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growing up in the country |
Growing up in the country....how can you explain that sort of thing to a city kid? When I was a teenager I thought the kids who lived in town had it made. They could walk all around town. Go to the movie on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and meet their friends at the local pizza place. Stop into the drugstore for a coke. Even go to the library any time they chose. " Yep.. those kids in town had it made." That's what this country kid thought anyway. Now that I look back at all the things we did to keep ourselves busy, I know differently. The trips on our bicycles to the creek down the road. Loaded down with old empty coffee cans and ready to play in the creek and catch tadpoles. The creek was in an area that had pigs running around everywhere. We didn't mind though and neither did the pigs. We spent many a warm summer day there making damns with mud from the black bottom of the creek. Catching tiny tadpoles in our coffee cans and bringing them home to put in the horsetank. Heck ..we'd even climb in and swim with them. Not many city kids can say they did that. (Most wouldn't want to say that anyway ..but we sure had fun back then.) It's kind of hard to explain how running around barefoot all summer and stepping in warm cow paddies can be fun...feeling the warm squish between your toes...(don't think city kids could see the fun in that sort of thing). The outdoors was truly a wonderland of discovery and imagination. I'm trying hard to make my grandkids aware of the things they are missing out on when they park theirselves in front of a video game. "Come on guys..." "Let's go for a bicycle ride around the lake" After all they're country kids too...(anyone for cow paddy steppin?) |