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Troy,Tory and Tristan..... |
Tristan sat on his bed looking through a magazine when he heard his twin brother Troy move in his bed.Tristan shared a room with his twin brother Troy.Tristan is one of the triplets,there is Tristan,Troy and Tory.Then they have a little sister and a little brother.Nathan is five and Callie is only ten months old. Tristan threw his magazine on the floor beside his bed and flipped his lamp by his bed off.Troy rolled in his bed again and turned to stare at his brother.Tory flipped her computer off and went to her bed to sleep.As the alarm in Tristan's room went off Troy threw a pillow at Tristan.Troy hit the alarm clock and it stopped.Tory ran into the bedroom her baggy pajama pants nearly falling below her waist line.She grabbed Tristan's hand and then grabbed Troy's who was just waking."Trist,Troy mum and dad are waiting downstairs to talk to us." she said making them trip down the stairs. Alicia sat in the dining room running her fingers through her hair.Kyle stood pacing with Callie in his arms.Nathan ran down the stairs and tried to climb onto Tristan's leg.Tristan plopped down in a chair across from his mom.Troy and Tory sat on either side of Tristan."Tristan,Troy and Tory,we know you are all three sixteen and since your dad invested the money from his parents.We bought you all three brand new cars.You will have to work to pay half of your cars bills.Since we got the new cars and since we need to get you all seperate rooms i decided we're moving.We leave next week,we will get dressed then i want all of you down here ready to go look at the house." Alicia said as the triplets got up she gave them their car keys."Trist,you have the black mustang.Troy you have the green mustang.Tory,you have the red." their mother told them as they climbed the stairs.Nathan ran up after them.Tory shut her bedroom door and put her car keys on her desk and slipped over to her closet and pulled out a pair of tight blue jean shorts and a red shirt. Tristan and Troy entered their room and dressed quickly in their regular baggy jeans and white tee's.Nathan walked in and Troy and Tristan grabbed his hands and lead him to his room.They helped him get dressed and took him into the bathroom with them where they styled his hair then theirs.Tory was sitting on the bottom of the stairs holding Callie when the boys ran down.Tristan put Nathan on his back.Troy helped Tory up and they all went out to meet up with their parents.When they had arrived at the new house they piled out one by one and raced to the steps.It was a three story house.It had its own maid corridor.Troy and Tristan ran inside as soon as the door was opened.Tory put Nathan on her back and she walked through each room with her parents and brothers.Tristan and Troy called their bedrooms on the third floor on one side.Tory got the other side to herself on the same floor.They then left the house and started down the street with Nathan back at the new house screaming to go with them. Tristan and Troy had their arms around Tory.Tory watched every house she passed.Soon she had arrived at the pool where tons of teenagers were hanging out.Tory and Tristan both sat down but Troy wouldn't sit finally he got irritating because he was pacing that they pulled him into the seat beside them.Two girls came over and asked if they were new.Tristan worked his charm and Troy helped.Soon both boys left with the girls.Tory screamed after them "You idiot's you better not get yourselves into trouble again!" she stood and turned to go back home when a lifeguard walked over toward her.She stopped when he reached out his hand "My names Derek." Tory nearly fainted.He had sunglasses on but his bright blonde hair stood out with his tan."Tory" she replied and shook his hand."Were those your brothers?" he asked."Yes" she replied and turned to see her brothers coming her way alone.She grinned and turned back toward him."Yes,i admit it they are my brothers,we're triplets." she said and turned back around quickly to see them walk up behind her."Tory,whos this?" Tristan asked suprised."Tristan,Troy,this is Derek.Derek this is Tristan and thats Troy." she said and pointed to both her brothers.They shook hands and Tristan looked at his sister. Derek looked at Tory and then back at Troy and Tristan."So i was going to ask,do you want to hang out maybe tomorrow?" he asked Tory."I'll have to see with my mom,i may have to babysit." she said.She gave him her phone number and then was drug off by her brothers.They arrived at the new house and saw their parents getting ready to leave."Guy's lets go." Alicia said as she buckled Callie into her carseat.Troy,Tristan and Tory climbed in the back."Mum,Tory's got herself a boyfriend." Tristan said with a giggle."So you two left me alone and ran off with two surfer chicks." Tory replied smartly.Alicia and Kyle looked at the kids."Shut up." Troy said and blushed.They soon arrived back at their houses. As they arrived home Tory grabbed her cell phone from her brothers who had taken it so she couldn't use it.Troy and Tristan slapped Tory on the butt and raced to their room."Boys" she said and dialed in her boyfriends number.She had only scheduled a date with Derek to become friends.Mike answered his phone,"Mike,i'm moving." she said quickly.He sighed."I knew it would happen since the little sprout made her entrance." he said.Tory laughed and then told him she'd call him later.She started packing her stuff in boxes.When dinner time came she had collapsed on her bed.Troy and Tristan came in and layed beside her."Hard work?" Tristan asked."Yes" she answered.They skipped dinner and went straight to bed.They heard breaking of glass downstairs.Tory was the first one awake and at the stairwell since her room was closes to the front door.Tristan and Troy walked up behind her.Nathan and their parents arrived soon after.The burglar alarm went off and soon all they heard was the phone.Nathan held tightly to Tristan's leg.He pulled his brother off and went downstairs with Troy and Tory.Their father followed. Mike stood against the door,blood trickling from his lip.The window was broke.Tory screamed and raced toward Mike.Mike fell as Tory opened the door.Troy was on the phone and was calling paramedics."Mike what happend?" Tory asked and grabbed his hand.He lay on the floor his eyes closed.She squeezed his hand and layed her head on his chest.His breathing was failing.Paramedic's arrived five minutes later,they put him on the gurney and rushed him out.Tory climbed in the back with Tristan and Troy.Their parents climbed in the car and followed the ambulance.Tory held Mike's hand as the paramedic worked on him.He had not awoke yet.Tory cried into her brother's arm.When they pulled up at the hospital Tory,Troy and Tristan got out and were sent to sit in the waiting room.Tory went to the pay phone and called Mike's parents.Then she went and sat between her brothers."Tory,it's ok" Tristan said and let his sister cry on his shoulder.When their parents arrived Nathan raced toward Tristan.Alicia comforted her daughter.Kyle held Callie on his lap.Soon Mike's family arrived.His younger sister who's three and his younger brother who is one. Mike's mom and dad went to the front to the desk."Is my son okay?" Mike's father asked."Sir,We have him in a room,he's in a coma right now,but you can go back,three at a time.He is not expected to wake up.The doctor will talk to you in the room." she said and opened the doors."Tory" Mike's father said."Come on hun." they said and she went over with them.They all followed the nurse to the room.Mike layed in bed,a mask over his lips and nose.Monitors beeping.Tory sat beside Mike's bed in a chair.She grabbed his hand."Mr. and Mrs.Christan,And Tory.I'm sorry,but Mike may never recover,it seems he was beaten really badly,he barely made it to Tory's house before he went into a coma.He has many bruises and some broken bones,his arms in a cast and he has stitches in his stomach because he had to have surgery to repair stuff.The other doctor's who looked at him along with me don't expect him to recover.He can still hear you if you speak to him.But may not answer." the doctor said and lowered his head and left.Tory began to cry.Mike's parents kissed their sons cheek and left to talk to Tory's brothers and parents.Tory rubbed Mike's top of his hand.He seemed to flinch.She watched the heart monitor beep and change.When she let go of his hand his heart beat dropped to sixty,when she grabbed it back it jumped back to eighty. Tory looked out the door while she sat with Mike.Her brothers walked in to the room.Troy walked over and touched Mike's hand.Tristan stood beside Tory."Tory did you know Mike had told his parents that he wanted to go see you.He had left around eleven.He never returned home.The last thing he said to them was he loved them and you." Tristan told Tory.Tory grabbed her brothers arm and kept hold of Mike.As soon as Troy and Tristan left Brendon and Nina entered with Mike's mother.Brendon was picked up to kiss his brother's cheek.Nina was then picked up to kiss her brother on the cheek.Tory watched as Mike's mom left with Brendon in her arms and Nina walking beside her.Alicia and Kyle came back with Nathan and Callie.Nathan hugged Tory and then touched Mike's hand.Callie reached out for Tory and Tory took her and kissed her cheek giving her back to her mother."Mom,Dad im staying here with Mike,if you want you can leave Troy or Tristan here." she said."Ok,we'll let the boys take turns." they said and left.Tory fell asleep crying.It was one am when Tristan entered the room and carried a chair beside his sisters.He sat down and fell asleep.Tory awoke to hear whispering. Mike was mumbling."Tory," he said trying to open his eyes."Mike." Tory said rubbing his hand.Mike opened his eyes and tried to focus on Tory.Tory rubbed his arm.Tory pushed the button for a nurse.Soon the doctor came in with a nurse.They checked Mike."Mike,do you know what happend to you?" the doctor asked.Mike didn't answer as the doctor left."I was going to see Tory and i was about four houses away when my old gang i belonged to started to beat me up.They were pretty mad that i had left them to be with Tory.I did my best to get someone at Tory's house attention,but the last i remember was breaking the window and falling." he said.Mike was sat up in the bed and the bed was fit to his position."Tory,are you okay?" he asked his finger running down her chin."Yes" she said slowly and lowered her head.Tristan woke from beside her and saw Mike."Hey bud,what's up?" he asked."Just our old school gang up to their same old thing." Mike answered.Tristan grinned."That's who went after you?" he asked suprised."Yeah,they seemed pretty pissed off.I told them i'd never join again.That's what set them off." he said and reached on the other side of his bed to the table and grabbed the phone. He dialed his number in and waited."Mum,dad,its Mike,yes i'm awake.Yes you can come see me,it's not like im doing anything.Oh,can you bring me my clothes and shoes.Yes and my brother and sister i want to see them.Oh,can you call Troy and tell him to get his butt here." Mike said into the phone and then hung up.Tory had her eyes closed and was leaning against the bed."Is she asleep?" Mike asked Tristan."Yes,she's been up pretty much all nite." he said.Tristan got up from the seat he was in and went across the room to the closet thing where Mike's bloody clothes were,he grabbed a blanket from the top shelf and brought it over to his sister and covered her up.Mike turned the tv on and turned the volume on low.He then flipped it to the news.Thats when he turned the volume up so they could really here it.Troy entered a minute later."Troy." Mike said and patted the end of the bed for him to sit. The news reporter was talking "Special report,two murders have occured in the city of Batons,and one attempted murder,we have special report that the boy named Mike,is now recovering.The gang hasn't been caught for the murders yet.And we don't know if it was them but all we have to say and the police say is lock your doors and windows and watch yourselves." the reporter said and Mike turned the volume down.Troy looked over at Tory who was mumbling in her sleep.Mike grinned and rubbed her cheek with his hand."Do you think Wings is pissed at us because we left or because im dating Tory and you know most the gang wanted to date her." he said."Mike,you know Wings and Griffin were both really mad when you told them about dating Tory,but its also that Wings,Griffin,Hanger and Jackson were doing drugs all the time,i'm not suprised they weren't caught since they know where to hide and when to.Kila especially.She's the one that formed the gang,she's the one that gets them the drugs." Tristan said. Troy looked at Mike."Especially Kila,Kila last called me the day after i left the gang,i told her i wouldn't join again,she said i better watch my back on the streets,that's why i carry a blade in my boot.Kila and Wings told me they'd get me and they'd try to kill Mike,but it isn't working well." Troy then shut up as Mike's parents knocked on the bedroom door."Come in." Mike said.Mike's mom was pleased to see Mike awake.She hugged her son and kissed his cheek.Mike took Nina into his arms and hugged her.Mike's father hugged him and then gave Brendon to Mike.Mike hugged his little brother and gave him a kiss on the cheek.Mike's mother began to hang the clothes she brought in the closet.Mike's parents stayed for a few minutes then decided to go downstairs to get lunch for them and the kids."We'll be back" Mike's father said and they left with Brendon and Nina.Mike turned the tv off when the news came back on."I don't think it's safe for Tory to go out alone on the streets anymore.Inless she carrys the blade with her that i bought her.And if she doesn't i swear if they hurt her i'll hunt them down myself one by one and kill them off." Mike said.Troy and Tristan agreed. Tory awoke to hear the boys talking."What?" she opened her eyes to see Mike and Troy in conversation."What did i miss?" she asked getting mad they didn't answer at first."Tory,As you know when we left the gang everyone wanted to date you,atleast all the guys,well,since we left they got mad and now they are threatening to kill Mike and us.That includes you sis.Anyway,Mike and us want you to always carry your blade with you,i don't care if someone finds out,okay?" Tristan said.Tory nodded then hung her head low.Mike put his hand under her chin and lifted her face to his."Don't be sad babe." he said.He kissed her and turned toward Troy and Tristan."Tristan do you remember Kila's number?" he asked."Yes" he answered."Dial it." Mike said and watched Tristan dial.Soon the phone was ringing.Kila picked up,they knew her voice."Kila,it's Mike,Troy and Tristan along with Tory.What's up?" Mike spoke into the phone."Nothing guy's.Did you like the ambush?Wings and Griffin planned it out.Just one problem we were hoping Tory was with you,but she wasn't so we plan to try again soon.Watch your back.See you soon Quarts,Jackle,Jinxs and you too Tor." Kila said and hung up."Oh,and she used our gang names." he said grinning. Mike's parents returned with their lunches."The doctor said you have to stay till tomorrow afternoon then you can go home." Mike's mom said and smiled to Tory.Tory had a tear run down her cheek.She quickly wiped it away.Mike looked at Tory then at Troy and Tristan.Tristan nodded,Troy then nodded and then Mike looked at Tory again.Tory finally gave in and nodded.They ate quickly and then Mike's parents went to work leaving Nina and Brendon with Alicia and Kyle at their house.Tristan and Troy sat on either side of Mike.Tory was pulled onto Mike's bed.Mike had her arm and Troy went to close the bedroom door and curtains from the view of the nurses station.Mike pulled Tory to sit right beside him.Mike put his arm that wasn't in a cast around her waist then began to kiss her."Mike!" Tory moaned.Mike grinned and kissed her neck."Mike can't you wait till your out of the hospital?" she asked grinning too. Mike stopped kissing her neck "No" he answered."Well,WAIT!" she said and tried to pull herself off of him."Plus,i'm not to sure that we won't get caught" she said.Mike grinned "Fine." he said and began to pout.Mike fell asleep with Tory on the bed beside him.Tory leaned her head on Mike's shoulder and fell asleep too.Troy leaned the bed back more so they wouldn't fall forward.He covered them up and fell asleep in his chair.Tristan turned the lights off and fell asleep too.Tory awoke to hear a knock on the bedroom door.She quickly got out of the bed and turned the lights on and went to open the door.Mike's parents entered and smiled when they saw that everyone else was asleep.Tory went to sit on the foot of Mike's bed.He kicked her slightly with his foot,she knew he was awake just wanted them to leave."The doctor said you can leave Mike." Mikes mother shook her son."Okay,mum." he said mumbling something else at the end.Mike threw his pillow at Tristan."Troy wake up." Tory woke him."Parents out,i'm getting this stuff out." he said."Tory," he was about to say something when she grinned at him."I'll wait outside." she nodded her head kind of toward his parents.They were about to say something. She left out of the room and stood with Mike's parents.Tristan and Troy helped Mike sit up.Tristan grabbed the clothes from the closet.Tristan gave Mike his shirt then gave him his pants.He wore black baggy pants.He then had Tristan and Troy help him put his black socks on and his black boots.He knew these shoes didn't have the blade in them.He then sat back.Troy went to the door and opened it.Tory entered with Mike's parents and a nurse.The nurse took the iv out of his top of his hand and put a bandage on it.She then grabbed the sling she brought with her and wrapped it around his neck and put his casted arm in it."You will go to your doctor to get your arm checked in about two weeks if its healed he will remove the cast if not he will have to take the cast off and do another." the nurse said."Your parents need to sign these." she gave the papers to Mike's parents.Mike had put his shirt on before he had his arm put in the sling.The shirt was black and had a skull on the front.Mike's dad signed the forms and signed him out.Mike's mom carried the bag that had his bloody clothes and boots in it.Mike was helped into a standing position."The stitches will need to be checked when you go in to the doctor." the nurse said and left.Mike walked beside Tristan and Troy.Tory walked behind them. Mike climbed in the backseat of his parent's car.Tory and Tristan sat beside him and Troy sat in the back.Soon they had arrived at Mike's house.Mike grinned as he saw Tory's parents and the little kids there and a couple of his friends welcoming him back.Tory and Tristan helped him from the car then Troy climbed out and took Tory's place.Tristan and Troy took him inside.Tory walked down the sidewalk and watched the sky.Then she heard voice's she knew.Tristan and Troy came up behind her."Tor,Mike wants you." Tristan said and grabbed Tory's arm."I'll be at the park." she said and ran off away from them.Tory sat on a swing thinking when she felt someone touch her back.It was Mike and Troy and Tristan stood back at the entrance to the park.Mike stood and looked at her."What are you doing here?" he asked."Just thinking," she answered and watched as he came into view from behind her."About?" he asked."If you weren't the only one attacked last nite,what if it was all of us." she answered and looked into his eyes."Don't think like that." he said."But what would happen if we all died?" she asked."We wouldn't" he answered angry. Tory took this time to look over toward the entrance to see Troy and Tristan cornered by the gang."Well nows our chance to see how the gang answers to me." she said jumping off the swing and running toward her brothers.When she tapped Kila on the shoulder they turned.Her brothers tried to make her leave."We'll handle this sis go with Mike now." Tristan tried to make her leave.Mike came up behind Tory."I thought you weren't allowed in the park since you were caught vandalizing it?" Tory said and looked at Wings and Griffin who were eyeing her.She looked at Mike who was now ready to pounce.Troy and Tristan had the chance to pull their blades but wouldn't.Finally Tory smiled "Griffin why are you eyeing me,you too Wings i thought better of you two.Hanger where's Jackson?" she asked grinning."Behind you" she heard the voice she used to be happy to hear.She felt him touch her back.She turned "Happy to see you here." she said.That really made Mike mad."How's the body Mike?" Kila asked."Fine." he answered angry.Tory looked down at her brothers boots.She thought to herself now now.Then she knew they heard.Both of them had reached down when all of them were looking at Tory and they pulled their blades.Mike had gotten his from home before coming to the park to see her.He pulled his from his back pocket.He held it behind his back like Troy and Tristan.That's when they heard police sirens.Troy and Tristan replaced their blades and Mike did the same.Kila,Hanger,Jackson,Wings and Griffin ran out of the park along with Mike,Troy and Tristan.Tory fell behind.When they returned to Mike's house she could tell he was mad. "Tory,what did you mean when you said Happy to see you here about Jackson?" Mike asked and Troy and Tristan stood behind him."I admit,Jackson came to see me two days before you were hurt.He told me he wanted me to come back to the gang,i told him no and he left." she said and looked at Mike.Mike layed on his bed and Tristan and Troy went out of the room to talk to their parents.Tory sat on the foot of Mike's bed."Mike,i swear i didn't mean for anyone to hurt you,if you want we can break up.I'm seriously angry that they did anything to you." Mike grabbed Tory and pulled her into his remaining arm."Never babe." he said.He kissed Tory deeply and then smiled."Never" he repeated.They layed in bed togther for a hour when they fell asleep.Tory had her leg over Mike's.Mike's mother came in a few minutes after the party cleared out she nearly screamed then thought better.Mike had his lips close to Tory's.As soon as Mike's mom went back out of the room Mike whispered something into Tory's ear."Same babe,Same" she answered.Tristan and Troy entered the room and looked at Tory. "Time to go home" Tristan said and helped his sister up from the bed.Tory looked at Mike."See you later,i'll call tomorrow i can't come over,we're moving to our new house." Tory said and hugged Mike.She then left the house with her brothers.Mike watched from his window.Tory and Troy walked home followed by Tristan.As soon as they got to their house Tory was pulled aside by Tristan."Don't tell anyone about the gang,and sis you might want to go straight to your room,me and Troy will be in there in a bit." Tristan smiled at his sister and then headed inside followed by Tory.Tory went straight to her room,some of her boxes had already been moved out.Tory grabbed the remaining boxes and took them down to her car.The movers were taking the big stuff.All of it was gone already.Tory was to sleep on her floor.Tory reached into her closet and pulled up the floor board on one of the sides.A picture of Mike lay inside along with a blade that had a cover over it.Tory grabbed the blade and shoved it in her jeans.Troy and Tristan walked in.Tory grabbed the picture and replaced the floor board and closed her closet."Guy's where is mom,dad,Nathan and Callie?" her brothers grabbed her wrist as she went to open her window."They are at the new house.That's where we are suppose to go.Everythings already out of the house.They just called and said to come to the new house,all our stuffs in our rooms and everything." Tristan lead her downstairs to their cars.Troy and Tory followed Tristan to the new house.When they pulled into the driveway it had a two car garage. Troy,Tristan and Tory entered the house and closed the front door."Mum,Dad we are here!" Tristan shouted.Alicia came from the new kitchen and Kyle came from upstairs followed by Nathan."Sh..Got Callie to sleep." Kyle said putting his finger to his lips.Tristan noticed Tory put her hand near her jean line.Tristan pushed her up the stairs and Troy followed.Tory entered her new bedroom and took the blade from her jeans,it had cut her waist,blood trickled down her leg."Gosh" Troy said.Tory walked into the bathroom that connected just to her room.She slipped her jeans off and grabbed a wash rag from the shelf and washed her leg.The cut wasn't to big so she left it to heal on its own.Tristan and Troy hugged her and then sat on her bed as she took stuff from the boxes and sat her room up.Tristan then left with Troy to set up their rooms.Tory grabbed her cell phone from her side table of her bed and she layed down. She dialed Mike's number then began to think to herself.She heard Mike pick up "Mike,think you could come over?" she asked.He agreed and she told him her new address.By the time she hung up she heard a knock at her bedroom door.Tristan stood outside with a boy who looked their age.Tristan looked at Tory.Tory threw her cell phone on her bed and looked at Tristan."Yes?" she asked acting innocent."You want to go hang out sis?" Tristan asked and Troy popped up behind both boys."No thank's,Mike's coming over." she said and then looked at the boy's.Tristan left with the boy and Troy.Tory watched them walk down the stairs then raced after them.Tristan was just about to close the door when she yelled down to him."Trist," she watched him turn "What?" he asked."Who's the boy?" she looked behind Tristan."His name's Jordan.He's the boy next door." Tristan answered then opened the door farther as Mike walked in.Tristan winked at his sister and closed the door.Mike raced up the stairs behind Tory.Tory ran into her room and collapsed on her bed.Mike fell beside her and laughed."Nice view" he said looking at her stomach which was showing. Mike grabbed Tory and kissed her.Tory shoved Mike off and got to her bedroom door and closed it.She then grabbed her cell phone off her bed.She dialed someones number in.She put it to her ear.Mike watched "Tor,who you calling?" he asked and looked at her again.Tory began to talk to the person on the phone."It's Tor,can you meet me at the park?" she asked.She nodded and shut her cell phone and put it in her back pocket.Mike got up from the bed.Tory grabbed her car keys and lead Mike downstairs.She then made him get in the passenger seat.She had a towel in the back seat.She then grabbed it and put it in Mike's lap.Mike looked at Tory.Tory pulled into the park from her old neighborhood.She grabbed the towel from Mike "Stay put" she said.Tory then left him half way down from the park.Tory walked over to the park gate.Jackson stood at the gate waiting for her.Tory smiled."I have to cover your eyes" she said.Jackson smiled again.Tory grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer and wrapped the towel around his eyes so it was tight enough so he couldn't see out.She led him across to the car.Mike saw him and became angry at Tory. Tory helped Jackson into the back of her car and shut the door.She got back into the drivers seat and drove back to her house.When she arrived she led Jackson upstairs followed behind was Mike.She shut her bedroom door and untied Jackson's blindfold."Jackson,Mike have a seat." she said and pointed to her bed and desk chair.Jackson sat on the chair and Mike sat on the bed.Jackson was curious and so was Mike."Guy's we need to settle this.And if something goes wrong i have a blade." she grabbed the blade from her dresser forgetting she never wiped her own blood off of it.She showed them.They looked at her."Who's blood is that?" she grinned at them."Mine," she answered and sat it back on her dresser which she was standing near.She took her cell phone from her back pocket and put it beside the knife.Mike looked at Tory."Jack,Mike please i need you to get over your difference's." she then saw her door open and Troy and Tristan stepped inside.Tory grinned."That wasn't suppose to happen." Tory then led Tristan and Troy to the bed."Sit" she said.She then heard the familiar voice.Kila,Hanger,Wings and Griffin entered the room."Your brother's brought us here." Kila said and stood against the door."Geez,we might aswell invite everyone we know." Mike said with a grin. Tristan looked at Tory."Ok,no one disturb me,i need to talk and talk freely.And Grif stop looking at my body.Okay now,Kila i know we aren't in the gang but you all need to listen.I am as you know dating Mike." all of them looked at Mike who was now standing near the door."I need all of you to stop being different,we use to all belong to the same gang now you guys are pretty much wanted,Kila,Grif,Hanger,Wings and Jack i know you all are pretty much not wanting to be in mine,Mikes or my brothers lives but we still are going to need your help.I know you boys all like me except my brothers of course and i know how you feel.But seriously if my parents walked in this room right now we'd all be kicked out.They don't know all of you are here.Atleast they are out to dinner.Tristan i need my blade from the bathroom." she said and pointed toward her door.Tristan entered the bathroom and grabbed the blade she wanted and brought it to her.She then placed it beside the other one.Kila looked at Tory. Tory began to cry.Mike came closer."Don't" she said and wiped the tears."Troy,come over here,you too Tristan." Tory pulled them next to her and then made Mike get behind her."I know you want to know what I plan to do but i can't tell you all.Troy,Tristan will you grab the blades." she then watched as both grabbed one."Mike,just stand by the door." she then walked toward Kila."Peace or not?If not then you can leave.If you want to fight we are ready." she said.Kila grinned.She then walked out with Wings.Griffin looked after Kila."You'll lose." he said and raced after Kila and Wings.Hanger and Jackson looked at Tory.They too left.Tristan sat the blade down and took Troy's and placed it down.They then sat on the bed which was now messed up.Tory saw Mike come closer and he wrapped his arm's around her waist."Ow.." she said.He removed his arm's and lowered the lining of her jeans to see the cut from the blade.He ran his finger over it and then looked at her.Tory turned around and wrapped her arms around Mike's neck and kissed him.She turned around and motioned toward her door looking at her brothers.Both of them left and were laughing.Tory shut her door and was led to her bed by Mike. Mike layed beside her and looked at the clock that was glowing from the desk."It's midnite babe." he said and poked Tory.Tory snuggled closer to Mike's chest.He turned to look at her.He couldn't see her in the dark very well.He then rubbed her cheek."Do you want me to stay?" he asked."Yes" she answered and kissed his neck.He only had his boxer's on and she only had a long night shirt on.Mike fell back asleep with Tory.When he awoke he heard Tory moving around in the room.She then went into the bathroom.He heard the door shut.He then climbed out of the bed and slipped his pants on.He heard the shower running and decided to wait for her.He turned her computer on and then heard a loud bang from outside.Mike looked out her bedroom window which overlooked the front door and saw Tristan argueing with his dad and mom.Troy was standing beside him.Mike hid his face from the view.His mom and dad pushed their way through the door and Mike heard feet hitting the stair well.Tristan and Troy raced up behind them.Mike decided it better for him to ignore it.He then started playing a game on Tory's computer.He heard her getting out of the shower.She walked out in black baggy pants and a black shirt with a skull on it.It ended just above her belly button. Tory started brushing her hair while she sat on her bed watching Mike.Mike heard Alicia and Kyle now outside the bedroom door.Tory got up and opened her door and her parents walked in."Hi Hun,Hi Mike.Do you know what's wrong with your brother's?" Alicia asked."Let me guess,girl problems." she smiled and then watched as her brother's entered."We are going to the pool want to come?" they asked."Sure." Tory added.Alicia and Kyle left after giving them the pass to the pool.Troy and Tristan left the room and then came back with a extra pair of swim trunks for Mike.Mike went into the bathroom and slipped them on and grabbed two towels.Tory had her bottom's on and was trying to tye her top.Mike came up behind her and kissed her neck then began to tye her top.Tory slipped shorts on so noone could see her bottoms till she got to the pool.Mike slipped his arm's around Tory's waist.Mike grabbed her hand and led her to the stairs.They met up with Troy and Tristan who both had towels.Tristan held the pass in his hand.They walked down to the pool togther.Troy and Tristan talked the hole way there while Tory and Mike held hands and listened. Troy opened the gate as Tristan slipped the pass in and took it back.They entered and saw some teenagers everywhere.Tory and Mike walked toward the pool.Troy and Tristan ran into the pool only to land next to two girls.Tory sat on the chair and watched.Mike got into the water and tried to get Tory to come in.Finally he went over to talk to Troy and Tristan.When she had closed her eyes from the sun she felt six hands grab her.She opened her eyes to see Troy had her left arm and Tristan had her right.She had taken off her shorts before she sat down and she was worried of what they were doing.Mike grabbed her feet and they all swung togther and threw her in the deep end.She sunk to the bottom and stayed there.Mike,Troy and Tristan jumped in to investigate.Tory was trying hard not to giggle and blow bubbles.Mike came down beside her.He looked at her and she grabbed him and pulled him closer to her.Troy and Tristan began to laugh as Mike was drug up by Tory.Tory began to kiss Mike on the lips as they got up."You two get a room" Troy said with a laugh.Tristan shoved Tory down in the water and Tory pushed him down.Troy then grabbed Tory's legs and laid her legs down at the bottom.Tristan took her arms and laid her flat on the bottom.Mike came down and began to laugh and Tory began to kick her brothers.Soon they let go for air. When they let her go she attacked Mike.Soon they were all back out of the pool sitting on the chairs.Tory put her shorts back on and waited for the boys.The boys slipped the towels around their waists and walked up behind her and began to tickle her.Tory climbed on Mike's back and held onto his neck.Tristan and Troy walked behind them.As soon as they got back to the house they saw Kila,Wings,Hanger,Jackson and Griffin standing in the street surronding a few kids around their age.Mike put Tory down and raced over to the group of kids.Troy and Tristan joined him followed by Tory.They tapped Kila on the shoulder."Hey guy's this is not your neighborhood get back to your own." Tory said and then looked at the kids that were being surrowned.Derek was one of them."Oh and look you bunch don't have blades on you," Kila said taking that as a good thing.She smiled and then tried to kick Troy who moved out of her way."I know you Kila.It don't work doe's it?" he asked.Kila grinned and then watched Wings and Griffin who moved behind Troy and Tristan.Mike grabbed Tory's arm."Don't attack remember we don't have blades this time." he whispered into her ear."We don't need one." she said. Derek looked at her."Kila,Wings,Hanger,Jackson and Griffin picking on kids in this neighborhood could get you in trouble at yours,you know the other gangs won't like the idea.Plus you know this neighboorhoods gang probably will throw you out." Tory said smartly.Derek and the other three kids looked at Tory,Troy and Tristan then at Mike."Plus we don't need blades to fight you," Tory added.She was a few houses away from hers.She didn't want to get into trouble now.Kila and Wings took their blades out of their pockets.Tory took that as a threat,she then grabbed Derek's arm and pushed him and the other three kids out of the group.Derek stood still and watched the other three kids ran.Tory pushed Derek "Run" she said quickly and then went back to Kila and the others.Derek ran and didn't look back.A group of kid's came their way."That is this neighborhood's gang" Troy said smiling.The group of kid's surrowned Kila and the others.Tory smiled and waved.Troy and Tristan and Mike walked away with Tory."See you guy's later." Tory said and added "Much later." then walked the rest of the way to her house.As soon as she entered she ran up the stairs to her room.Mike raced after her.She took another shower and then got dressed in her clothes she had worn earlier then Mike went to take a shower.He slipped his pants on. Tory layed on her bed and began to fall asleep with Mike when the cell phone began to ring.Mike grabbed it and handed it to Tory.Tory opened it and listened."Tory here." she said."What's up?" she asked and sat up."Derek,yes you can come over." she said and hung up.Mike looked at her."Shut it babe." she said and kissed him on the lips to keep him quiet.Troy and Tristan walked in freshly showered and dressed."Dinner is here." Troy said and gave Mike the pizza box.Mike grabbed a peice and started to eat.Tory watched her brothers leave.Soon she heard feet on the stairs.Then a knock came to her bedroom door."Come in" she said.Mike dropped the pizza back in the box and slipped it under the bed.Derek walked in.Tory motioned to her desk chair."Pull up a chair" she said with a smile.Derek sat down and looked at Tory and Mike.Mike was now looking out the window as he heard his name screamed."It's Kila and Wings." he said and turned back to Tory."Seriously Tor,we need to get them out of this neighborhood,it's not safe they'll be killed." Mike said and grinned.Tory grinned too."Mike can you tell Troy and Tristan to come here?" she asked.Mike got up and headed out the door."We need to talk Derek." she said and then waited. Tristan and Troy entered with Mike.Mike sat back down beside Tory.Troy and Tristan sat next to Tory and Mike."What's up?" Tristan asked."Derek,do you have any question's about what happend today?" Tory asked and looked over at Derek who was grinning."Are you part of their gang?" he asked."Yes and No,we use to,we parted since they started causing me and Mike trouble.They are trying to get revenge and plus Mike was already hurt by them, I know it may come as a shock but i'm dating Mike.Mike i'm seriously thinking that we do need to get Kila and Wings out soon." Tory said and looked out the window.Kila and Wings were running now."Troy,Tristan do you have any ideas?" she asked and looked at them.Troy and Tristan nodded a no.Mike took this as a problem."Tristan call Griffin,Jackson and Hanger on my celly." she said and watched as he did so.She began to think."Tell them to come to my house.I'll be waiting outside." she got up,she grabbed the blade from her dresser and slipped it in one of the boots that she was now putting on.Derek watched amazed.Tristan nodded."They are at the end of the street,they'll be here in about a minute or two since our house is like four houses from the corner." Troy said. Tory smiled."Mike would you stand inside the door just incase i need your help?" she asked."Sure,babe" he said and followed her out of the room after grabbing a blade and sticking it in his shoe.Tory opened the door and let Griffin,Jackson and Hanger in.She made them follow her to the room and Mike walked behind them to make sure they didn't pull anything.They entered the room.Derek was now seated near the door."Derek it's okay,they won't hurt you" Tory said."Griffin sit next to Troy and Hanger next to Tristan and Jackson you sit on the floor below Tristan.Mike stand next to Derek." she said and then looked at what they were doing."Hanger,Jackson,Grif we need your help." They all looked at her."Why?" Griffin asked."Because,for one this isn't your neighborhood,and two you don't want dead.Kila and Wings need to get out of here and fast because that gang is not happy about another gang in this place.And Jackson i don't want anything to happen to any of you," Tory cut off and heard footsteps in the hall.She opened her bedroom door to see Nathan carrying Callie.Nathan walked into her room."Mummy and Daddy want you to watch Callie and me." Nathan said then looked at everyone in the room. Nathan almost dropped Callie but Tory grabbed her.Troy and Tristan began to grin,"Nathan sit on Tristan's lap." Tory said and then put Callie on her hip."Now then if you don't want to die Grif you have to help." she then handed Callie to Mike."Watch her" she whispered into his ear.She then quickly walked over to Griffin,Jackson and Hanger.She hugged them all and smiled."Agreed?" she asked."Agreed" they all three answered."See you later,oh and no picking on anyone here." she said as they left.Derek got up."See you" he said.Mike gave Callie to Troy.Nathan looked at Tory."Why sissy have tons of boy's in her room?" Nathan asked in his innocent five year old voice."Just keep it shut brother." Nathan looked at Tristan who had said it.Mike wrapped his arm's around Tory's waist.He then whispered in her ear.She smiled.Then slowly nodded.Troy and Tristan looked at Tory."Lets go downstairs and watch a movie." Tristan said and grabbed Nathan's hand.Tory and Mike followed behind the others.Tory took her boots off at the couch and watched Mike do the same.Mike sat down and Tory layed down with her head in his lap.Nathan lay on the floor on his stomach with a pillow and Callie was in her swing swinging.Troy sat in one arm chair and Tristan sat in the other.They watched The Lion King.Tory fell asleep along with the others. They never heard their parents enter the room.Alicia shook Tristan and Troy.Kyle grabbed Nathan off the floor and carried him up to bed.Troy and Tristan mumbled then looked over at Tory who was now facing Mike's chest.Troy woke Mike.Mike sat up a little and looked at Alicia."Is it okay if i stay the nite?" he asked."It's to late for me to drive home." Mike said grinning."Sure Mike." Alicia said."Can you carry Tory to her bed?" Kyle asked."Yes" Mike said lifting Tory's head so he could get up,he then picked her up.Tristan and Troy followed Mike up the stairs.Mike put Tory in bed and covered her up.Tristan and Troy waved and then left to their rooms.Mike shook Tory slowly."Tor" Mike said and watched as she slowly opened her eyes."Do you want to slip into something more comfortable for bed?" he asked."Give me the night shirt off the floor." she said.He did so and she began to change in front of him.He then slipped his jean's off and layed down beside her in his boxer's.Tory kissed him."I love you Mike." Tory said."I love you Tory." he said and switched the light off to feel Tory turn to lay her head on his chest. The next morning Tory woke to her alarm.It was the first day of school.Mike sat up he had his stuff at the school and didn't need to take anything.Mike shook Tory after turning the alarm off.Tory didn't move.Mike finally grabbed her out of the bed and stood her up,she finally woke up.Tory stripped naked and walked into the bathroom and slipped into the shower.Mike slipped his pants on and walked to Tristan's room and knocked.Tristan answered and They both pulled clothes out of Tristan's closet.Tristan grabbed a black shirt and baggy black pants.Mike grabbed a pair of baggy blue jean pants and a blue shirt.He then headed to Tory's room.Tory was dressed now in baggy blue jeans and a belt and a red shirt that ended above her belly button which showed off her peircing.Mike showered and dressed then combed his black hair into spikes,then put the jell he borrowed from Troy in his hair to make the spike's stay.Tory put her hair up into a pony tail in the back of her head and made sure it looked good.She then slipped her sunglasses on and grabbed her cell phone and slipped the blade in her boots that she was wearing.Mike slipped his blade in his boots.They walked downstairs to be met by Troy and Tristan,Troy had his car keys."I'm driving" Troy said.They all piled into his car. Troy pulled into a parking space at school and climbed out with the others to be met by their old friends."Jace." Troy said high-fiving the brown haired boy.Troy and Tristan walked off with friends to their classes.Mike walked Tory to her locker.Her first class was Math with Mike and Griffin.She sat through that with Mike making funny faces beside her.Griffin talked to her as she got out of class with Mike.Tory had the next class with Troy and Tristan and Mike along with Kila.Kila was awful pissed and they had to ignore her comments.Finally after a few more classes they got to go home.Troy drove them home and they ran up the stairs to their rooms to avoid having to talk about their day.Mike hadn't gone home yet.He kept staying the nite."Mike don't you think your family misses you?" Tory asked while she watched tv in the living room with him."Yes,but i want to stay with you." he said and grabbed her hand.His arm still in the cast.He had to go to the doctor's tomorrow and get the cast and stitches removed.Tory fell asleep on the couch with Mike.They woke to hear the doorbell,the clock on the wall read noon.Mike sat up and shoved Tory.Tory slipped her shoes on,they decided to go as they were dressed.Tory brushed her hair and Mike fixed his.Mike's mother drove them up to the doctor's. Mike went back in the room with his mother and Tory.Tory watched as the doctor examined Mike's stitches then began taking them out.Mike was healed and then the doctor removed the cast.Mike flexed his arm and smiled."Now i can do something i've been wanting to do." he said and raced over to where Tory was sitting.He trapped Tory and began to tickle her.The doctor smiled and Mike's mom checked out.Mike had Tory on his back now and they were walking to the car.Tory whispered something in Mike's ear and he sat her down.Tory smiled and then got into the car.Mike crawled in beside her.They arrived at Tory's house and Mike told his mom he'd come home tonite.As soon as his mom drove off he grabbed Tory around the waist and drug her upstairs to her room.He layed her on the bed and began to kiss her.He kept repeating how much he loved her.Then Mike finally left after kissing her lips.Tory smiled and watched him leave then layed down on her bed and closed her eyes only to feel someone put a hand over her mouth."Thought Mike would never leave." someone said.Tory opened her eyes and saw Jackson and Hanger.Hanger had her legs."What do you want?" Tory asked."You" Hanger answered then kissed her on the neck.Tory screamed only to be slapped hard on the face.She heard her brother's footsteps.They bolted into the room before Hanger and Jackson could run.Tory was crying. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will have to wait for the next chapter. |