Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/646314-WHY-IS-WAR
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Contest · #646314
Written for ZooDuck's contest "Why Is War?"


A very good question,
I'm sure you'll agree
I think it's because
We have to fight to be free.

To be able to stand together
Against tyranny and hate;
To stop the oppression,
The killing, and the debate

On whether or not
We should pick up our sword,
Fight for our lives and
Pray to our Lord.

Remember the atrocity
Of the killing of Jews;
In concentration camps,
Just because of their views?

Not many remember
The trenches of Hell,
Fighting in Korea;
Pearl Harbor, as well.

There's blood in the streets
And bombs in the air -
Fight for our lives
For the freedom we share!

Do you know what it's like
To be living a lie?
Dictators telling you
"Fight 'till you die?"

"Glory you'll gain
If you die for their cause"
Charter a plane,
Hear the applause!

"Into the Towers and
On to the city -
Hit Washington hard -"
It won't be pretty!

"Make the Americans pay
For their right to be free!"
Yet we opened our doors
To give them liberty.

There is blood in the streets
And death is all around;
Open your eyes -
To the hatred profound!

How are we repaid
For our faith and belief
That a better life can be found,
Away from hatred and grief?

Warmoungers, they shout!
We who love peace above all;
We who fly high our flag,
Who will answer the call.

The Statute of Liberty
A symbolic gift from France;
Is hiding her face now
In light of their dance.

Germany, we went there,
Saw horror and starvation;
Yet you now criticize
And condemn our nation?

There's blood in the streets
And tears in our eyes -
We who love freedom
Should soon realize

That war is the answer
When we have to defend
Our homeland, our country;
When will it all end?

United we stand
Or else we will fall;
You know some other way
To answer the call?

When we were attacked
Out of pure hatred and so
Were forced to defend
The way of life we know.

Our way of life
Is threatened; we see
Car bombs, and Hell
Unleashed on the "free".

When leaders demand
That their people be slain;
With guns and with gas;
All is the same.

There is blood in the streets
Why is war, you ask me?
Do we stand by, ignore it,
Forget what we see?

It's not about money,
It's not about who's best;
We fight for humanity,
We fight for the rest.

We could just let it go,
Let them fight it out;
But they come to our shores,
That's what it's about!

When we can't take a bus
Without wondering who
Will be riding along,
Seeking death for you;

When we can't go to work
Without wondering where
A bomb may be hidden;
Should we not care?

We Americans only know
That we have been free so long,
That it seems that the world
Of danger is gone.

But there's blood in the streets
And bombs in the air;
Total destruction -
And who is to care?

Why is war, you ask?
Why send our women and men
Off to the slaughter
Again and again?

Why Arlington?
Why the Wall in D.C.?
Why have so many died
To keep our country free?

I pray for peace;
For the safety of our men
And women who serve
And I wonder when

The people of earth
Will at last understand
That it takes sacrifice
To have a free land.

Why is war?
What do we gain?
A reason must be found;
Yet I find it so plain

That evil must be fought
With courage, faith and trust
We don't want to wage war -
But sometimes - we must!

For there is blood in the streets
And unless we stand together;
Our country, as we know it -
Will not last forever.

And may God bless us all
As we try to maintain
The peace we've fought for;
And try to sustain!


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