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Jonny struggles long and hard to like his self. |
Johny Come Lately In the 1950s in rural Kentucky Johny lived with his parents and 9 siblings. He had 6 brothers and 4 sisters he was the third oldest and the oldest boy. The Miller family were a very close family. His Mom and Dad were well respected in the little town and were God fearing people. Johny had always been a shy boy and lacked confidence in his self. He would rather be in a corner than be in the spotlight. He feared life itself always thinking negatively seldom thinking positively. He would often go to his dream world to escape reality. When he was alone he could make believe anything that he wanted to. This gave him a false feeling of power and inner strength. Johny never confided in anyone with his mental problems he felt they would eventually go away. When he started school the problems only got worse. He felt lost and afraid being there among the other students. Johny had no close friends he did not want others to know his true feelings. The other students liked him but he felt if they really knew him they would not have. Even in school he would day dream many times the teachers would catch him dreaming. If he was somewhere that he did not want to be he would block it out mentally. Because of his problems it held him from learning much in school. He learned how to play softball in Elementary school this become his favorite sport. Playing softball was exciting to him and he put everything he had into it. On the softball field in the outfield he felt at home, but when he had to bat the old feelings of being in the spotlight bothered him. A lot of times when they played softball just for fun he would play steady outfielder and not bat. He started playing baseball around 16 and while attending high school. He constantly practiced his outfield skills by throwing the baseball on the roof and catching it when it rolled off. Playing baseball was the only thing Johny liked to do in reality he felt he could hold his own with anyone else. This gave him confidence that he never had in anything else. He envied others for their confidence and esteem they held for them selves. He tried hard to feel and be like any other person, but he could not discard his inner fear. He knew until he liked his self nothing was going to change inside him. Johny had few girl friends mainly because he was such a loner and did not want to reveal his true self. One day he met a girl with the prettiest red hair he had ever seen. Her name was Bobby Jo she also had freckles on her face. Johny was immediately attracted to her she seemed to be very positive about life. Bobby Jo told him she had seen him play ball many times and liked the way he played. He could not understand why he had not seen her at the games she told him that she hide when he came into bat. The more he seen Bobby Jo the more he wanted to be with her. After dating each other for 6 months they decided to get married, but Bobby Jo was only 16 he would have to get her Mothers approval. Although she hesitated she gave them her blessings. His marriage to her was to be the best thing that could have happened to him. Johny now had someone he could confide in and tell all his feelings to. Bobby Jo was a very positive and strong willed lady. She listened as he told her of his problems, but she could not understand why he felt that way. She would often tell him if he was such a bad person then why did she love him? He could not answer her cause she knew him well and he certainly respected her opinion. Years went by still Johny lacked the self esteem he should have had in his self. Even though he had a strong love and marriage with Bobby Jo he could not climb his mountain. It seemed the older he got the more problems would arise for him to overcome. Finally one night he came to a point of no return it would either make or break him. Johny had always been a God fearing man, but had never felt the true power of Him. He knew God was his last hope in overcoming his problems. On that very night he humble his self and beg God for his forgiveness and help. Johny could feel the presence of God and knew He heard every word of every problem. After that wonderful experience with God Johny's life changed it felt as though he was a new man. This new inner feeling of Gods' grace wash away his envy of others and allowed him to become a man he liked. He no longer feels inferior to anyone with God and Bobby Jo's love and understanding he now lives a happy and contented life. "JOHNY COME LATELY" was blessed with a true miracle. BY: Kings |