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by Manda
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #809065
Melissa loves Tony, but does she want to spend the rest of her life with him?
As Melissa looked across the elegantly set table, into her boyfriend of 3 years Tony's eyes, she couldn't help but wondered how did she get here? She was sitting in a lavish restaurant on the upper east side of New York City listening to the sound of the violin playing in the background. Melissa loved Tony, but she new that the next step in their relationship would be engagement and she had a feeling that tonight would be the night that decided there future.
Melissa excused herself from the table to escape to the bathroom and catch her breath. "Just relax" she told herself. "He might not even ask me and besides I love him". She took one last breath and slowly walked back to the table to rejoin Tony. She sat back down and gave Tony a big smile. As he smiled back at her she picked up her glass of champaign and began to sip it. When she looked at the glass she immediately felt numb all over. There it was in the bottom of the glass, a 3 carrot diamond and sapphire ring staring right at her. Tony looked at her happily and asked "Well, what do you think? I hope you like it." All Melissa could do was sit there and bat her eyelashes. " I, I ,umm, I'am going to go outside for a moment, Melissa nervously laughed, all be right back." She slowly got up from the table leaving all of her possessions behind and headed for the front door. As her pace quickened tony said behind her "Melissa..wait..where are you going?" Melissa didn't stop and once she hit the front door of the resturant she started to run up the block. "Melissa" Tony yelled " Stop, what are you doing?" She started to run faster and faster as she looked at Tony he stood helplessly in front of the resturant in shock. "Lady, watch out!" She heard a man yell in front of her. By the time she faced in front of her it was to late. She ran right into a florescent sign that was being hung in front of a new store and just like that she was on her back, unconscious. "Melissa Tony yelled as he stood over her limp body, wake up!" but there was no response from her.
Melissa started to feel really weird, she opened her eyes and didn't know where she was. It looked to her as if she was in some sort of a control room and she felt like she was in the air! As she tried to figure out what was going on two men came into the room. "Hi there Melissa" one man said. "Sorry to keep you waiting for so long long. We should be landing shortly." "Landing, where am I" Melissa asked. The two men started to laugh. "What are you talking about we are on the new aircraft that the government designed to travel longer distances, the saucer." A what?!?" Melissa replied. " The men looked at each other with puzzled expressions and the other man replied " You really need to catch up on your sleep Melissa, you are losing it!" Melissa sat down and tried to get herself together. Why didn't she know what was going on? As the saucer landed she was anxius to get off the and find Tony because she felt horrible about running out on him. As everyone lined up to exit the saucer she looked outside and saw that they were on a beach shore and were staring out into the brilliantly blue ocean. Melissa was even more confused as to where she was and what she was doing. She followed everyone else's lead and exited the saucer and walked along the shore. After walking about a mile Melissa heard one of the men in front of her yell out "There it is, up a head!" Melissa looked up and saw a tall wooden ship ahead and to her surprise the flag that was hosted up on the mast had a pirate emblem on it. They all boarded the ship in a single file line and said hello to all the crew members who, sure enough were pirates! She couldn't believe her eyes. "What is going on, where am I?" Melissa mumbled to herself.
After all of the people from the saucer loaded the ship one of the pirates yelled "anchors away!" The beautiful, bountiful ship set sails and began sailing into the radiant sunset. Everyone on the ship sat down, got comfortable and began to tell stories of the sea, laughing and telling jokes. Melissa sat quietly in the corner and just watched the baffling sit as a group of pirates and a group of government black suits sat around conversing. When she thought things couldn't be any stranger she looked out on to the water and saw a gigantic volcano on the shore over flowing with hot lava! " Oh my god!" melissa screamed out as she jumped and pointed to the massive volcano. "Doesn't anybody think we are getting a little close to that volcano? Look at all of that lava, it will destroy the whole ship and not to mention all of us!" When she looked around the ship everyone had stopped what they were doing and were focused on her. "What is she doing here?" One of the pirates yelled angrily. " I thought we told you that she was never to come back here with you!" another pirate said to one of the government men. " This is the last time, I am sorry we had to. We had no other options!" The man replied. She knows to much, she has to walk before we go any farther." another pirate said." Melissa, in a panic yelled "wait, I don't know anything, honestly. I don't know any of you or where I am or even how I got here! I swear!" You expect us to believe that, someone get the ropes!" Before she new it she had her hands tied behind her back and she was standing on a wooden plank. Under her was a group of snapping crocodiles just waiting for her plunge. All she could hear was "Jump, Jump, Jump" from the pirates behind her. She looked a head at the last glimpse of the sunset she would ever see and tried once more to remember, remember anything. It was no use this was it, her end and she thought back to Tony and how much she loved him and how she would never see him again. Melissa looked back at all of the men on the ship behind her and jumped into the delay water below her.
When she came to she heard Tony's voice saying" Melissa, Melissa please wake up!" As she opened her eyes she say a group of people huddled around her staring down at her in shock. Tony eyes immediately lite up as he embraced her. "I was so worried about you" he said " I was worried I had lost you." " What happened?" Melissa asked. " You ran right into this sign lady, you weren't even looking!" One of the work men replied. " You have been passed out here for 5 minutes causing a big scene." Melissa couldn't believe it. Was everything a dream? Did none of it happen? Then she remembered how she had run out on Tony and she wondered why was she so scared to marry him? He had never done anything but love her. She slowly sat up turned to face Tony, looked him in the eyes and said " My answer is yes!" She wrapped her arms around him and thought to herself that this is where she wanted to stay.
© Copyright 2004 Manda (aleighg22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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