On my downtime, I am a semi-active hobby photographer. The photo bug bit towards the end of my 8th grade year just in time for a band party. After that, I found myself with some sort camera in my hands whenever possible. Finally, for Christmas five years ago, I got my own camera, an APS F600 by Kodak. Though it's not a very fancy camera, most of these pictures were shot on it, and it has done wonders over the past few years and has gone with me to several different states. To me, photography doesn't always have to be about the best camera, something I have come to learn after getting a job at Walgreen's in the photo lab. Getting a good picture often has nothing to do with the camera and more to do with other variables:

film speed (camera's ISO equivalent

indoor/outdoor picture taking

flash use

travel conditions (this can severely damage your film if you're not careful!)

weather conditions (outdoor photography)

time of day

type of picture (group, action, nature, etc.)
and many more. I could be here all day listing the variables! (For anyone that might care, I advocate using 200 speed film. It's a better all around film and makes excellent reprints/enlargements!)
As of April 2005, I have switched over to digital. While I'm still getting to know my camera, I am finding that digital has expanded photographic possibilities for me, and I'm able to do more with my FUJI A340 four megapixel camera. Everything added to this folder from June 2005 on will most likely be from my digital camera.The photos in this folder have been taken between 2000 to 2006. The newest photos are at the top, and the oldest are at the bottom. So sit back and enjoy the Stik's photography.

I have decided to upload my photos at Photobucket to save space in my portfolio. You can see the various collections at the following link.
The photos are contained in the subalbums linked on the lefthand side of the page.