Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/842520-
Rated: ASR · Campfire Creative · Poetry · Entertainment · #842520
This is a poem/story. When it's your turn, you add two rhyming lines.
When it's your turn, you add two rhyming lines. It doesn't have to make sense, but try to keep with the story line and try to keep it E-rated.
The sky is green, the grass is blue,
And somehow I'm in love with you.
Even if apart from you,
I still say dirt smells like shampoo.
Morning, afternoon, or night,
My thoughts about you give me light
No z's for me is just not right right...
my mind did melt with no sleep last night
I think about you night and day
This mushy feeling just won't go away
We should stop obsessing...
Its getting real depressing..
But it's so much fun...
Just like a Monday in the sun
Fun for you but not for me...
His absence is no cup of tea...
Well fine then-- you start another poem
All my topics are about lovin'
I ish just kidding silly Boo..
Me is having fun with poem too!
Well, okay then, we shall continue...
As soon as I find my way off Sadness Avenue.
Ah, nice to see you've paid a visit...
It always seems to be the place I end up to sit.
I haven't seen him for almost 2 weeks,
And if I don't see him by Sunday i'm going to scream.
You're not rhyming..what's the deal?
And I don't trip on bannana peels..
i was kinda freaking, but i'm o.k. now...
our relationship now is... wow...
A Non-Existent User
It's Crispy's turn, let's shake things up!
Can someone do it for me though? I'm fed up.
Well hello, my illusive friends..
And the drought has seemed to end!
What? a drought? I missed the memo!!
I must've been watching "Finding Nemo"!!
A Non-Existent User
Just 'cause the same letters end two words
Don't mean the rhyme! Look! Birds!
my mood is in a tizzy
and its making me dizzy...
Then stop spinning around
You crazy clown!!!
A Non-Existent User
It's raining, It's pouring (stop it Boo!)

And two weeks inside is real boring! (It's flooding here too!)
semester tests are pesty
and the mud is gettin messy
I dunno why, but we're not getting much rain...
Though i wish it would, it might supress the pain...
A Non-Existent User
Pain... ouch.
Fluffy couch.
Hey I noticed my addy
sounds like the adams famly..
Life is good
In my neighborhood!!!!
A Non-Existent User
La La LA
La la la la la
oh ho ho..bandcamp nears!
Oh and look ketchup smears!
Zombie here Zombie there I see zombies everywhere
Zombies, zombies, blah, blah, boo...
We need vampyz, Yes, we do!!!!!
A Non-Existent User
I'd rather have a Pygmy Puff,
A little purple ball of fluff
Does this mean Arnold is your name now?
please don't say the governer of the happy cows..
There is a frenquented word in the book; if you don't know what it is, have a look.
Crispy/Geeky Monkey monkey lives in Cali
You should know that you bam-boozi
is this the word that rhymes with bog?
and no that doesn't mean its log...
with or without an interesting aura
the still percussion gets to wear fedora
you should also know the Monkey,
you met her at my birthday party
A Non-Existent User
I'm the Monkey, I'm Crispy.
I am Capegirl (swish) as you can see.
I know word that rhymes with blah, do dah do dah
and that word it sounds like fwah..
Some of this and some of mixed in a big vat.
prongs, prongs, prongs...that did not rhyme!
what am i gonna do with u this time?
A Non-Existent User
Where so deep in shadow I have lain
It seems my chance has come to end my pain...
It should really turn to fall
but that means evil football...
Football isn't evil footballs awsome. Maybe i should turn you into a possum.
Football season is the best!!!
I get to pummel people in the chest!
A Non-Existent User
Football season makes me sad. Our team plays so very bad...
Now that is a familar tune..
Our football team is so doomed..
What does sewing have to do with anything?
Oh well... let's all sing!!
hmm... lets see whats the song thats up your tree
A Non-Existent User
I don't want to sing today.
It's my french horn I'd rather play!
Sometimes all you got is the pain of rain.
but I love them both that's an oath.

(I hate rhyming....)
chimney stack..
starting to crack..

what can i help you with ebony dear?
you know that i'm here to lend you an ear...
Potter Potter Potter Potter
Potter Potter Potter Potter...
A Non-Existent User
((unrelated comment)I'm assuming you're referring to that lovely music video on mugglenet...)
Water water everywere...and sodding booze to drink. So I'll sit here and blink.

*unrelated*(White tigers is better than badgers...they just look better than normal ones)
If you had an and and you're back to or..
does the or mean more than it did before??
I'm confuzzled, I can't do this anymore!!
what were you thinking you crazy... wait... that doesn't fit... you're not one of those... (i luv u eb!..)

(by the way, no dissing the badger/masquerade, boy!)
Hola, como estas, bien, y tu
helo, how are you, good, and you
A Non-Existent User
We all know Crispy's darker side,
But did you know from what she hides?

(see my portfolio in about a week if you're lost...)
Ding dong...my brain is gone....poof.
Dilly-dally shilly-shally
I have max of four classes a day next year...
But I have nothing to dow with the time I fear..
trust me, we'll always find SOMEthing to do
we'll have each other... and Rica too!!!
Band Camp is near its going to be great
but for now i need to recuperate
Dilly-dally shilly-shally....who will I marry?

*I love saying dilly-dally shilly-shally. I sounds fun....and its hard to say when drunk*
This campfire seems lost in a fog..
so I shall sing...*ahem* Jeremiah was a bull frog
(continues) Was a good friend of mine...
I mean, this fire's sure been burning a long time...
Things are new. Things are diffrent.
If you want to know more, then I might give you a hint.
I know exactly what's different on my end...
Sexy British boy acting like more than my friend.
To return to truth one must let it go
Hey what do you know my sister is a Ho!

(OT. Big brother SYNODROME!!!!)
Darling your rhyme was bit belated
and then it was overly rated...

(OT, once again. Synodrome? syndrome? *sighs* what am I gonna do with you)
band camp's fun zippy-do
but unfortunately i miss davey-poo

(heehee... j/k... i don't really call him that...)
Things are diffrent. Things are new.
I hope that life's less confusing to you.
No email today... now this is sad...
I'm obsessing over... BAD MIND! BAD!
most certainly not fact
neh neh neh... neh neh neh...
neh neh neh.. neh neh
Eb, you're not giving much inspiration...
And me and Rica need a vacation...
It's another year of school and I hope things will be different.
If you remember band camp then that is your hint.
Today I said proudly to someone random, "Are you gellin'?"
Alas, they gave no answer for they were just a watermelon...
..........Dots? Lots of dots, now whos going to do the Pots?
I am starting classes
i'll have to wear my glasses
my love life sux...
why do i see ducks?...
rubber ducky you're the one
You make bathtime lots of fun...
*OT...Bathtime is fun. ;P*

he he he he he
"What's a cookie?" Not falling for that again...
Cookies are yumminess left in the oven.

OT: but I'm still tempted to say the other answer cause it rhymes too...
sugar sugar sugar sugar
sugar sugar sugar sugar
Monk is funny, Phych is too
Many people are watching, I hope one is you
What is with the naughty laugh
All I mentioned was a bath...
Norny boy...horny boy. BUNNY!!!!!

*do you really need a answer for that*
Charlie, you're bad, you naughty boy.
At least you're not still trying to send eb a toy...
hey you guys, this fire's E-rated...
please don't get me excommunicated
I used to have no problem getting up at eight
but I've been having issues as of late..
In darkest night, in brightest day.
I will be waiting here.
You're supposed to rhyme, not do... that...
And Rhyme we will
Or sweat may spill!
Or someone I shall bludgeon
With the sqeaky hammer of legend
The hammer has been laid to rest
for its construction was not the best
To ryhme of not to ryhme.
To...tell the time. 17:25pm.
...There is in our dorm, a ghostie...
...and he seems to like Dance Dance Revolution, mostly...
Whirling around with the greatest of ease...
On the dance floor with you I shall tease...
Oh please, no dancing, I'm not in the mood...
But maybe a song or two would divert the urge to brood...
Fleeing is so fun...fleeing is so fun...

now its time to take a break and see where we have run!
....not a thing to rhyme I haven't the time
To Crouton: Where are we?
To Angeless: I thwack thee.
This rhythm will start,
when you have the heart...
ah but i do have heart,
but maybe i should get a cart...
i know you have a heart, m'dear...
but if you get a cart, i get to steer...
Ok I'm lost. Someone fill me in on what I need to do,
Or is this a game I'm just going to lose?
I'm sick....I'm thick. My pen is a Bic
Charlie is rhyming, the apocolypse is near!
I shall hide now in my fridge out of fear!
A fridge indeed, cold it may be;
Then should I make you a cup of tea?
tea may be good for me,
but i rather have a little hot coffee
dang, i'm hungry... coffee? YUM!!!
i think it's almost time for Mr. Sun...
but pizza is what I wish I had.
Lullaby and goodnight, go to sleep ickle ebby...
It no work, it no work, tho teh eyelids is heavy.
The bird of hermies is my name. Eating my own wings to make me tame.

*why is it if I do ryhme you mock me?*
Tame and lame a bird may be
but wings grow back unless your me!
I use my wings to fly,
high in the great blue sky
The birdie is back, Hip Hip Hooray!!
And I get to talk to my paulie-bear today ^_^
counts dots on ceiling, counts tiles on floor
if you are curious there are 36,274
My darling Angeless you complained so much
its a subject on which we had to touch...
You touch me love too much.

*he he he he he norny bad*
What the hell, may I ask is norny?
Control yourself, you have my warning.
A ninja does not make a norny here;
instead they spread rumours so others may fear.
a ninja's stealth
how about a ninja elf
Nah, personally I'd rather revel
With not an elf, but a ninja devil
Your former words shall be made nil
for Angeless is a ninja still...
beware my dears, of coming near
The Dark Writers have returned, and all shall fear!!!
Never shall I ever submit
to such trouble I won't admit!
Trouble? Who said a word about trouble?
If anything's trouble, it's me and it's DOUBLE!!

*laughs maniacally* MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
You want me to belive your trouble?
ask me, and i tell you your an angel
Zoology lab, I wish it were swift
However, its not and I'll just be miffed.
I roll my eyes at you each in turn
Then I play DDR. Feel the burn.
Then Bust A Groove and feel the mix
Spin around then do some tricks!
Trix?!? Where?
Are they in my hair?
oh? you have a problem with your hair?
maybe you should use some Nair
It's been real cold, this much I know...
But maybe now we'll get some snow!
Need more pink the ink is to be pink
I just got a puppy, innit cute?
I'll put a pic in port. woot woot.
Cute indeed the puppy in the petshop that is
but why is there no space at the window for a squiz!??
Maybe it's cuz nobody knows what it is...
And now, for Angeless, pink the text is *Smile*
Pink Pink Pink!!!!!!
now i need to switch my ink
my brain my brain
It is in such pain
I think this ink that's pink will link
to what comes after, along with laughter...
Laughter's medicine is the best
But I think it's time to put pink to rest
ahh rest guess it is time for bed
but i think hermione has a cute head

Not much time, must study
for demon exam in zoology
.....Zoology ecology....why does logy end them all.
Say it all you like, I got lucky...
but all the stress of the matter is just plain sucky.
The stress does suck, I must agree...
But bad dreams suck to their own degree...
nightmares are a terrible thing,
you should be cheery and try to sing
I don't know quite what to say.
My mind is blank. It's not my day.
well i do have something to say
three little word i can say all day ;)
Well say it already!
My story's all ready.
Not THOSE words,my dears, or else.
I might be forced to shoot somebody - somebody Welsh.

Three thousand miles to an empty beach
Hand in hand yet out of reach
I would rather not observe,
teenage boys get on my nerves.
I get on nerves but I still admire your curves.
Curves you have of utmost grace,
you are one who cannot be replaced
TIme flies and time go,
I wonder how it will flow
Apparently it's slow going
Since your post took so long coming!
Time slips through an open hand
Like love, mercury and grains of sand
fluid, in motion like the azure sea,
folding and forming around each new destiny

© Copyright 2004 ♥~HermyKitteh~♥, BROCC-ZILLA, xx-xx, prongs, AngelinTwilight, PriyaElena - EricaRose, Forge, Airplane1285, Jeremknight, Reddmon, H.M., (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/842520-