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Rated: ASR · Other · Teen · #612147
my little cynical look at a high school lunchroom...
         Cliques are present in schools all over the country. Theyā€™re nothing new; theyā€™ve been around for years. The typical school has the following groups; preps, cheerleaders, jocks, stoners or partiers, ā€œgangstasā€, nerds or geeks, punk rockers, metalheads, freaks and outcasts, a couple of goths, and a few loners and drifters. Each group usually has its fair share of posers and wannabes.
         Preps, also sometimes known as ā€œCrombiesā€ and/or ā€œpopsā€, are usually your typical spoiled rich kids. Typical brands you will find on a typical prep are AĆØropostale, the Gap, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Preps are usually those in the ā€œinā€ crowd, the ones who decide the place of everyone else. Favorite music styles: pop and rap.
         Cheerleaders are typically much like preps; almost all the time, cheerleaders are preps. You will find the same brands on cheerleaders as on preps. Most often, those who are cheerleaders think it is their duty to snub those who they see as ā€œbelowā€ them. Favorite music styles: pop and rap.
         Jocks, (females most often known as ā€œsportyā€), are the very athletic and competitive group. Typical brands you will find on a jock are the Gap and Nike. Phrases most often heard: ā€œOh, I canā€™t wait for gym class/track/basketball!ā€ and, ā€œDid you see that awesome play I made in the last game?ā€ Favorite music styles: pop and R&B.
         Stoners and partiers are your druggies and drinkers. Some get wasted before school and come to school stoned, others wait until the afternoon or night to get high. Sometimes, you will get ā€œsmartā€ ones who wait until the weekend, although the term ā€œsmart druggieā€ is somewhat of an oxymoron. Typically go to parties late at night and get totally wasted then come to school with a really bad hangover and walk into walls. Typical brands found on stoners are Caffeine and Kikwear, though they can be found in almost anything. Druggies are more of a sub-culture rather than culture in that you can find druggies in almost all cliques. Favorite music styles: techno, pop, rapā€¦ā€¦..almost anything.
         ā€œGanstasā€ are your ā€¦wellā€¦ gangsters. They often are found in fights. Will most often yell ā€œIt wasnā€™t my fault! Heā€¦ heā€¦he jumped me!ā€ if in a situation where they are found fighting by a person of authority. Since they are often disbelieved, this soon leads to severe dislike of authority. Typical brands found on ā€œgangstasā€ are Fubu, Outkast Wear, and other clothing such as that. Favorite article of clothing: their bandannaā€¦ā€¦.oops, pardon me, ā€œragā€. Favorite music style: Rap.
         Nerds and geeks are your typical ā€œsmart onesā€. Very competitive in the ā€œā€™Iā€™m going to be valedictorian!ā€™ ā€˜No, Iā€™m going to be valedictorian!ā€™ā€ sense. They are very upset if they ever get anything below an A on anything. Nerds will typically be found wearing things from the Gap. Favorite music style: you think they have time for music?! Study, study, study!
         Punk rockers are your typical ā€œwe are originalā€ people who all look strangely alike. Will typically be found wearing things from Hot Topic. Favorite music style: punk rock.
         Metalheads are your typical group of faithful Ozzy Osbourne lovers. Most males have long hair. Are typically found wearing things from Hot Topic. Favorite music styles: metal and hardcore.
         Freaks and outcasts are the typical group that everyone loves to hate. Can be found wearing anything from Gap to Hot Topic. Are the ones who most cheerleaders snub. Favorite music style: varies from techno to pop to punk and metal.
         Goths are the groups of people dressed all in black leaning against the wall while arguing with a fellow goth about whose life stinks more. Typically the all-black clothing being worn is found at Hot Topic. Favorite music styles: metal and hard rock.
         Loners are the ones who always seem to be hunched over a notebook in a corner somewhere. Having been snubbed by all, they will typically get very depressed and vent in the form of poetry which is immediately destroyed, unless they are very persistent and keep going around from group to group trying to find one to fit into. Typical brands and music styles vary.
         Drifters are the ones who can cross the unseen boundaries unharmed, and have friends in all the groups. Are usually very cheerful. Typical brands and music styles vary.

(to the person who sent me that anonymous reveiw: psssst, its a satire!!)
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