Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/857835-Mahri-and-Gnarich
Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #857835
A fallen dragon prince meets a lovely mermaid, and the rest is history.
Shimmering emerald reflected on sun:
coats of the green dragon king and his son;
running together, they lift and take wing
circling the field all flowered in spring.

Once up above, they fly quickly and free
reaching the edge of the land and the sea
dipping, then dancing, like kites in the sky
lower at first, then as one, soaring high.

Suddenly weary and dizzied by heat,
the young dragon yields to a nameless defeat,
tumbling away from the king like a stone,
dropped to the waters to falter, alone.

Under the sea where the bay meets the deep,
one maiden mermaid was resting, asleep.
Shaken from dreams by a splash and a sight,
Mahri the mermaid was speechless with fright.

There floating toward her in scales bright as jewels,
a creature - a dragon? (They taught such in schools…)
No time for wondering, Mahri soon knew
the dragon breathed air, for he looked rather blue.

Mahri, of course, knew a mermaid’s life breath
had the power to bring back a soul from its death -
and would gift her this dragon - to love her, as well;
when her kiss touched his lips, he’d be under its spell.

Mahri drew closer, as close as she dared
and, amazed, saw his eyes open, blinking and scared
and breathing! - through gills opened slowly but wide
near the wing joint beneath tender dragon-soft hide.

They looked at each other with wondering eyes
and saw something past all the shock and surprise;
bonded by dreams, and a magical blood
love caught the two in an underworld flood.

Mahri and Gnarich (for that was his name)
live in that spot to this day, I’ll proclaim -
Their children are Mergon, of both land and sea,
called dolphins by humans; born beautifully free.

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