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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #760846
A Kingdom Hearts story. Chapter three. Please R&R
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Disney. I wish I did. But I don't. They only things I own in this story are my characters. ^_^

Chapter Three

Sora walked into the house and was greeted by Merlin. “Well hello there my fine young friend! How is everything going?”
“Pretty good Merlin. I have to talk to Fairy Godmother. I think I have another Summon Spell.”
“Good, that’s very good.” He said, and went back to his books. Sora walked over the carriage on the floor and looked at it.
“Fairy Godmother,” he said, and waited. The carriage started to shake and she appeared in front of it.
“Well hello Sora! Do you have a stone for me?” She asked. He nodded and handed her a black stone. She smiled. “Well, well. The LightningStrike.” She smiled and tapped it with her wand. “Come out and visit Pegasus.” She said, and handed the stone back to Sora. Sora took it and watched the image form above the stone. It was a great black Pegasus that folded his wings across his back and looked contentedly at Sora before disappearing. Sora pocketed the stone.
“Thanks. I was wondering who it was.” He said, walking towards the exit.
“Sora? Why don’t you try it out in the room? Your friends are perfectly safe in here.” Merlin winked Sora shrugged and walked over the platform. Donald and Goofy jumped on with him and they met Merlin in the secret attic. Donald and Goofy walked over to Merlin while tables and chairs started floating around the room.
Sora held his Keyblade high and circled the air with it. “Pegasus!” He yelled, and spun the Keyblade around him in circles. From the end of it a small black cloud billowed out, forming the shape of a majestic black Pegasus. He flapped his wings and soared into the air and landed next to Sora. Sora jumped onto his back and Pegasus was off again. From his wings a powerful breeze was emitted and all the floating furniture was knocked onto the ground. Pegasus dove and the ground and landed, slamming his hooves onto the floor. Lightning bolts flew out of it, and struck the furniture, causing them to disappear. Sora patted Pegasus and climbed off, un-Summoning him. He reared and ran straight at the Keyblade which was pointed out towards him. Sora braced himself for impact, but just before he hit the blade Pegasus turned into the black vapor again and was sucked into the Keyblade. Sora watched stunned and turned to Merlin. “Wow. I’m ready now.” He said, and walked back to the platform with Donald and Goofy. They climbed on and rode it down to the main floor. Just as they landed he heard and ear-piercing scream come from outside the building.
“What was that?” Sora asked, and ran to the exit. Merlin followed him and looked around.
“I don’t know. One of your friends maybe? I better lockdown fast.” Merlin said, and ran inside to lock up his books. He muttered on the way. “Thought this cave was safe.” He said, and disappeared.
Sora, Donald and Goofy started running to the edge where they could start their glide.

It was dark out and storms raged in the sky. Lightning flashed often and thunder deafened the ears. Two lone people stood on top of a tower watching the empty city below them. They looked up at the sky and then turned to face the shadows.
“It’s time.” A deep voice rumbled from somewhere unseen. “This world will end, as will all the others.”
“You’re wrong.” The female said, her black hood drawn over her face. One eye glowed briefly from under the hood. She wore a long black coat over black pants. Her black boots came up to her knees, and a black shirt hid the rest of her. Her hair was unseen. “The darkness will never take this world.”
“You’re wrong. It already has.” The voice said again, followed by a rumble of thunder.
“As long as there are people to protect it, the Kingdom shall not fall.” The male said. The hood on his coat was down, revealing long silver hair. He wore the same as his companion, but the boots were lower, and his eyes were covered by a black blindfold. He stood six inches taller than the girl, and he turned towards her. She pulled out a long pale blue blade, shimmering like water. The voice laughed deeply.
“You think pitiful blades will protect this world? You can kill them, but they will keep on coming. Nothing can stop them. No one can stop them.” The voice replied to the small action. The boy pulled a curved blade from his cloak and held it at his side. The voice laughed again. “What can two of you do, to stop an army?”
“We can die fighting.” The girl said. The voice rumbled.
“So be it. You’ve had your chance to join me. I offer it once more out of pity. The two of you could be heroes.”
“We will be. Just not for the wrong side.” The boy replied, swinging his blade.
“Very well. It’s your decision. The offer is withdrawn.” The voice said. A lightning bolt struck the ground in front of the two cloaked figures and stayed. Shadows started coming out of the ground. The two looked at each other and surged forward, swinging the blades at everything before any of the shadows could come completely out of the ground. They were gone. The two stood in the center of the building, looking around.
“It won’t be that easy.” The voice said, once more, and ten bolts surrounded them, with thousands of shadows pouring faster from the ground. The two of them met back to back and touched hands before lunging forward again, attacking with all their strength. The girl swung her blade and killed many shadows, only to have them jump onto her back. The boy leapt around, losing energy as the shadows kept coming. He heard a scream and looked for the girl.
“Filia!” He yelled when he didn’t see her. He jumped out of the way and ran to a pile of shadows. He sliced at them with his blade but they just kept coming. He raised the blade into the air. “Stop!” He yelled, and all were frozen. It would buy him some time, but not enough. He reached through the pile and grabbed the girl, pulling her out to him. “Oh no!” He yelled and held her to him. She opened her eyes and dropped her blade.
“Riku. We can’t do it. There are too many.” She said, gasping for air. The hood fell away from her face to reveal a large cut across her forehead. She was bleeding and her light blue hair was red-stained. The sleeves of her shirt were missing and her arms were bleeding, and her legs had deep cuts all over them. Riku pulled her close and held her.
“I’ll get us out of here.” He said as the shadows started to stir. He picked her up easily and handed her the blade. He helped her walk to the edge of the building. She held onto her blade tightly as the shadows came out of their trance. She watched them as they backed onto the edge of the ledge. Her feet were almost halfway off the side, but she didn’t look down. She let Riku pull her close to him and hold onto her waist. “Trust me.” He whispered in her ear. She nodded and waited for the sensation of falling. Riku gripped her tighter and threw himself backwards off the building just as the shadows raced towards them. Filia held her hands straight by her sides with the Waterblade in one. Riku held her with one arm and the Wingblade with the other. Filia looked back to the building they just dove off and saw some shadows falling after them. She tucked her head into his chest and watched as a bright light surrounded them, and they were suddenly falling not towards the city below, but towards a calm beach. Riku tilted his head back to watch the ground rush close to them and-
Filia woke up screaming. “NOOO! It CAN’T be!” She said, and jumped up, grabbing her Waterblade and running to the door. Aidan and Riku blocked her.
“What happened?” Aidan asked, grabbing her. She jumped back and held her blade out towards him.
“Let me go! I have to go!” She yelled.
“Filia! Stop!” Riku said, trying to get to her. She spun around and looked at him.
“It was so horrible!” She cried, lowering her blade.
“Filia are you ok?” Sora asked landing. He ran over to them. She spun around and backed towards the door.
“I can’t do it anymore! Every time I sleep!” She sobbed and fell over. Sora rushed over to her.
“Do what? What happens?”
“It’s this dream she’s been having. More like a nightmare. Same one every night. She wakes up screaming.” Aidan said from the wall. He returned to it. “She’ll be exhausted now, and sleep deeply.”
“But I thought you said-“
“She dreams it in her lighter sleep. She doesn’t actually sleep anymore until she’s had the dream.” Aidan replied.
“Donald, go tell Merlin everything’s fine.” Sora said, and Donald took off. He looked at Filia. Her eyes were half closed and she looked exhausted. Her eyes shut and she slowly leaned against Sora. He held her up.
“I got her.” Riku said, and he went over and easily picked her up. Sora handed him the Waterblade and he started walking towards the door.
“I’ll take her.” Aidan said, and walked over. Riku spun around.
“Nah. It’s fine. I already have her.” He said. Aidan glared at him. Riku glared right back. Filia’s eyes fluttered open.
“Stop.” She whispered, before her eyes shut again. Riku looked at her and then back at Aidan. He continued walking towards the door.
“Alright. Riku, we’ll cover you. You get her to the Second District and we’ll take care of the Heartless.” Sora said, and followed behind him. Aidan stepped in front of the group and put his hand on the door.
“You just don’t want to fight.” He snarled, and pulled it open, stepping outside.
It was completely silent as they walked down the narrow alleyway. Once the reached the square, chaos broke out again.
“Riku! RUN!” Sora screamed. Riku ran towards the gate, but he was blocked by a large body. He ducked and tried to run around it, but it blocked him. Goofy came running over with his shield.
“Go one Riku. I got this one!” He said, and pushed against the large body. Riku ran around and to the gates, kicking them open. The others followed, not bothering with the rest of the Heartless, and they shut the doors behind them. Riku ran to the other side of the District with Filia still in his arms, and ran up the stairs and waited at the place they were all staying. Sora tapped the door with the Keyblade and it opened. Once inside he carried her up to the loft and laid her on a bed, pulling covers over her. Everyone else waited downstairs. Aidan glared at Riku, fire in his eyes. Sora noticed.
“Aidan? There’s nothing wrong with Riku helping Filia. You can’t take all the responsibility. It would be too much.” Sora said. Aidan looked away and walked to the corner where he couldn’t see the loft.
After a few minutes Riku climbed down from the loft and walked over to the small fire in the fireplace Aidan had built. Sora handed him a plate of food.
“She’s sleeping soundly now.” Riku said. Aidan stared into the fire.
“I could have told you that.” Aidan said, and turned to Riku. “I don’t need you help with her. I can take care of her myself.”
“Look, I didn’t say I was taking her away from you or anything.” Riku said, standing up after Aidan did. Sora jumped up and stood between them.
“Look guys, she’s sleeping now. She needs all of us, so won’t you chill? Both of you?” Sora pleaded. Donald and Goofy looked between the boys confused.
“He stole her away from me. He took her heart.” Aidan said angrily, then looked down, sad.
“I didn’t steal anything, Aidan. She came to me. You know I wasn’t interested.” Riku said, holding out his hands.
“What are you two talking about? Who stole her heart? She seems fine to me!” Sora said.
“Don’t you see? She loves him!” Aidan yelled, pointing his finger at Riku. Filia whimpered from the loft and Aidan dove towards the stairs to get to her. Sora just stared at Riku.
“She loves you?” He asked, confused. Riku shrugged and sat down. “But I thought you liked Kairi. Isn’t that why you’re trying to find her?” Riku shook his head.
“I did like her. But you’re meant to be with her Sora. I’ve found someone else.” He said. “But I didn’t steal her heart. She gave it freely. Just as I gave her mine.”
“Wait a minute. That chain on your neck. What is that metal?” Sora asked.
“It’s a crystal. Why?” He asked hiding it.
“Filia has the same one. That’s how you do it, isn’t it?” Sora pressed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think you do. That’s how you talked to her. That’s how you knew to get Leon and Gwyn and Blaide.”
“Sora, you got it all wrong. Filia, she… she’s different. She’ll let you know when your ready. Riku said, finishing his food and stood. “Look, I’m tired, I’m going to get some sleep. See you in the morning Sora.” Riku walked over the loft and climbed up top. Aidan came down soon after.
“What is he doing?”
“Turning in. Look Aidan, I know you don’t like him, and I know why, but don’t you want Filia to be happy and safe?”
“She’s safe and happy with me.” Aidan argued, looking tired.
“Alright. I’m not an expert on this stuff, but don’t you want the best for her?”
“I do, but the best is me.”
“That’s being a little selfish.” Sora pointed out.
“Well I met her first.”
“Wow. Okay, this is sounding like something Riku and I did when were still home, before all this.”
“Really? Who was the girl?”
“Kairi. The one we need to find.” Sora answered.
“Well? Do you love her?”
“Of course! She’s the greatest. And I would have, and still will do anything for her. I’ll die trying to find her. But if she had chosen Riku, yeah, I would have been upset, but I would have accepted it, because I love her. And as long as she was happy and safe, I would have been alright.”
Aidan sighed, knowing what he was facing. “Is Riku a good guy? I mean, I know what happened and all before, but when he’s not possessed?” Sora laughed.
“Yeah. He’s good.”

Riku slept soundly on the cot in the loft and listened to Sora and Aidan talk. Sora really was a good friend. He turned over and the cot and watched Filia sleeping. Every so often her hands would twitch and she would wince, but Riku knew better than to wake her. He fell asleep watching her.
© Copyright 2003 RikuNghts (rikunghts at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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