Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/625775-HIGH--ALERT
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Military · #625775
Our country has been put on high alert, terrorism may strike again!


Our country's been put on high alert;
The terrorists may strike America again!
Although I know the dangers here,
I'll be dammed if I'll give in!

I'm a thick headed old Vermonter
And I won't be done in without a fight!
If they want to mess with my life
They'd better ask if it's all right -

And it's NOT ALL RIGHT for them
To damage and destroy our land;
I hope every true American
Will rise up and take a stand!

We cannot live in total fear;
We are asked to just go on
And live our lives as best we can
(Reminds me of a song..)

It's called the "Eve of Destruction"
And I've played it once in awhile;
It's mighty sad if they destroy the world
And think they can still smile!

There's not much that we can do,
Except to say a prayer -
For all the men and women
Who'll be fighting over there.

I don't want or look for war;
The horrors inflicted on our men
And women in the service -
Who may not come home again.

I wish that God would come on down
And visit for just a little bit;
Have a talk with Saddam and all
Who choose to gnaw at Evil's grip!

Smite a few of those who choose
To tear apart our years of living
A life with freedom so hard won;
So many lives to be giving!

I don't know all the answers;
It's probably just as well -
For this is one Vermonter
Who'd tell them all to go to Hell!

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