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The feelings I had while fighting depression |
Am I already dead? Sometimes I dont know where I went wrong I dont know where I am Sometimes I dont understand what happened to ME and how to find myself again In my heart I'm different In my soul I've changed Who am I? What am I doing here? What is the purpose of continuing If no one can feel what I DO have inside? Am I dead? Why wont I wake up from this horrible nightmare called life? I've tried the drugs I've tried the therapy and yet still I remain an empty shell of who I once was Somewhere inside me there once was someone who knew how to show people she loved them They didn't have to question her feelings and now thats gone forever missing not ever to be found There is no other way now There is no other way OUT How can I continue? How can I go on? The emptiness inside is echoing the loneliness I feel and no one can hear it but me I try to tell them I try to show but somehow it's as if my words just blow in the breeze evaporating in the air as if never spoken They can't hear them they dont know Am I really speaking? Am I really saying anything? Or is that too a figment of my imagination? Are the words just in my head where no one can hear them? Maybe I'm already dead Maybe this is my own private hell Will I live here for the rest of my life with the knowledge that no one can feel my love for them? Why is it so difficult? I keep hoping one day I'll awaken and my soul will live once again but then I realize that never can be because who I was will never exist That person I once was is gone forever disintegrated into nothingness and the person I am now is empty never to feel anything but pain and loneliness People tell me they love me and I hear their words in my head but what I'm feeling in my heart is different I know now that I must be dead This must be my punishment for my childhood and the things I did as a kid The reason I'm suffering now And reliving that pain once again There's no other explanation for those memories to continue except to remind me it's my fault and I must learn to accept that before I can move on As long as I keep on fighting as long as I quit giving in then I'll forever be trapped in this chamber of hell and the punishment will continue I must find in myself somehow a way to accept that I can not change what I've done in the past and give in to the realization that it will always be there and it will always be a part of me When I can learn to not be defiant and I can remember that it IS my fault then maybe one day I will feel the release of this pain and the torture will ease once again Right now I'm doomed to live it The feelings will always remain For fighting the demons is what I've been taught and it's hard to turn back from that now but in time maybe I'll figure it out Maybe in time I'll learn to adjust and maybe I'll be able to once again just layback and close my eyes and keep my heart in a shell If I try NOT to feel it if I can put it away then maybe I can begin to live and make others feel my love I know its going to be hard The box has been opened The demon freed and it's going to take all I have to force it back to where it came I know that the answer is to reteach myself that I am truly the one to blame and when I can do that he'll leave me alone and this hell of my life may never be the same. |