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Mystery is a Mystery.Some words in this are Elven. |
Mystery sat on her bed talking on the phone with her best friend Legolas.Legolas is the same age as her,sixteen.Her brother Toby stood beside her talking.Mystery smiled as Toby sat beside her.Mystery hung up the phone quickly and smiled again.Toby grinned and pulled a peice of paper out of his pocket.Their mother walked in and put clothes in Mystery's dresser.Toby was sixteen too,They are twins.Mystery watched as her mother walked out."Mystery Moon Echo!Come get your jacket and backpack.Toby Fredrick Echo did you do your homework?!" their mother screamed up at them from downstairs."Yes mother." Toby said as he went to his room and Mystery walked downstairs to the hallway.The front door was ajar,a soft whisper came from behind her.Her brown hair flew into her face as a lash of wind sprayed her.A hand went over her eyes and she nearly screamed till she felt the gentle breathing of someone. As she turned around she came face to face with a boy.He was her best friend,he lived next door."Legolas Jasper Vance!You scared me!" she said as she went to close the door.Her green eyes locked onto his misty grey ones."What,Are you doing here?" she asked and picked up her leather jacket and her backpack.It was heavy since she brought home her books for studying.She grabbed his hand and they walked upstairs to her bedroom.He sat on her bed while she sat at her desk looking through her book,but couldn't concentrate as she pushed it away Legolas giggled.Toby walked in with William.William pulled Mystery up from her chair.Legolas's blonde hair was in his eyes,it went to his shoulders but it made him look hot.William's blonde hair was cut short but his blue eyes made him look good. Mystery laughed as Toby started bringing up the fact that she was skipping her homework for the third time that week.She was failing,William and Toby talked while Legolas pulled her onto his lap.He put his arm around her waist."Mystery,Toby what are you doing upstairs?Im going to bed." she said.Toby grinned and showed William and Legolas out.Legolas smiled and left.Mystery went back upstairs to try and study but her mind was drifting to the woods across the street from her house.Legolas had asked her to meet him there at midnite.The moon outside was full and the light shone into her room toward her desk.She flipped her lights off leaving the book.She slipped into something more warm.Her leather jacket over sweats and tennis shoes.Her brother was heard getting on the computer in the next room.A slight drip was heard across the hall in the bathroom.Mystery snuck out her window and climbed the vine rod down.Legolas stood across the street waiting. Mystery woke early that morning for school.Her clothes were the normal blue jean shorts and tank top,with her brown hair in a pony tail,her backpack on one shoulder her house key in her backpack.Toby walked out of the house chasing after her in his usual blue jeans and a shirt with Blink182 on it in blue letters.His hair was nicely spiked and his backpack on his shoulder.Mystery smiled as she was met outside by Legolas and William who were dressed in pants and t-shirts.Legolas had just a book in his hand and he walked beside Mystery.They arrived at the school as the bell rang.She went to her locker and put her backpack up and walked down the hall.She was popular along with Toby,William and Legolas.But she didn't have a boyfriend yet.When she passed kids in the hall she felt someone touch her butt."Grr.." she said turning around thinking it was William,but he was nowhere.She was already late for her first period."I wish that whoever did that would fall and break their leg." she said.As she turned around to start walking again she heard a scream of agony behind her.A boy layed, his arms on his leg.His books scattered across the hall.She ran to his side and looked at him. His sincere brown eyes were filled with tears.He tried not to cry.Toby ran out of the classroom next to where they sat.William came out next and ran to get a nurse while Toby and Legolas helped the boy up and tried to walk him to the nurses office.They got him halfway but then he just collapsed,he was crying.Legolas helped the nurse get him into a wheel chair while Toby got the boys books.They all walked into the nurses office,the boy sat there in silence.The nurse smiled sadly then called his parents.Toby sat the books down and left with the others.Mystery grinned and walked toward her Math class.Her friend next to her pestered her asking where shes been.She told her about the boy in the hall and didn't tell her about her wish.Her friends walked outside with her, after school let out seven hours later.Her friends parted as they got to their neighborhoods, Legolas walked up behind her and she smiled."Hey,what happend in the hall?" he asked.She didn't want to tell him,"I really don't know." she whispered as she approached her house.That was only half the truth. Her brother sat on his bed doing his homework.Mystery went to her own room and started on hers,her mind just wouldn't stop drifting to that morning at school.Finally she turned her computer on and typed in Magic into the computer.Stuff popped up,she picked one site and stuck with it.It told about all the stuff.She kept reading.Then she knew what happend.She was a witch,in other words a Wiccan.Or wica,whichever term suits.She couldn't say it to her brother.As he walked in she began to cry."Toby," she whispered taking a deep breathe,"I caused that boys accident.He had touched my butt and i thought it was William but i couldn't see him so i wished that whoever touched my butt would fall and break their leg and he did." she finished sobbing gently.Toby hugged his sister."I know." he grinned rubbing her back."I did the same two days ago,remember when I was at lunch and I told the lunch lady to go and suck her thumb.I went back two minutes later to get more soda and i found her on the floor sucking her thumb." Mystery laughed then went to lay on her bed.Her brother sat at the foot looking at her.As she heard her mother fixing dinner she smiled and slowly drifted into sleep.A soft whisper awoke her from her deep sleep,a kiss on her ear and the words she knew."Amin mela lle," Mystery opened her eyes and sat up slowly to see Legolas sitting at the foot of her bed.He had a grin on his face,Mystery looked at him odd "What time is it?" she tried to look at her clock."It's time for you to get up." he grinned at her and pulled her to her feet."Really?" he pulled his hair out of his eyes "It's Midnite." he answered pushing his hair back for the second time.Mystery pushed her hair behind her ears and smiled."Why so late?" she asked hungry.Her eyes wondered the wall then stopped on Legolas."It is time we talk.Get dressed in something warm."Where's William?" she asked as she moved to her closet.She grabbed another pair of sweats and her tennis shoes.She dressed in her bathroom and came out with her shoes on."He is at home." he said as he opened her bedroom window.He jumped down to the first floor.She followed,her eyes adjusted to the dark quickly. Legolas pulled her along into the woods.They sat about thirty minutes later on a log near a pond inside the woods.She sat beside him,Her feet felt good to be running.Legolas looked at her thoughtful,"Talk about what?" Mystery asked."First things First.Are you okay?" he asked quickly as she searched the woods with her eyes quickly."Dina" she whispered quickly.As her eyes scanned the woods one more time she looked at Legolas."Okay,sorry I thought I heard footsteps." she said slowly.Legolas looked around then at her."Mystery,listen," he started then heard the scream of Mystery."Rima!" he turned to look but she had already grabbed his arm and pulled him along.He finally stopped her as she approached her front door.They entered through her window and sat on her bed."Mystery,who was it?" he asked.She closed her eyes,"I don't know,It followed us into the woods." that made Legolas look worried. Mystery sat beside him panting."Legolas,I'm. .a...witch." she prononced suddenly.She never thought she'd tell anyone.But as soon as she did she got up."You better go." she said suddenly.As he got up to leave he opened the window.He suddenly closed it and jerked toward her grabbing her arm he turned her bedroom lights off and the computer screen and drug her to her bed."Dina!" he whispered as she began to speak."It's outside." he whispered.He got up quickly,"Stay put." he said opening her bedroom door he headed toward her brothers room.Toby walked back in with Legolas they closed the door."Tob,call William tell him to be silent." Legolas commanded.Toby called him but Mystery just stood near the window looking down into the woods.Her eyes filled with tears quickly.Legolas came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.Her fingers rubbed the top of his hand.Her tears dripped down her cheeks and landed on his hands that were around her waist. She felt him breathe on her neck and then his soft whispers in Elven.She wiped her eyes and turned toward him and her brother.They both looked at her."Toby,Legolas I'm going out,I'll be back later." she said opening her bedroom door.She only walked halfway when William exited from her bedroom and met her in the hallway."Hey," he said and left her alone.She walked around outside for a few minutes then wondered by herself down the street.Her thoughts drifted to when she was ten,she had her brothers,Toby and Nathan.Nathan was only nine,his brown hair shined,his green eyes looked like emeralds.He had always smiled,but when he was outside playing with her and her brother,Mystery had gone back in to get a drink,Nathan and Toby stayed outside.Then she heard a gunshot and then her twin brother screaming for someone.She had run outside and was stopped by her neighbor.Toby layed on his back his eyes filled with tears his shirt was covered in blood.Her little brother lay on the ground not moving,his smile was now a sad face.He was still alive just not moving she had screamed at the neighbor to let her go,She was crying. Her mother and father were crying hard and holding onto Nathan and Toby.The paramedics arrived and put Nathan in the back of the ambulance with Toby.They went to the hospital with her parents.Her neighbor stayed with her,she cried the rest of the day,even when her father and mother came home the next day.Her mother looked grim and her Father had to lead her mother to the couch.Then she was told to sit down.She was told that her brother would never return.That Nathan had died in the hospital.He had been shot right in the heart.Toby managed to get out of the hospital the next day but they were not the same. Before she knew what she was doing she was at the Cemetery her brother's grave was little,His picture was on the gravestone,She layed her head on the gravestone.It read Nathan Alan Echo,her brother was cute.She wiped her tears and turned toward the entrance and got up.Her words she told her brother stuck in her head.She was nine and he was eight,she had told him that she loved him and that she didn't ever want to lose him.That made her head toward home.As she approached her house the sun began to rise.William and Legolas sat on the porch with Toby.Toby was looking around for her.She approached and looked at them.Her face was red."Hey,let's get to the coffee shop down the street for breakfast." she said helping Legolas up and then William then her brother.Her mother and father were waking in the house.She pushed her way through the crowd at the coffee shop.Her brother ordered with William while she and Legolas sat down.Legolas sat beside her and William and Toby sat on one side. William went to greet a girl and Toby went to talk to his girlfriend.Legolas sat there then helped her up and walked with her around the park.They had no school that day she was happy. Toby stood with his girlfriend remembering his brother,thinking of how he'd look now.He pictured his brother with a girl and smiling.As his girlfriend shoved him "Yeah..What?" he asked after not catching what she said."You okay?" she asked."I don't know." he said and pushed away from her running out the door to find his sister. Mystery sat on the ground at the entrance to the park with Legolas.Legolas looked at William as he came running up.The boys helped Mystery up and Mystery grinned.As Toby grabbed her hand to walked with her she looked around."Mystery,did you go see Nathan again?" he asked as he got out of ear shot of William and Legolas."Yes" she mumbled turning to get to Legolas.He wrapped his arms around her waist and walked.William walked beside them with Toby.As cars passed Mystery watched the windows.When another car passed Mystery shook."Myst,what's wrong?" Legolas asked pulling back.Toby's eyes followed the car."Sis,is that car bothering you,like it is to me?" he asked her as they started walking again.Mystery nodded then as they turned the corner the car came speeding past."Rima!" Mystery went with Legolas and William went with Toby."Meet at the house!" Toby screamed after them.Legolas led Mystery into a alleyway and helped her over the fence then jumped over.They ran down the street to her house and ran inside.She heard gunshots in the distance,then shouts of agony. Mystery ran out the door with Legolas coming after her,her brother stood down at the end of the street holding the passed out William up.He slowly laid him down on the ground and pushed his hands onto the wound on William's chest.Legolas went to get help and came back outside of the persons house.Mystery sat on her knees rubbing William's arm."William..." she whispered,his eyes fluttered,Mystery sat beside him as he began to fade into sleep.Toby's hands and shirt were covered in blood,his eyes filled with tears and his breathing soft.He watched Legolas keep people back as the police and paramedics and the fire department arrived the police kept the people back that were gathering.Toby stood up and helped Mystery up and into the back of the ambulance with Legolas.Toby got in next and they rode all the way to the hospital crying.The waiting room in the hospital was filled with people holding or sitting with their sick kids or family members. Toby had gone into the bathroom to wash his hands.His shirt was slipped off to reveal a white tank top under it.He had washed his face but he didn't stop crying.Legolas was at the phone talking with his family,he was crying.Mystery had her head in her hands her eyes closed and tears dripping down her face.Legolas came back to his seat and looked at Toby."Mani marte?" Legolas asked looking at Toby."We were running down the street to our house,the car came up behind us and all I remember was hearing William scream and he fell into my arms." Toby opened his eyes slowly and looked at Mystery."Lle tyava quel?" Mystery looked up and wiped her eyes."Yes" she added and slipped out of her chair and went to the front desk."Is William okay?" she asked holding tears back."I don't know,Have a seat,the doctor will be out shortly." the nurse said.As she headed back to her seat,William's parents burst in with their little sister.Legolas got up to greet his parents.His little sister ran to him.He picked her up,she was only five and didn't know what was wrong.Mystery was seated beside Toby once again and Legolas sat beside her holding his sister on his lap,his mother on his other side and his father beside his mother. Legolas gave his sister to his mother as the doctor came out."Mr. and Mrs.Vance,William is in surgery,as far as we could tell when he came in was he was in a coma.He sustained two gun shots,one through the chest and one through the leg.As soon as the surgery's over I will let you know how it went." he said and left with the nurse.Mystery got up and headed out toward the entrance.Her eyes hurt from crying,her hands shook and her body was cold.She sat on a bench outside watching as people drove by on the highway.Some lady walked up toward her with a little girl and a infant.The little girl was crying,the baby was asleep.The woman looked like she hadn't slept in weeks.The woman tried to smile as she sat down.The little girl stood and looked at her mother."Hi," Mystery said trying not to sound upset.Legolas stood at the entrance watching from a distance."Hi,my names Carla,this is my daughter Melody and her baby brother Oliver.Her older brother is in the hospital,his best friend called me and told me he was in a car accident two days ago,He's sixteen,his names Ryan,Melody's five and Oliver is five months old." Mystery smiled at the little girl,"I'm here for my friend.He was shot and my brother and other best friend are inside." she said sighing.Legolas started to walk toward them.Mystery didn't notice as he snuck up on her and touched her shoulder.She jumped a little then turned."Speaking of Best friend,here's one.This is Legolas,Legolas this is Carla,her daughter Melody and her son Oliver.Hey Legolas,do you remember Ryan?" She asked him smiling."You mean Ryan that's on our football team?" he asked."Yes" Mystery said with a slight smile."He's in this hospital.He was hurt in a car accident." Mystery told him."I didn't hear about it,I remember hearing that one of the guys was also hurt but all I knew who was hurt in the car accident was Julian and he recovered." Legolas said with a grin.Carla smiled a little and grinned."Do you want to come see him with me?" she slipped the diaper bag back on her shoulder and lifted the carseat grabbing her daughters hand."Sure,If you don't mind." Mystery said getting up and walking with them.They headed upstairs Legolas opened the hospital room door for Carla. Carla smiled and entered and put the carseat down at the foot of the bed.Melody climbed on the bed beside the boy.He seemed to be asleep,his eyes fluttered.Carla pointed to some chairs,"He's been in a coma for two days." Carla told them as Mystery took a seat closer to the boy."Ryan,can you open your eyes?" Carla asked her son.The boys eyes fluttered slowly.Melody rubbed her brothers hand and kissed his cheek.His eyes popped open,his hand grabbed Melody's chin."Why you look so sad?" he asked as his sister began to cry."RYAN!" Carla screamed out in a whisper and got up taking her son into her arms.His pale blonde hair was in his eyes but his pinkish lips quivered.His brown eyes traced the room stopping on Legolas."Legolas,What's up?" he asked.Legolas smiled "Dude,we lost without you,We played against Irop High School,We lost twenty to twenty-five." Legolas grinned then looked toward Mystery. Mystery's eyes were red but she wasn't crying.She was looking toward the window."Hey,Myst." Ryan said slowly,Mystery turned to face him."Why you sad?" he asked."Because,William is in the hospital.He was shot," she added slowly taking it all in.Ryan reached his arm out for her.She got up slowly taking his hand and hugged him kissing his cheek.He smiled and heard a faint cry."Where's the baby?" he asked looking at his mother.Carla got up and took Oliver out of his carseat and handed him to his brother.Oliver had rosy cheeks and his hair had a glint of blonde.Mystery grinned and turned to leave,"We better go Legolas,your brother should be getting out of surgery soon." She said and Legolas got up and walked beside her. As they arrived back at the waiting room the doctor was just walking out.They sat down and listened."The surgery went well,his leg has stitches and his stomach has stitches.He should recover perfectly,but he's still in a coma so we have to take him up to ICU." he said.Mystery didn't notice she was holding her breathe."You two remind me of someone I met six years ago,the case was a little boy named Nathan.He was five,had brown hair.He was shot along with his brother while they were playing outside.Boy died,his brother recovered." he said."That's us.That's Toby and I'm Mystery." she said sighing.The doctor walked off and they headed up to the Icu following a nurse.The nurse led them into a dark room.The heart beat made noises and Mystery was reluctant to go in at first.After Legolas and Toby pushed her in she sat beside his bed.His eyes remained closed,his chest rose from his breathing.His lips were pale his blonde hair was matted.Mystery took his hand."Quel marth" Mystery whispered kissing his forehead and his cheek. The grin escaped his mouth,"Uuma ma' ten' rashwe, ta tuluva a' lle" came out next." Mystery turned to him "Mankoi?" she asked."Because trouble is the last thing we need." William answered opening his eyes.Legolas smiled,"Brother" the boys smiled at eachother then he returned his gaze to Mystery.Mystery walked back to him,"You told me once to find trouble and always defeat it,now you tell me not to look for it let it come to me,why?How?We will all be in here if we let them do this!" she grabbed Legolas's jacket and walked out with it around her shoulders.Legolas raced after her and grabbed her arm."If we hide do you think things will be better?For you?For me?For Anyone?" he asked letting her arm go as she pulled away."It's not safe for anyone." she said walking away."Mani naa lle umien?" Legolas screamed out as she walked out."Kela" Mystery screamed after she had disappeared.Legolas returned to the hospital room looking at Toby "Amin dele ten' he" Legolas told Toby. Toby grinned and pushed his way toward William."William,I have to go,I have to find Mystery,she may have gone to find them." he said nodding to Legolas as he walked out."William,Me too." he said nodding to his parents."Bye,for now" he said running to catch up with Toby.Toby stood outside looking straight."You go that way,ill go straight." he said running straight.Legolas wandered toward the graveyard his feet barely making a noise as he stepped into mud.He noticed a dark figure on a small grave."Mystery" Legolas whispered crouching beside her.Her body was limp with cold,his jacket lay beside her.He picked her up slowly putting his jack over her."Toby!" he screamed running toward the hospital.The cold wind hit his face hard,He saw Toby standing outside the hospital waiting."Toby!" he said nearly collapsing.His feet stung with cold his eyes burned from crying.His face was red.Toby took Mystery from his arms rushing her in while helping Legolas inside.As they rushed her into the emergency room entrance."Help,we need some help." Toby screamed out at a nurse.The nurse brought a gurney and doctors out."She freezing." Legolas said falling to the floor. His eyes popped back open,a blanket warm around his shoulders,he was seated in a chair in the waiting room."Mystery" he whispered getting up,his legs stung.Toby stood beside a bed in a room where Mystery lay still asleep."Mystery" he whispered rubbing her forehead which was cold.Mystery's eyes popped open her hand grabbed Legolas's quickly.Her lips quivered."Mani marte?" Legolas asked pulling his hand back."I was laying on the gravestone crying,and I fell asleep." she said shivering.When a nurse entered she checked Mystery's tempature and nodded."She's fine now." she said watching Mystery."We are keeping you for a hour." The nurse told her smiling.The boys were looking at her.Legolas sat in the bed beside her and looked at her closely. Her eyes closed and a tear dripped down her cheek falling onto the sheet.Toby was talking to a nurse while Legolas rubbed her arm.Finally a hour later she was dressed and had Legolas's jacket on her.They walked into William's room,he was recovering.As they went to the car they drove home.Toby layed in his bed and Mystery layed in her room on her bed with Legolas laying beside her,his arm around her waist his lips against her neck.She closed her eyes and hummed,Legolas listened to her as she drifted to sleep.He fell asleep next,his lips were on her neck. When Legolas awoke he kissed her neck twice then kissed her ear."Wake up." he said.She opened her eyes and turned and wrapped her arms around his waist.She pushed him against the wall kissing him.As she was about to get started her brother walked in."They are letting William out,Tonite." he said grinning then walked out.Legolas went to sit up but Mystery pushed him back down.His eyes brightened and he smiled as she kissed him.Her lips trailed from his lips to his ear.His face turned into a bigger smile then before.Toby walked in once again pulling someone after him.William was smiling,a grin spread on his face.Legolas pushed Mystery off and she fell onto the floor whining.She got up with Legolas.She went over and kissed William on the lips."Welcome home." she said smiling.He sat on her bed with his brother.Mystery walked over to her desk and sat on her chair looking through her books once again.Her brother stood behind her.Legolas got up and put his arm around Mystery's neck."Have to go babe.I'll be back tonite,leave your window unlocked." he whispered in her ear.Her eyes locked onto his and she pressed her lips on his. Her brother looked at her and grinned,he helped William up and Legolas went to help.They both walked home smiling,Mystery laid on her bed thinking after studying for two hours,her brother had come back and lay at home.She had unlocked her window and opened it a crack so he could get in.Her lights were off and she fell asleep.She awoke to feel a cool breeze and something on her side.She shivered and turned to face whoever was behind her.Legolas lay with his eyes closed his breathing was slow."Legolas." She whispered pushing her hair out of her eyes,his long blonde hair was in a pony tail,he wore a pair of pants,his shirt was thrown on her computer chair with his shoes beside it.His backpack sat in her chair,she brushed her hand over his cheek then traced her fingers over his lips.He opened his eyes and kissed her."Bad girl." he said grabbing her hands as shes went to push him."Where's William and how is he?" she asked as he pushed her down and smiled."At home in bed," he said smiling. Mystery pushed against him and grinned "You bad boy." she said and took his hand into hers and grinned again.She awoke to feel someone pushing her.She opened her eyes and saw her brother pushing her,his hands felt cold on her arm.She didn't feel Legolas against her.His shirt lay on her chair still,his shoes next to it.His backpack was still there.She sat up and saw Legolas walk out of the shower,his blonde hair wet but combed straight,his eyes were red,he only wore a pair of boxers.Toby laughed as Mystery got up and kept staring at Legolas.He dug through his backpack and took out a pair of pants and a t-shirt.Mystery went to take a shower while Toby and Legolas talked.Legolas sat as Mystery came back out thirty minutes later.She had her hair in a pony tail,Toby sat with Legolas.Legolas grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his lap.He watched as she wrapped her arms around his waist.He looked at Toby. Toby got up and walked out as William entered the room.William left slowly and they grinned and started laughing.Legolas lay with his arms around Mystery when Mystery's mother walked in with their father."Man." Mystery grinned and sat up as her mother put her hands on her hips."Young Lady!" Mystery's mother screamed at her.Her brother walked in and mumbled something,she caught something "Your dead..." he then walked off making her grin again.Legolas had his hand on her back when her mother had walked in.Now it was in his lap."Legolas,Mystery,I thought you two were just friends..." her mother said blinking."We are..I think.." Mystery mumbled,her eyes turned toward Legolas.His face was a little red."What ever,anyway,guys im going out I'll be back later." her mother said leaving.Her brother walked past again heading toward his room.Legolas pushed Mystery onto her back on the bed and kissed her.Her arm went around his neck and she pulled him down.As he pulled away she sat up part way,he had her legs pinned down still."Mani naa ta?" she whispered,he looked at her again. Mystery sat up as he got up and stood beside the bed."Are we just friends?" he asked looking at her sadly."I don't know,do you want to be more?" she asked him."Yes" he said his lips tightly togther."Okay.So we going out." she declared.He smiled,his lips found hers and they stood there for a minute.It was already six in the morning.Her brother and her were going to pick out costumes for their halloween party.She slipped a pair of bell bottoms and a red tanktop on and her shoes.Her brother walked in while she was brushing her hair.Legolas lay in her bed reading a magazine."You going?" Toby asked looking at him."Yes" he said getting up and walking up behind Mystery.They all got into Toby's car and drove to the costume store.Mystery founds hers instantly.Her brother found his next and Legolas found his when they were fixing to check out.When they got done they returned home after having lunch at a restaurant. Her brother got ready for bed and Mystery got ready for bed.Legolas had gone home to spend time with his brother and parents.Mystery woke to feel someone run their finger along her lips.She shivered and opened her eyes as lips touched hers.Legolas stood above her laughing."Lets get ready." he said.He had gone into the bathroom to dress while she slipped into her costume.Her costume was consisting of a pair of black pants and a black shirt.Her hair was put up and she had black makeup on.Legolas came out in a Robin Hood costume,his hair in a loose rubber band.He wrapped his arms around Mystery's waist.Toby was nowhere.Mystery went into her brothers bathroom looking and she looked in his bed,as she went to stand back up someone grabbed her from behind.She screamed and turned to see Toby in a Scream costume. Her brother smiled as he lifted the mask,her eyes lit up and she grinned.Her eyes went to Legolas who was laughing.She bolted toward him knocking him onto the door which slammed it shut so they couldn't get out and kissed him biting his lip.He grinned as blood trickled down his lip.He grinned and looked at her.She smiled sweetly."Lets go." she said looking at Toby laughing.Toby and Legolas followed behind as they walked to the party.Their friends were holding it,as they arrived the others started to arrive.Toby walked off with his girlfriend.William walked in and went out the back door with two girls.Mystery sat on the couch drinking,Legolas came over four minutes later as she began to pass out.Her brother had come downstairs and William had come inside.They both headed to the couch.Legolas was grinning as he licked his lips."You know your mom's going to know you two were drinking." he said as he sat there.William grinned,"So will ours." he added,they slipped into the crowd and out onto the sidewalk.They walked slowly,Her friends were grinning.Toby walked up beside her his eyes looked behind him while they walked,"So your going out?" he asked."Yes" she whispered and began to get dizzy. Her brother held her up as she began to collapse.He held her up till Legolas got to her,he lifted her onto his back.She leaned her head close to his ear and began to whisper in it.He grinned as she said something,Toby looked grim as he walked along beside William,as they walked toward the house a car screeched to a halt and a gun came out,Toby tried to get Legolas to duck,the gun went off and thats all that any of them remembered.Mystery woke to hear someone whispering."Mystery,sweetie wake up." her mother stood over her looking down her eyes were red,she had been crying."Mom,what happend?Where's Legolas,Toby and William?!" she screamed as her head throbbed. "Mystery,Do you remember what happend at all?" the doctor asked."No...Not really..I remember we went to our friends party,I had drank a beer or two I had gone about ten minutes,then I passed out,Legolas put me on his back and we got close to the house,then I remember hitting the ground." she whispered crying.She couldn't see anyone clear."Mommy,where's Toby,William and Legolas?" she asked."Hunny,when we found you your brother had lost alot of blood,But as for Legolas he was grazed by the bullet in the side.William wasn't hurt,he just was in shock,he's outside in the waiting room with Legolas,But hunny the doctor's say Toby may not make it." her mother said beginning to cry,"Will I be okay?" she asked the doctor."You were knocked onto the ground pretty hard,and you were unconcious,but we kept you over night." He said he glanced out the window.She watched as William and Legolas walked in togther.Legolas looked like he was in pain,William had a bruise on his wrist. Legolas smiled when she smiled,then she began to cry,"Can I go see my brother?" she asked the doctor."We found alchol in your kids blood." The doctor said."Duhh..We were drinking." Legolas said laughing.He hadn't drunk much but he was okay now.William helped the doctor and Legolas get Mystery into a wheel chair.She was wheeled down the hall,her brother lay in a hospital bed,iv's everywhere,his eyes were closed,his lips were pale along with his body.She rubbed his hand,"Mankoi?" she asked him though he didn't answer.She was wheeled outside with Legolas and William.Legolas was pale,but he was able to walk.Mystery moped around the rest of the day,as she layed down in her soft bed at home Legolas layed behind her his arm around her side.She cried softly into his chest.He whined too,as morning approached they fell asleep. As the phone rang they both jumped,She reached over and grabbed the phone,"Hello,Oh hi mom,yes Legolas is here." she answered.As she hung up she got up and went to brush her hair.Her eyes stung as she wiped them then came out to see Legolas ready to go.His face was pale but his hair made him look better.She had to have Legolas help her to the car and he drove.She cried as she entered the emergency room,her mother wrapped her arms around her,her eyes were red."Baby,I called you here to tell you that your brother is recovering,but one more thing,I'm going to have a baby." Her mother blurted out.She nearly fainted,"You?Dad?" she questioned.Her mother laughed and hugged her daughter.Legolas smiled and rubbed Mystery's shoulder,her mother lead them to Toby's room,Toby lay on his side,he faced away from them.Legolas went over to Toby and grinned."That bad?" he asked."No," Toby answered,"Mystery,You hear about the baby?" he asked turning slowly toward them."Yes" she said smiling,she ran her hand over his cheek."You okay,now Brother?" she asked smiling."Yes" he whispered.His sister looked at him and he smiled. Their mother came in slightly large three months later,Toby was home and well,his stitches were taken out of his chest.William recovered well from his accident and Legolas's bruise went away.Mystery was still upset about it but her mother and father helped her through it along with Toby and Legolas.Her mother was five months along.Her mother didn't find out the sex of the baby because their father didn't want to know.Toby was seated beside Mystery who were both getting lectured for staying out past cerfew.Mystery grinned as she looked out her window,she knew Legolas was waiting outside for her.Her mother held her stomach and slightly sighed."Mom,are you okay?" Toby asked getting up and walking toward his mother."DAD!" Toby screamed,their father ran in,his glasses were on his nose and his brown hair was a mess."Dad,Something's wrong with Mom and the Baby." Mystery said getting up and looking at her father.Toby grinned,he helped his father rush his mother downstairs."Guy's I'll call you if we have to stay okay!" his father said getting into the car.They rushed to the hospital leaving Mystery and Toby. Legolas walked across the street grinning "What happend?" he asked as his brother walked up behind him."Mom is having contractions." Mystery said walking over to Legolas."Got a lecture yet?" He asked laughing."Yes,You?" she asked as she went back inside with them.She slipped into a pair of pants and a shirt after her dad had called and said her mother was having the baby early.Her brother had slipped into a pair of pants and a shirt and they all headed into the car.Legolas and William had gone home,they arrived at the hospital and went upstairs to the Nursery floor,their father was standing outside the room.Mystery walked in first followed by Toby and their father.Mystery went to her mom and grabbed her hand."They say I have to have a c-section." she told her.Mystery watched as a doctor came in and prepared her mother.Then they left leaving Mystery and Toby in the room to wait. As the clock struck midnite their mother came in sweating,the nurse hooked her back up.They got up as their dad came in and took them to the nursery to see the baby.They had hidden its birthcertificate from them."It's a Boy?" Toby asked."A girl?" Mystery questioned."No,It's name is Page Peyton." he said smiling.The nurse picked the baby up,it was small but it was healthy,It was a she it had a red hat on and a red blanket.Mystery smiled and hugged her father.The nurse let their father in and hold it.Then the left and the nurse brought the baby in so Mystery's mother could hold it. Three months later Mystery smiled while holding Page.Page was three months old,her face was peachy her lips rosy and her cheeks the same.Her light brown hair was short and barely any.Toby had her bottle and their mother and father were at work.So Mystery and Toby watched them.Legolas grinned and wrapped his arms around Mystery's waist after she gave Page to Toby.Toby grinned and walked to the baby's nursery and layed her in the bed giving her the bottle and turning out the lights.Legolas and Mystery lay on the bed relaxing.Mystery and Toby protected Page,they didn't let her out of their sight.They walked toward the graveyard where Nathan was buried with Page in the stroller and Legolas pushing her.They smiled as they approached his grave."Page this is your older brother's grave." Toby said smiling to Page.He layed Page on the grave."I love you Nathan.So does Mystery and Page.Even though Page never met you she still loves you dearly.I hope you had a good life." Mystery watched her brother pick Page up and she began to cry.A message waited for her at the house.It was from a orphanage,Mystery called the place back."Hello,Someone named Ryan called me." she said into the phone grinning at Legolas. "Yes,we have a Ryan here,but he's fifteen.Let me get him." the lady on the other end said.A boy's voice came on."Mystery,My names Ryan,can you come get me,I have something to say,Come alone." he said.Mystery agreed and hung up."Stay here,I'll be back soon." she said leaving in her car to the orphange.A boy with green eyes and brown shiny hair stood outside smiling,his face was pale,his eyes stared at her as she got out of her car."Let's go." she said letting him in then climbing in.Ryan kept looking at her."Take me to the park." he demanded.She looked at him pulling into the park close to her house.They got out going to the swings,She sat on the one beside him."I needed to talk to you,Please don't leave just listen." he said and looked at her face."See when I was nine,I had gone to my mother's place,My father and mother were divorced,my brother and sister were both ten they came to my mothers with me.I had gone outside with my brother,my sister had gone inside to get us something to drink,My mom was inside and my brother and me were playing around..." he looked behind him and around. "I had turned around to look at my brother and why he was so quiet.Then I heard him scream,I turned around quickly,I was too slow to get out of the way,My brother was too.I was shot through the chest,my brother was hurt too.I don't remember how bad.But I heard he recovered.I died,but my sister had come outside as i lay there.I remember very well.I had found you guys,I really wish I could make you understand.I really wish you guys would take me." he said.Mystery looked at him."You mean,your my real brother,just you died and now your back?" she asked."Yes" he put it simple.She grinned and meant to get up but instead hugged him."Come on home with me." she said helping him up and they left to her car.They drove to her house and she let him inside.His room from when he was Nathan was still the same way he left it when he died.She led him into her room where Legolas sat.Legolas got up as she walked in and she kissed him."Ryan this is my boyfriend Legolas." she told the boy.Ryan smiled and waved.Toby walked in as he heard Mystery's voice.He held Page."Ryan this is Toby and that's Page." she told him. Toby looked angry."Mom,is back." he said as he heard the door and their father's voice.Their mother and father walked in.Mystery noticed that her mother had a shocked look on her face and her father did too.Mystery took them off to explain.Her parents agreed on it. Ten weeks later Ryan had moved in from the orphange his old room was changed he had posters everywhere he had his own computer.He hung out with Page and Toby.Mystery saw him alot and took him to the movies with her.Legolas was back to his old self.Sneaking into her room and making alot of noise to wake her.Ryan had learned how to sneak out.She usually caught him,but he was good at running.She had taken him into the woods with Legolas and William and Toby.They spent time there and hung out.Legolas hugged Mystery as she sat on the couch his face traced hers,she was worried."Do you think Ryan and Page will ever be hurt like this?" she asked as her face turned pale."Yes" he said and gripped her hand tight. |