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Rated: 13+ · Article · Fantasy · #645016
A more in-depth description of the relationship between Fyhanni and Ki'ehun.
         Those legends ("Ancient History) are known only to the Ki'ehun and other races of Faery who still might have records of those times. Faery, as it is now called, is the ancient home of Freya, known then as Folkvang. The beautiful and sacred land was her first creation. Anything else came after. All the races of Faery are her creations, except for the Fyhanni. The Ki'ehun know this; it's one of the reasons they find the other race so fascinating. Although gone away from worship of any gods, the Ki'ehun are quite aware of who Wasatore is. Many times over the course of history since the Cataclysm, Wasatore has sought out the eldest of the Ki'ehun for their wisdom.

         It is believed that Wasatore is the sole surviving god. Wounded and dying, he barricaded himself within Faery, the only land to escape ravaging, and built a protective barrier to keep the last remaining peoples of the earth alive. Unfortunately, his powers were greatly diminished by the effort (and the preceding battles, but we'll get to them) that he could not get out again. Periodically, he rages against his self-made prison, bringing on thunder storms.

From files deep within the Ki'ehun's Historical Library:

(Note to readers: Everything herein is very, very, very old. Only scraps of the original information still exists, and only because of careful copying by faithful scribes over the centuries. I've put them in chronological order, with the oldest first, though of course many years separate each entry)

(Ki'ehun dates: 360 days to a year with 4 seasons, 3 months, 90 days each)

Seer: Hu'Laki de Qu'tars
Year of the Eclipse, Spring-Day 23
The shakings of the earth will begin once more. Today I witnessed the Change of the Mountains. I have marked the location on the map below. This land within which we are trapped will one day be opened to the world beyond, that which was not destroyed as was first believed. Indeed, the end of the world, as I have seen, is not yet upon us.

Seer: Tu'Sakul de Hu'laki
Year of the Eruption, Winter-Day 72
Hu'Laki was correct. After the volcanic eruption of the Dragon Peak, the range has changed. I Saw what the mountain will be. Guard it well. Let no one venture close.

Seer: Pyt'Ana de Ra'ma
Year of the Long Night, Spring-Day 89
I Saw Wasatore again. He will come when the Fyhanni awake. Look for the Seventh day of Autumn following the Summer of 1000 days.

Seer: Dz'ka de Lo'Nyama
Year of the Freeze, Summer-Day 2
Aid must be given to Wasatore to protect the People. The People must survive if the Ki'ehun are to survive. I Saw a silver-haired girl-child and a silver Fledgling at the foot of the Dragon. A Seer shall be born who can See into the Stone. He shall be born in the Year of the Flood, Autumn-Day 41.

Seer: Jz'Sabeth de Ri'ka
Year of the South Wind, Spring-Day 56
I Saw a dragon born from the stone. A stranger with golden hair shall call the Dragon to life.

Seer: Ge'Dirs de P'lorma
Year of the Orange Moon, Autumn-Day 31
The child born of Lightning will come in the Year of the Star.

Seer: On'tay de To'riye
Year of the Unicorn, Spring-Day 1
Jormungand shall rise again in the Year of the Dragon, heralded by the birth of the Prophet and the Child who rides the Storm. Look for the Year of the Earthquakes, followed by the Year of Storm. The Year of the Dragon will follow.

Seer: Gip'ra de Dz'ka
Year of the Fire, Summer-Day 78
The End of the World is nigh. Strangers will travel into the sky upon the wings of our brethren. The Dragon will be freed to battle for the sake of us all.

Seer: Pi'koie de Je'kor
Year of the Storm, Winter-Day 9
When the Star of Wasatore shines alone, the Prophet will come and the Dragon shall awake.

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