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A vampyre has fallen desperately in love with a cold woman. Is she capable of love at all? |
Never-ending Nightmarish Heaven 4/19/04 My name is Shina. I am a new vampyre. For only the last hundred years, I have inhabited this city. I have survived alone, preying on humans. I watched as humans have changed, improving their lifestyles with technologies while their dramas of love and life remained the same. I watched the town grow. The gothic buildings became historic next to newer, shinier buildings. The lace and night are the same, though. The city is still antique, and the people still beautiful. Odi et amo. I hate humans. I hate their weakness and flippancy. Yet I love humans - they're alive and real. And I need their vain humanity just as much as their blood. I hate them more than I love them, but I love them a lot. I don't think any vampyre could survive without loving humans. Their simplicity. Their brief lives gone, flowing from a gash in their throat like a feather on a breeze. Long ago, I, too, was drained of blood. I was 22. Since then, I have not aged a day. I worked at an abortion clinic then. My family was dead then as it is now. That night I walked home after I had closed up the clinic. I stored the keys into my black purse and walked rapidly down the street. My shoes clicked on the pavement. Click. Click. Click. Click. I walked under the street lamps. Circles of white light bore holes into the pavement as I stepped into them. Half the time I walked, it was so bright I couldn't see anything. Half the time I walked, it was so dark I couldn't see anything. I passed a dark alley. I passed a chain link fence where a dog growled deeply at me. It barked repeatedly - each clear shout starting from the back of its throat. I saw its teeth less than a foot away from me with only the metal mesh between us. I pulled my black, high-collared coat higher because a wind had started up. It whipped my blonde, shoulder-length hair back. I walked through a park. Some homeless people slept on a bench. They had an assortment of winter clothes on. I passed the window of a late-night cafe. The lights inside were pale. A man was sitting at a small table. He looked at me. He extended a hand and motioned to the seat across from him. I saw a vampyre. I blinked and looked twice. I saw what I thought was a man. He was thin. He wore black and lace. There was a white scarf around his neck. He had long brown hair and dark eyes. His skin was pale. It was well past one a.m. I decided to go in. The plastic door closed slowly. I walked over to his table and placed my coat on the chair. Wordlessly, I sat. The man was highly beautiful, but I was not especially impressed. A waitress came, and I ordered a warm drink. The vampyre studied me and I glared back at the vampyre. He watched me drink thoughtfully. I looked at the steamy cup in my hands and then out at the macabre city. "Do you come here often?" he asked. His voice was deep and beautiful. "Never." I replied. His dark, dreamy eyes peered at my crystal blue ones. He looked at my hands. "You have long nails. Are they real?" I nodded. "Do you like to have your nails long?" "I guess. It helps with my work." "Where do you work?" "An abortion clinic." We fell silent for a while. I noticed the man had not touched his drink. I opened my mouth to speak, but the vampyre's finger was on my lips with a movement my eyes could not follow. "Come with me." he said and dropped some money onto the table. He stood and walked to the door and waited. I sighed with narrowed eyes. I put on my coat without buttoning it and stood. He opened the door and I walked through. I followed him through the city. His stride was long and graceful. His lanky arms swung low on his thighs with each step he took. We came to a lake. There was no one I could see except the buildings leaning over the water. He stood and looked out at the water on the pebbles and sand of the shore. "My name is Gabriel." he said. "I am Shina." I replied. "I know..." he said quietly. He turned to me and took my hand as he looked in to my eyes. I turned cold. Is this guy some stalker? was what I though immediately. My mind recalled fighting tactics. He did not move further so I snatched my hand back with a scoff. I turned and stalked away. Gabriel was instantly next to me. I didn't know how he could have moved so quickly. I saw his unnaturally long canines as he opened his mouth. He violently pulled me close as I tried to punch him. His embrace, however, was loving. His eyes looked longingly into mine. With a confident bite, his canines tore into my neck amidst my open coat. I tried to shove him away, but my strength was being drained. I felt weak, but I was not out of this fight yet. Suddenly, I felt something. My memories, my feeling, my soul was being opened up and shown nakedly to him. Likewise, I, too, saw Gabriel's soul open. This is what I was told: Gabriel was an old vampyre that had been living for a very, very long time. He was powerful from the blood of many victims. Beautiful Gabriel loved humans, but he killed ruthlessly without hesitation. However, once Gabriel had marked me as a victim, he did not kill me instantly. He watched me at the beginning and end of work at the clinic, while I rested at my apartment, and as I trained at a modern-day dojo. As this vampyre studied me, he found me intriguing. Gabriel was amazed at my strength. My solitary life was something Gabriel identified with. However, he couldn't understand how I could exist without anyone while he always needed other vampyres or humans. Gabriel came to love me. One day, he found out the difference between me and him. I was stronger. Indeed, I had accepted his invitation into the cafe unknowing of his nature. I had even followed him to the lake when he asked, sure of my safety due to the training I had put myself through. And now he said he was baring his soul before me during this painful bite. I did not know if the vampyre wanted to be with me or kill me or love me or anything. That was not included in his message. All he communicated was a confession of his love and lust. But it didn't make a difference. I fought his grip with my dying strength. To him, this was a denial of some unspoken, misunderstood question. Perhaps he saw something in my soul - something I sometime might look for someday and never understand. He cut open his vein and sprayed a small amount of blood across my lips. The blood empowered me in addition to my will to live. I heard something strange. Two drums. They beat quietly, and then louder and louder. They were not in line, but they were close. Each spoke: Boom-BOOM. Boom-BOOM. Boom-BOOM. I forced the vampyre off my neck. We were still in an embrace, and he forced my eyes into his. He tried to tell me something with his deep eyes, but I only saw some type of hope. "I love you." he said tragically. "I knew..." he stopped speaking, and red stains trailed from his eyes and onto his pale cheeks. "I knew you would reject me. What? was all I could think. "Furthermore, I knew you would kill me. I would rather die than exist without your love. You are so strong... and so adamantly alone. You have shown it to me in your soul." From the wrist of the vampyre gripping me fell a red waterfall. The blood splashed onto the pavement, and some traveled into the water. He was weakening from the loss of blood. "I am sorry." he said, still searching my eyes with that alien hope as his strength washed away. Gradually, his grip on me slackened, and I was holding his frail body from the ground. He cried silently. His body was wracked with either pain or crying. I couldn't understand, but he looked so devastated - it was something in his eyes. Eventually, those eyes closed, and he ceased to move in my hands. I had fought his beautiful charm, I had fought his bite, and I had fought his need. Now I let go of his weight, and his limp body fell onto the rocks by the lake. I stared at his body with a furrowed brow, teeth clenched. In one movement, I slammed my clenched fists to my sides, threw back my head, and screamed angrily at the night. I looked loathingly at Gabriel's body as it turned to ash. I had been confident in myself, but although he was dead, Gabriel was stronger. I then passed out from lack of blood. Later that night, I awoke and sat up. I was very groggy. It was just before daybreak. I vaguely remember ash in my clothes. I also remember my clothes were soiled from my body removing its contents. I didn't know what was happening to me, but I felt like shit - like I was dead. And later I learned that my body indeed was dying. It is part of the process to become a vampyre. I stumbled out of a pool of dried blood and away from the lake. I don't really remember where I went in my drunken state, but I was moving frantically. I had wandered into a dilapidated shack. I remember stumbling against a few boards that served as a wall for the house. The weak boards broke, and the house collapsed on top of me from a lack of support. Dirt and rotting wood covered me, and I became unconscious. I slept until the next night. I haven't seen a sun since the morning of that day. The moment the sun was gone, I snapped instantly awake. I burst out of the wreckage with unnatural strength. My drowsiness was gone, and I vaguely remembered the sound of the drums when Gabriel drunk my blood. I then realized those two thunderous drums were our two hearts. I also remembered the strength I had gotten when I had tasted his blood. I was hungry. I ran through the streets. I entered a park and found two homeless men finding a place to sleep in a cemetery. As I ran, my steps got faster and faster. I was a mere blur to the two marked bums. They could barely react to my approach. I seized one with my right hand and lifted him off the ground. His eyes were wide with terror as I ripped open his jugular vein with the long nails on my left hand. I lowered his neck to my mouth and drank deeply. I felt his heart beating like a bass drum. Boom-BOOM. Boom-BOOM. Boom-BOOM. I felt a second drum. This one started quietly and grew stronger as the man's heart weakened. This drum, mine, went from a bass drum, to a gong, to an elephant, to thunder. Boom-BOOM. Boom-BOOM. BOOM-BOOM. BOOM-BOOM!! The blood flow released gave a huge amount of pleasurable chemicals into my brain. It was pleasant, and I drained him. Eventually, I felt the man getting limp. I felt his life force start to slip away. I felt my soul going with it. Calmly, I unengaged my teeth. The man fell, dead. The other bum had begun to run away, screaming. I leapt two stories into the air and pounced on the man. My claws dug into his shoulders. The momentum caused the man to fall to the ground. However, this time, my teeth broke his skin as a true vampire, and I tasted his blood. I felt even stronger with each gulp. In time, I knew I would be more powerful. My teeth released the man's neck with a sucking noise at the exact opportune moment before my soul began to slip away. His limp body fell to the ground with a thud as I wiped my mouth with the back of my arm. I stood. I opened my eyes as if seeing for the first time. All my senses were enhanced. I could see everything. There was such clarity in the world. Everything was different. Lines were softer, but there was more contrast in texture. I could see the pieces that made up everything. I walked to a willow tree by a group of graves. I touched the soft branches that were blowing gently in the wind. The moonlight sparkled off each grain of every leaf. I could only imagine what candlelight would look like. It was magical. I could also hear everything. I heard birds roosting in the willow, dead leaves brushing against headstones, ants scraping against the tree's bark, and a car starting two miles away on the other side of the cemetery. I smelt better as well - the improvement was not as great as my sight or hearing, but it was significantly better. I smelt the animals, and the fresh death of the bums and the old death of the graves. The blood gave me such vitality. I felt my muscles bulge and my sinews fill out. Blood was now my strength. I wondered how far my abilities extended. Curiously, I began to run between the headstones. I tried running faster and faster. I placed each foot down quicker than the one before it. I felt the wind whip past, but I pressed on quicker. I cleared the length of cemetery to the exit two miles away in less than 40 seconds. Amazed, I check my body as if using it for the first time. I found myself by the wall of an caretaker's home. The car next to the house was running, but there was no one inside. Apparently its owner had forgotten something. A woman came out of the house. She was the wife of the caretaker. I saw the diamond twinkle on her finger. Obviously she did not like living in a cemetery because she looked about her warily as she approached the car. She had a few bags in her hands. I pushed back into a shadow, alarmed. However, she just walked within arm's length of me and got into her car, eyes still searching. But she did not see me at all. It was as if I was invisible if I wished to be. The woman changed gears and drove away. I realized that I had been given so many things: heightened senses, speed, stealth, and maybe even more abilities. I was stronger now, and that was so important to me. The anxiety I had felt toward Gabriel's better ability was almost gone. Elated, I jumped onto the two-story house and laughed into the night breeze, viewing the city that stretched out before me for the first time. I hopped over the street to a taller building with ease. With easy hops and incredible speed, I arrived on the roof of my apartment building. I climbed down into my window from the roof by digging my long finger and toe nails into the brick. I broke the window and swung into my apartment. I shed my disgusting clothes and took a quick show, running water over my supple body. I dried myself with a towel and threw myself, naked, onto my bed. I felt mentally relieved to lay down, but my body was only marginally more comfortable. I realized that my body wasn't tired at all - it was always quite at rest. I loved this new existence. It was then that I first reflected at how I'd gotten to be a vampyre. When I drank up the bums, they didn't become vampyres. I then recalled how I physically survived Gabriel's onslaught, and how I had drunken some of his blood. That must have been it... drinking a vampyre's blood. I also recalled Gabriel's soul and words, but they didn't seem very important to me. I picked up my naked body and dressed. I chose my best clothes. My wardrobe was already dominantly black, and I felt like a new, more skilled Shina. I noticed that I had a message on my answering machine. Someone from work had called, wondering why I had been absent. I realized that I had much to do. I wanted this to be the start of a better, more autonomous life. During the next week, I quit my job from a surprised clinic, moved, and managed my money differently all via night transactions. Among the things that I discovered about being a vampyre, was that as the legend said, I could not be out during the day. During the end of my second night fully awake, I felt internally compelled to sleep somewhere enclosed. I figured I would burn to ash as Gabriel had if I was in the sun. I also now knew why Gabriel didn't touch his coffee at the cafe. I now found food disgusting. I could eat it, but blood was my nourishment now. It was nice to watch people eat, but I was never hungry myself. However, I was more carnal in the sense that I was more sexually active. I did not lose my ability to have sex, but I did lose the ability to have children. And some of Gabriel's strange questions also made sense. Even though I did heal all wounds during the night, my hair and nails grew back to the same length they were when I was killed. I could cut my hair and style it however I wanted, and it would be long enough to change completely the next day. I also had the eternal long nails that I had always desired. I therefore purchased places to sleep safely from the sun. I got money from my victims and from investments that became favorable after the deaths of racehorses, professional sports players, and CEOs. Wealth was never an issue. I had all the time I ever needed. I have thrived for over one hundred full years. I am now over one hundred and twenty-two years old. I honed my fighting skills, and I became stronger with each drop of blood. I have done this independently and alone. I love humans, but I hate them because I need them. Even now, I release a sigh as I recall it... such an unnecessary, human gesture. Forgive me for my hesitation, but once my words start flowing, I am not sure they can stop. I have lived for such a long time and with such strength until that fucking fated day when I first saw you and came to love you. Varian, you took my strength away. I have told you my story because I hate you, and yet I exquisitely love you. I cannot live alone anymore! I need you. My soul weeps as if on judgment day for my lost strength. You have broken down my soul with a painful and pleasant erosion as water on a shore... Until I was more dead than I am. Then you built me back up into something else - something that needs you and always will need you. But I will not be as Gabriel. I will not make his mistake. I will tell you what I want so that you will understand. I want you to be with me. Be with me, please. Be with me like this forever, or let me perish. Please. Please. What will your answer be? Somewhere in the city, someone named Varian gave an answer that would exist for her eternity. |