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Rayven, Tena, and Pup take a bite out of the Big Apple when they get a night off. |
Interlude One: Girls' Night Out By: P. Christopher "Master, please slow down!" Pup pleaded. Whether he heard his slave's request or not, Lord Suffer did not adjust his rapid gait. Clenched in his right hand were the handles to three leashes at the other end of which, Pup and her two sisters were struggling to keep up. "Told you he wouldn't listen," said Tena. "Where are we going anyway?" asked Pup. "Anthony's," said Rayven. "Only the premier slave salon in New York City. People from all over the world come to this guy. The waiting list is months long." "But we don't have an appointment, do we?" "We don't need one." Finally, they reached Anthony's and went inside. "Appointment time?" asked the Human woman behind the receptionist desk, too busy between the phone and the computer to bother to look at the new arrival. "I don't have one," said Lord Suffer, his baritone voice even, almost pleasant. "I'm sorry, sir, but you need an appointment. We're booked solid for the next three months, but we I might be able to fit you in around May." The Vampire reached down and pressed the hang up button on the phone base. Now he had her attention. "Hey, what are you do-" Looking up into Suffer's dark brown eyes for the first time, the woman realized just how perilous her situation was. "Oh my God! L-Lord Suffer! I'm so sorry. Right this way, sir! And may I say your girls are quite lovely." Suffer held up a hand to silence the woman. "Call your employer. Now." "Yes, sir." It took the woman three tries to find the correct button to connect her to her boss' office. She switched off the video feed and turned her head away whispering something into the headset. A moment later, Anthony came rushing out of the back and the entire salon was thrown into an uproar as appointments were cancelled and chairs were cleared. "Lord Suffer! Always a pleasure to have you in my salon," he said, clapping his hands together. "Please forgive my receptionist. Good help is so hard to find for the night shift." "I have some errands to run so I will be leaving these three in your care for a while," said Suffer. "But of course. We'll take good care of them." Anthony circled the girls, looking them over. "We haven't seen you since you acquired the new additions. Rayven, you are looking lovely as ever." "Thank you, sir," said Rayven, smiling. "It's a pleasure to see you again, sir." "And these must be your new additions." Placing one hand against his chest and the other on his hip, Anthony beheld Tena and said, "As I live and breathe. A real live Angel in my salon. So you're the one everyone is making such a fuss about." "That's me, sir," said Tena. "Nothing but a troublemaker." "But she won't be giving you any trouble this evening," said the Vampire. "Will you, Tena?" Tena shook her head. "No, master." Anthony moved on to Pup whose gaze was fixed squarely on the checked floor. "And who is this shy flower?" "Pup, sir," she said. "An imported slave no less. Such a charming girl. Well, Lord Suffer, do you have any instructions before you go?" "Yes. I want them all washed, and waxed. Rayven needs about three inches taken off; four for Tena, but leave the bangs. For Pup, a change of color. Make her a redhead and cut her hair short." Rayven leaned close to Tena and whispered, "Washed and waxed? Makes us sound like we're cars." Tena smiled, but was smart enough to refrain from laughter. "Not a problem, my Lord," Anthony was saying. "Anything else?" "Brazilian waxes all around." Lord Suffer shot his slave a knowing look. He had heard her remark. Rayven shifted nervously, Tena was openly glaring at her and even sweet, angelic Pup shot her a cross look. "Oops." "Wonderful, my Lord," said Anthony accepting the slave's leashes. "I will personally oversee every step. Your girls will look perfect upon your return." "See that they do." With that, Lord Suffer turned on his heel and walked out. # The girls were stripped, then lead by their leashes to an open shower where their wrists were locked into manacles, which dangled from the ceiling. Then the water was turned on while people in rain coats scrubbed the girls from top to bottom. # "So let me understand," said Pup, while a man was busy blowing her hair dry. "It's legal for us to kill people?" Having been bathed and dried, the slaves were sitting in the plush barber's chairs while a team of employees busied themselves fussing with their hair, nails, and make up. All the while, Anthony paced back and forth dictating nail color and hairstyle like Napoleon on the battlefield. Rayven winced, her sex still burned from the Brazilian wax. "It's called the Law of the Hunt," she explained, inspecting the color being applied to her toes. Like her sisters, she was bound to the chair by her wrists and ankles while a small chain went from the D ring on the front of her collar to the back of the chair, providing her head very little travel. She had to be careful not to choke herself. "Every city sets a maximum population density of Humans, Vampires, and Werewolves. Once any of those populations has exceeded that limit by a certain percent the city allows free hunting of that race until their numbers come within specified levels. That way no population comes to dominance. Don't they do the same thing in England?" "Well, sure, but being neither a Hunter nor a Werewolf at the time, it wasn't something I had to be worried about." "Perhaps this is not the place for this conversation," said Tena. She had noticed that the Human employees had become increasingly nervous as the talk of hunting and feeding went on. Sticking out her bottom lip, Tena puffed at her bangs, which now fell to just above her eyebrows. "Don't fuss with your hair!" Anthony scolded. Clutched in his hand were several wands of varying shades of red. Standing behind Pup, he took turns tapping her head with the wands, rewriting her genes each time to produce different hues of red hair until he was finally satisfied. Pup looked at her cherry colored locks in the mirror and frowned. "I hate it," she announced. "It looks bloody stupid!" "It certainly does not," assured Anthony, his voice soothing. "You look radiant." Pup was not convinced. "It pleases me and that is all that matters." Casting no reflection in the large mirror that dominated the wall in front of them, Suffer had been silently watching them work on his slaves. Pup started at the sound of his voice. "Master! How long have you been here?" "Long enough,” he replied. "Fifteen minutes to be exact," said Tena who had sensed the chill in her soul when he came in. "All finished," said Anthony, smiling proudly. He clapped his hands and the girls' chairs were turned to face Suffer. The Vampire appraised each of his slaves, nodding favorably at their appearance. "Outstanding," he said at last. Anthony bowed graciously. Addressing his slaves, he said, "Something's come up and I cannot take you out tonight." Rayven and Pup groaned audibly. Raising a hand, he continued. "However, you three may go out if you wish so long as you are back in the hotel by daybreak. Am I clear?" Pup beamed. "Oh, yes, master! We will be, won't we, girls?" "I'm not going," said Tena, rubbing her wrists after she was released from her bindings. "You all go together or no one goes at all," said Suffer. Tena felt the weight of her sisters' naked stares. The Angel's anger flared, tying her decision to her sisters' was a calculated move to force her to do something she didn't want to do. "Alright," she said, "I'll go." "Yeah!" Pup cheered, giving Tena a hug. Rayven didn't bother to thank her. "It's settled then," said their master. "I will see you before dawn." "Yes, master," they said almost in unison. # "I've never been to New York City before," said Pup as they walked along the sidewalk toward Time Square. "Where should we go to first?" "How about the hotel," Tena offered. "Ok, bad joke." "We are going to the Serpent's Lair," Rayven announced. "It is the hottest nightclub in the city. Muy exclusive. I've begged master to take me the last few times we've been here, but he won't have it." "Oh!" Pup squealed, clapping her hands together. "Sounds smashing!" "Fine," said Tena. "But I'm telling you both right now-I don't dance." Rayven lead them through the maze of New York streets, under the neon stars, and past the crowds waiting in line to get into their favorite clubs. At last, they found themselves standing outside the Serpent's Lair. Under the glittering, holographic sign, a burly doorman was checking names against the guest list. It was a very short list. The rest waited eagerly while the doorman decided if they were "Serpent's Lair" material. "That line's not so bad," said Rayven. "C'mon, then," said Pup, tugging on Rayven's arm. "Let's go!" Rolling her eyes, Tena followed her sisters across the street to stand in line. They were immediately halted by the doorman. "One moment," he said, holding up his hand to the three slaves reflected in his sunglasses. A black goatee framed his mouth. "Where do you three think you're going?" "We're hoping to get into your club tonight, sir," said Pup with a smile. The man laughed cheerlessly. "The line for slaves is in the back," he said, pointing around the corner. Rayven opened her mouth to deliver the scathing retort sitting on the tip of her tongue, but Tena quickly clapped her hand over the wolf's mouth. "Thanks so much, sir," she said, dragging her sister away. As they rounded the corner, all three slaves stood frozen. The line in front of the slave entrance stretched for several blocks down the street. "Ouch!" Tena yelped, snatching her hand away from Rayven's mouth. Holding her wrist, she examined the teeth marks in her palm. "That son of a bitch!" Rayven spat. Latin blood coursing red hot through her veins, Rayven's eyes turned a feral yellow and her right arm mutated into fur and claws. "I'll tear his fucking head off!" "Whoa, sis," said Tena, grabbing her by the arm. "Think about it; master let's us out for a night on the town and you kill the doorman to the hottest club in the city. Do you honestly think he'll let us out by ourselves ever again?" Growling, Rayven snatched her arm away, but when she did so, it was human again and her eyes had softened to their normal rich brown color. "This is going to take forever," she groaned. "No, it won't," said Pup. "See? They are going down the line picking out slaves to go in. I'll bet none of them just got made over at Anthony's!" Pup's unflagging optimism was contagious and Rayven walked with them to the back of the line. # The Vampire's approach was hailed by a sharp drop in temperature. Even though it was a hot summer night, their breath made silvery clouds as it left their body. Yet, only Suffer's slaves seemed to notice. Her long, alabaster legs carried her toward them with a predatory grace while her eyes seemed to glow like polished jade set in a face that was framed by spiraling blood red hair. "You're Lord Suffer's girls." It wasn't a question. "Yes, miss," Pup replied unable to keep from staring at the Vampiress. Indeed, they were all enthralled to her beauty finding themselves unable, even by conscious will, to tear their eyes away. Nor could they escape the feeling that they were in grave peril. "Do you know our master, ma'am?" asked Rayven. "I knew the man your master was. I have no knowledge of the Vampire whose collar you bear." "How did you know him?" Tena asked. The Vampiress smiled wistfully, exposing a bare hint of her fangs. "I am the Lady Delia, but that's not the name he called me. I used to belong to him back when we both had a pulse." Rayven was the first to lend voice to their shock. "You were his slave?" Delia nodded softly. "What happened?" asked Pup. "We fell in love," Delia turned her gaze from them now, looking into the night sky. "Our master," said Tena. "Is not capable of love." "As I said, the man to whom I belonged and the one to whom you belong bear only an outward similarity. "When love is introduced owner and slave become equals. We tried to make it work as lovers, but there's no room in his life for an equal. We couldn't go back so we went our separate ways.” Her gaze fell on Tena. “Perhaps you can help him find the man he was.” “That man died when he did.” “Maybe. I must go now; you will not remember our meeting, not even you, Angel. But know that I've enjoyed speaking to you all; in some way I feel that I've touched a part of him.” “Please, miss,” said Pup, “If we're not going to remember this anyway, couldn't you tell us what his Human name was?” Delia smiled as though the memory of it transported her to a happier time. “I loved his name. It was…” "Holy mother of God," the doorman rasped, crossing himself. "How long have you three been standing here?” The slaves were barely aware of the man's presence. It was as though they were waking from a daydream. “Nevermind,” he was saying. “I don't want to know. Come with me." Before the girls could speak they were following him back around to the front of the club where the Free Persons' line was beginning to grow as the club filled. The doorman turned to them and said, "Wait here one moment, please, ladies." He went up to the bearded doorman and began speaking very heatedly all the while pointing at Rayven, Tena, and Pup. The first doorman went very pale. Rayven chuckled to herself, her sensitive hearing picking up every word. "Oh, boy," she said. "Someone is going to be looking for a new job en la manana." Pup could hear it as well and she blushed at the fuss being made over her. Tena simply didn't care. Finally, he came back over to them and escorted them directly inside, earning them some dark looks from the Free still waiting in line. "I am so sorry about that," he was saying as he led them to a VIP table on the second level overlooking the dance floor. "Let me know if there is anything you need and, uh, let's forget about that little fiasco earlier, shall we?" After he had gone and the drinks had been ordered, Pup said, "I don't understand. Why are we so special? What was all the fuss?" It was Rayven's turn to roll her eyes. "Aye, dios mio," she groaned. Looking across the lighted table at Tena, she said, "She can't be that naïve can she?" "Yes," Tena replied, "she can." Rayven hooked a finger in the D-ring on Pup's collar and tugged, nearly pulling Pup into her lap. "Because of this," she said to the younger Werewolf. "Because we belong to one of the most feared and powerful Vampires on the planet. That's why." "Wow," said Pup, adjusting her collar. "I never realized master's influence was so far reaching." "Yes," said Tena. "Kinda like The Plague." Rayven slapped the table. "Why do you always talk so badly about him?" "You mean besides the fact that he enslaved me against my will then proceeded to rape me until I gave in to him?" "Girls, please!" said Pup. "Can't we go one night without you two being at each other's throat?" "Fine," said Rayven. "What's your story?" Pup blushed. Turning the spotlight on herself was not what she had in mind. "Me? What do you mean?" "Yeah," said Tena. "Rayven I can figure, but I've always wondered why you seem to be taking your enslavement so well." "Right, well I suppose I like it because it gives me a purpose," she said, unconsciously doodling on the table with her straw. "Before all this I worked at a local TelCo. Then one night some friends and I went out camping. There was drinking, of course-a lot of drinking. I don't remember much about that night save that it was a full moon. But I remember waking up that morning, covered in blood. The camp was destroyed, blood was everywhere, but there was no sign of my friends. "The police investigated and found what was left of my friends in a cave. It seemed that a pack of Werewolves had been hunting in the woods. The town hired a group of Hunters to kill them all. "I was quarantined for a few days but showed no signs of infection despite having received a very nasty bite. Still I was shunned. I was fired from my job and evicted from my apartment. I couldn't pay my debts so when the Slavers found me it was slavery or prison. I chose slavery. "While I was terrified of being sold to a cruel owner, I was more afraid of British prisons. Luckily for me, Lady Shadow won the bid. When she told me that I was to be a gift for master I didn't know what to think. I mean, I knew who he was; I had seen him on the news plenty of times, but I never thought I would know him. At the same time I knew of his reputation for cruelty so I was worried to be sure. "But so far it has been nice. I have a sense of purpose now; my life has meaning." Pup looked up at her sisters. "Sorry, I must be boring you." Tena shook her head. "Not at all." A mischievous smile slid across Pup's lips. "And it doesn't hurt that he's great in bed." She added. "Here, here," Rayven concurred. "The man is positively voracious! I have to admit, there are times when I am glad that he has the two of you so that my poor body can rest." Tena found no humor in the topic, but smiled just the same, happy that Rayven and Pup had found something upon which they could agree. Another round of drinks brought more conversation and eventually even the Angel found something to laugh about. "Honestly," said Pup wiping a tear from her eye. "I don't know what master was thinking when he decided I needed short, red hair." She ran her fingers through her hair and stuck her bottom lip out. "You look great," Rayven assured her. "And you know it must be true if she says so," said Tena. "I think you look fantastic." The three of them looked up at the slave who was standing before them. If they hadn't recognized her immediately, the telltale black and purple collar she bore would have given her identity away. "Eve!" said Rayven, scooting over to give Eve a place to sit. "What are you doing here?" "Didn't you know? Mistress owns this place. You didn't think that your master was the only Vampire in the nightclub business, did you? Mistress owns clubs all over the world." "But what are you doing in New York?" asked Pup. "Where is Lady Shadow?" "She had a business meeting and by the looks of it, she called in your master, too. Seems like we have the night off then." "And your brother?" Tena inquired. "K'ozz? He's around here somewhere causing trouble no doubt." "That boy is always in trouble," said Rayven. "Tell me about it. I wouldn't get away with half the stuff he does. It's almost as though mistress is a different person when it comes to him." Eve waved down a passing waitress and ordered a drink. Both the conversation and the drinking continued steadily for over an hour by which time all four slaves were thoroughly inebriated. "I want to dance," Rayven announced. "I second that motion," said Eve. Rayven looked back at Tena and Pup. "Aren't you two coming?" "I told you," said Tena, "I don't dance." "I couldn't," said Pup. "I'd be too embarrassed." "You are both coming with us!" Rayven took Tena by the wrist while Eve snatched Pup out of the booth. Tena groaned but allowed herself to be dragged out to the dance floor. Once there, the throbbing beat destroyed what inhibitions the alcohol had not and Tena was soon absorbed in the music. As it turned out she was an amazing dancer. "Thought you didn't dance," said Rayven. "Well, maybe a little," Tena replied. Standing behind Pup, Rayven took her by the hips, moving Pup along with her in time with the music. Pup could feel Rayven's breasts pressed against her back, her breath on her neck. She laced her fingers with her sister's and arched her back so that her bottom was rubbing against Rayven's crotch. "Now you're getting the hang of it," said Rayven, her voice tickling Pups ear. "Just go with the music." Looking over Pup's shoulder Rayven could see that their dance had garnered no small amount of attention. Crooking her finger, she beckoned Eve over. Dancing over, Eve pressed her hips against Pup's, running her hands down the girl's chest, over her erect nipples. Dipping down, Eve ran her hands up Pup's dress, hiking it dangerously high. At the same time, Rayven wove her finger's through Pup's hair, pulling her head back, and kissing her deeply. Disgusted, Tena turned and danced in the opposite direction when she felt a hand on her bottom. "Hey! Keep me out of your sick little-" She spun around only to find herself in front of a Free man. "Not who you were expecting, slut?" he asked, his breath thick with alcohol. Tena couldn't tell if he was attempting to dance or keep from falling over. "My apologies, sir, I thought you were one of my sisters," Tena replied. The man poked a thumb in Rayven's direction. "You mean those whores? Why aren't you dancing with them? Or maybe you aren't a dyke like they are." The man grabbed Tena by her ass and pulled her against him, trying his best emulate Rayven's dancing. The odor of sweat and alcohol was overwhelming and Tena leaned away as best she could. "Let's show those lesbo whores how it's done, slut," he was saying. "While your kind offer is certainly tempting, sir, I don't think that my master would approve. Furthermore, I don't think that he would take too kindly to you referring to his possessions as 'sluts' and 'whores'." "What the fuck do I care what your master thinks? Fuck him. If he's got a fucking problem he can suck my fucking dick. I'll kick his fucking ass. Who the fuck is your master, anyway?" Tapping the initials on her collar, Tena said, "Lord Suffer, sir." All at once the color drained from the Free man's face and he pushed the Angel away as though he had been burned. "Oh my God," he whimpered. "What have I done? What have I done? He's gonna kill me. I'm a dead man! Just a dead man walking." Tena shook her head. "I won't tell if you won't tell." The man fell on his knees. "Bless you! Oh, bless you! You're an angel!" "Ok well, you had better get going then." "Yes, absolutely." The man picked himself up, pushed his way through the crowd, and ran out the door. Rayven, Pup, and Eve were dancing so closely as to appear as one person. Eve's arms were draped over Pup and Rayven's shoulder when she felt someone swat her on the ass. "Heya, sis! Miss me?" asked K'ozz, grabbing her by the hips and swaying with her. Eve bucked her hips back, driving her ass into her slave brother's crotch. With a groan, K'ozz doubled over and released her. "Girl's only," said Eve. "Find another dance partner." When the song was over, Rayven, Pup, and Eve received a round of applause. After a few more dances, all four slaves returned to their table and ordered another round of drinks. "I see you and K'ozz get along about as well as we do," Tena remarked. "I wonder what's going on to bring so many big name Vampires to New York," said Eve. Everyone turned and looked at the Angel. Tena threw her hands up. "I know it seems like I do, but I don't know everything!" "You know, I saw Violently's girl running around earlier," said Eve. "Speak of the devil, and the devil appears," said Kityn as her head appeared above the stairs. After a round of hugs and more scooting, Kityn was seated, her drink ordered. "I thought I was never going to get in here!" Kityn said. "I must have waited in that slave line for two hours! I suppose you strolled right in, Eve." "Not this slave," she replied. "Mistress makes me wait just like everyone else." "How did you get a table up here? I thought the second level was reserved for VIPs." "You can thank them for that," said Eve, pointing to Suffer's slaves. "What's your secret?" asked Kityn leaning over the table so that the light masked her face in shadow. Rayven recounted the story of their entry into the Serpent's Lair after which they all laughed. Afterward, Pup asked, "Where's Mikey, Kityn?" Pointing at Eve, she said, "He's hanging out with your brother. "Good," said Eve. "Maybe he can keep K'ozz out of trouble for one night." "Well, well. A girl's night out, I see." The icy tone of the voice coming from behind them belied the cordial sentiment expressed. All five slaves turned and smiled. "Lady Sunlyt, now there is a misnomer if I ever heard one," said Rayven. Sunlyt was a confirmed sadist and one of the few Humans who moved freely between Mortal and Immortal circles. "Come now, dear. Just because I like to torture slave flesh now and again doesn't make me evil. Does it, Tena?" "No, ma'am, it doesn't," said Tena. That much, at least, was the truth. Casually twisting Eve's hair around her fist until the slaves eyes were turned to her, Sunlyt said, "I'm positively aching to make some sweet little slave very, very uncomfortable. I'm on my way to the Back Room right now, in fact. Any volunteers?" The Back Room was an exhibition area in the back of the club where sadists like Sunlyt could ply their craft on a masochist for the entertainment of a select few invitees. Kityn's dark eyes sparkled with lust as she bounced in her seat, her hand raised. "Oh, me! Please, miss?" Sunlyt smiled wickedly, one blue eye obscured by her blonde mane. "I don't know," she teased, "What would Violently say?" "Ms. V's exact words were 'have fun, but stay out of trouble' and I couldn't possibly get into trouble if I'm tied down." "You are a wicked, wicked girl." Eve sighed. "It's been fun, girls, but I suppose I should go see what trouble K'ozz is causing," she said, following Kityn out of the booth. "It was good to see you both again," said Pup. "You, too," said Kityn. "We must encourage our owners to get together more often," suggested Eve. # "I'm sorry to interrupt, girls," The slave standing in front of their table had her hands clasped in at her waist and the initials on her collar were obscured by her bowed head. "But my master demands that you vacate this table so that he and his wife can use it." With a sigh, Rayven grabbed her drink and stood. On the other hand, Tena was not so ready to capitulate. "Now wait just one second. We were here first." "That's right," Pup concurred. "This is our table. Tell your master to go find his own table." "Oh no," Rayven groaned, rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that," said the slave. "My master will not be pleased." As the girl melted into the crowd Tena and Pup looked up at Rayven "I am not having any part of it," she said. "It's your funerals." A moment later a man and a woman appeared. "My slave tells me you refuse to vacate the table," said the first. "Yeah, that's right," said Pup. "Lord Suffer's slaves. I might have known," said the man. "And you are, sir?" asked Pup. "Lord Gordon Crimson," Tena replied for him. Unlike Immortals who were renamed by their creators upon Reawakening, Humans always had two names. Sunlyt was the exception being so named by her Vampire connections. Tena continued. "CEO of DSX Industries. Second in the world to Terradyne." "And you must be the Angel everyone is so up in arms about," he said, voice dripping with venom. Standing aside, Rayven maintained her silence. "I demand you three vacate this booth immediately," said Lord Crimson. "Slaves are not allowed up here unaccompanied." "No," said Pup. "Not when there is an empty booth just there." She pointed to an empty booth across from them. "I would expect such poor behavior from the slaves of a mongrel like Suffer," said Lady Crimson. That one stung, but Rayven held her stoic posture; she knew better. "What did you call our master?" Tena asked coolly. "I said he is a filthy, rabid, mongrel that should have been put down by the Hunters long ago." "I'll show you a mongrel!" snarled Pup as she leapt over the table. Transforming in mid air, she landed on the woman's chest, toppling her. Pup stood upon Lady Crimson's chest baring two rows of jagged teeth while a string of saliva splashed on the terrified woman's face. Scandalized by such a brazen attack, Lord Crimson raised his foot to kick the wolf only to be sent flying as Tena unleashed a concussive blast. Easily casting the table aside despite the fact that it was bolted to the floor, Tena rose to her feet, her wings snapping out to their full span. The radiance of her halo grew as she covered the distance between her and Lord Crimson in five long strides. Grabbing him by the shirt she growled, "No one under Heaven speaks so disrespectfully of our master. Not when I'm around." Terrified, their slave screamed and pleaded with them to release her owners. And Lord Crimson, once so proud, lost control of his bladder. "I think you've made your point," said Rayven, putting a hand on Tena's shoulder. "I would agree." It was Sunlyt. Kityn stood beside her looking concerned. Rayven wondered how long she had been standing there and how much she would tell their master. "You three had better go before you end up in jail," said Sunlyt jabbing a thumb at the door. A crowd was beginning to gather increasing the chance that they would be recognized. Pup shifted back to Human form while Tena released her grip on Lord Crimson. "Go on," said Sunlyt. "I'll see to the Lord and Lady here." They each thanked her as they melted away into the crowd then Sunlyt turned a predatory gaze to Lord Crimson. "Why, Gordy, you've wet your pants. Such a naughty boy. I know just how to deal with naughty boys like you." # Emerging into the cool night air, the three of them half expected to find the police waiting. Instead, there was just the doorman and the interminable line of people waiting to get in. "Master is going to kill us!" Pup moaned as they walked along the sidewalk. "That's highly possible," said Rayven. "But look on the bright side-it's not permanent." Pup shot her a dirty look and the elder wolf shrugged. "Es verdad." Pup groaned. "Why am I not comforted?" Tena, who had been silent since they left the club, suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Oh, wow!" Her sisters turned to look at her, confusion obvious in their expressions. "What are you on about, then?" asked Pup. The Angel smiled broadly. "Come on you two. We're out of here." She took them both by the hand then all three vanished in a strobe of white light. # They rematerialized to find themselves in a darkened hallway. Through a window at the far end behind them they could see the night sky. At the opposite end of the corridor, a dark haired woman was sitting in a wheel chair, cradling an infant in her arms. "Where are we?" Rayven wanted to know. "Los Angeles county Medical Center," Tena replied. Pup was nonplussed. "What? Whatever did you bring us all the way across the country for? And to a hospital no less." "For her," said Tena softly. She was pointing to the woman in the wheel chair. "Who is she to us?" asked Rayven, suddenly curious. She took a few steps down the hall but still did not recognize the woman. "That," said Tena, standing at her shoulder, "is your great, great, great, great granddaughter." "What? How…? I mean why… I mean…" "You forgot 'when' and 'where'." Creeping closer, Rayven said, "So then the baby is-" "-your great, great, great, great, great, great grandson." Pup clapped her hands together. "Oh, Rayven! How wonderful for you! Well? What are you waiting for then? Go on and introduce yourself." "I can't," said Rayven, her fingers running across her collar. "Not like this." "Not as a slave you mean?" "Not as a slave, not as a Lycanthrope, and particularly not as a member of her family. My family is very proud and has always had strong feelings about such things. I'd only be an embarrassment to her." "She needn't know that you're related," Pup offered. "I could take the collar off temporarily," said Tena. "Master would never know." "No!" said Rayven adamantly. "Well, try this then." The Angel reached into thin air and snapped a red silk scarf into existence. "It would go perfectly with that black dress." Rayven glanced at the woman then took the scarf from Tena and wrapped it around her neck. As she started down the corridor, she looked over her shoulder. Tena and Pup shooed her on. Hearing the approaching footsteps, the woman looked up from the baby in her arms. She has my eyes, Rayven thought. "New mother I see," said Rayven. "Tired mother," the woman replied with a smile. And my smile. "Is this your first?" "No, he has a sister at home with Papa," she said, dropping her arm a little so Rayven could see him. "His name is Christian; it's a family name." Rayven's breath hitched. She had known the first Christian in their family. "He's precious." "Gracias. You look familiar; have we met? My name is Alexis." That was a family name, too. Rayven's heart seized in her chest, but she maintained a calm appearance. "I doubt it. I just have one of those faces." Christian opened his mouth wide and yawned and Rayven smiled. "Such a darling." "Would you like to hold him?" asked Alexis. For what seemed an eternity, Rayven stood frozen to that spot, speechless as she listened to her thudding heartbeat. "I'd love to," she said finally. Alexis lifted Christian up, but as Rayven bent over to accept the baby, the silk scarf slid over her shoulder and betrayed her. Slowly, politely, Alexis pulled her son back to her bosom. "Oh. I didn't realize you were a slave," she said, averting her gaze. Rayven stood up straight. Again her delicate fingers went to her collar, tracing the engraved initials tenderly. "Yes. Yes, I am." "To whom do you belong?" "To Lord Suffer, ma'am." "Contessa is more appropriate," said Alexis. "That must be why you seemed so familiar; I've seen you and your master on the news dozens of times. You're a Lycanthrope, is that correct?" Rayven nodded softly. "Yes, Contessa." "I see. Well, it's terribly late and I should get some sleep while he's sleeping." "Allow me to help you to your room then," Rayven offered. "Thank you, no." Cradling Christian, she commanded the wheelchair to return her to her room. Rayven watched her go before turning around and walking back to where her sisters were waiting. "Rayven," said Pup, reaching out to her. "I'm so sor-" "It's alright," said Rayven. "Let's just get back to the room before master does. "Yes, do let's hurry. I don't feel so well." # Back at the hotel, Rayven gently rubbed Pup's back while the younger wolf emptied the contents of her stomach into the commode. Tena sat across from her on the edge of the bathtub. Her concern was apparent. No one had spoken a word about what happened. "I'm fine," Rayven insisted. # Suffer returned shortly before dawn by which time the girls had showered and changed. Whatever the meeting had been about it had left him in a mood. He bedded each of them in succession before finally falling asleep. As her eyes fluttered open, Rayven's inner clock told her that it was shortly after noon. She felt eyes upon her. Rolling over on her side, she was careful not to disturb her master's arm which was draped over her slender form. Tena was perched on the back of a chair in an impossible display of balance. Her expression was heavy with guilt. "I am so…terribly sorry, Rayven," she said, choking back emotion. "I had no right. I am so, so sorry." "Don't be," Rayven whispered. "I'm not. I got to see my descendents; I know that my family line is still strong. I can't thank you enough." Tena smiled weakly. "Have you ever watched him?" Propping her head up on one arm Rayven whispered, "What do you mean?" "Master. When he's sleeping like this. It's the only time he holds still, the only time he seems to be…at peace." Rayven rolled over so that she was facing him, carefully traced his strong jaw line, pressed her palm to his cheek. "I like this time because it is the only chance I have to really touch him like I want to. I wish I knew what he was dreaming about." "No, you don't," said Tena somberly. "His dreams are dark and terrible." # The next evening found them back in Castle SuffeRing. Suffer watched the news from the sofa while his slaves sat at his feet. "As dawn broke over the city of New York today," said the anchorman, "the bodies of over a dozen men were found mutilated in a warehouse on the waterfront. The men are believed to be a group of rogue Hunters wanted by the FBI for illegal hunting. No suspects have been named." Lord Suffer's slaves looked up at their master knowingly. "In other news," continued the reporter, "a fight broke out at the Serpent's Lair, a busy nightspot in downtown New York City. Eyewitnesses claim to have seen one woman sprout wings while another woman turned into a wolf. The club's owner, Lady Shadow, could not be reached for comment." Tena and Pup looked at each other and cringed. Meanwhile, Rayven stood up and said, "Amo, let me just say that for once I had nothing to do with it!" The End |