’t figure out what was broken.

I got up and ran outside to the garage. When I walked in I couldn’t see my father, so I walked around to the side of the car; tripping on something that was jutting out from underneath the car.

I looked to see my father’s leg jutting out from the lowered car.

The car itself was flat on its’ axles…it had crushed my father.

I screamed and grabbed the jack…trying to raise the car off the body. I heard the garage door open, and I stopped.

“You can’t stop what’s already happened,” he said.

“Why did you do this?” I said.

“You wanted me to. You told me you hated them. That you wanted them all dead, so I did it.”

I had reached the front of the car and I could see him walking past my father’s body. I continued to sneak around the car until I finally reached the door. I ran outside and ran to my dog kennel. I climbed over the fence, fearing the door would give me away. I hid in the back of the kennel near the dog house. My dog wagged his tail and tried to kiss me, I pushed him away.

I started to hear police sirens, but they were so far away. Their sound didn’t grow louder, but
I soon saw the lights. I heard twigs in the backyard snap. I turned to see a shadowy figure running, and my vision started to blur.

Two squad cars had pulled into my driveway and I heard the men run to my house and go inside.

I knew I would be safe. I climbed back over the fence and headed toward the house. One of the police officers ran out of the house and almost knocked me over.

“Ma’am are you alright?”

I didn’t speak, I just couldn’t.

“Ma’am are you hurt?” he asked.

I looked at him and managed a nod.

“Stay here a minute,” he ran to a squad car and came back with a blanket which he wrapped around me.

“Let’s go into the garage and talk,” he grasped the handle.

“NO!”I screamed and stepped back.

“Is there someone in there?”

I couldn’t tell him what I’d seen. There were no words for the gruesomeness of my father’s mangled body.

“Stay here,” the cop opened the door and went inside. He came back out whispering, “Oh my god.”

He radioed something in and the other cop appeared.

Soon the ambulance arrived and I was taken to the hospital. Once there I was given drugs for the pain and to help me sleep.

When I awoke my sister, Clara, was by my side, holding my hand. She was sleeping, so I carefully sat up.

Clara’s fiancée, Scott, was in the room. “You’re awake.”

I smiled, “Yeah, I’ve risen from the dead.”

He smiled too, but only briefly, “Are you in pain?”

“No, whatever they’re giving me, I want a lifetime supply.”

My sister woke up, “Oh honey, I’m so sorry.”

I tried to lift up my other arm, but I couldn’t.
I looked down to see it was casted.

“Oh Rae, I’m so sorry you were there, you must be so terrified,” she hugged me and began crying.

I just sat there, didn’t cry or anything. I couldn’t cry…I didn’t know why. There were no emotions in me.

The door opened and a doctor came in, “Oh good, you’re awake, how do you feel?”

“A little groggy, but pain free.”

“That’s good. Clara, could I talk to you for a minute?” the doctor pulled Clara to the back of the room.

After a moment she came back to me, “Scott and I are going to go out for a cup of coffee because there’s a cop that wants to talk to you. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said and she walked out.

The doctor walked over to me, “If you need anything or if you feel uncomfortable…press this button and a nurse will come in. okay?”

I nodded, and the doctor opened the door. Two cops, only one of which I recognized from my house, entered.

“Hello again, my name is Officer Dwayne Revlos and this is my partner officer Patrick Blanc. We’d like to ask you a few questions.”


Both officers pulled out notepads and Officer Revlos started the questioning, “So...what happened?”

I told them my story and the officers seemed shocked about me seeing the killer.

“If we brought in a sketch artist, could you describe him?”

“Yes.” I said quickly.

“Did he speak to you at all?”

“Yes,” I thought a moment. “but I can’t remember what he said.”

“You’ll remember,” said the younger one, Revlos.

“I’m going to go call the sketh artist and get
him down here,” Blanc said leaving the room.

“Did you recognize the killer?” Dwayne asked.

“I’m not sure.”

“How are you not sure?”

“I did, but I didn’t, he looked familiar, but it wasn’t possible that he was there.”

“Who do you think it was?”

“A childhood friend named Ian Roth.”

“We’ll try to find him,” he stood up and left.

I laid on the bed, thinking about the face, and about the bodies. How had I not heard anything?
Patrick came back in and sat down, “Where did Revlos go?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Okay…the sketch artist will be here shortly…he just woke up.”

I looked around the room, it was dark except for the light above my head; I was a prisoner being interrogated in the hot spotlight.

It was silent in the room now, too silent, Officer Blanc stood staring at the wall, there was a small sign I couldn’t read.

Officer Revlos came back in and whispered something in Blanc’s ear; Blanc left.

“Where did he go?”

“To go pick up Ian Roth.”


“Yeah, he’s got a house over in Eden Prarie. I’m to stay with you to keep you safe.”

“Thank you,” I smiled and blushed.

“You scared the shit out of me yesterday.”


“You would be scared too if you saw a woman covered in blood walking your way.”

“I guess,” I turned my head away.

“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

“It’s okay, I’ll have to get through it one way or another.”

He sat in the chair and stared across the room; at what I didn’t know.

Twenty minutes passed, and neither of us spoke.

But finally the sketch artist arrived.

“Oh hi Bob,” Officer Revlos jumped up and said.

They shook hands, “I was needed?”

“Yeah, she thinks she saw the killer, so we need you to draw him out for us so we can compare him to the suspect we’re bringing in.”

“Okay…but do you mind stepping outside?”

“I won’t stop you,” Officer Revlos outside.

I described the killer to Bob and he drew it perfectly. He thanked me and then left. Revlos came back in and sat back down.

“Bob’s going to bring the sketch down to the office to see if it matches the real Ian Roth, we haven’t found him yet, but we have his license photo and his license plate over the radio.”

“Am I in danger?” I asked.

“Not as long as I’m here.”

There was a knock at the door and the doctor came in, “Her sister is back.”

Clara entered, she was holding her fiancée’s hand.

“You’ll be leaving soon, so we’re going to let you go out the parking lot exit because there’s a news frenzy out front.”

Clara came over to me, “You’ll stay with us.”

“What about Leonardo, Duck and Teddy Bear?”

“We’ll go pick them up tomorrow,” Scott chimed in.

Soon I was dressed and being wheeled down to the secret hospital parking lot. My sister’s car was waiting…she sat in front and I sat in back and laid my head down on the seat.

When we left the parking lot, reporters swarmed the car. I closed my eyes hoping they would all disappear.

But they didn’t; they knocked on the windows and tried to ask questions. We slowly made our way through them.

“Oh Raylene, we’re going to have a police detail at our house just until they catch the killer, okay?” my sister asked.

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t car. He wouldn’t
dare come after me. I’d kill him; I wanted him dead.

We arrived at Clara’s house and I was shown the guest room, but I didn’t feel like sleeping. I wandered the house as Clara went into her room and started crying.

Scott had followed her in there. The house wasn’t large, but there was an upstairs loft, which was empty, and a large backyard.

I went out the sliding glass door to inspect the backyard before Teddy Bear was allowed to come here. There was nothing in the yard that could harm him. Then I wondered about other dogs beyond the high fence.

I found a folding chair and checked over the right side; nothing. The same was true of the left side. I heard something moving behind the back fence. So I slowly headed that way. I put the chair down slowly and climbed on to it. I gripped my fingers on the fence and peered over it.

He was standing there looking up at me.

“Bark! Bark!” he whispered.

I jumped back off the chair, and I ran to the sliding door. It was locked. I pounded on it screaming, then ran off the porch and out the fence gate

I almost knocked him over, I was screaming and trying to get away.

“Rae…it’s me Officer Revlos.”

I turned my head and looked at him. I calmed down, but I was still a little panicky.

I pointed toward the back, “He’s here!”

Revlos swung his arm and another cop ran past.

Revlos helped lower me to the ground. I rocked, he was calming me and holding me.

The second officer came back, “There’s no one back there.”

“Go call for a second unit and tell them to bring surveillance equipment,” he loosened his grip, “Let’s get you inside.”

“The sliding door was locked.”

“Okay, we’ll go in the front,” he helped me get on my feet and we went inside, “Which room?” he asked.

I pointed toward the guest bedroom and he helped me in there. He sat me on the bed and gently pushed my shoulders and I laid down.

“Get some rest.”

“Don’t leave me,” I grabbed his arm.

“I can’t stay.”

“Can you stay until I fall asleep?”

“Okay…go to sleep.”

I rolled over on my stomach and buried my head in the pillow.

When I awoke, Revlos was gone. I got off the bed and out of the room. The house was still quiet, so I went to the kitchen. There was a coffee machine; coffee sounded good. I made a full pot.

I drank a cup, then found a thermos and a few cups and carried them out the front door to the squad car.

“You sleep well?” Revlos asked.

“Yes, thanks.” I handed him the cups and the thermos.

“Caution: coffee is hot,” I smiled.

“Thanks the other officers said.

“When you’re done, come knock on the door, and I take them back.” I smiled and headed back.

I went into the house, the TV, though there, didn’t seem to be as pleasing to me as it once had. My sister also didn’t have any pets; so I was bored.

A knock came at the door, I slowly walked over and opened it.

It was Officer Revlos, “Um…hi, the guys and I just wanted to thank you.”

“Yeah,” I smiled. “It was my pleasure.”

Revlos seemed nervous, “So…what are you up to?”

“Nothing, I’m thinking about taking a walk.”

Revlos nodded, “Hmmm…I’d have to escort you.”

“Okay, I can handle that,” I walked past him and out the door, down the sidewalk and down the

I heard Revlos shut the door, run to the car, say something to his buddies then run after me.

We walked in silence for a moment, then I spoke.

“Don’t you love the morning sky?”

“Isn’t it night time?”

“Yeah, it’s in between. But isn’t it so pretty when you can just see the sun appearing?”

Revlos was silent a moment, “I’ve never seen it, so I guess I can’t say.”

“Ooh…you’re missing out.”

More silence, but I didn’t mind.

“What’s on your mind?” Revlos asked.

“I don’t know, I guess I’m worrying about my pets. They’re all alone at my house with no one to feed them.”

“I could have someone go feed them?” Revlos said.

“You don’t have to, they won’t die. I’ll feed them twice tomorrow.”

“No, it’s not a problem.”

Revlos radioed for someone to go feed my dog, cat and turtle, and we turned around.

We walked in silence the entire way back.

He walked me to my door and I thanked him before

I headed inside. I wasn’t tired, but I forced myself to fall asleep.

I saw him in the guest room, he was over in the corner, his eyes watching me. I had only cracked my eyes, but that was enough for him to see me.

He walked out of the corner, taking a puff from his cigarette that I had not seen. He dropped it on the window sill.

He pulled a knife from his back pocket, and I screamed.

“Rae, wake up!” Clara was shaking me.

“He was here!” I yelled.

“Oh honey,” she grabbed me and hugged me, rubbing my hair. Revlos and Scott also entered the room.

“No, he was, he was smoking and he put the cigarette right-“ I pointed toward the window sill; there was a cigarette there.

Revlos walked over to it, “Don’t touch it, I’ll go get an evidence bag.” He returned and bagged it, telling us forensics would use it to find DNA.

He left the room and Clara held me. After a moment I got out of her arms and went outside.

It was light out. I started walking…I walked
right past Revlos, and then I started running. I hadn’t put on shoes, but I didn’t care.

I started hearing my voice called behind me. I just kept on running. I sped up and bolted down an alley. I started sprinting. I knew there was a park around there…I just had to find it. I saw it and I kept sprinting. I hid in one of the castle peaks. I saw Revlos stop nearby and look around.

“Rae…I know you’re here…you can’t just run away and be alone…It’s not safe…” he yelled.

“Go away!” I screamed.

He turned around and looked at the castle I was in. But then he looked away.

He walked closer to the castle and I started back down the staircase. A hand grabbed me and I screamed.

“It’s me Rae, Revlos.” He turned me around.

“Go away,” I pushed him off of me and ran to the swing set. I sat in the swing and lowered my head.

“Rae…why did you run away?”

“Why did you chase me? Just leave me alone! Let the killer get me and finish me off too.”

“He can’t now. They caught him ten minutes ago driving home.”

I looked up at him, “They did?”

Revlos smiled, “Yeah, and I’ve got the cigarette on the way to the lab for DNA sampling.”

“So, they’ve got him? He’s going to pay for the things he’s done?”

“Yeah…now let’s get you home…” Revlos wrapped his arm around me and walked me home.

The trial came up fast, and I had been spending time at Clara’s with all my pets.

The first day of the trial I sat toward the front and watched as Ian Roth was walked in. He was wearing a business suit. He looked different, but I was sure he had killed my family.

I listened to the opening statements, and was shocked by both sides. The D.A. had all the facts and was convincing, but so was the defense attorney. She spoke of Ian’s alibi and his perfect record. Also how he hadn’t a reason to kill my family. I hadn’t thought about that…

I went home that day, and changed into my play clothes and headed into the backyard. Teddy bear was sleeping in the sun. I went over to him and laid my head on his stomach. He had lifted his head, but now he laid it down.

I felt the grass tickling my ear and I opened my eyes. Teddy Bear had gotten up. I pulled out my cell phone to see what time it was. I realized
I had missed a call. It was a number I didn’t recognize, but they had left a message. I dialed my voicemail before I sat up. I looked around for Bear, and saw his tail hanging out from under the deck.

I stood up and listened as Revlos told me he was coming over.

I called out Bear’s name. He didn’t move. I bent over and tugged on his tail. Again he didn’t move, but I heard rustling, I saw something else moving, so I stepped backwards. I opened my phone and dialed Revlos.

He was standing there, Ian was, holding the head of Teddy Bear, I screamed and opened my eyes.

Teddy bear jumped up and kissed my face. I grabbed him in my arms.

The glass sliding door flung open, “Rae are you okay?” Clara asked.

I took a deep breath, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

The door stood open for a moment before closing.

I pulled out my phone. I had missed a call from an unknown number. They had left a message. It wasn’t Revlos, it was a man named Doctor Tim O’Connor. He said he needed to talk to me. I erased the message and got up. I went in and took out my turtle. He ran around the room and Duck watched him closely.

A knock came at the door, and I got up to answer it. Revlos was there. I smiled politely, “Hello.”

“Rae, I need to ask you a few questions.”

The smile disappeared from my face, “Sure, come on in.”

He sat on the couch and I sat on the floor. “Okay Rae, do you ever remember seeing a doctor named Tim O’Connor?”

“No, but he called my cell phone today.”

“Okay…do you remember anything about Ian Roth from when you were a child?”

“Other than he was my best friend…I don’t remember.”

“Ian Roth doesn’t know you…he doesn’t recognize you and he grew up in Chicago. He didn’t visit this state until he was 20.”

I was in shock, “What maybe it was a different Ian Roth.”

“Then there was a different Ian Roth, he died when you were a child.”

“What are you saying?” I asked standing up.

“The D.A. wants you to see Dr. Tim O’Connor. He was your psychiatrist when you were a child.”

I stood up and put the turtle away, “I’ve never gone to a shrink.”

“He says he saw you for almost a year.”

I didn’t say anything.

“Do you want to go see him now? He’s ready.”

“I’m not going at all.”

“Rae. Ian Roth has been let go. His alibi and this new found fact has been enough to release him and drop the charges.”

“So…why do I have to go to the doctor?”

“Clara thinks you should. Doctor O’Connor says you’ve got an invisible friend after Ian’s

“NO!” I screamed. I ran into my room and slammed the door. I couldn’t, I thought, and started rocking against the door.

The knocking started, but I didn’t move.

“They think I’m crazy,” I whispered.

Someone tried to push the door open, but I held my ground. After a minute it stopped and I listened. There was nothing. I knew they were planning something and I needed an escape plan.

I knew I couldn’t just leave…so I quickly crawled over to the bed and got underneath. I hid so my entire body was against the wall.

I heard the door open, and I saw feet scuttle in.

“Rae?” a voice whispered. A young boy bent down.

“Ian?” I whispered.

“Come and play…” he smiled.

“But you’re dead,” I shook my head.

“Only my body is dead,” he reached out his hand.

I closed my eyes and started whispering, “It’s only my imagination, I am not crazy.”

Something grabbed my leg and started to pull. I kicked out of whatever it was and curled my knees to my chest. I started humming a tune I didn’t recognize, it just flowed out of me.

I felt something jam into my butt…and I fell asleep.

When I awoke, I was in a bed. I tried to lift my arms, but they were in straps.

I couldn’t see clearly, but there were definitely people in the room.

“Rae?” a female voice asked touching my hand.

“Why am I here Clara?”

“You need to see the doctor…Revlos had a signed warrant.”

“I’m under arrest?” I struggled against the straps.

“Well…” Clara stopped. “They’re not sure…that’s why you need to see the doctor.”

“I didn’t do anything…” I started crying.

“We know…it’s for your own safety…” Clara wiped the tears away.

A knock came at the door and a figure entered.

“My name is Doctor Timothy O’Connor. I’m here to see Raylene.”

Clara stood up, but touched my hand, then walked over and spoke to the doctor in whispers I couldn’t hear. Then she left.

“Raylene…I’m going to have Officer Revlos stay in the room…so there is a witness…is that okay?”

“Why do you need a witness?” I wondered outloud.

“I’m going to give you a shot to counter the tranquilizer you were given.” He jammed something into my arm and it was if I were given a high dose of no-dos.

Everything was very clear. I could see the doctor on my left. He was old with white hair and dark eyes. Revlos was on the other side, sitting in the chair Clara had just been sitting in.

“Do you feel okay?” Dr. O’Connor asked.

“Sure, considering I’m strapped to a bed.”

“Okay…do you remember me?”


What happened next I only know because of the video tape…this is what it saw:

“Okay Raylene, my name is-“

“I know your fucking name already, move on.”
O’Connor was shocked, “Who am I talking to?”

“Mae, my fucking name is Mae. What’s your
fucking problem?” I screamed.

“Mae, do you remember your friend Ian?”

“You leave Ian alone. Don’t fucking touch him.”

“Who touched him?”


“And what did Daddy do?”

“Daddy was trying to keep it a secret, but I told Ian. Ian had to die Daddy said. I was in the car when Daddy hit him.”

“Is that why you stopped talking?”

I nodded.

“What was your daddy’s secret? Was that why he had to die?”

“Daddy was mean to me. He did mean things to me.
He touched me. He had to die.”

“Why did he have to die?”

“He didn’t deserve to stay alive, to hurt other girls, and to fix his stupid cars.”

“Why did mommy have to die?”

“Mommy was a dumb whore. She knew what Daddy was doing, I told her too…she did nothing.”

“Is that why she was strangled? So she would

“Mommy, why did you not help me?” I cried.

“What about your brother? Why did he have to die?”

“My brother was suffering.”

“How was he suffering?”

“Mom let him do dirty things with animals.”

“That makes him a sufferer?” Dr. O’Connor took notes.

“He was going to turn into my father, hurting other people.”

“How did you know?”

I was silent a moment, “I caught him touching himself while babysitting little children, they were running around and he just sat there.”

“But your brother was only 12?”

“He had the problem I had, he grew up to fast….too many hormones.”

“Why not get him help?”

I was silent, I closed my eyes and opened them again. “What’s going on?”

“Mae?” Dr. O’Connor asked.

“What? My name is Raylene.”

“Okay Rae, do you remember anything that just happened?”

“No…I was just sleeping.”

Dr. O’Connor stood up and motioned for Revlos to follow him. They left the room and only Revlos returned.

“What’s going on?”

“I…you’ll have to talk to Dr. O’Connor.”

“Revlos…please tell me what is going on,” I whispered.

Revlos opened his mouth to speak, but the door opened. Dr. O’Connor entered and he was holding a needle.

“What is that?” I asked.

“It’s to calm you down, after I tell you

“What?” I raised my voice.

He sat down and spoke, “I’m diagnosing you with
a split personality and multiple personalities.”

My eyes shot open, “What?”

“We have it on video tape. You have a second personality, maybe more. Do you remember why?”


“Do you remember your childhood?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Was it happy?” the needle he was holding moved a little closer.

“Very, what are you trying to imply?”

“Raylene, you were sexually abused as a child according to your split personality. We still have to talk to your sister to confirm.”

“That’s bullshit!” I screamed. “That’s not possible, my dad loved me.”

“Raylene, please calm down.” Dr. O’Connor tried to touch my face.

“Don’t touch me you sick fuck!” I turned my face away.

He jammed the needle in my arm and I screamed.

The room became very blurry and I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and could feel the numbness of my body. Clara was holding my hand.

“Oh, honey, you told them?

I was very confused, “What?”

“You told them about Dad, the things we promised him we’d never say.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Come on Rae! You know what I’m talking about!
Our father raped up as children.”

“No, no he didn’t,” I closed my eyes; this had to be a nightmare.

“Yes he did…and now you told.”
There was silence a moment.

“You’re damn right I did. That fucker deserved everything he got.”

“Rae?” Clara whispered.

“No bitch! My name is Mae. That fucker hurt me and I punished him.”

“Mae? You killed our father?”

“You’re damn right I did. But I wouldn’t call him my father after what he did. I have no father.”

“What about mom and our brother? Did you kill them too?”

“Yeah and it was good.”

Clara stood up and let go of my arm.

“Where are you going?”

Clara left the room, I was very confused.

Dr. O’Connor came in, “That was good.”

“What was?”

“It’s going to determine your fate.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your reaction to your sister’s honesty brought out Mae, your split personality.”

“What? I don’t have a split personality, why would I have one. That only happens to people who have a traumatic childhood?”

“You’ve been through a lot today, you should sleep.” He left quickly.

Within a week my fate was sealed; I would spend three years in a state psychiatric hospital.
After that time I would be re-evaluated to check on my mental status.

So here I sit, heavily medicated, but still here. My sister used to visit, but now she can’t look at my face; it disgusts her.

Revlos stops by occasionally, he doesn’t say much, just sits there and breath…I can’t.

© Copyright 2004 Rae Sanko (horselova23 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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