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Rated: 18+ · Folder · Adult · #612065
A mad mans mind is a very interesting thing to look into.
Have you ever gotten a good look at a mad mans mind. Do you ever ask yourself what makes him tick? Or what makes that person come up with such sick ideas or pushes him/her to the breaking point? Well I am going to give you a close up and personal look into a twisted childes mind. I know you say that may not be a mad mans mind. Trust me though once you’ve heard this. You will have a good idea of how the mad mind works, may it be child or adult.

Sitting quitly on the corner of his bed. Charles reads his favorite book “The love and terror of cults”. With the book spread between his legs and the words filling his mind with thoughts of becoming a cult leader he fades into his own world. Leaving the normal world behind. Hoping never to come back. His trip is soon ended tho by his mother screaming ‘dinners ready’ through his room door.
She walks over and peeks over his shoulder. All of a sudden Charles gets an ear full ‘god damn it Charles I told you to stop reading that shit! You know I don’t like it’. Yes mother I know but I like it and that’s all that matters ‘bull shit!’ If I don’t like it you can’t have it’. The book is then ripped from Charles ‘get your ass down stairs to eat dinner…..now!’. While walking to the door he whispers to himself “you will get your pay-back one day bitch I promise”. Slaming the door behind him he gets yelled at by his mother once more.
While sitting at the table. He asks his mother when he’ll be able to have his book back. ‘your never going to get this book back’. She then stands up and walks to the fire place toseing the book in the fire. Mom! What the hell are you doing! That’s my favorite god damn book! ‘I told you I didn’t like you reading this shit. Now you won’t be able to anymore’. You know what bitch! Your going to die one day and I swear to god I will be the killer! I don’t care if you are my mom or not your gonna die bitch! ‘o come on Charles it’s just a book’ Fuck you! That was my book and my favorite-book at that. ‘cry about it’ Shut up!
That night while ling in bed a voice suddenly echos in his mind. “hey Charley…how ya doin on this fine night”. Who is that? “I’m your conscience, I’m the one that you should listen to”. O I see. Well what advice do you have for me. “ I don’t have any advice but I do have some ideas to get back at your good old mom for what she did to your book.” “do you know that be loved cat of hers” Ya what about it? “well there is a box of rat poison in the basement and if you put it in that cats water it will die in a matter of minutes” “I bet that would be a great pay back to that bitch of a mom you have” That’s a great idea! I hate that fucking cat anyway. And I would love to get rid of it.
The next day Charles makes a trip down to “Big Johns Hardware Shop”. Walks up to the counter ‘how may I help you?’ Yes I need some heavy duty rat killer ‘well do you know how big the rats may be?’ O probably about the size of a small house cat. ‘that’s a pretty big rat’ ‘ I think we have just what you need’. Good I’ll take it.
When he arrives home he finds his mother sleeping on the couch with the cat on her stomach. He walks past the couch to get to the kitchen. While passing the couch the cat tries to claw him. Whispering to the cat “hey guess what after today you won’t be able to claw me anymore. You know why? Because I’m goin to fucking kill you.” Laughing under his breath he walks away. Once in the kitchen he goes over to the cats bowl. Pulling the box of rat killer from his pocket he reads the back “one table spoon to kill a very large rat”. Fuck that! He dumps the whole box in the bowl.
That night at dinner there is no conversations they just sit and eat. Almost right at the end of dinner he catches a glimps of the cat getting a drink of water. “a job well done Charley” thanks. ‘Charles who are you talking to?” O no one mother just myself. The cat then jumps onto his mothers lap. Then with an ear shattering squeal the cat starts to twitch, and then as quick as the blink of an eye the cat exploides. Spaltering blood and kitty fur every-where. His mother runs outside and throughs up everything she ate for dinner. Charles then pulls out the box of poison once more and reads a little fathers into the warning label. He then sees in big bold print “may cause self combustion”. Well shit guess I should have read a little father. O well I don’t have to clean it up anyway. He then walks away laughing to himself.
Sitting in his room he hears his mother crying over the-lose of her cat. ‘See what happens when you fuck with me and Charley’. Damn right! I should have done that a long time ago. I always hated that fucking cat but hell I got 2 birds with one stone on that one. I got my mom covered in cat blood and guts. I also got rid of the cat for good. ‘you are right Charley and now I say we go a little deeper into our fun’. What do you have in mind? ‘well you know how your neighbors have that loud ass screaming baby crying all the time. Keeping you up all night’ Ya ‘well I say we take care of that baby so it will never cry again’ How do you plan on doing this? ‘well when they go to sleep you sneak over through the window that is always open’ ‘you’ll cover the childes mouth with a towel that has rubbing alcohol on it’ why? ‘ this will knock the child out leaving him in a deep sleep’ ‘once he is sleeping just cover his mouth and plug him nose’ ‘he will die in a matter of seconds’. Ok.
Letting 2 days pass. He gets his plan of attack ready. The night finally comes. Ling in his bed the clock stricks midnight. ‘alright Charley its time’ Good I’m ready. He climbs out his window onto the roof. Then climbs down his mothers vin holder. Running across the street to the neighbors house he hides in the shadows. He then reaches the house. Rounds the corner to the childes room. ‘ok Charley get the towel and rubbing alcohol ready’ alright. He comes upon the window. It is open as usual. He crawls in and finds the babies cradle. Covers the childes face with the towel. The baby then passes out. He covers the mouth and plugs the nose of the child. In a matter of seconds the baby stops breathing and he is dead. He then crawls back out the window and runs through the shadows back to his house.
Once he reaches his room he looks back out the window to the neighbors house. A light then turns on in the childes room in which he was-just-in. All of a sudden there is a deathly scream. A scream that would make even the strongest man drop to his knees in pain but Charles didn’t even twitch. Minutes later an ambulance pulls into the drive way, but Charles dose not stay up to see what happens he just goes to bed.
The next morning he wakes to hear news that the neighbors baby had died from cradles death over the night. Well this conversation is going on between him and his mother the voice comes to congratulate him on another job well done but Charles dose not answer back due to his mother being right there.
That afternoon his mother goes to the store to get some food. While sitting in the living room he starts to fade away due to lack of sleep. ‘hey Charley’ what ‘I am sick of this kid stuff I say we get some real things done’ ‘some stuff that would pay off big time’ what are you talking about ‘I am talking about all out killing sprey’ ‘I’m talking about Columbine massacre but 4 times worse’ well I’m up for it what do you have in mind? ‘good….now listen we are goin to need some fire power and explosives if possible’ well where the hell am I going to get them from ‘from the local gun shop…..as for explosives we can make them with common house hold chemicals’ alright sounds good when do we start ‘we start tonight…..your goin to have to break into the gun shop’ that’s not a problem.
A week later he finally has all the supplies he needs. Ok we have all the stuff ‘great job Charley now all we have to do is go down to the local park and let lose’ ok sounds good. The next day he wakes up early and packs his shit. He gets to the park at about 5:30 in the morning. He sets up in the shurbery where no one can see him. Finally noon came and the park was packed. ‘ok Charley its time’ alright. He then puts the end of the gun out the bush in which he is behind and lets lose. Shooting everyone and anyone. It didn’t matter if they were old, young, or just born a week ago if you were in the way your ass was dead. 20 minutes into his killing sprey the cops come. ‘ o shit Charley! Time to go’ no I am having to much fun. Then shoots ring out from the cops on the street. Ya….. I guess your right! Its time to go! He then runs into the daycare center across the street.
Once he enters the building all the children start screaming and the teachers pled for their lives. It’s alright I’m not goin to kill the children just you. Right then he shoots both the teacher. Blood splatters against some children behind them. ‘Charley you know you can’t get out of this’ yes I know that’s why I’m going down in a blaze of glory. He then reaches into his book bag and pulls out his homemade bomb. It was sopose to blow up the catholic church after he finished off the park but he never got to it. He then tells the children to gather round because there was going to be some fire works.
When all the children gather around him. He notices that some children are crying. He then says “children smile Charles loves you and never forget that”. He then detonates the bomb and kills himself including all the children that were around him.
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