Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/843097-Norm-Space
Rated: ASR · Novella · Philosophy · #843097
How was government formed? This piece is my answer to that particular question.
NOTE: THIS PIECE MAY ALSO BE FOUND HERE: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6655289/

Motion, there are gridlines expanding without bounds as if the eye could see everything, and yet see nothing; a virtual non-space of spectral light and ethereal gray matter. The spackling of civilizations interspersed between the voids of nonexistence create a vague chicken wire of interconnecting lifelines. Communications capabilities are limited, no, this place is removed. Uniqueness is one way to describe it, another might be limbo. The flat grounds are only broken by the occasional precipice; there exists no growth of elevation. This place is forsaken; no mannerism or testimony of power of any sort is present.
The clouds, eternally gray, stand at a not so stark contrast to the terrain. In the center of this ambiguity lies the fulcrum of hope. In this place, untouched by order or chaos, resides the beginning of confrontation. Possession, here, has extended beyond the body to its surroundings. There is no concept of rights or laws, no interaction of the figures inhabiting this place. That is, there was no interaction… four figures resolve in the center of this non-space. And hence, a study of cohesion and human nature begins.
“I have found difference.” Figure One states.
“I have come across change.” Figure Two states.
“I have a discovery of variation.” Figure Three states.
“I have a sense of dissimilarity.” Figure Four states.
None are aware of each other’s presence. They remain ignorant of their ability to collectively communicate. Their mouths, frozen; yet one can have no mouth and still must scream or so says Harlan Ellison. And thus it is only natural to inquire, if a tree should fall in the forest… but clichés are unknown here, as are there lessons. The very concept of proclamation is, as of yet, foreign; for to proclaim something, one must address an audience. The realization that each is one of many is beyond their cognitive power. Each only understands his own individualism.
That is not to say that the figures can not establish difference. Each is his own creature, uniquely determined in his own beliefs. Physically, there is diversity between them. Each is only familiar with his own features, his own scars. It is not that they do not see one another, but that they do not recognize one another as human. They stand, aligned with the cardinal directions, in resistance and undecided fascination, studying each other.
Figure One stands to the east, Figure Two, the west; Figure Three, the north; and Figure Four, the south. It is understood by all that knowledge is power, but none absorb how to seek it. The answer seems obvious to this question: how does one gain knowledge? But these are a fractured people. A fundamental part of life is interaction and without such interaction, true knowledge fades to wisdom, which fades to intuition, which fades to foggy reflection. So they stand, ignorant of any sort of appropriate action or reaction to this new disturbance in their lives.
Each, as he becomes increasingly aware of the gravity of his situation, for the first time, fully opens his eyes and mind. Suddenly, as if a thick web of egotistical tendencies had been lifted, they become more than self-aware. Each understands, without spoken word, that he is a small part of a larger sum. As this realization strikes, they look around in awe of their surroundings. Other figures stand silently, contemplating self and property, unenlightened to population.
“These comprehend speech?” Figure One: a self-statement more than a question. It is not understood how to form interactive speech. The three others seem to react.
“Together in existence.” Figure Two reaches out and makes physical contact for the first time, with each of the other three figures. He smiles, unfolding a new chapter in reality.
“I am control.” Figure Three, asserting his understanding. He can not comprehend a challenge of free will or absolute reign. A tinge of fear can be heard in his speech.
“Singularity has been and always will be.” Figure Four turns to leave; he is confronted by the outstretched hand of Figure Two. Figure One, likewise, after hesitation, extends his hand. Figure Three, seeing he is clearly outnumbered, and recognizing that with the knowledge of capable interaction a return to previous times would be impossible, also extends his hand. Figure Four does not move. He stares at the outreached limbs. “You seek to hinder my progress.” For the first time an acknowledgement of others occurs. The use of “you” signifies recognition of a poly-inhabited world. It also shines forth the first tinge of dissent among such inhabitants.
“It is clear that recognition brings restriction, but restriction brings order to previously random action. Now, purpose has been established.” Figure One made his argument. It is clear to all that this is a debate, is it better to face the burden of order or the arbitrary nature of chaos?
“Purpose was not needed, nor is restriction and thereby, interaction.” Figure Four still remained unmoving.
“What has been discovered can not be forgotten” Figure Three stated assertively.
“Together we can produce more change and enlightenment.” Figure Two eagerly pleaded. He is clearly most in favor of a grouping of peoples. Figure One seems un-adverse to such a grouping, but also hesitant to accept such monumental change. Figure Three is clearly involved in communication for his own benefit. Concern for the populous was not within his scope or judgment. Figure Four looks around him, and realizing that even if he wished, he would not be allowed to leave, succumbs to the pleas of unity from the other figures.
“There must be a strict order.” Figure Three is stern and wary of the other three figures. He distrusts their motives and wishes to keep all of his power over himself and his surroundings. The idea of a shared property scares him.
“Agreed, rights and restrictions must be set down. We can no longer run like wild apes.” Figure Two is adamant in his proposal.
“Still, ideology procures nothing, action, however, begs answer.” Figure One looks around at the other figures. Figure Four has no comment. He stands, still in conflict with previous decisions.
“It will be a grand collection of peoples, a grouping of mass proportions.” Figure Two: the rest are clearly opposed.
“Unwise” Figure Three states, “Power will be to thinly distributed.”
“We must start small and work up” Figure One states. The sun now lights him, setting in the west. Figure Three is now in shadow and of Four and Three, only remnants of themselves are visible. “I am cautious to recommend a grouping of any kind, but boundaries must be set and rights must be allotted in order to protect individual free will.”
“A right to life.” Figure Three declares.
“A right to liberty.” Figure Four chimes.
“A right to property.” Figure One adds.
“A collection of ideas must be formed, an organized list of possible means of structure.” Figure Two looks to Figure Three and One for guidance, neither return the glance.
“We shall submit such positions upon sunrise.” Figure Three, for the first time, gives an order to the others. Figure Two nods in agreement, Figure One, with a slight frown on his face, passes his hand up and gives a stiff nod of approval. Figure Four does nothing.
“I have my position now, leave, and never bother me again about your need for rules and order.” Figure Four, his finger outstretched, points rigidly at the others in the circle.
“You will participate in the positioning upon sunrise or I will force you to.” Figure Three, with this statement, makes the first proposition of force used to restrain action (or inaction.) Figure Two recoils from the statement.
“You will do nothing of the sort. If he to my right wishes to free himself from our collectivity, then he may.” He remained calm, looking from Figure Four to Figure Three. Neither acknowledges his statement. They are peering intently into each other’s eyes as if out of some vein hope of finding truth behind motive, or motive behind fact. The four figures stand there, unmoving. Each still in his own sphere of influence, each still standing in his cardinal direction, north, south, east, west, they are aligned. They succumb to sleep there, refraining from conversation, yet still standing.
Their dreams are a convoluted mess of deluded gray areas and restless movement without purpose. The four, distinct individuals, dream similarly. Their minds wandering from thoughts of self to thoughts of possession to thoughts of confrontation, and in a reckless and frenzied climax, they are introduced to the concept of war; of nations falling, crumbling, of meaningless violence, homicide, suicide, and genocide. All awake with a start as the sun rises on the second day of interaction.
“It is clear to me that cohesion can bring terrible change.” Figure One, startled from his restless mind, enumerates.
“Stand opposed, I do, to any sort of collective organization. One should have influence over all others.” Figure Three, also frightened by hypnotic nightmares, favors a one dimensional ruling body. The sun, now rising, is illuminating Figure Two. As he speaks, it seems that the sunlight is actually radiating from his body.
“The only way to guarantee that rights are not infringed upon is through collective reasoning. We must rule in togetherness with the use of loyal opposition and a means of deciding, majority wise, how such business as administration shall be handled.” Figure One and Three stand silent in thought. Figure Four frowns.
“Such a system can not be supported by strangers. Any sort of vote will be split by difference of opinion. No, the only administration possible without unrest is a singular one that has jurisdiction over only self.” Figure Four seems more willing to debate such issues as the one before him now than he did the previous day.
It is noon now, and the sun, high above, grants all equal light. Time has passed and the Figures are convinced that some form of administration is needed that grants opinion to all people. “If we should have representation, then what need is there for direct input?” Figure One argues.
“The final statement should belong to only the head of state.” Figure Three says. “The body and the limbs of one without a mind is a fractured body, incapable of significant, meaningful action. If this body, this administration, is to be of the opinion of the people, the people must also submit to the will of the head of the body.”
“Such things are not required. By poll alone, an administration may know the will of the people and may carry it out. Without such opinion, one breeds dissent. Each must have his equal voice, regardless of intolerance or bitterness.” Figure Two pleads with the others for a more open system.
“It seems a balance between two extremes must be met. It is logical to me that, without a head, a body may not function, but without a body, can one claim any sort of concrete power? No, gentlemen, we gaze on two sides of the same coin. A collective organization is required, one in which both collective and singular authority is granted.” Figure one gains the approval of Two and Three. Figure Four stands scowling, obviously opposed to such a dual system.
“One has no right to exert demand over another, we are individual, intrinsic people who can not be collectively directed. I must have control, above all, over self. I will not stand for restrictions. Such things only breed anger.” Figure Four spits his words with the strength of a blaze, a inferno born of fear.
“It is clear that by means of granting rights we naturally imply restrictions. The question remains, when are such restrictions overbearing to the general population? At what point is the right, and thereby again, the restriction, of a redirection or reorganization, granted?” Figure Two hints at the idea of governmental overhaul.
“Organization is only validated by those organized. There must be an agreement between those currently endowed with power and those who await their turn.” Figure One states after thinking momentarily.
“Terms for office should be life, once polled into power, one should not have to worry about wining public support. In this way, those empowered may exercise their position to its fullest extent.” Figure Three argues.
“You thereby create an organization incapable of preventing an oppression of rights. This leads back to my previous question and I fear that without restricted terms this organization may be fractured by dissent.” Figure Two looks gravely into the eyes of Figure Three. Figure Three turns his own dark orbs away.
“On this, I will allow on the basis that agreement will generate swifter agreement. All of these matters are subject to further debate.” Figure Three, in saying this, essentially bows to the demands of representation by Figure One and Figure Two. It is a small advance, but a notable one.
As the sun sinks in the west, it occurs to the figures that they will require a larger body to organize a fluid system. A great awakening is therefore planned for the morrow and a statement of introduction and organization is written. It is agreed to read as follows:
To you, one of the coming organization. Awake your senses to those beings around you. Dampen your concept of self and realize the potential of collectivity. You are one of many who fall under this grouping of peoples. With such grouping, certain rights and restrictions must be obtained and enforced. To such means and ends, you are therefore assigned the task of upholding three fundamental propositions: The right of each individual to life, to liberty, and to property (which may or may not be defined as the pursuit of happiness.) The Organization reserves the right to take actions as necessary, intervening with private existence when deemed suitable. Such fundamental propositions as previously mentioned, however, are guaranteed as necessarily unbreakable arguments. There are to be rotations of power around throughout those enlightened and awakened. Such rotations will be decided upon via polls of the general populous. In order to better protect individuality and preserve the retrospective nature of this Organization, such thing as a balance of powers will exist. This, thereby, will avert violent actions and allow for peaceable debate amongst parties. Life, and indeed, basic existence, has forever changed. You are among those who will witness this change. You are one of the enlightened, one of the awakened, one of the members of the Organization.
And hence, such awakening begins the next day. Members of the Organization are swelling to mass proportions. As many as one million are inducted. Such operation and distribution of power as stated in Awakening thus commenced. The four Figures, the framers of the Awakening, become the first to hold such powers described. 1095 days pass with relatively little control outside of self, then, physical conflict begins.
As such a thing as could be called society begins to coalesce, arguments over property increase in number. Land becomes under the precept of ownership. Under one Organization, people fight for their right to property. Amendments are arranged for the Awakening however, such amendments form only more conflict and chaos. It is said that war makes strange bedfellows and so it does. Such sides were Figure One and Figure Three fighting collectively against Figure Two and Figure Four.
The ideas of collective ownership were tested on the physical battleground in this previously normal space. The civil war swelled to encompass not just concepts of property, but concepts of collective existence verses a reclusive style of individuality. Such things painted the bleak stiffness of this land crimson with the stains of the dead and dying. Many were lost to death, many more to reclusion. But a strong foundation provided for victory… victory with tremendous loss. Figure Three and Figure Four were killed in the fighting. Left standing were only Figure One and Figure Two who agreed to stand in loyal, peaceful opposition of their policies. On a memorial created for those who were lost to war were written these words: “This Organization is not bound to win, but it is bound to be true. It is not bound to succeed, but it is bound to live by the light created by collectivization. It will stand with its members who stand right, and stand with those members for the duration of their correct standing, and part with such members upon their wrong going.”
And so, such collectivism marches on. Such devices of man and machine bond in a harmonious balance of mass opinion. Such a forsaken land has discovered itself and uncovered democracy. The pistons of change continue to oscillate and more are awakened into this new Organization. As this Organization, this light, spreads, the chicken wire, the fractured connections between entities, are tied. These things fuse together in the forge of cognizant reasoning and collective debate. The light melds into an ever-spreading mass, slowly encompassing the bleak horizon. What was normal, has now become rare, if not extinct. This formally normal space, this Norm-Space, has redefined Normal. A breakthrough of change, a revolution of distant realization, changed such normal events with the meeting of four figures, standing tall and firm. Such a monument to these figures was placed in the center of this light, on the death of the final two figures. Gradually, society continued to develop. With the agreement of possession came names and places. Dates and times were suddenly important and called for recording. A sociable people, at once, witnessed their own birth of society, and government… democracy, evolved into stability balanced with collectivity and freedom.
On such days as terms were over and new such members were to be appointed to the Organization, one can find simplicity of society at work. With the pull of a lever, the collision of a piston with paper, the alignment of emptiness with choice, a society has been built. This motion is repeated millions of times as the data is collected and new actors take their offices of power to which they were elected. Thus this Normal Space becomes a leading example of democracy and society. As Aesop once said, “In union, there is strength.” And yet, the full identity of this society has not yet come to fruition, so, as Einstein said, “The search for truth is more precious than its possession.” Hence, this society now stands in its prime as the mechanics of democracy and civilization march ever-onward to an uncertain future.
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