Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/788847-Octobers-Lie-Is-No-Lie
Rated: E · Essay · Community · #788847
A nomination for Unofficial Best Mod on W.Com
Octobers Lie Is No Lie
by Vivian Gilbert Zabel

          I was drowning in things to do with the eZine, my husband’s health, and trying to write. I reviewed a story for The World Around Us and met Octobers Lie . Within days I had an assistant for the eZine, and my burdens were lifted through her help and her friendship. She didn't ask me what I needed, she offered. Many times, she will do what needs to be done, then tell me she did it. (Hmmmm... wonder if we can clone her?)

          How anyone can review as much as she does, I can’t imagine, but she reviews more items a day that most people do in a week. Her reviews are helpful and encouraging. Anyone who has received one of her port raids knows how wonderful she can be with words that lift and bring out the best in a writer. Her reviews of my work are some of my most prized.

          Octobers Lie’s generosity is a secret that is leaking bit by bit. Many people don’t know that they have been helped by her, though, because she likes to work secretly, anonymously. She watches and pounces when she sees a need. I've been on the receiving end of that pounce more than once, some I know about, some I'm sure I don't.

          Without a doubt, Octobers Lie is not a lie, but the truth of what a moderator should be.
© Copyright 2003 Vivian (vzabel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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