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Who will do the breaking in--him, or her...? |
CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Legend (?) (unwritten) PAIRING: Menes/Ta-Merit (M/F) EXPLANATION: I really can't recall where I came up with the idea of Menes (see "Self-Restraint") having a secondary wife. I guess it just seemed natural. *shrug* Anyway, I wanted to find a way to surprise a hardened, experienced character like Menes, and what better way than to introduce a shy, timid wife who turns out to be...well, as he puts it, a wildcat? I thought that it would be funny to see his reaction to such a thing. Ta-Merit was just the woman I had in mind. (She also appears as a voyeur in "Majesty.") DISCLAIMERS: There's mention of "horse stables"--I do take artistic liberties in my Egypt storylines, as in the Egyptians possessing horses before they really did, but I'm not sure if that applies here. Also, Menes's tale about his FIRST experience is kind of iffy; I'm not sure if I like it. :/ * * * * * Wildcat Menes looked Ta-Merit over as she came into his room, bowing respectfully and keeping her eyes on the floor. She didn't look much older than he was, perhaps younger; but he knew how deceiving looks could be with women. She was taller than Ankhnes, but slimmer and not as well developed. He wasn't certain if marrying her had been the best idea; he'd been satisfied with Ankhnes alone, but even she had agreed that this union could be only a beneficial one, as far as politics were concerned. So the marriage had gone through, and now here was his new bride, ready and waiting for him to complete the union...he supposed that it was merely his duty. "Good evening," he said, simply enough. "Good evening, Majesty," she replied, keeping her eyes on the floor and her hands folded neatly in front of her. There was a rosy tint to her face, and he couldn't tell if she were blushing or not; he hoped not, as that meant she was nervous, and that could only mean difficulty. He went to her and took her hand, which seemed to surprise her a little; yet she followed readily enough when he led her across the room. He wouldn't be able to just do it and be done with it, as he'd rather hoped; he would much rather have been spending his time with Ankhnes. Yet it looked as if he'd have to spend some time with this one before she could get used to him. He wasn't going to simply take her, not if she didn't welcome him. No matter if it was his right or not. He sat down on the edge of his bed, and noticed how she flushed as she did the same. Damn. She was a timid one. He sighed inwardly; this would take some patience. She kept her eyes off of him so he couldn't gauge her exact thoughts yet he decided to proceed carefully. He stroked her hand. "Where do you come from, again?" "A city I doubt even you have heard of, Majesty...near to the coastline of our--your kingdom. My father had deemed it appropriate that he form ties with Your Majesty's noble family, and so that is why..." she offered the tiniest smile and shrug "...I am now here." "You had no say in any of this?" "Oh, no, Majesty, nothing like that! It's true my father makes the decisions yet I agreed completely. I'm most honored to be a part of your noble family!" He smiled slightly. "I'm glad to hear you don't come here against your will. I would never have approved of such a union myself." "Your Majesty is most kind, indeed most kind." He moved his touch slightly up her arm, to her elbow, and when she didn't protest to her shoulder. She smiled and blushed a bit more. "I hope that you enjoy it here, in our city?" "Oh, yes, Majesty. It's truly deserving of its name, White Walls. It makes my city look like a mud mound." He laughed at that one. She finally looked up at him with some surprise at the sound. After a moment her own smile grew and she laughed softly herself, putting a hand to her mouth as if to hide it. He reached out and took her hand, pulling it away. Her wide, childlike eyes blinked at him. He smiled and gently stroked her face. "There's no need to hide that...I wish for you to feel welcome here, to make yourself comfortable." Another blink. She looked like a child, staring at him like that. He leaned toward her slowly, as if approaching some small frightened animal, and, reaching her, placed his lips against hers, lightly brushing against her mouth. The hand that he had placed on her shoulder he moved to her back; his other hand he placed lightly to her chest, feeling her heart beating beneath it. It fluttered in her chest like a trapped bird. He suddenly realized that her naiveté, her wide-eyed youth and innocence, so much different from Ankhnes's knowledge and worldliness, attracted him; and though the heat was beginning to rise within him, and he wished nothing more than to take her right now, he kept himself in check, forced himself to go slowly... He touched his lips to hers again. Her heart fluttered harder. When her mouth didn't respond, he opened his own, tongue gently prying her lips open, tasting her, playing along her teeth. Her breath hitched a little and he sensed her fear, yet told himself that they'd have to be done with it sometime. It might as well be now, while they were together. She would have to overcome her inhibitions if she wished to be his wife. He reached down with one hand to loosen his kilt, his other hand supporting her back. "Please unclothe yourself," he whispered to her huskily; she trembled a little but complied, hands reaching up to pull down the sleeves on her gauzy dress. He helped her remove it, so she finally sat naked, except for her jewelry, on the edge of the bed. She kept her hands bunched in a ball, legs tight together, as he removed his own clothing and continued kissing her. His mouth trailed from hers, to her cheek, neck, down to her shoulder; then back up to her mouth again, pushing it open, tongue exploring. His body was hungry. Already he was stirring, growing excited. He might as well make the most of this; it had been a while since he'd had a virgin. He briefly thought of his first love, before he'd left to reunite the country, how the two of them had embraced each other tightly in the hay of the crude stables, rolling about, their mouths sucking and legs twining, before he had pressed her down and taken her virginity from her, hearing her gasp. They had not made much effort to be quiet after that, as he'd hoarsely cried out her name as she cried beneath him, his hips pushing hard into hers. He thought secondly of his time traveling with his men toward the north, how in one of the towns, in the household that he and several of the others had been invited to stay at, he had made love to the young daughter of the house master, he eighteen, she just fourteen, and yet with tender budding breasts and such a sweet tight smoothness that the moment they touched he had to be within her. He then thought of his first night with Ankhnes, who herself had been untouched so far; how she had not hesitated on their wedding night, and had disrobed herself while he watched, her dark eyes drawing him in as she drew her gauzy dress down to reveal her dusky nipples. She he had made kneel upon the royal bed as he took her, thrusting hard with his head tipped back, and she had even called him Mighty Bull when they reached orgasm; this little detail alone had earned her his attentions for the rest of the night, and they'd spent much time coupling, touching, kissing, laughing, and simply coming to know one another. The memories made him feel even harder. And now he was with his new bride, Ta-Merit. He would make certain that it hurt her as little as possible, but she would have to bear it, if she wished to be his... He prepared himself in his mind, envisioned himself taking her by the shoulders, pressing her down into the pillows, pushing her legs apart--perhaps with a little resistance, with how tightly she held them together now--pushing himself within her--feeling her resistance giving way, perhaps her gasp or cry of pain--kissing away her pain, moving inside her, hands caressing her, making it as pleasurable for her as it would be for him, completing the act, the two of them satisfied...then sending her back to her own rooms, and perhaps spending the rest of the night with his beloved Ankhnes beneath him, and then at his side... Only...it didn't quite work out that way. When he reached for Ta-Merit's shoulders, getting ready to swing his leg over hers, she suddenly seized him back, fingers digging into his upper arms. He almost bit her tongue in pain when it unexpectedly entered his mouth. He barely had time to be surprised before she had whirled herself around and pushed him down onto the bed instead, with such force that his breath was momentarily knocked out of him. He opened his eyes to see her crouching over him, her own eyes narrowing and perfect white teeth showing behind parted lips, an almost catlike, feral expression lighting up her face when she hissed softly. What--? he managed to think. She seized him again, swinging one leg over him so she straddled his stomach. Then she sat back onto him so abruptly that all he could do was gasp at the shock of entering her, breaking through her maidenhood, feeling her blood; she clenched her teeth but gave no other indication of pain, instead grabbing his arms, pulling him up toward her, mouth crushing against his as her breasts crushed against his chest. Her teeth bit at his lips, drawing blood. Her fingernails raked at his back, doing likewise. He couldn't believe this bizarre reaction, it was like making love to a wildcat! As if in response to this thought Ta-Merit sat back a bit--Menes gasped for air--and he was further bewildered when she lifted her legs, both of them, high above her, knees folding over his shoulders so her thighs pressed against his chest. He'd never seen any woman do that before, or even known it was possible until this moment. Ta-Merit was incredibly lithe and flexible. She clutched his arms in her iron embrace once more, and heaved herself against and onto him with a forced gasp. Menes gasped as well at the sensation and grabbed onto her buttocks to keep from falling over. The motion impaled her onto him and she threw back her head, breasts heaving. Then, regathering herself, her head fell forward again and she growled at him, eyes mere slits and teeth showing shiny white. She began jerking her body against him, hips pressing into his. Unable to think of anything else to do, Menes held her to him tight and began rocking into her, accepting her motions, combining them with his own. His fingers entered her cleft as she moved and he touched and spread her open wider, fingertips wet with her blood and juices; he discovered her other opening and inserted his fingers inside, earning a gasp from her, and started massaging between finger and thumb. The two of them rocked rapidly, hurriedly upon his bed. Menes had to shut his eyes to avoid looking at her, as he felt that he would have climaxed now from that alone. He'd never felt anyone like this before; it was maddening. The two of them sat upon his bed for perhaps twenty minutes; he held off his own orgasm, which would have come almost immediately, in wait of her own. It came suddenly and quickly, when it finally did; he suckled noisily at one of her breasts when Ta-Merit gave a breathless scream, her body slamming against him, her hips down onto him. Menes dropped his head back again with an explosive grunt, groaning as her insides tightened around him and he spurted out his seed. As soon as the girl stopped trembling her eyes rolled back and she moaned softly and sank against him. He caught her and kissed her neck, his breath taking in the smell of her sweat. It acted as an aphrodisiac; it was too soon for him to harden again already, though he felt the pained ache of desire on smelling her. Still, she was new...despite her frenzied lust...and he didn't wish to wear her out so soon. He lay back into the pillows and brought her with him so she snuggled against his arm, sighing tiredly. Panting to catch his breath, he stroked her face as they lay silently side by side, regaining their strength. "So," he murmured, after a long while. Ta-Merit opened her sleepy eyes to look up at him. "You were truly untouched, that blood I felt, it was yours?" "Oh--yes, Majesty." Her cheeks flushed bright pink. "If you do not believe me, you may ask of my family..." "No, this is unnecessary...I simply wondered. Where you acquired your skills." "Skills, Majesty--?" He turned his head to look at her and his mouth twitched. "Please do not tell me you learned that technique from watching the older girls and boys play in the straw." "Oh." Now her cheeks went crimson and she averted her eyes with a giggle that was far too demure for her previous behavior. "Well...I must confess, Majesty...before I came to be with you...I asked of my servant girls what I should know, to make a man happiest in the bed. They taught me the technique, themselves." "Truly?" He cocked his head now, curious. "How did they do this?" "They...um...we...practiced upon one another, Majesty." Furious blushing. "The ones my age...I would send the older and younger ones away, and they would teach me...they showed me how to bend my legs, and move my hips, just right, to drive a man insane with passion...or so they told me...I do know that when they moved against me, and I against them, it did feel good...um...I must apologize, Majesty, if this is most inappropriate." Menes laughed. "No...I wouldn't call it such. If anything I find it most interesting. So you learned this technique from your servant girls? They were the first you were with, in passion?" A meek nod. "Y-yes, Majesty...though...though you are the first I was with, in body." She burst into embarrassed giggles and hid her face. "Oh, dear! I must apologize, Majesty. For a first experience, this is most embarrassing." "Please." He stroked her face again. "You don't have to feel this way." "I know, Majesty, it's just--this must sound incredibly strange to you! Oh, how I wish I could hide my head within the sand!" Her giggling grew louder. He smiled. "I'll make you an offer then, if you can cease your giggling, and make love to me once more." Ta-Merit's eyes welled up as she laughed. "Oh, please! I can hardly do so while I'm like this! What does Your Majesty wish me to do--?" "All you need do is ask me to tell you something of myself that you feel may be equally embarrassing. Then we will be even, and may play together again." Ta-Merit gasped and wiped her eyes. "Me--embarrass you? Oh, Majesty, I can hardly do that--!" "This is a request. Feel free, pretty face. The only punishment you may receive is to be cleaved by myself again--something that is hardly strange to you by now!" Ta-Merit laughed loudly now. "Oh...all right, Majesty...but only because you requested it...I do find myself curious to know...your own first time...who was this with? What was it like for you? Could you please tell me this? And then I will gladly lay myself down for you once more!" His lips turned up in a slight smile. "This is all you ask? You could have asked much more than that." "I know, Majesty, yet this is what I wish to know!" "Very well then. My first love was when I was seventeen. She was fifteen. We would meet each other in her father's horse stables, and that is where we would make love, as our parents had not approved of the union. I left her when I came to reunite the country once more." "Oh, Majesty, this is so sweet, and so very sad! How I sorrow for both of you!" Another faint smile. "Yes...however, she was my first love, yet not my first. I had been with others before her." "Oh--?" "Yes. Another girl, older than I was, perhaps I was fourteen and she seventeen or so; I remember that she ran around me giggling coyly for a time, so it was certain what she intended. It was during the festival of Bastet, and so no one noticed when we crept off together and took each other by the city wall. To be truthful, many of those around us were too busy doing the same thing to notice." "Oh...how romantic!" Ta-Merit blushed. "Yes, though we knew each other only that one time. Yet she neither was my first. There was another. When I was thirteen." "Thirteen? Oh, this is so young, Majesty! Who was she? How did you meet?" Menes stared upwards at the ceiling for a time, fingers gently stroking down her abdomen. "This was not a she. It was a he." Ta-Merit blinked. "He was about my age, I believe...we were both quite naive, and yet quite interested...we'd always seen our older companions and the girls they went off with, wondered what they were up to, how it felt, how it was done. I'm not certain if we knew that it was different for two of the same." "Majesty...?" "Yes," he said, and kissed her cheek. "We had sex together. At first we merely went down to the river and stripped ourselves as if for a swim, and sat in the reeds and touched one another in curiosity. We eventually discovered that rubbing ourselves--and each other--felt very good. We did this for a time. I remember how much I enjoyed it, and how much I enjoyed the look upon his face as I rubbed him. I must have looked the same as he rubbed me. We were quite surprised when we came, almost at the same time...we had never expected it to be that way. After this he told me of something his brother had told him, and so I leaned back and he leaned forward to put his mouth around me." "Oh..." Ta-Merit flushed again, though her breath picked up a little. "This felt good as well...I know that I moved, swayed into him for a time, yet pulled myself out before I could come. We were not certain what to do next, until we moved close as a man and a woman do, and touched each other's bodies, feeling one another all over, exploring. We kissed, even, though I'm not certain we liked it much. By then we were too excited and heated to care for it. We wished for satisfaction, but we did not know how to get it." "What did you do?" The young woman leaned toward him, eyes wide, interested in the story. Menes continued staring at the ceiling and he smiled. "Finally we discussed what we had seen animals do before, how they mated. Perhaps this would help us. We had both seen dogs mating before. We didn't know that it was only the male and female that did this; what we were doing just seemed natural, considering our desires. We were too young for women, so we tried with each other. We fumbled a lot, at first...but we finally examined each other's backsides and found what we had been looking for...an opening...perhaps this was what was needed. He told me he had seen his brother and his girl take each other in this manner, from behind; this was what we needed to do. He insisted that I mount him. He grabbed onto a tree trunk and pushed his legs apart, and I took hold of my member and carefully guided it inside him, pushing myself close and in deeply." "Oh...what did he do, Majesty...?" "He moaned, at first, as if it hurt him...perhaps it did...but then he breathed hard...I did the same...and he told me I had to move, in and out, as he had seen his brother and the dogs do. I knew this, but went along with him. I took hold of his hips and I moved. In. And out. And in. And out. I felt my balls grow hot, and my shaft throbbed inside him. It was so exquisitely good..." Ta-Merit snuggled closer and placed her hand upon his breast. "Please, please continue, Majesty...I wish to know what happened, what became of you two!" "The rest I'm afraid is mostly a blur to me...I know that this time I did not draw myself out before coming, I felt my seed slicken both of us, and I shuddered and cried out...and I have a vague memory of kneeling myself upon the ground, feeling him touching me with cool smooth hands, and feeling him parting my buttocks and beginning to press inside me...this too was a glorious, if pained, feeling, and I waited for it..." "And...?" A wry smile and a shrug. "And I waited forever. At this moment his brother arrived looking for us at the river, where we should merely have been swimming together, only to find us locked together, coupling as one in pleasure. He was not happy about this. I remember him pulling us apart and beating my friend most painfully, though I was not hit, simply because I was not his relation...he threatened to tell our parents, and ordered us both to our own homes, after which I never saw my friend again, nor did I ever know the feeling of him climaxing inside me...this has always been a disappointment for me, to this day." "Ohhh..." Ta-Merit sighed and sagged against him. "This is so sad, Majesty...and such a lesson to be learned, so young, too! I'm sorry you never got to be with him again..." "Hush." He quickly kissed her cheek again. "If we had been together still, I may not be with you here now. I've held up my end of the bargain; are you ready to uphold yours? This tale-telling has left me feeling hard and unsatisfied yet again." "Oh! Of course, Majesty!" Ta-Merit giggled and pushed herself up. "I must confess...that it made me wet as well! You must tell me some more sometime!" "Perhaps I will, if it will make this more pleasurable...ready yourself, my little flower..." Ta-Merit laughed, and Menes laughed along with her, as she knelt upon his royal bed with thighs spread wide and welcomed her king deeply inside her, as he had once mated with his first love... Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |