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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #647303
Things are just getting weirder as Tony runs for it...
Light dawned of the city and shone through Eliza’s apartment windows. She was sleeping in her computer chair and as the light hit her face she woke up with a start.

“Ugh!” she mumbled to herself, rubbing sleep from her eyes and stretching. Luckily it was Saturday and she didn’t need to go to work, she couldn’t cope with that today. She had been up late on the net, filling in countless forms for computer dating services and must have fallen asleep. She looked at the screen, the screen saver had kicked in so she moved the mouse and the flying toasters where replaced with the E-Z-Date website.

“What was I thinking?” said Eliza, disgusted with herself. She closed the site and checked her inbox, 106 messages, all with the names of various dating agencies in the subject bar. “I can’t cope with that today!”

She wiped the inbox and stood up, her stomach growled at her angrily. Looking at the clock she saw it was 11:30am and she felt hungry.

Throwing on her jacket she left the apartment in search of food.

Eliza walked though the “Quad”, a huge courtyard ringed by every type of store you could think of. It was crowded this time of day with hundreds of shoppers, all wrapped up warm and trying not to slip in the snow. E-Commerce had not caught on as much as people hoped, obviously people still liked to inspect the products in person.

She was passing an electrical goods store when she heard her name being called. She looked round and saw Tony, he was standing in an alley between two stores, wearing a thick coat and scarf to combat the chill and was beckoning to her. She walked over to him.

“What’s up?” She asked, wondering why he was always looking over his shoulder.

“Lauren’s gone missing,” he replied, “And the police think I’ve kidnapped her.”

“What?” said Eliza, “why would they think that?”

Tony was about to say more but he spotted something in the window of the electrical store. “Come on!” He said and led her into the store.

Inside, on the wall of TV sets, was a news report.

“...police have discovered the body of Lauren Macmillan this morning when it was found floating in the east river, beaten and sexually assaulted. Anthony O’Connor, her fiancé, escaped from police custody late last night and is considered to be armed and dangerous...”

Eliza looked at Tony’s shocked expression. “Armed?”

Tony felt inside his coat and was horrified to discover the cop’s sidearm in his inside pocket. The report continued.

“...Miss Macmillan’s father, the wealthy businessman, has made an appeal to the people of the city.”

Lauren’s father appeared on the screen at a press conference. “I am offering a big reward for information on the whereabouts of O’Connor.”

Tony began to tremble, he had just discovered that Lauren was dead and that everyone thought he had done it. He wasn’t even sure himself.

Eliza gently led him out and back to her flat. She took a route that avoided the public walkways. She sat him down on the couch and looked into his eyes. She knew in her heart of hearts that he wouldn’t do something like that and that she wanted to help him.

“Why did you run?” she asked, “It made you look guilty.”

“I don’t know,” replied Tony, “It’s all a blur, like a dream.”

“Did you do it?”

“I honestly don’t know,” his eyes welled up with tears as he collapsed onto the couch and shuddered.

Eliza sat at her computer and sighed. It had been sometime since she’d last hacked. As a kid it had just been to prove that she could do stuff like that, she had no real use for it. But now she did.

She entered the police mainframe with little difficulty and accessed the case files. She found the O’Connor case and brought up the file.


Name: O’Connor, Anthony T.

DOB: 20/5/99

Address: 42 Millennium Towers

Church Street


Mother: Kimberly O’Connor – Computer Programmer (Deceased)

Father: Prof. Richard Jensen – Geneticist (Deceased)

Eliza skipped to the evidence section…

“Jesus…!” she said under her breath. Every thing was pointing to Tony. Blood samples, voice and visual… it was unreal. However there was something, an unknown set of fingerprints… but what that meant was anyone’s guess.

She looked round at Tony, quietly sobbing to himself. She could be prosecuted for harbouring a dangerous criminal… but he was her friend and she was determined to get to the bottom of this.

She checked what hospital Laurens body was being examined at, she had a feeling there was something she was missing and the answer was there. But she needed a scientist to come with her. She checked her phone book.

Later that day, Eliza was walking through the corridors of the hospital. She had left Tony in the apartment and met up with Laurens friend, Anna. She was glad to help get to the truth but was now getting increasingly nervous.

“It should be just up here,” said the scientist, pointing up the corridor. They reached the door of the morgue; the lock was electronic but easily cracked. They entered the room.

They both shivered, party due to the cold but mostly due to the aura of death in the room.

“Let’s get this done quick,” said Eliza, “I don’t want to stay here a second longer than necessary.”

They found the drawer containing Laurens body. It slid open and a chill came over both of them. Her face looked so peaceful… But the blue skin and autopsy scars were disturbing and unreal.

Anna moved over to a desk and found the Autopsy report while Eliza just kept looking at the body. She looked at one of her palms and saw something strange, it looked like a tattoo but she knew Lauren didn’t go in for that sort of thing. It was a number 7.

“What the…?” said both Eliza and Anna in unison. Anna came over quickly and started looking at Lauren’s teeth, hair and fingers.

“I don’t think this is Lauren,” said Anna.

“Why’s that?”

“There’s no wearing,” she said, “Look at her teeth, hair, fingers… They’re soft, none of the normal wearing through use. They look freshly grown…”

“Has this got anything to do with it?” said Eliza, holding up the hand with the 7 on it.

“I have a theory,” said Anna. They heard footsteps getting close, “But it looks like it will have to wait!”

“Hide!” said Eliza. They closed the drawer and both rushed behind a filing cabinet. The door opened.

“Are you sure you locked it?” said a woman; she wore a police badge. The morgue technician came in behind her.

“Positive,” said the technician.

Eliza and Anna waited until they were well into the room before quietly slipping out of the door and making their way out.

Tony was having a disturbing dream, he saw himself driving through the city towards the river. It was dark and the snow was heavy, he was squinting through the blizzard.

He stopped by the river and got out of the car. He opened the trunk and hefted a large bundle from it. As he did so, an arm slipped out and hanged there. The hand was feminine and had a strange tattoo on the palm. There was a tinkle of metal and a small shape dropped from the hand and onto the snowy ground. Tony’s hand reached down for it and he examined it… It was Laurens ring.

Tony moved over to the riverside and dropped the body into the freezing river.

Tony sat up and screamed.

Eliza and Anna had got back about ten minutes before and had already formed the outlines of a good theory, but now they had to keep Tony safe long enough to prove it.

Eliza came over to him to see what was wrong. He was shaking all over and she tried to calm him down.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

He told her about the dream. “I think I did it El,” He said still shaking.

There was a knock at the door.

“It’s them!” said Tony, suddenly alert, “The police! I’ve got to get out of here.” He headed to the back of the house and before she could stop him he had gotten out of the back door.

“Dammit!” she said under her breath. The knock sounded again and she got up to answer it.

“Detective Marshall,” said the woman at the door, flashing her badge, “Are you Eliza Morrison?” It was the same one that was at the morgue.

“Yes that’s me,” said Eliza “is this about Tony?”

“I’m afraid so, Can I come in?”

Eliza showed Elaine inside and then went to get some tea.

“I don’t think he did it, Eliza.” Elaine called.

“Neither do we. The evidence doesn’t add up.” said Eliza as she entered the main room with the tea. Then kicked herself for making such a blunder. Anna suddenly looked worried again.

“Don’t worry,” Elaine smiled, “I already knew you’d hacked the LawNet and seen the file. That’s how I traced you. We cops are not all as proficient with a computer as a fish is with a bicycle.

“I also know you were at the morgue checking the body…”

“How?” asked Eliza.

“I saw you sneak out”

“Oh,” said Eliza, “Look, that body isn’t Laurens”

“Then what is it?” asked Elaine

“It’s a genetic copy…” said Anna.

“A clone?”

“Not quite,” said Anna, “A clone is like a twin, it grows at the same rate as a normal human. What you have in the morgue was grown full size. It’s just a carbon-copy of Lauren.”

“Are you saying that she could still be alive?”


“Well that’s all well and good, but it still looks like O’Connor kidnapped her.”

“We have a theory about that as well,” said Eliza. “Tony didn’t like to talk about his family but I did some checking. His father was a geneticist, a brilliant one, and his mother was a brilliant computer programmer. They were together for years before she discovered he was working with some very shady characters.”

“What was he doing?”

“He was experimenting with Cloning.” Said Eliza, ”It was highly illegal and she was strongly against it morally. She left with their newborn son and started a new life.”

“I have a feeling I know where this is headed.” Said Elaine.

“Our theory is that before she left, Tony’s father took a DNA sample and created another Anthony O’Connor.”

“That would account for the DNA and the video,” said Elaine, “but why was he determined to run? He didn’t know we suspected him when he escaped the station.”

“Now that’s one thing we’re not sure about,” said Anna.

They were interrupted by a call on Elaine’s radio.

All units… All units… O’Connor spotted in sector W12. Officers in pursuit…

O’Connor ran, he could hear the barking of dogs and the clatter of police chasing him but he felt like he was miles away from his body… It didn’t feel like him as he ran along the icy riverside, vaulting railings and snow-covered crates with ease… It all seemed like a dream. He reached a footbridge across the river and ran out onto it. Suddenly his dreamlike state disappeared as he realised he was trapped on the bridge. Police were on both sides.

Miles Sharkey walked closer to him, gun drawn and pointing at him. “Give yourself up O’Connor!”

O’Connor was beginning to panic; he pointed his gun both ways down the bridge, he was desperately looking for a path to escape, there was none.

“I don’t want to shoot you!” called Sharkey.

There was a clatter as something metal flew from under the bridge and onto the floor in front of O’Connor. There was a blinding flash and everything went dark.

O’Connor woke up inside a cage, he had a splitting headache and his eyes were hurting. In the dim light he could see a book on the floor, he picked it up and saw it was a copy of William Blake’s “Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience”. A page was book marked…

“I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end.”

It was his voice, but he was not speaking it. It was coming from outside the cage.

“I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow.” Continued the voice. It got closer as it spoke. O’Connor turned and saw his own face staring back at him. It was twisted in a cruel sneer. “Hello brother.” It said

“What?” said O’Connor still confused. “Who are you?”

O’Connor’s twin chuckle to himself. “Still not very bright are you?” he said as he walked round the cage, “call me Aukon.”

“But… but…” O’Connor stuttered.

Aukon chuckled again. “You’re still confused! Ha!” he grinned, “I’ve waited so long to see you like this, confused, alone, scared…” He moved closer to the cage and pressed his head up to the bars. O’Connor reeled back in shock.

“What do you want…?”

“You never knew father did you?” he said, “No, of course you didn’t. You and your slut of a mother ran away leaving him, without an heir… But that didn’t matter. He was a brilliant man, he created me… an exact copy but I was brought up better. None of your useless morals or emotions.”

“You…you killed Lauren!” said O’Connor.

“Ha! You fool!” Aukon laughed, “What would be the point in that? Let me show you something.”

Aukon walked back into the darkness, there was a click and a spotlight turned on and lit up a tilted bed. There was someone strapped to it. It was Lauren.

O’Connor stood quickly when he saw her. She was wearing a surgical smock and her mouth was taped. She was sleeping soundly.

“Beautiful isn’t she?” said Aukon, stroking her hair, “I fell for her much the same way you did. I was so Jealous of you, I wanted her for myself so I tried to make a copy.”

He flicked another switch and a set of lights lit up a row of beds. On each was a perfect copy of Lauren, all not moving or breathing.

“After 7 attempts, even with all my fathers skills and my research I was unable to create a copy who lived. But then I thought of a better plan, one where I could get her for myself and get my revenge on you as well. I kidnapped her and dumped copy 7 in the river, making it look like you had murdered her.” He smiled, “It was wonderful, seeing you shocked, upset, panicky. Of course it was all made better using my little toy here.” He tapped a small device on the back of his head. “Father discovered that clones are able to communicate using their minds, I decided to exploit that. With this device I can manipulate your thoughts, I can make you feel things, do things, remember things you normally wouldn’t.”

“You made me run,” said O’Connor, standing up angrily, “You made me think these things! You made me look guilty!”

Aukon grinned. “I love this! I don’t need this thing to make you angry, you’re doing it yourself.” He began to laugh, “I think I’m gonna make you even more angry.”

He walked over to Laurens sleeping form. He reached over and tore the tape from her mouth. She woke with a scream.

“Lauren!” called O’Connor.

“Tony?” she said, “What’s happening?” There was panic in her voice.

“What’s happening,” said Aukon, “is your worst nightmare!” He licked the side of her face and she cringed away. “Mmmm, Tastes like… strawberries!”

This made O’Connor’s blood boil he began shaking the bars of his cage in rage. “Get off of her you Bastard!!”

“Oh dear,” said Aukon, “Temper! Temper!” He pressed a switch and suddenly a ring of fire appeared around the cage. O’Connor quickly moved to the centre of the cage, away from the heat.

“Tiger! Tiger! Burning bright. In the forests of the night.” Said Aukon and he turned on Lauren again, running his hand up her leg, lust burning in his brain.

Aukon’s lust was being broadcast into O’Connor’s brain, fuelling his anger. He went to the bars again, ignoring the heat and with a surge of anger-induced superhuman strength, he bent the bars and jumped through. As he leapt through the flames, his jacket caught fire. With a swift movement he took off the jacket and wrapped it round Aukon’s face. He screamed as the flames hit his face and he swung a fist round, knocking O’Connor to the ground. As O’Connor moved to get up he saw his twin was pointing a gun at him.

“I see our little game has come to an end,” he said, “I was planning on having the police catch you and have you humiliated and put in prison. But instead I will have to kill you. Boring I know but you did ask for it.” He pulled back the hammer and began reciting William Blake again.

O’ Rose thou art sick,

The invisible worm

That flies in the night

In the howling storm

Has found out thy bed

Of crimson joy

And his dark secret love

Does thy life Destroy

His finger tightened on the trigger…

O’Connor closed his eyes…

There was a gunshot…

There was a THUD…

O’Connor opened his eyes… Aukon was lying on the floor with a hole in his head. Elaine Marshall stood a little way away with her still smoking revolver. She lowered it and put it back in its holster. Eliza ran to O’Connor and helped him up.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

O’Connor just nodded and rushed over to Lauren, undid her bonds and they hugged. Lauren began to sob into his shoulder.

Detective Sharkey’s boat stopped outside the sewer outlet that Elaine Marshall had indicated led to the hide out of O’Connor. He climbed out of the boat and into the sewer.

“This way Shark!” called Marshall from inside. Sharkey followed her voice and found her in a large room. There was nothing inside except a dead body. It was O’Connor.

“Good work Marshall!” he said looking at the body, “I’m glad one of us managed to bag the maniac.”

“Yes Sir…”

“Finally, an open and shut case,” he said, “I should be able to finally get some sleep.”

Elaine wasn’t listening.


A few years later, Eliza sat in the “La Tricolor” Restaurant. Bill smiled at her, he was a Cop who worked in the anti-hacking squad, they were brought together thanks to Elaine Marshall and they were getting on very well. They were already living together and were getting on like a house on fire.

“El…” he said, gazing into her eyes.

“Hmm?” she asked.

“I love you!”

She smiled… no matter how many times he said that it always brought a warm glow inside her. She was about to reply when a waiter came over to their table with a tray.

“Miss Morrison?” he asked,

“That’s me.” She replied.

“A letter for you…” he handed the envelope to her and she tipped him.

“Thank you.” She said as the waiter walked off.

She opened the envelope and pulled out the letter…

Dear El,

It’s good to see you’re finally happy with your life. Me and L are doing great thanks to you, Anna and our good Detective Elaine. I can’t tell you were we are or what our new names are but I can tell you that we are still happily married and expecting our first child next month. I sure won’t make the mistake Father did…

Anyway, I leave you with a parting gift; I hope you make good use of it.

Lots of Love


“What is it?” asked Bill.

Eliza looked round the restaurant just in time to see a couple leaving… She smiled.

“Nothing…” she said as she looked inside the envelope again, “Bill?”

“Yeah.” He replied.

“I know it’s traditionally the guys job to do this but…” she drew out the object from the bottom of the envelope and held it out.

The holographic stone in the ring seemed to light up their faces. They both smiled.


NB: This was based kinda on an episode of Star Cops... only that was better and had fewer plot holes ;)
© Copyright 2003 AukonDK (aukondk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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