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Rated: 13+ · Article · Contest · #642501
A different perspective: Princess Diana's death. For Writer's Cramp.
The prompt: a museum, burglars and a car chase trough the inner city

Paris, August 1997

The Louvre sparkled empty in fountain’s spray;
They wouldn’t allow any tourists this day.
Three men took advantage of tragedy’s pleas
And burglared the place with incomparable ease.

There’d been anger, and reckless abandon, and speed;
Paparazzi tailed limousine’s lead-footed lead.
The tunnel became a heart’s chamber of blood;
The world was awash in emotional mud.

So nobody noticed as treasures were swept
from the famous museum, so carefully kept
And only the mastermind thieves would agree
That grief on the news should be met with great glee.
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