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Mihdael has an audience with God |
AUTHOR'S NOTES: MOST OF HEAVENBOUND IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS AND ROUGHED OUT SCENES AND NOTES.{/c CHAPTER FIVE Mihdael, I am pleased that thee hast come unto Me. The warrior stood before the Golden Throne, God’s radiance settling over him like a blanket of peace and well-being. He lifted his gaze to the Creator’s benevolent features, feeling most of the tension and anxiety flow away from him. “I come before Thee, Father, to seek Thy healing Grace. For I bear upon my soul the Mark of Satan, the scar that further isolates me from my brother angels and Thyself. I bear, too, the scorn and humiliation of any sentenced to Hell… “I open my soul to Thee; I freely reveal to Thee the deepest scars on my being, to ask for Thine forgiveness of any transgression against Thee. If it be Thy Will, cleanse my soul and being of the depravity and degradation of Evil; let Thy Light once again burn within me; let my soul once again reflect Thy purity and virtue.” The scars that thee bears are not shameful to Me, as they were acquired in thine obedience to My Words. But thee wilt need suffer no longer the Mark of Satan, nor the injuries incurred in My Service… Thy art healed, Mihdael; let My Grace and Glory once again suffuse thy being, let My Light cleanse thy soul… Thus, it will be so. Pure, white Light enveloped Mihdael, and God’s Essence permeated every particle of his being. The coldness of his soul was swept away in the warmth of God’s Love, the desolation of his spirit was filled with God’s Grace and Glory. The scars were healed, no longer a reminder or a symbol of the Evil that had touched him. The Light faded, leaving his aura the brilliant golden-white that it had been before his entry into Hell. He looked up into the Face of God, feeling reborn in His Grace and Love. “Thank you, Father; I could not have long endured without Thy cleansing touch.” Thou art Mine Angel and Son of Light. I wouldst not bar thee from My Presence; only thine own reluctance kept thee from Me. “Forgive my reluctance, Father; I had much to sort through in my own mind and heart before I could enter into Thine Presence.” And yet, thee hast found few, if any, answers to the troubles plaguing thee. “Each answer raises even more questions; each question has conflicting answers. I no longer know to whom I should listen, for each speaks the truth as he sees it to be. I know, Father, that Thee will not lie to me, and say the truth as it is.” And what is the first truth that thee wouldst have Me say? “Why am I here?” Art thee speaking in the present form, or is thy question rhetoric? “I was…told that my creation was more of an afterthought; an unnecessary appendix after the three groups of angels were created. I know that no further angels were created after I came to be. “Thee created all the angels because Thee had a specific need for each of them.” He paused, glanced down at the intricate gold inlay that led to the seven steps ascending to the Throne. “Such was not true in my case,” he looked once again into the brilliant radiance, “I was created for the sole purpose of placating the conscience of an Archangel. Is this not so?” Thee must understand Michael’s nature, Mihdael. But know also that I had always intended for thee to exist; if Michael had not come to Me with his request, I would have created thee in any event. Michael bears a heavy burden. I had intended for thee to alleviate that burden, to lighten the weight of duty and responsibility that he must always carry. I had not intended for such a role to lessen thy sense of individuality, nor to separate thee from your peers. No other angel or archangel in existence could take upon themselves the responsibility of Michael’s office as thee hast done, Mihdael. Thou hast done well in Mine eyes. “I am grateful to know that, Father. I was not certain how Thee would receive me. I was not certain if my…decisions and actions to Satan’s and Lucifer’s demands were the correct ones. “I know Thee had commanded me to obey Satan’s orders; but, in truth, I found I could not. Such a defiance of Satan was a defiance of Thee as well; I could not reconcile that fact. In doing what I knew to be right, I was disobeying Thee; in obeying Thee, I was contraindicating my nature… “Were my actions the correct ones? Did I do the right thing?” And if I shouldst sayeth to thee that thou hast disobeyed Me, and must now suffer the consequences of that disobedience, what wouldst thine answer be? What little courage he had mustered to enable him to face his Creator drained away from him. The dark wings lowered to the floor, and he knelt, head bowed, defeated in spirit, “Then… I would ask Thine forgiveness, and accept whatever Thee decreed to be my atonement.” For one of the few times in history, God descended from His Throne; the blazing Glory of the Seraphs shone down on them, as God halted before his kneeling warrior. A gentle hand reached down, took the warrior’s forearm and raised him to his feet. Ease thy mind and heart, Mihdael. I had created thy nature to be honest and loyal; thee couldst not react in any other manner. Allay thy fears and calm thy spirit, My Warrior. Thee hast honored thy vows to Me, even when faced with contradicting circumstances. Given thine situation, thy choices were the correct ones. I wouldst hath told thee this sooner, if thou hadst only come to Me earlier. “As Thee said, Father, I was fearful. I was afraid I would no longer be welcome in Thine Presence; that Thee would…think less of me…” There was quiet amusement behind God’s gentle tone. Mihdael, thou shouldst know by now that I couldst not possibly think less of thee. Surprised at first, Mihdael smiled as the meaning sank in. “I am always in Thy thoughts, then?” Always. “It is true, then,” Mihdael continued, slowly, “That I was created at Michael’s request. Would it also be true that if Michael requested my destruction, that would also be granted?” Thou hast harkened to the words of Lucifer. “Would such a request by Michael be granted?” Not without just and good reason. Mihdael considered, then nodded, smiling wryly, “On his part, or Thine?” Both. “Very well, then; such is acceptable to me.” Mihdael bowed slightly, and started to leave. Hold for a moment, Mihdael. Hast thou given consideration to thy future course of action concerning Michael and thy position in his Army? Or hast thee something else in mind? “I was created as Warrior; there is naught else I can be… “But not as Michael’s Second; I cannot serve faithfully and well as his lieutenant. I do not understand his misgivings of me, or his continued… antagonism. I can no longer serve under him.” He is the Commander of My Army; thee cannot serve separate from the Army. “Then… I know not what lies ahead for me.” Wilt thou remain as a warrior in My Army? “Yes, Father, gladly I would do so.” Wilt thou accept Archangel Michael as thy Commander? “I have always accepted him as my Commander. I am…not certain that he accepts me.” The Creator studied Mihdael in silence for a moment, considering the situation. He returned to the Golden Throne, and His thoughtful gaze settled on the warrior. Then, I shalt see to it that he accepts thee. “Do not think me unappreciative or ungrateful, Father; but… I would that Thee not command Michael to do so. I prefer he accept me on my own merits and on his own initiative, and not because Thee demanded it of him.” The Creator smiled with warm approval. Very well, Mihdael. For the time being, thee wilt be a legion unto thyself. Thee hast the power and strength of all the Legions combined. I would ask that thee remain a part of the Celestial Army; thee will answer to Michael, but thee will choose thine own path. Is this acceptable to thee? “Yes, My Lord God, it is acceptable.” A swirl of sparks and Light descended over Raphael’s elegant robe, replacing it with armor. Not the golden armor Mihdael had worn before, but armor completely different than any worn by Michael’s warriors. Chain mail, consisting of minute discs and small, rectangular plates, covered a dark blue tunic; a black and silver breast/back plate molded to his torso, his sword and scabbard black and silver with red designs. A midnight blue cloak swirled about his frame, his wings retaining the black/blue/gray he had assumed earlier. God allowed his altered appearance to remain, changing only the robe into armor and armament. ////////Story notes: Although Mihdael had appeared before God as the Dark Angel persona he had used for Michael, God doesn’t comment on his changed appearance – for God only sees the soul, and not the physical covering. God will allow Mihdael some ‘down time’. He sends Mihdael to a deserted planet, much like Earth. It’s beautiful, with twin moons in a purple sky, a white binary star giving a soft glow to everything. Mihdael (he’s in his original ‘human’ form) feels even more alone than ever, and doesn’t understand why God would send him here, seemingly abandoned; it’s quiet and peaceful, so much so that Mihdael, speaking aloud, would almost welcome even Michael’s presence… Another voice interrupts: “Will my presence suffice… my husband?” It’s Elena, and, without answering, he takes her in his arms and for the next few hours (days) no words are necessary… A while later, Elena wants to know what is bothering him; he gives her a rough account of the ‘problem’ he has with Michael. She considers, then smiles; she doesn’t have all the answers, can’t solve the whole problem, but she does help by saying: “And you are upset with him in part because he granted you his gentle nature instead of his warrior nature?” “In a way… Why would he want that of me? If not to benefit himself in some future time…to have me be all-forgiving – of anything…” “My husband, I love you dearly – but you can be just as blind as you say Michael has been… “It was not your military expertise that attracted me to you… “It was not your great strength, or your skill at weaponry… “It was not even that handsome face or manly figure – or those beautiful wings… “It was your kindness, your gentleness, your consideration for others – all given without regard for what they may have thought of you, or believed of you to be. “That was what captivated me, and holds me still…” Despite himself, Mihdael sees the truth of her words. “I understand what you are saying; I had not thought of it that way. It appears that I have much to thank Michael for…” CONTINUED IN SECTION FIVE "Angel Warriors - HeavenBound Section 5" ![]() ; |