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Enter the sarcastic world of a partying techie. Add a bit of romance.WIP |
School is a pain in the ass. I don't understand why we are forced to waste the young years of our lives learning. It's a waste of youth and energy. I hate school. 'Hey Maggie!' Leslie says as we pass in the hallways. I don't understand why she says hello. Maybe it makes her feel special or something. I'm just glad I get out of this prison in a few hours. One more day off my countdown till graduation. Oh, and there, right there, that's the reason I'm not dropping out. Danny Stilner. I've known him since I was a Freshman. He's graduating this year. It kinda sucks. We aren't really friends per-say. More of close acquaintances. I've talked with him; since we hang out with the same crowd of people we're thrown together a lot. 'Hey Danny-boy!' I call, he catches my eye and waves. 'You going to the concert tonight?' he calls back. 'Maybe.' I say as he weeds his way through the crowded hallways. 'Why? Is there something terribly exciting about it?' 'Nah,' he says, joining my walk to my next class. 'Just curious, things are more fun if I know the people I'm partying with.' Damn I wish I could go out with him. But with things as they are, I know that wouldn't work out. Because a) one of my friends likes him, and since I didn't stake claim first... and b) one of my friends went out with him, and still likes him *coughsamepersoncough*. But goddamn, I saw him first. Stupid Sophmore, I shall rule my seniority over you all that I can, even though you're awesome. Jenny's really sweet, but sometimes I worry that she dramatizes things a bit much. Which is okay, occasionaly. I could never do that to her, go out with Danny. She'd shoot me, and then eat my carcass. Maybe not in that order. All the same, I really want to go to that concert now. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! God English class is boring. There are too many overly smart kids in my class. Or rather, too many outspoken kids in my class. It's like they can't shut-up, and obviously they have to speak out of turn. SHUT-UP YOU FUCKERS! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! I'm so glad I have Study Hall after this, and then, home for the day. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Ahh the serenity that comes with Study Hall, if you know where to go. Like Starbucks. I dragged Penelope with me. Technically we have early-dismissal after all, but I like pretending I still go to Study Hall. 'You should have told me you liked him sooner.' Penelope sighs over her tea. 'I could have..you know...suggested things.' 'Pen,' I get really annoyed when people don't understand. 'what would happen if I did that, huh? Let me tell you. I would break one of my friend's hearts, and she'd never forgive me, and friends are always before personal want or need.' 'Maggie, you're way too nice sometimes.' Penelope grins. 'So...concert tonight?' 'Yeah, called ticketmaster on my way over here, my tickets are being held at the gate.' I lean back in the chair and watch as some more snow filters down from the sky. 'You know, some people say snow is from God scratching his head, and it's his dandruff. I say it's the ashes from his cigarette. I mean, think about it, the cold is then caused by God being stressed out, and the snow is his trying to relax, which is why snow looks so pure and clean when it first comes down.' Penelope looks at me as thought I'm crazy. Which I'm not denying I am. But hey, that sounds like a very rational theory to me, if you believe in God. 'You put WAY too much thought into things.' Penelope shakes her head and hugs her tea cup a little closer. 'God I hate the cold.' 'It's so...empty.' I say, still watching the snow. 'At least with rain there's, like, sounds that you associate with it. But snow, it's so silent. So cold and blank.' 'Now that I can agree with.' Penelope shivers. 'I guess we better be heading back to meet up with everyone. My car's parked down the street.' We pack up and head back to school, throwing away the evidence of having ever left the building. Well, true, we still had a light snow dusting all over us, but hey, that is no means to incriminate. I cannot wait till the concert, and no school tomorrow so my mom says I can stay out as late as I want. Oh Fridays how I love thee. I wonder if I can get the car... ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! 'Hey Maggie!' I hear a voice call as I retrieve my backpack from my locker. I turn to find the voice. There's Danny manuvering through the mosh of people and towards me. Why does he have to be so nice to me? I wave to him, and slam my locker shut with a smile on my face. God my hand hurts. Maybe I shouldn't slam with a fist again. But hey, it's a distraction from him. 'What's up?' I ask, as he pulls out of the crowd 'Are you coming?' he asks earnestly. 'Or no?' 'Yeah.' I say 'Good.' he beams, 'I'll see you tonight then.' I watch him swagger back in the opposite direction. Sometimes I worry about him. I guess I should go down and meet everyone. They're probably waiting for me by now. But then, I'm not usually the last one there. Yup, waiting outside in the cold, like the losers they are. 'Hey,' I say, hunching against the bitter wind, 'lovely, but cold, can we go?' 'Not yet,' Mallory says, pulling her collar up, 'we're waiting for Danny. I promised to give him a ride.' 'Wait,' Jenny perks up, 'you're giving Danny a ride?' 'Yeah,' Mallory looks at Jenny, 'you're over him right? So it doesn't matter, right?' That was only mildly malicious. But then, there always has been a bit of animosity between those two. Someday, someday they'll resolve everything that has gotten between them, and I really don't want to be near the area when it happens. Penelope waves from inside, I rush inside, much prefering the idea of warmth. 'So what's happening.' Pen asks, 'Do we have a plan?' 'No idea, but it's fucking cold,' I say. We stand there watching the small group huddling together outside. Losers, they can freeze their asses off as much as they want, but I like having working fingers, thanks. Suddenly, I feel hands tickling my sides, and whirl around. Guess who, anyone? Anyone? If you're answer was Danny, you would be...correct. 'What the fuck was that?!' I yelp. 'You said you weren't ticklish.' he grins, 'You lied.' Penelope grins at me from behind him. Could she be anymore obvious. Well, now that Danny's here, we can go. 'Shall we go then,' I gesture to the door. 'After you.' he says, holding the door open; I go through one of the other doors. We congeal with the group and decide on a meeting place for once we get to the concert. Then Pen and I split off, Danny, sensing the animosity towards him in Mallory's car, calls after us. 'Can I hitch a ride with you guys?' he asks Pen. 'Surely.' she says. 'Shot gun,' I say immediately. We pile into Pen's little car and drop off Danny first. Then Pen and I take a little detour before I go home. 'He likes you!' she laughs. 'And I can't do anything about it!' I moan, 'I'm not even sure if he really likes me or if he's just being his usual nice and funny self. God damn it. I need a guy dictionary so I can analyze everything he does.' Penelope laughs at me. Of course. I wish I had more experience in this area, but as it is. No, not even a first kiss. Fucktards of the world were like, yeah, we don't like you. Well fuck you all. Hmm, I wouldn't mind if he was my first ki... No! No! I am not even going to recognize that thought. Home at last. 'Wanna help me dress for a kill?' I ask Pen as I step out of the car. 'Sure!' she says, 'I'll park down the street a bit then come in.' ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! My room's a bit of a mess at the moment, I've been trying to change the style of everything, so yeah. But Pen has this awesome sense of where all the awesome things are that make me look fantastic. Which is why I love going to concerts with her. She says I do the same for her. But I can't really believe that, because she always looks fantatic, and what I do doesn't make her look all that better. Pen pulls out a really low cut tight black shirt and holds it up to me. Then she digs out a pair of low-ride jeans. 'Try it on.' she directs. I do. And she approves, so I tell me mum that I'm going out tonight, and ask if I could just sleep over at Pen's. She says okay. I'm all good now. Cell Phone is charged, walkman has full battery power, my ass looks smaller in these pants, and I have some cash. Could life be any better than time spent with Penelope? I don't think by much. Maybe if Krystin were to join us. Krystin and Jocelyn. But they don't like concert going so much. Well, Jocelyn does, but she doesn't have time. Mmm, I like pants. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! I pick out clothes for Pen. Red. It has to be red. Hmmm. Oooo, shiny red halter! AHHH!!! PIN STRIPE SKIRT!!! I LOVE HER CLOTHING SO MUCH!!! And of course she looks fantastic in the outfit. But I do feel kind of proud cause this one is so damned perfect. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! The concert is packed. Which is awesome cause the band hasn't been out in the public knowledge for too long. I was conned into going to one of their concerts last year when they were one of the opening bands and was surprised to like the dorks. But them being the name band here is freaking awesome despite the fact that they've gotten full of themselves. And I do actually know one of the guys in the band, so I do know this for a fact. Shut-up, just because I know them, doesn't mean I have a huge desire to go to all of their concerts. And no, none of my friends are aware that I actually know the band personally. If they did I'd be hounded a bit too much for my liking. Anyway, they just started playing and Danny just found us. Umph, and now starts the moshing. But hey, I don't mind being moshed into him. Not at all, gives me a chance to feel out his bod, without him being aware. Crap, starting to fall. "You okay?" Danny screams pulling me back up. "I'm fine," i scream, "Just wearing the wrong shoes." He's still holding me. Looking at me kinda funny. The others got pushed up to the front of the pit, it's just us. I can feel my cheeks turning red. Why's he smiling. What...What's he doing?! ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Well, that was an interesting concert. Got kissed. Kissed back. Almost got caught by his ex. But I don't care, I may be in 7th Heaven right now, but there is no way this can lead to anything else. I must say, though, that was an interesting way to get a first kiss. Very interesting indeed. Pen knows. She knew when she saw my flustered face. And on the drive home, oh man was she laughing. Only she couldn't say anything cause Jenny and Bridget were in the car. They were both looking at her kinda funny, while I just sulked against the window worrying. So now I'm on Pen's laptop just lazing about on the IM scene, half hoping Danny'll come on. Hmm, who's this? Some guy just IMed me. OH! I know who he is! He's that guy from my english class. Kinda tasty. Jake: Yo. It's Jake. Me: Hey, how'd you get my sn by the way? Jake: Asked around ![]() Me: Great. So what's up. Jake: I was kinda wondering... Me: Spit it out dumbshit. Jake: Do you wanna go out sometime? Well, my mind is blown. First kiss and first person to ask me out all in under 24 hours? Pen just came in and looked at the screen. "You've made many a conquest tonight my dear." she laughs, "Now maybe you should answer him?" Maybe I should. But what do I want to say. Wait, this is perfect! If I go out with Jake, this shit with Danny has to end. Me: Sure, what'd you have in mind. Jake: Whew, you kept me in a bit of suspense there. Me: Sorry, Penelope was laughing at me. Jake: You're at Pen's house? Hey Pen! Me: She says hi. So, plans? Jake: How's tomorrow? 2 o'clock, movie? Pizza or something afterwards. I've been trying to call your cell all night I hope you know. Me: Really? Sorry about that. Well, I better get off. Have to get my beauty sleep for you. Jake: Night. Me: Ciao. I sign off, and Pen jumps to the computer, signing herself on. I warn her not to spread it around and she pouts. Now that I've plugged in my phone to charge, I did indeed have a few missed calls. Shall just save his number... Pen's still laughing at me. "Are you sure I can't tell even one itsy bitsy person?" "With my luck you'd tell Mike, and we all know what a gossip he is." "Noooo..." "Pen, not even joking. If you do it, I'll tell everyone about your numerous obsessions, and add a few more in for flavor." "You wouldn't dare." she laughs, I don't. "Fine! I won't!" All's fair in gossip. Time for me to go off to la-la land. Even if Pen tries to wake me up, I shall not. I refuse. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Fucking hell, it's 2 in the morning what the hell's the matter with her. Well too fucking bad if she can't get to sleep herself. I was all fine and well in my own little dream land. Grawrg! "He likes you." "What?" I grumble. "Danny, he likes you. He told me as I was signing off." "You told him didn't you." I groan. "About you and Jake? Yeah, I did, but I warned him to keep it on the DL. I didn't want him to be led on. You and I both know it could work out. Not with Jenny in the way." Thanks Pen, now I feel guilty. It's a hell of a lot harder to fall asleep with a guilty freaking conscience. Oh, yeah, now when I want to talk with you, you go to sleep. It'd serve you right if I woke you up. Too tired to care. Must get sleep. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! "Morning Sunshine!" I hate you Penelope. I hate you more than you can believe. I do NOT wake up at 8 in the a.m. on a Saturday EVER! Fucking little... "Don't grumble." Pen gives me a kick. "We have to make you look beautiful for Prince Charming." "Fuck you," I grumble."I'm gorgeous." "UP!" Pen laughs. I know I'm not all that pretty, I'm not going to deny it. That would be why it's taking this long to obtain a kiss and a date. Plain features are my game, Plain Jane should be my name. Pen is refusing to give up on my sleeping behind. Why must I have such friends to torment my life?! WHY?! "OW!" I cry as she stomps on my ankle. "Bitch! That hurt!" "Serves you right." Pen condescends. I pull her down to the ground and the lever myself up. That was bad ankle little wench. What'd I do with my bag? Ah, there it is. Oh the joy of pajama pants and slut tops, how I do love being comfortable. "No." Pen snatches my beloved clothing away from me. "Not for a first date." "Why the freak not?!" I make a grab for my clothing. "It's your first date!" Pen sighs, exasperated, she shoves the clothing into the upmost shelf in her closet. I do so hate being short. "I shall put together your wardrobe." "I don't fit into any of your clothes." I huff, I'm like two sizes bigger than her. "Too bad," Pen said, scrounging through the clothes piled up in her closet. "I'm sure I have something..." I hate when she does things like this. It gives me a boost of confidence until I take a look at myself in the mirror and realize what an idiot I look like. Doesn't help any when she even outshines me in her bed clothes. But so goes the trauma of my life. "Oh hell no." "Why not?!" she holds up a tiny skirt and even tinier top. "It's 20 freaking degrees outside! I refuse to freeze my ass off just to look good." She pouts, but puts the clothing back. At least I have some control over what I'm going to wear today. Maybe I can con her into at least letting me wear my sweatshirt. I loveses my sweatshirt, it's from Nightmare Before Christams. It was so awesome, cause I got it for 50% off AND IT GLOWS IN THE FREAKING DARK! I LOVE YOU JACK SKELLINGTON! Ahem. But hey, who doesn't? "This then." she holds out a long sleek looking pin stripe skirt and a band t-shirt. "I'll try them." "Good." She sayd, shoving me and the clothing into the bathroom. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Well, after much prodding on my part, I have been permitted to wear my sweatshirt. But, as means of punishment, she decided to do my accessories as well. Which is fine, cause so long as I have my hoodie, I'm all good. God I let people tell me what to do too easily. But there's Jake coming now. I suppose I should try to look happy. Oh but he is tasty isn't he. "Hey. I got the tickets." I say as he comes up. "Awesome. Shall we get in where it's warm?" "Fantastic Idea." "What movie did we get here in time for?" "[fill in movie title here]" ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Nice movie. 'Twas fun. I like dates. They're fun. Lots and lots of fun. Like only watch about two-thirds of the movie. Mmm, I like making out too. Am looking forward to more of that. Wonder what he thinks of me, does he think I'm too easy? Do I really care? "Well that was fun." He arm snakes around my waist as we walk to his car. "I could have given you a ride here." "I was only a couple block away, it was fine." Maybe I cared a little, because hearing that he had fun, and he's not repulsed by me, yeah, major boost. Ooo, I like the car. BMW Convertible, you are my dream car! "You like?" He starts the engine. "How can you not love a car like this?!" I think I have died and gone to heaven. This is like fan-freaking-tastically amazing! And I just get to sit back and let him drive me home in this sex machine called a car. He keeps looking over at me. What? Do I look that out of place? "Is something wrong?" "What?" He looks startled. "No! Why?" "You keep looking at me like I shouldn't be here." "It's just...well...One of my friends has liked you for awhile and I feel kind of guilty taking you out." "First come, first serve. If he's liked me so long he should have followed through." Wow, did not know I had a following. Why do I find out about this now? Whatever. I'm home, maybe I can take a nap now. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! The phones ringing. Why the hell is the phone ringing?! Fucking hell Penelope. It's 9 in the morning on a Sunday. I ditched church to get some sleep and you have the gall to call me?! You don't even know I'm home! "Morning Sunshine!" Penelope says cheerily after I pick up the phone. "What." "How was the date?" FUCK HER!!!! YOU DO NOT CALL IN THE MORNING!!! EVER!!! Unless you are dying. And even then. "I'm not going to answer you." "Because I'm calling in the morning." Penelope sighs over the phone. I hang up before she even tries to convince me otherwise. She can bitch to me about it later. After I sleep. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! I hate Sunday afternoons, I'm such a loser on them. I sit around and do nothing. But hey, we have The Bat Couch now, so it's all good. I really dislike boys sometimes. They confuse me. Mmmm, Lord of the Rings. I love you Faramir. Shutup Mom, she's laughing at me. Phone's ringing again. "It's for you." my mom hands me the phone. "Hello Penelope." I say "Hi!" She sounds painfully excited. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to my room. Then entail all the juicy details she so desires to hear. "Happy now?" I ask, exasperated. "Wow." She pauses, "you did a lot for one first date." Great. So I am easy. Saw it coming though. This type of thing has been put off too long for me not to enjoy it to it's fullest extent. "Pen, I really don't need this from you." "Sorry, but, I dunno, i kinda expected you to go slower." "I don't plan on sleeping with him." "This is not a joke Maggie! Your use of sarcasm merely continues to frighten me." "Penelope, go fuck yourself. I don't need this from you of all people." "What the hell's that supposed to mean?!" "I'm sorry." I sigh, I'm tired, what does she expect. "I've got a lot going through my head right now, and I would rather just have you as a binding support than a questioning mother." I can almost hear Penelope seathing at this. But after a few minutes of silence she seems to calm herself. "Alright." She says calmly. "What is it you'd like to talk about?" "Well...What did you do yesterday?" ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Hump day! AKA Wednesday. Jake's a cutie and I am forced to insist that I do not like PDA. In fact I despise it. That and I really don't want people to straight out know we're going out yet. Though I'm sure he's told his friends. Oh Jebus, English on a Wednesday is hell. Hell itself. What's this? A note from Jake? I look at him in the seat next to me. What's he on about? Am I up for a date this Friday? Is he serious?! Musical Tech starts today! I suppose I'll have to talk with him after class. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! What the fuck is his problem. We've been dating for less than a week and already he's this freaking possessive? Fuck that. If he thinks he's more important than things I've already got in motion. He's nuts. He'll have to go. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Penelope's looking at me funny. What'd I do? Did I fuck up the painting?! I don't think I did. And even if I did, she can fix it. Sure it's tech week, but who expects the painting to be done? "What'd you do?" She asks quietly as she reaches me. "In reference to what?" I turn to face her. "Jake." I'm sure my eyes are popping out of my head. She glares at me. "You didn't." she hisses, "Please tell me you didn't." "How the hell did you hear that already?!" Penelope takes a deep, and seemingly painful breath. "I know people." is all she says. "And I know why you shouldn't have done that. Did he seem to be acting jealous?" "Yeah..." "That was just his frustration." "About what?" Penelope looks around and sees we have an audience. She pulls me off the stage and downstairs into the bathroom. "He had something special planned for you today." "Are you serious?" I ask, suddenly feeling my stomach drop. "He's upstairs. Out in the hallway. He'll stay there until he sees you. He doesn't know we're friends, but he asked me to find you." She looks at me. "Do you like him?" "I don't know?!" I cry, turning away from her. "How can I know?! I don't have any other real reference." Shit. I hate this, I hate this so much. Why does running take so long. I don't want to lose him. I don't. It's been killing me, but I absolutely refuse to let a boy walk all over me. Oh god, there he is. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! I really fucked it up. I had a great guy in my grasp and I fucked it up because I was too ready to pass him up for my own well-being. A single rose. With a note and a CD. Just for me being me. He wouldn't look at me when he shoved the things into my arms. I tried to stop him after I recovered from my shock but he wouldn't turn around. God damn it. How can things get like this after less than a freaking week?! I'm not staying for call after tech. I can't. Danny keeps looking over at me, like he wants to talk to me. Everyone's avoiding me. I've already snapped at the Props Mistress, the Master Rigger, the Master Electrician, and whoever happened to be in my way. All of them seemed terrified. I don't want this anymore. I want it to be July after graduation, when those final days of true freedom are so sweet. I want to be warm even in the coldest months, with someone there to make sure I stay that way. I want romance, i want.... And I could have had it. But I let him go. Fuck this I'm leaving. "Where are you going?" Danny hisses, barring the door. "You're in warn." "Fuck you." I glare at him. "Find me a replacement or something. I need to go home. Now." Danny looks about ready to say something, but I push past him and into the hallway. I got the car this afternoon, I don't have to wait for anyone. "Stop." Danny commands from down the hall. "What the hell do you want?!" I nearly scream as I turn around. Danny strides over and looks down at me. Why won't he go away, I just want to go home. I just want to pretend I didn't fuck over the minor chance of good I had. Go away. "I'm going with you." he says, and opens his locker to take out his coat. He won't let me protest and we walk to my car. I don't know why i don't just kick him in the crotch and just go home. I still want him, that's why. Yes, I relinquish that even to myself. I want him. I want him to be romantic. I want him to be warm. I want him. We get into the car, and I wait a minute before I start the car. "Anywhere you want to go?" I ask, as he fastens his seatbelt. "We could go to the park?" He suggests. Sounds good to me. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! I like parks in the night. They're so... mysterious. It was a quiet car ride over here. And I don't mind just sitting here next to him. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks suddenly, quietly. "About Jake?" I ask, not surprised. "I don't mind either way. You can ask me things if you'd like." "Why'd you break up with him?" He prods, as soon as I'm finished speaking. I look up at him in amazement. Why should he care that much. How did he find out? Not many people even knew we were dating, and Pen couldn't have spread it, as she believed we would patch it up before the gossip could even saturate. "How did you find out about that?" I say, before I can stop myself. He looks down and talks to the ground. "Jake and I are good friends. We have Gym together after lunch." Wait a second. They're good friends... Could he be the friend that Jake was talking about, who should have been with me instead of him. Shut-up wishful thinking, you make my heart hurt. "I didn't know any better, I thought he was trying to control me. He didn't give me any reason not to believe that at the time." "But he got you your favorite flower, made you a mix of all the songs you love to listen to and make you happy, and even did the romantic gesture of a note!" "I didn't know that at the time." I look over at him sharply "How did you..." "Doesn't matter." Danny looks at me, "He really liked you. Couldn't you see that." "Well, what does that matter to you?!" I stand up, "What if I don't like him that way? The idea of that type of person appeals to me, yes, but I don't want just any person. I want one in particular." "And who's that?!" Danny stands up and towers over me. We glare into each other's faces. And after a moment, I look away and walk a ways into the field ground. I hear Danny sigh and follow after me. "I'm sorry," he says by my side. "He's just really hurt." "He shouldn't be. We went out for less than a week." "Well, he had encouragement to help him think it would last." I look over at Danny. He looks so dejected, as though all his dreams are crushed. I get it now! I could laugh out loud I get it! He was the one telling Jake how to woe his way into my heart, he was living through him! "Danny," I peer into his face, smiling, "you didn't have to do it through him." He looks at me, shocked. "What?" "Unless I'm way off my mark here, you like me. Anyway, you're the one I want to be the way he was." Danny gazes at me with wide eyes. Then smiles a smile so beautiful, I could feel my heart melting. He pulls me into a huge hug. I like him like this. Wait, what am I doing?! What about Jenny? Fuck Jenny. NO! I push off of Danny a bit, and he lets me go, looking down curiously. "I can't though." I say, holding myself warm against the chill of my heart as I say the words. "Why not?" Danny puts his arms lightly around me, and i want to melt into him, to stay warm and safe forever. "Jenny." I feel Danny stiffen a bit. "She still likes you Danny, and i can't do that to her." "So let's just do it for ourselves. Whenever we can get time like this." "Are you serious?! Have an affair?!" "Well why not, no one would ever expect it from the two of us." That's true. No one would. Mmmm, and he's so warm. I want to stay like this forever and ever. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Last night was fantastic. We talked for an hour just about how complicated everything becomes when you see the same people everyday after school for pretty much the entire year. And he just held me. We didn't kiss, he just held me. That's all I want, that's all I'll ever need for awhile. That kind of touch, that tender, protecting hold that is so overwhelming. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! The weekend at last, the first show went well, but today's will be better, because it's saturday, and we aren't slacking off yet. Danny's sweet, and we haven't done anything yet, which I'm both happy and sad about. Whatever, it's the way the world works. I get to see him, and smile with him. Our secret smile. God I'm a hopeless romantic. I swear, that's the only reason I'm doing this, because of the intrigue, the suspense, the romance. A loser, that's what I am, a loser. Time for the show. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! Strike, is over. My brain, is dead. And I... yeah, I don't have a car.That means I have to hitch a ride. I wonder if Pen has her car. "Hey," I greet Joscelyn "Have you seen Pen?" "No," she thinks for a moment, "I think she had to leave early." "Fuck. Now I have to find another ride, you wouldn't happen to have your car tonight?" "Unfortunately not," she sighs, "my sister is borrowing my car, and my dad is picking me up then taking me to our Lake House, so, yeah, sorry." "No problem." I smile and trot off to find myself a ride. Now let's think, who might have a car? Gary? Maybe, but I'm a little bit afeared of his driving. Jake? Refuses to get his liscence. Mike? Too lazy to get his. Mallory? Parents don't like her having the car out this late. Jenny? Doesn't see why she should bring her car three blocks to the school. Who does that leave? Fuck. Danny. Wait, this could work out well. Indeed, very well. "Danny-boy!" I call into the shop. "You got a car?" "Yeah." he looks up from a book he's reading, "but I'm not leaving for awhile." "If I wait around can I hitch a ride?" I ask, walking over. "Sure, but it may be quite a wait." he warns, smiling. I shrug and jump onto the workbench, to settle down with my homework. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! It took about ten minutes for everyone to leave and Mr. Kilmin requested that Danny lock-up the shop when he was ready to leave. It's just me and him in the silent shop. Kinda creepy, but eh, I have a book. "So," I ask, "why is it that you needed to stay for longer?" "Give me five more minutes." he grins, and pulls out a notebook. I watch for a couple seconds as he scribbles madly in the notebook. He reminds me of me when I just got major inspiration. I've attempted to see what it is he's writing, but he won't let me. He only grins and pushes my head back. Well fine then, I'll just sit here and become absorbed in this here book. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! "Done," he startles me out of my reverie. "I'm ready to go now." "Blarb!" I gasp, "You scared the crap out of me!" "Come on," he pulls me off the bench, "Everyone should be gone by now." Just to be safe, I make sure we don't do anything that might appear in the slightest to incline we are an item. His car isn't that far, but it's kind of awkward to be holding back from touching him now that I have the opportunity. Oh, isn't he so chivalrous, holding open the door for me. "So," he says, sliding into the driving seat. "Do you have to go directly home?" "No," I say after looking at my watch, "I've got about 45 minutes before I need to be home." "Great," he grins, "Anywhere in particular you want to go? Or can I just find some place?" "Either way is fine with me." I smile and lean back into the seat. He starts the car and we're off. This is the point where I start to feel the exhaustion of the past shows. The adrenaline from strike only lasts so long, and it's leaving pretty rapidly. Maybe if I just lean into the seat a bit and close my eyes for a second... ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! "Wake up Maggie." Danny gently pushes me. I blink, and try to figure out where we are. I turn to see Danny smiling gently at me. What can I do but smile back. Of course, my smile turns into a yawn. "You're cute when you're sleepy." "Shush," I yawn, "so where are we? And how much time has passed." "We're at a park and it took ten minutes to drive here." "We're in a different city then." I shake my head, driving the omnipresent sleep away. "Indeed," He turns off the car, "You up for a walk?" ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! I like walks. Danny took me to this absolutely gorgeous little cropping of trees by a stream-of sorts. And we stood there for about five minutes, just mellowing out to the sound of the little bubbling stream. Then he put his arm around my waist and turned me towards him. Without another second's hesitation he leaned down and kissed me. And thus began the short process towards second base. I really am too easy. And now he's driving me home. I can't believe we were out there going at it for forty minutes. My mom called my cell and that ended it. I told her, things ran longer than I thought, and I was on my way out of the building. Danny looked a little sheepish, like he hadn't meant to go that far so soon. He doesn't look so sheepish now, though. He keeps looking over at me, and smirking, like I'm some sort of conquest. He just laughs when I tell him that. "Well, I guess you are." he says, laughingly, "I set out to have you, and now I do. And I really don't want to let go until you're pried from me, so I feel a bit smug. That a problem?" Not at all. Mmmm, I don't want to go home. He's telling me to stop looking at him as I am. He says I look like a love-struck duck. Don't worry, I slapped him. We're almost to my house. Only two more blocks. One more block. "So, how are we gonna keep our hands to ourselves now that the musical is over?" he asks as he parks the car. "Now is not the greatest time to ask, is it?" I say, and pull a face. "If it's really important, I'll go online tonight and we can talk, but I'd really rather get some sleep, if you don't mind." "I'm tired too," he watches as I open the car door and get my stuff together, "we'll find a minute to talk tomorrow I'm sure." "Good night Danny." I say as I close the door. "Good night Maggie." he says out of his open window, watching to make sure nothing happens as I walk up the stairs to my door, then go inside. At least, I assume that's what he was doing. My mother tells me to go to bed as soon as she sees me walk through the door. And to bed I shall go. ~`/.>,<';":[]+=-_)(*&^%$#@! It's amazing how after a stressfull week you're body collapses when the stress is removed. I feel as though a bus has hit me. All my muscles are clamped tight, and I can feel a cold coming on. It's lunch right now, and Pen seems to be in the same boat, if I look half as miserable as she does, I must be a sorry sight. Danny seems pretty up-beat though. Too upbeat if you ask me. "Why are you two looking so tranced out?" he asks me and Pen. "Shove it up your ass." Penelope says, sounding stuffed up. "You try running on three hours of sleep for the past week." I just close my eye and lay down on the work bench, trying to get my headache to recede; my sinus however, refuse to allow this. Danny's trying to sneak up on me. "Get the fuck away Danny." I say as he draws near. "I have a mondo headache from sinus pressure and if you come any closer you will regret it immensly." |