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Matt and Brian try to break into the IEC, but things don't quite go as planned. |
I. In The Lab (Prologue) “Hurry up, Matt!” yelled Brian from across the lab. “I am hurrying!” replied Matt, “But which sample is the adult Gormandigo’s DNA?” “The red one! The RED one!” Brian yelled back at matt. In the gloom of the dark lab, Matt could barely make out the tags on the dishes of DNA samples. He looked as closely as he could, and finally grabbed one of the dishes from the shelf, and rushed it across the lab. “Here,” he said, handing the dish to Brian. Brian took a syringe, and collected a small sample out of the dish, and put it onto the analysis plate of the DNA replicator. He punched a few buttons on the control panel, and the machine began to whirr and hum as it created a serum that would alternate Matt’s DNA. Matt and Brian were both students at the Andromeda Intergalactic University for Biological Studies. Brian was a strait-A student, and was in some of the most advanced genetic manipulation classes the college offered. He was seen as a little bit of a nerd, but he had managed to get together with the hottest girls on campus. In fact, with job offers coming from some of the most prestigious bio-chemical conglomerates in the galaxy, he could honestly get any girl, any human girl that is. Matt, was not unlike Brian in this. He was pretty buff, and at AIU on a galactic athletics scholarship. At 6’ 6”, 298 lbs., he was one of the smallest linemen on the AIU spaceball team, although he was definitely not one of the smallest humans on the team. Spaceball was a cross between football and soccer, with a few twists. Only the quarterback, two receivers, and a goalie could touch the ball, and there weren’t just two goals; instead, the field resembled a cross, with a square playing field, and an end zone on each side. The real trick of the game was that you almost had to keep two games going on at once. One was played pix-parp (east-west), and another pan-pod (north-south). The goalies were always Gormandigos, and the rest of the team was a mix between Gormandigos and Humans. Most of the alien species did not mix. The Rangkar, known for their ideals of simplistic life and for their blotchy red skin, found the human lust of money and power to be disturbing and appalling. They studied for the sole purpose of gathering knowledge, and most often ended up in monasteries, or as pro-bono doctors and scientists. They had no interest in sports. The Gormandigos were known for their gigantic size. Also, their pale, white skin and flaxen hair helped them fit in well on the chalky surface of their home planet. Before the Gormandigo’s reached 17, they were actually quite small, slim and almost scrawny. After they hit 17, their bodies began to become much sturdier, their appetites much larger, and they began to gain a lot of weight. But in the Gormandigo culture, when the adolescent began to grow, they began a life of extreme weight training, which quickly worked off the fat they consumed. At 23, the Gormandigo’s appetites and metabolisms stabilized, and they became massive powerhouses of muscle, and in their culture, great warriors. Their empire had reluctantly joined the galactic alliance, and only did so because their other enemies, the Neilix, were becoming stronger. Most of the Gormandigos were over seven feet tall, and weighed over 400 pounds of muscle. The Neilix were the enemies of the Galactic Alliance, and were quite frankly, out of the picture. But this story isn’t about the ongoing struggle between the Neilix and Galactic Alliance. This story focuses on Matt and Brian’s little foray into the Intergalactic Eating Competition. II. Preliminary Results Matt sat back in the booth. The 20th century style diner was full of AIU students eating and talking, but Matt was concentrated on his belly. He had just finished his second mega-supreme pizza, and his belly was stretching the fabric of his football jersey. He rubbed his growing gut with satisfaction, feeling how his belly pressed into the table’s edge. His belly was rounded out as if he had swallowed a basketball. “Hello, Matt. I see you’ve been enjoying yourself.” Matt looked up to see his Nuclear Bio Professor, Dr. Frank Fetguiluv. “Yes sir,” Matt said, smiling and giving his plump gut a pat. “Mind if I sit down?” Dr. Fetguiluv asked. “Not at all,” Matt said. Just then, Matt’s waiter walked up. “Shit, man,” he said, poking Matt’s gut, “that’s was the second extra-large! You look like you’re gonna burst!” The waiter, Mike, looked pretty popable himself. He spent all of his breaks snacking on leftovers in the kitchen. “Oooo…euurrrrp,” Matt burped out as Mike poked him hard in the gut. “Can I get you anything else? How about you, Professor?” Mike offered. Prof. Fetguiluv looked over at Matt, who was looking down at his gut, smiling, and stroking it. The Prof. smiled devilishly, then said, “Well, Matt here wants some dessert, so get us one of those ‘Belly-Burstin’-Banana Split-Barges.’” Matt looked up in surprise. Mike’s jaw dropped at this too. “But…but sir! That’s four bananas, a half gallon of ice cream and a bottle of chocolate and caramel syrup each! That thing can feed a whole party of people!” Matt nodded his head in agreement, and was about to say something, but the Prof. cut him off. “I’m sure we can handle it.” “Alright, man,” Mike laughed, “but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” “Sir,” Matt said, “I can’t eat all that!” “Don’t worry. I’ll help you. Besides, you know you wanted dessert.” Mike returned pulling a cart that was loaded down with a huge bowl that held the aformentioned 'Belly-Burstin’-Banana Split-Barges.' It looked like a volcano of ice cream and chocolate and caramel sauce, and took over the table as Mike put it in front of Matt. As Mike had been toting the huge desert to Matt's table, the entire cafeteria had stopped whatever they were doing to watch where the giant ship of food would land. As soon as it was squarely infront of Matt, the professor picked up his clean spoon, and handed it to Matt, saying, "Here you go, bigman. Let's see what you can do." Slowly, Matt sat forward, having dificulty folding his stuffed stomach back into a sitting shape. He tugged the bowl over unti it was slightly over the edge of the table, looked up at the professor, then dug in his spoon and said, "Piece of cake!" Slowly, Matt began to make a dent into the mountian of ice cream, but it was slow going for him. Twice, he had to reach under his stuffed gut to undo his belt, until the professor suggested he just unbuckle it completely, and undo his pants button while he was at it. That way, he could keep focused on his task. A task which Matt was finding to be harder and harder to complete as time went on, but Matt did what the professor said, and immediatly felt relief from his abdomen. Nearby, Matt's spaceball buddies had been watching him with amazement, and even a few with lust. That is, until about a third of the way through, Matt put down the spoon, and declared, "I'm stuffed." At this moment, Matt's spaceball buddies all started walking over to surround him. In fact, alot of people were coming over to see his enormous belly, which now jutted out almost a foot infront of him. "Shit, Matt," exclaimed Brett, another AIU lineman, "You look like you're about to pop!" "Jeeze, man," said another of the guys, Joey, who had come in close to examine Matt's belly throughly. "This thing's solid!" he said as he pushed gently into the mound of gut." "Uuurp!" burped Matt. "Careful, boys" said the professor, "You don't want to bust that thing." The assembled crowd chuckled at this. Matt sat back in his chair, rubbing his belly with a sense of satisfaction. "Uuurp." he belched again, as the massive amounts of food he had consumed settled lower. He tried to lean forward, but he couldn't budge. Looking around himself at the crowd, he raised his hand and said, "Check, please." The crowd laughed, and seeing this as an end to the glutinous display, began to disperse. "Nice job, Matt." said the professor. "Thanks, professor," Matt said, "but I didn't finish the sundae." "Well, honestly, I didn't expect you to, but you definately went further than I had...um...figured you would. It was very impressive." "Thank Urp! you." belched Matt. "Here's the bill, man." said Mike, his eyes glued to Matt's swollen midsection as he placed it on the table. "Put it on my tab, Mike" said the professor. "Sir, Urp, you don't have to do that." said Matt, "and besides, you didn't even eat anything." The professor leaned across the table to grab Matt's spoon, then he took a spoonful of ice cream from the now semi melted mass still in the bowl. "Mmmmm," he moaned as he ate the ice cream, and then licked the back of the spoon. "Deliscious." He then took the ticket from Matt, and pressed his thumb to the sensor. After a moment, it said in a mechanical voice, "Paid." "See you boys in class," the professor said, then turned and left the cafe. Mike and Matt, stared after the professor, both with bemused looks on their faces. "Wonder why he did that?" Matt said, then turned to Mike and asked, "Do you think you can give me a hand here?" "Wha?" he said, turnig back to Matt, "Oh, sure." he put the check on the table, then walked behind Matt, and grabbed him under his armpits. With a grunt, he attempted to help the overfed lummox into a standing position. After several tries, the boys finally succeeded, both panting from the effort. Mike, from having to lift Matt's massive form, and Matt from having to compress his belly for such a long time. *Belllllllllllch!* Matt rubbed his belly, which rode heavily off his front, a sliver of skin showing between the hem of his football jersey and the popped button of his pants. "Thanks, man." he burped at Mike, before turning and lumbering out of the cafe, his hands cradling his inflated pooch. Mike could only smile and shake his head at Matt's wide, retreating back. |