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by Archie
Rated: E · Article · Career · #697084
Although written for Job Developers, individuals may find some good techniques also.
Job Development Made
Simple, Fun, and Productive

By Archie R. Whitehill
Job Corps Job Developer for the Commonwealth of Virginia



Job Development is a key skill for anyone who is a case manager, whether it be for Job Corps students, Social Services clients, corporate outplacement specialists, or even for yourself, should you be fortunate enough to conduct a search for yourself. Yes, I did say fortunate! Job Development is so much fun, and you get to meet so many interesting people that I wish I could get paid to look for jobs.

Oh! I do!

But more on that later. Let’s concentrate on helping others find jobs. It really is interesting, as well as challenging. A job developer cannot be timid, and if shy, has to put that aside during the “hunt.”

So, do you remember the last time you looked for a job for yourself? Do you remember all the questions you had about potential employers you had found out about from one source or another? Well, those are the same questions your customer has, the person you are helping to find a job. If a customer is still in school, or if you are case working for another organization, the case worker there or the instructor may be even more interested in job details.

Let’s See How to Develop some Jobs!

One of the most important rules in Job Development is to be yourself, but temper some of your bad habits. People are naturally shy and reticent when it comes to meeting strangers. Well, in Job Development, it is strangers who hire people who become your “bread and butter.”
Another aspect of Job Development is travel. Job Developers are natural explorers, and, believe me, it can be fun to discover a new employer on some back road that no other Job Developer has yet found. It can be you who introduces that new employer to the many young people who are looking for jobs. Job Development is a combination of persistence, enthusiasm and the ability to not be hurt when people say to you, “No, thanks. We aren’t looking for workers today.” Believe me when I say that sentence is heard by Job Developers often. Don’t let it discourage you, ever.

Here are the basics of what you need to do to be a middlin’ to fair Job Developer:

· Determine needs
· Determine geography
· Determine barriers
· Find matching employer
· Ask questions
· Disseminate information
· Follow-up

Now let’s look at each of these basics in a bit more detail. These basics and some of the techniques I will mention are those that will fit my way of doing things, my personality. Feel free to modify them to suit your own personality, but don’t let your personality get in the way of getting out, meeting people, and asking the right questions. Oh, and there is another caveat, if anything in this material is contrary to what your boss or your supervisor wants you to do, do what you are asked to do by your supervisor or boss if you want to keep doing your job.

Determine Needs

Rather than “shot-gunning” as you develop jobs, you should find out what the person going to work knows. Find out the specific skills, knowledge level and aptitudes of the person you have in mind for the job. “Person in mind” could refer to an individual, or, for a case manager, it could refer to a group of people. This brings us to the first axiom of job development: There are always hidden talents, skills, needs and barriers.

Determine Geography

Not everyone has a car, or a license, so a Job Developer should take geography into account. Where does the job seeker live with respect to the prospective employer? Is that geographic relationship, job seekers home ßà employment site, reasonable enough to ensure getting to work on time every day that person is scheduled to work? If not, alternate transportation must be found or alternate employment must be found. Transportation challenges, no matter how small, grow larger each day they exist. For instance, you may be told as you interview one of your students that she does not mind driving 25 miles to work each morning. However, several things may contradict that most enthusiastic and sincere promise to be at work and on time every workday. Cars your students can afford may not be reliable for repeated long trips; your student may begin to realize how much earlier they must arise and how much later they get home each day; or the student may simply not have her own transportation.

So, ensure that your developed job is geographically friendly to the worst case in the new employee’s foreseeable future. That may mean passing up a better job for one that is closer or on a bus line or in some way does not require transportation. Some employers, particularly in the construction trades have central meeting places where company vehicles will pick them up. Of course, the student must be able to get to that point relatively easily for that situation to work.

While we are discussing transportation, this is the place to insert the second job development axiom: Riding with someone else who doesn’t work with you or borrowing a car from someone else, even family, never, repeat, never works out.

Determine Barriers

The populations with which we deal regularly have barriers, some temporary and some permanent, some short-term and others long-term. In any event, those barriers must be taken into account.
As an example, a few years ago, I placed a talented young bricklayer apprentice into a union position with great pay, benefits and a great prospective for the future. He and the employer hit it off well, and the student was a good worker, exceeding the employer’s expectations for an entry-level employee in just a few days.
So what was the problem? Well, the student started the job at the start of a particular project. In about a week, maybe a couple days beyond the student’s first week, the job had progressed to the point that scaffolding had to be used to lay brick higher off the ground. The day scaffolding was first used was the day the student called me to tell me he couldn’t work the job anymore, he was dearly afraid of heights. He agreed to stay for a couple of days to try to get used to it, but that moment of comfort never arrived. The student had to leave that job, and I had to find him a job that did not require the student to leave the ground. This brings us to the second job development axiom: Every silver lining has a cloud.

Find Matching Employer

Okay, now you have found out as much as you can about your student, and you have researched geography and you have tried to determine if there are any barriers (there almost always are). Now is the time to look for one or more employers who will be a happy marriage between your student and that employer. We’ll look at the mechanics of that later in this presentation, but let’s look at the philosophy of finding an employer here.

Just as you “grilled” your student and her instructor and any other people in the organization sending you the student to discover skills, abilities, personal needs, and so forth, you need to carefully question the employer to find out what his needs are.

Some of the things to keep in mind as you talk to the instructor are to be honest about the student or students you have in mind for that employer. Make sure the instructor knows that you want to introduce them to an entry-level person, or, at most, someone at the apprentice level. Ensure that you know enough about your “product” (and that is what your student is in this case) to be able to help the employer determine that he does, indeed, need the help and that yes, indeed, your student looking for employment will fill the bill nicely.

Get all the details you can about the job. Find out what normal work hours are and whether or not there is any overtime. Ask what major skills the student must bring into the job. Find out if the student must provide basic tools, or if specialized safety clothing is required. If such clothing is required, what does the employer provide and what must the student provide?
Ask what the pay-range is for an entry-level person or for an apprentice. Many employers do not like to share this information prior to an interview. Try to get it, but don’t alienate the employer by insisting on that information.

If you can get a look around the shop or office where your student will be working, take note of conditions and what other workers are wearing so that you can pass that information on to your student. Also, pay careful attention to what the employer says, particularly when he says things like, “I want someone who can . . .” or, “I get upset whenever an employee . . .” or, “One of my pet peeves is . . .” Those are definitely pieces of information to pass on to the job applicant, your student. It also may give you a clear sign of whether or not your student will work out well with that particular employer.
Now let’s look at another job development axiom: Employers are not always forthcoming with the information you need.

Ask Questions

I know, each preceding section has mentioned asking questions. This is an important aspect of job development, asking questions. We’ve discussed asking questions of your student, her instructor, others who know the student and the employer. Those are the primary people need to quiz and to quiz carefully. But, and you probably guessed it or have even learned from experience, there are many others who hold information that you need to do your job as a Job Developer productively. The only way to get that information is to quiz them as well.

One of the most difficult parts of my job as a case manager was getting information I needed for follow-up. Follow-up is not just for finding out about the student, however, as important as that is. Prudent questions may also help you determine information about the employer to help you decide what his future needs are, or even if that particular employer is appropriate for your students.

Sometimes asking questions puts you into the role of “detective.” The answers are not always easy to find, and sometimes thee are no answers that will help you. Sometimes you can be direct in your questioning, and at other times you have to be subtler, sometimes even bordering on sneaky. However, always stay legal! Some answers cannot be answered as a result of privacy laws. Always have a copy of your student’s authorization to gather information about her with you when you go looking for answers. That one piece of paper may well help you soften an unwilling employer.

At times, asking questions does not involve asking questions. Sound confusing? It’s not. Much information can be gathered and many questioned answered just by being observant when you visit an employer or a student’s home. Sometimes what you observe answers your question in a way you don’t like. Perhaps a student is always late getting out of bed because of circumstances in the home over which he has no control. Sometimes you can alleviate this with some words of advice, sometimes, most often, actually, you can’t. Sometimes only the student has the power to help himself and there is not much you can do other than hope. Sometimes this is where your enthusiasm and creativity can make a difference. You’ve got to try, or you’ll never know, right?

What other people may have answers to your questions? Well, for starters, let’s ask these people:

· Student’s relative (mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc.)
· Student’s romantic interest (Often you get most interesting information from this source!)
· Friends or classmates at their training center
· Friends at their homes that you may meet on occasion
· Neighbors
· Minister
· Past employers, if any
· School-to-Work staff or employers
· Other counselors or staff at training center
· Apartment complex owners or managers
· Secretarial staff at employer’s office (some are more open than employers)
· Co-workers at place of employment
· Other students placed at same employer site (current and past placements)
· Union officials if job is union job
· Anyone else you think might know something

That was obviously not an all-inclusive list of people to ask questions of, but you get the idea, right? Case managers sometimes must be as detailed and as persistent as detectives on an important criminal case.

The next axiom of job development is: The answers you get are not always the answers you need.

Disseminate Information

Make sure your student or client knows what is expected of him or her. Don’t trust others to do so, because then you have a crack in your plan, which could cause your plan to fall apart. It is better to repeat information your student already knows, to reinforce it if nothing else, than to risk the information not being disseminated effectively.

Information your student will require includes, but is not limited to, the following:

· Work Hours
· Work Days
· Pay Scale
· What the Company Produces
· What will be Expected of the Student
· What Opportunities Beyond Merely a Job the Company Offers
· What You Can and Cannot Do to Help the Student

Follow Up

Always follow up with both students and employers to ensure what you think is happening is, indeed, actually happening. There is little worse than thinking all is moving forward according to plan when in actuality, all has gone to pieces, and the hand basket with all the pieces has traveled into the nether regions of time and space.

Where have all the Employers Gone?

Employers are all over the place; wherever you go, there they are, and so are you. Take advantage of that truism. Take advantage of the truism that employers often need new employees, but are not aware of all the resources available to them. Become an important source to that employer, and that employer will reward you with information about his openings.

Let’s first look at some obvious places to find employers:

· Office Buildings
· Shopping Centers
· Construction Sites
· Airports
· City Halls
· Trade Organization Offices
· Labor Unions
· One-Stop Centers
· Virginia Employment Commission Locations
· And, most obviously: Any place of business

The premise here is that virtually every business is a potential employer. Many of those employers are looking for good, productive workers, at all levels to include entry-level. Rule one: Don’t be shy. Pick a business that you feel uses the type workers you know you have trained potential employees for. Enter the business and ask the first person you meet (who isn’t a visitor like yourself!) if you could talk to the person who does the hiring for their company. If it is a larger company, simply ask to be directed to the Human Resources Office. Even larger organizations will have signs out directing you to that hallowed ground known to us Job Developers as Human Resources Departments.

Once you are in front of a hiring person, introduce yourself, simply and briefly. Have a business card handy to give that person. If one is not offered, always ask for that person’s business card in return.

Here is a sample script for such an encounter with an employer in her office:

YOU: Good morning! My name is Archie Whitehill, a Job Developer for the Federal Job Corps Program. I would like to talk to you about how we may assist you and your company in your staffing of entry-level workers.

EMP: Good morning. Certainly. We aren’t looking for anyone now, but I expect to be in the next month or so. Let’s go into my office. By the way, my name is Amber Johnston.

(You shake hands here)

YOU: Thank you, Ms. Johnson. Job Corps is a federally funded program that . . .
(And here you go into your spiel about what Job Corps does, focusing on the trades and skills you feel will be important to Ms. Johnston’s company. As the conversation goes on, Ms. Johnston will fill you in about her company’s needs, which will allow you to focus your presentation even more.)

Some additional tips for when you visit an employer’s place of business:

· Carry brochures and other promotional information with you. I try to have a TAR with me in case an employer asks details about what one of our graduates is able to do.

· Additionally, I have phone numbers and names of people I can call if an employer wants to talk to someone who is more knowledgeable about a trade than I am. Instructor names and numbers are good for that, or, at least the number for the centers so that you can call and ask for the “Carpentry Instructor,” for instance.

· Needless to point out, but I’ll do it anyway, is to have pen and paper with you so that you can take notes as the employer tells you what the company needs are, and what they look for in a new employee.

· Dress in a manner that matches the employer. For instance, if you are going to a bank, dress in a business suit. If you are going to a small business, a neat outfit, but not necessarily a business suit would be appropriate, and if you are going to a construction company, medium to small sized, then clean work clothing, jeans and work shirt for men, would certainly be appropriate. If you are going to a construction site, be sure to have both steel-toed shoes and a hard hat. In short, look the part. Look as if you, yourself, are seeking employment with that company and dress accordingly. Over dressing and under dressing can both sour an employer to your visit.

· Avoid accessories that may alienate an employer. This includes jewelry. For instance, I do not wear my NRA lapel pin when I visit an employer, although I might have an NRA hat in my car just in case a construction company I visit has such in their windows or on their vehicles. Religious symbols can also be tricky. You may wear them, but don’t over do it. Not everyone may be as enthusiastic about your personal beliefs as you are.

· Keep chitchat innocuous. Talk about weather or some local event coming up or just passed, but steer clear of politics, religion and sex as topics of discussion. Do engage the employer in chitchat at the beginning and end of your business visit, just to be friendly and exude charm, but if a topic seems uncomfortable to the employer, change the subject. Later on, if you are lucky enough to continue a relationship with the employer, and as you get to know what the employer’s interests are, you can delve more deeply into the topics you may not have discussed when you first met. For instance, you may find out you are both staunch Druid Republicans who enjoy hunting for deer. But wait until you know for sure.

· Always follow up with an employer, new or established. People like to know they are thought of and that they are respected. Drop a note after a first visit, and be sure to drop in, if only for a brief “hello” if you are in the employer’s vicinity. Maintain contact, but not too frequently; employers are busy, and you want to keep them that way so that they may grow and need even more people from your sources.

Some not so obvious, nonetheless fruitful, “employer hideouts” include the following places:

· Parking Lots
· Restaurants
· Recreation and Fitness Centers
· Church
· Campgrounds
· Colleges
· And the number one most overlooked place to find employers: Your Home!

The premise here is that almost anyone you meet anywhere is either an employer or an employee. Take advantage of that truism as well. Another truism is that people often enjoy talking about what they do. All it takes is a catalyst to get them started on sharing information about the company they operate or work for. Make it a point to be that catalyst whenever you have the opportunity.

For instance, if you are shopping and you happen to notice a person getting out of a pick-up or work-van with a company name on the truck or van. If the person does not seem to be in a particular, walk up to that person and “do your thing.”

Here is a sample situation:

You see a van in the parking lot of Lowes, where you stopped off on your way home from work to pick up some picture hangers for your home. The van has a sign on the side reading, “Wild Wire Electrical Company; We Light Up Your Life” and a lady steps out as you pass. She seems to be going into Lowes as well. You step into her view as she heads toward the store, doing all you can to not look as if you are about to attack her.

YOU: Pardon me, ma’am! Do you work for “Wild Wire Electric”?

Lady: Why, yes I do. My husband and I own the company. Are you looking for electricians?

YOU: No, ma’am, but I’m hoping you do. I work for Job Corps and am always looking for employers who could hire our graduates. Do you use helpers or apprentices?

Lady: Well, as a matter of fact, we could use a few, but I don’t have time to talk now.

YOU: Okay, let me give you a business card and get one of yours. When is a good time to call you?

Lady: Well, I don’t have my cards on me, but you can call the number on our van and ask to talk to Don; he does our hiring and usually comes in around 8 in the mornings. I’ll give him your card tomorrow when I see him.

YOU: Thank you, ma’am. I’ll call Don tomorrow. Have a great evening!

Now that was fairly easy, but it calls on you to be observant, and for you to lose your natural shyness. Make sure that you are polite, not intruding on anything, and that you look as professional as possible. This approach may be used when you are off, such as on weekend shopping trips, but just be sure that you’re somewhat neatly dressed, or pass up the meeting. You might still want to jot down any phone numbers and addresses on the van or other work vehicle.

An exception of this “neatness rule” is if you are wearing, say, torn jeans, torn tennis shoes with no socks, and one of your, shall we say, less appealing sweat shirts and you notice the employer (or potential employer) is dressed somewhat the same as you. In this case, your slovenly appearance may even be an advantage. Look, another slob! I like him already!

Always, always have business cards with you and within easy reach, such as in your purse, shoulder bag, pocket, wallet, wherever, just close. It wouldn’t hurt to carry a few brochures in your car in case someone is really interested in Job Corps students and you want to “strike while the iron is hot.”

Be yourself at all times, and listen to what the employer wants. In my mind, even though my “client” was a Job Corps Student, my “customer” was the employer. That was who I had to keep happy in order to survive and continue placing.

Honesty is important. In other words, always place the best possible student with any given employer, and, if a student is not qualified and you know that to be true, then don’t try to push the student on the employer anyhow. It will lead to a bad placement and, more importantly, it will lead to no more job opening leads from that employer.

Beyond the Call of Duty

It is always good to be helpful, but few realize that being helpful yields dividends. When you go to meetings, whether WIA-related or with an employer, do all you can to make yourself both wanted and needed.

Sometimes the simple act of sharing your job leads with a WIB or a Youth Council will garner favor and those few referrals will blossom into levering the job leads of others as they will feel more comfortable with sharing their job leads with you. In Virginia, DRS holds numerous Employment Network meetings, throughout the state, and most of them involve presentations by employers, good employers for the most part who have numbers of leads. In one admittedly unusual but highly productive meeting with an employer, I garnered over 1400 valid job openings, all in less than 60 minutes!

Along these same lines, if an employer needs someone you can’t provide, such as a journeyman or more experienced worker, broadcast that information to your WIA partners so that the employer will be able to find that needed employee, even if you did not provide the actual lead. She will be ever grateful that you spread the word and will be more receptive to hiring those entry-level people you do provide.

Some smaller employers are also not aware of many of the state and federal programs that will benefit them for hiring one of your students. Be sure to enlighten the employer about them and, if asked, provide more information about such programs. If you are not sure, don’t make things up. Tell the employer that you will get the needed information to him as soon as you can. Then do it.

The same goes for sharing information about other resources, apartments, car purchases, automotive repair shops, social services resources, grants, employment news from newspapers and e-mail lists, etc. Being helpful is like planting a garden, you must first cultivate the ground (meet people), then you plant seeds (help those people), weed and care for your plot (place your energies where they will do the most good), and, finally, harvest the crop (get what you need to do your job effectively).

Letters to Employers

With the advent of word-processing, creating professional-looking letters without being an expert typist is easy. If I know that students will be assigned to a particular part of the state from a particular trade, I send letters and “Position Requirement” forms to employers whose address I have found on the internet, in want ads or that I have gathered from other sources, including my fine collection of business cards (never throw a business card away unless the business no longer exists).

I have added a sample letter to an employer at the end of this article. Note that the letter is easily tailored to different employers hiring from different trades.

Phone Calls to Employers

Phone calls are my least favorite way to contact employers, because the phone intrudes on the employer’s time. The only exception to this is if the company is large enough to have a separate human resources department. Then, receiving your calls is actually a part of their daily task.

When you do use the phone, take notes. My method is to have a Job Development form in front of me, along with a working writing implement, so that I won’t forget to ask for data I need, such as salary, or zip code, etc.

Needless to say, use your most business like phone manners, speak clearly, and speak slowly when you are giving the employer your phone number. This is especially important on voice mail. So many people rush through their phone numbers. When giving your contact information, speak slowly and clearly. I often repeat my phone number to ensure it was received.

E-Mails to Employers

After personal visits, this is my favorite way of contacting employers. It is non-intrusive; it gives the employer something material to look at (you may add promotional attachments, but keep them small); and it opens the door to asking for a personal appointment, live and in person.

Beware, however, when sending attachments to anyone that attachments are worthless if the employer can’t open them. For example, you may use Microsoft Word but the recipient may use Corel WordPerfect and will not be able to read what you sent, particularly if there is a lot of formatting. Check before you send, or send the document in an Acrobat Reader PDF file.

Be Sociable

Job Corps abounds with opportunities to gather, at centers, in your offices, at various other events you may attend as part of your professional-social life. Be sure to invite employers to such gatherings and meetings, particularly if food will be served that the employers (or you) will not have to pay to eat. For instance, keep a list of your favorite employers, and a few you’d like to have become your favorite employers to invite to CIC meetings, employment network meetings, office luncheons, or whatever. Keep reminding employers also that they have an on-going, open invitation to visit a Job Corps center with you. This will give them the opportunity to meet instructors with whom they can intelligently discuss trade-specific topics, and it will also give them the opportunity to perhaps interview some students near their graduation time.

Some large employers will probably enjoy the opportunity to make recruiting presentations at centers training students in the trades they normally look for. On occasion, two or more centers may be able to share such meetings and presentations by employers.

If you are invited to a “Business After Hours” or a grand opening, or some special ceremony where employers will be, go if at all possible, and don’t forget to bring your business cards and a notebook. These events are usually interesting, fun, and productive, and, as a bonus, they often feed you!

Wrap It All Up

You can do the best job in the world, but in this business of working for the government, and we all do in this instance, if we do not let someone know what we have done, we might as well not have done it.

· Do your paperwork in a timely fashion, even if it hurts, and it does more often than not
· Talk to others about your accomplishments, those within your organization, up-line and down-line, as well as those in organizations you deal with
· Seek partners who know what you have accomplished, and who will substantiate what you have done
· Keep careful records of your own, in addition to those required reports you make
· Never refuse a letter or other document that shows your accomplishments, make copies, file and disseminate widely
· Keep correspondence and e-mails in your personal records
· Be able to substantiate any of your work activities, and make notes if you are authorized to do things you did not previously do.
· Back up all work done on a computer and keep back up material in a different location for safekeeping.

Such things seem egotistical, paranoid and unnecessary, but things, such attention to detail or keeping a document on back up could well save your employer’s contract or even your individual job. Never expect others to track your accomplishments as accurately as they should. Remember the adage, if you want something done well, do it yourself. This applies to record keeping.

Along with the “protection factor” involved, such documentation and notes give you the opportunity to look back and to develop “best practices” to share with others such as new co-workers and with partners from other organizations and agencies. It will also provide fodder for producing presentations such as this one.


This presentation by no means covers every aspect of Job Development, nor could it ever. Part of the excitement and enthusiasm I feel toward earning my living as a Job Developer is that I am expected to use my imagination and creativity, to be able to couple that imagination and creativity to the resolution of problems and challenges that dare raise their heads on almost a daily basis.

And, in accordance with my “Wrap It All Up” section, above, please feel free to write to provide me with constructive criticism about this presentation and the handout material.

Now go out and find employers!

Reference Material

Sample Letter to Prospective Employer:

May 29, 2003

Dear Masonry Employer:

Job Corps is a program that trains young people various job skills, including brick masonry, and provides guidance and training in work ethics and other workplace-related skills.

Please review the information below, and the enclosed brochure. I would like to assist you in finding entry level-workers, helpers, laborers and mason tenders should you need them. Most graduates come to work with a bag of basic masonry tools.

Job Corps is a federal program operated by the Department of Labor, so there is no fee to us for hiring our graduates. If you would like more information, or if you would like to visit a Job Corps Center training students in the bricklaying trade, please contact me. If you’d like to meet with me in your offices, let me know and we can set up an appointment.

Other skills taught within the Job Corps system include the following:

Ø Clerical and Office
Ø Construction Trades
Ø Food Service/Culinary Arts
Ø Building Trades (Facilities Maintenance)
Ø Transportation (warehousing, equipment operation & maintenance, truck driving, bus and van driving)
Ø Medical (CNA, medical office)
Ø Security

I am attaching a Position Requirement Form to assist you in providing me with your staffing requirements. Feel free to make copies and pass them to other departments within your organization, or to any contractors or business associates. This is only a sample form and need not be used; in fact, your form e-mailed to me today was perfect for providing the information I need to post the jobs within the Job Corps system.

If there are any questions about Job Corps or how you can go about taking advantage of hiring trained people willing to work their way up through their chosen profession, please contact me.


Archie R. Whitehill
Job Corps Job Developer

Mail, E-Mail, or fax to Archie R. Whitehill, Job Developer for Job Corps (see bottom of sheet)

Contact Name:

Company Name:


City, State, Zip:

Position Information:

Job Title:

Skills Needed:


Work Schedule:

Starting Salary:


Number Required: ____________ Desired Start Date: ________________

Additional Comments: _______________________________________________

Reference Materials

Some Web Sites:

Want Ads on the Web

Charlottesville: http://classifieds.mgnetwork.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=go&siteid=cdp&type=e

Danville: http://www.communityclassifieds.net/classifieds-bin/classifieds?cobrand=register...

Fauquier County: http://www.citizenet.com/classifieds/index.shtml

Fredericksburg: http://fredericksburg.com/Classifieds/searchReport?catgroup=051EMP

Hampton Roads: http://jobs.hamptonroads.com/


Richmond: http://classifieds.mgnetwork.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=go&siteid=rtd&type=e

Roanoke: http://jobs.roanoke.com/job/index

A Sampling of Employer Web Sites

Arlington County Personnel All Job Openings for Arlington County, VA County Government. http://www.co.arlington.va.us/pers/
Colonial Williamsburg Employment Browse Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's Employment Opportunities. http://www.history.org/foundation/human_resources/index.cfm
Country Cookin Decent pay, good benefits; opportunities for students; 14 locations in Virginia. http://www.countrycookin.com
David A. Nice Builders Construction- Williamsburg Area http://www.davidnicebldrs.com/employ.html
Hampton Roads Transit HRT's Employment Page http://www.hrtransit.org/employment.html
Jack L Massie Contractor, Inc. Construction company in Williamsburg http://www.jackmassie.com/
Martha Jefferson Hospital Human Resources site for Charlottesville, VA's Martha Jefferson Hospital http://www.mjh.org/joinTeam.php
NNSY Norfolk Naval Shipyard Employment Page http://www.nnsy1.navy.mil/hro/default.htm
S. B. Ballard Construction Jobs Page for S. B. Ballard out of Chesapeake, VA http://www.sbballard.com/listings.htm
Sentara Employment Page of Sentara http://www.sentara.com/employment/

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