Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/612057-The-Fight
Rated: 13+ · Folder · Friendship · #612057
Every group has rivals, and they always end up in a fight.
In some towns schools are learning places for young people. Although in the town Ozzmosis there schools are like battle fields where children as young as seven to as old as twenty two take place in an everyday war. It is a place where cultures clash and your public appearance could cost you your life.
There are two main groups in this school. There are the Jocks and the Punks. The Jocks are mostly made up of the football players and any other sport athlete. They only care about their cloths and the public appearance. They dislike or plain out-hate anyone who doesn’t play sports. As for the Punks they will take just about anyone. They don’t care what you look like, what you wear, or anything like that. As long as you respect them for whom they are.
The leader to the Jocks is a spoiled little brat named Christopher Walker. He is 18 about 5’11, blonde hair, blue eyes, and mouthy. His parents are rich and he thinks he is better then anyone. His three main friends Matt, Zach, and Gary were also sons of rich parents. They all played on the football team and thought they pretty much owned the school.
As for the Punks the leader was named Skyler Gravel. He is 16 about 5’7, long spiked green mohawk, dark gray eyes, and able to accepte anyone. His life isn’t easy he works two jobs to support his mother. His father left them when he was 5. His two best friends were Seth, and Jess. Seth comes from a broken home. His father beats him and his mother-don’t care. On the other hand Jess comes from a pretty normal family but he just lies to everyone making them think he has a hard life.
During school these two groups would constantly fight in the halls. Cussing and screaming at each other. If you were a Jock you would hear “hey jock strap where you goin to pussy”. Now if you were a Punk you would hear “hey you long haired fag where you walkin off to”. It was always like this on a day to day bases never ending for either group. Even when they were in classes together they would start fights. The teachers didn’t care though because they knew they couldn’t break it up.
One day while sitting in Math Skyler is hit with a book by one of the Jocks. He doesn’t say anything though. He just sits there and tries to do his work. He is soon stopped again by anouther fling book. He still doesn’t say anything. He just turns to his right and looks at Jess. He then nods and both of them whale their books at the Jocks in the back of the room. Skyler hits Christopher right in the face jamming his pencil down his throat. Hey Chris! I guess you do deep throat……you had no problem when that pencil went down your throat! “Shut your god damn mouth you freak!” Me a freak? I’m not the one giving head to a pencil. (Christopher becomes speechless.) As for Jess he hit Gary right in his mouth instantly giving him a fat lip. O what’s a matter hard ass! It looks like your mom slapped you in your mouth again for playin with the vacuum in the wrong way. Gary tries to talk but can’t.
Right after class Gray and Zach jump Jess in the hall. They drag him into the restroom through him to the ground. They start to kick him. Gary then picks him up and beats his head off the sink. His face swells more and more with every hit. “Geezzzz Jess looks like your mom kicked you in your ugly ass face again!” While Gary I would rather by ugly then be like you. I mean I still don’t understand how you can like having dick shoved in your ass. “You little mother fucker!” O what’s wrong can’t face the truth Gray! “Hey! Hey! Hey! Gary the teach is comin! So finish him off and lets get the hell out of here!” O what’s wrong Gray scared of a little teacher? “Shut your damn mouth!” (Gray slams his foot into Jess once more.)
The bell then rings and they leave. Jess just lies there on the floor, but Seth being a common class skipper comes to the restroom to hide. He finds Jess lying on the ground when he walks in. Jess! What the hell happened to you? “Gary and Zach got me back for the book thing” Shit! I swear to god that I am goin to kill them fags! As for now tho lets get you up and out of here. Once Seth gets Jess to the office and gets him a ride home he goes to find Skyler.
He doesn’t find him till lunch though. When he dose come to tell him though Skyler just tells him not to talk about it because he already knew and had a plan to get them back. “Dude what’s your plan?” Well its nothing major but you know how I got them bags of fertilizer in my garage. “Ya” Well I say we dump all of it in Gray, Zach, and Christopher’s locker. The shit in those bags is so old that it's probably like gravy and extremely nasty. “That’s great! When can we do it?” We will do it tonight while all the people and teachers are at the football game. “Alright”.
The next day they stand by the corner of the lockers and wait for Gray, Zach and Christopher to open their lockers. While waiting they final see them walk by. Once they reach their lockers. They try to act all cool and hard ass but while they are attempting this it is soon spoiled by shit pouring down all over them. All three of them scream like little girls. Then bitch about how it ruined their cloths. While this is happening Sklyer, Seth, and Jess are crying their laughing so hard. Then the Jocks realize it was them. They then rush over to them and start to talk shit. “We should kick your ass right now!” Skyler: Dude why you talking shit? Jess: O I know why man! They just got shit all over them and can’t think of anything else. Seth: No you’re both wrong they are just having a shitty day. (The Jocks then walk off since they have nothing else to say.)
A few days pass before the fuding starts up again. It all starts the night before school while Seth was in his car waiting at a stoplight. Christopher pulls up beside him in his car. “Hey you little bitch! The railroad crossing up ahead is a quarter mile. On green I’m goin for it.(Now Seth never being one to back down from a challenge.) Alright Chris! Bring it bitch! They line their cars up. Both of them reving there engines. People on the sidewalk gather around to see what is going on. The light then strikes green. You hear the cars slam into gear and in a cloud of tire smoke they are gone. Seth pulls ahead in his jet black Charger but Christopher is right on his ass in his candy apple red Chevell. They then line up front wheel to front wheel, but Seth being a grease monkey has his car all cranked out. He looks over at Christopher and smiles, but Christopher flicks him off. Alright fuck rag you wanna play the hard way. Seth then reaches down to his control panel and pushes the Nos injection button. Then like a bat out of hell he is gone. Christopher sits there in amazement. When they reach the end of the quarter mile. Christopher doesn’t even stop. He just keeps driving.
While at school the next day. Seth pesters Chris about the race. O you thought you were such a hard ass didn’t ya little Chrisy poo! Thought you could beat me and then rub it in my face. Well I guess your plan backfired. “Shut the hell up! It was just one race anyway I know I could beat ya if I wanted to.” O really you wanna put some money on that bet? “Sure” Alright meet me at the same place and we will see whom will win then. That night Seth smokes Christopher once again. This makes the rival between the two groups even bigger. Skyler: Well I guess the rich little bitches never do have all the good toys. Seth: Ya we got the best of the toys! Best of all its mine! (The jocks have no response once again.)
After that night Skyler finds a note in his locker. It reads:
Hey you fucking fag!
You think your boys little hard asses because one of them beat me in a car race! Well your wrong! And I say we prove once and for all who has the stronger group. Tonight in the parking lot under the overhead bridge. No rules bring whatever you want to defend yourself and if your not a pussy you’ll fight with your own fist. So spread the word to your boys that tonight is all out war.
By the end of the day everyone and anyone knows about the fight. The teachers even do and they are making bets on who will win.
That night all the people that were on Skylers side meet at his house. All of them were dressed in black. Out of all of them though Skyler was the most intimidating one. He looked as if he could kill someone tonight. As he looked around he could see that not many people brought weapons. Alright my fellow people! Let me ask you something! Are you sick of being called a Freak?! “YES!” Are you sick of being judged by the way you dress and act?! “YES!” Are you willing to fight to never be judged or made fun of again?! “YES” Well then tonight we will come out victorious! We will be the ones to prove that we are stronger! Right! “RIGHT!” Now lets go kick some Jock strap ass!
When they arrive to the parking lot it is about midnight. The jocks are no where to be seen though. A few more minuets pass then they see the headlights of the Jocks cars. They soon find out they are out numbered by at least ten, but that doesn’t matter to them. They just want to beat the shit of out the Jocks. Both sides line up. They wait for someone to take the first swing and start the fight. Then Skyler steps out from the darkness. Christopher fellows out from the other side. They soon start to do circles. Then Skyler throughs the first punch knocking Christopher to his ass. Come on bitch! Is that all you got for me! I thought you were a hard ass. After that everyone jumps in beating the shit out of anyone as long as they weren’t on their side.
As the fight progresses Skyler and Christopher still fight. Skyler soon ends it though. He gets so pissed that he picks up a led pipe. Then he slams it into Christopher’s face. He does this until he can’t lift his arm any more. When he stands and looks around he finds that everyone has stopped fighting. Everyone just stands there and looks at Skyler covered in the blood of Christopher. Then he notices something else. Zach and Gary are no where to be found. Here Seth had slammed Gary’s face against a rock and knocked him out. As for Jess though he had to put up one hell of a fight. When he came stumbling out of the shadows he was covered in blood, his face was mutilated, and his switch-bald was in his hand. Skyler and Seth run over to see what Jess did to Zach. They find him in a corner lying motionless. They roll him over.
Jess had slit Zachs throat in a drespreat attempt to get away from him. Skyler and Seth just rolled him back over and left him there. When they went back to see Jess they found all the Jocks had left and it was just Skylers side that remained there. All though they may have won they lost Jess due to the blunt shout he took to the head by Zach. Skyler bent over Jess and closed his eyes. He then whispered in his ear “Well we won big man. Now we don’t have to put up with fling books anymore.” When he stands back up Seth sees a tear rolling down Skylers face. He doesn’t say anything though.
Everyone leaves without saying any words. When Skyler and Seth reached a pay phone they called 911 and told them there were four bodies under the overhead bridge. Three were dead and one was unconscious. They didn’t give their names or anything, but they did tell the paramedics on the phone all the info they needed to know about the three.
After the fight no one got caught because they knew if they told anyone they would get in deep shit also for even being there. As for school it was never the same. The Punks and the Jocks never even said a word to each other. They just left each other along. No one ever brought up that night and if someone did they would get jumped in the hall. As for Seth and Skyler they were the host of Jesses funeral. Since Jesses parents couldn’t handle it. Skyler made a memorial so that everyone could remember Jess for who he really was. He took Jess’s favorite leather coat that he wore everywhere and put it in a glass frame with all his other things like pictures and poems he had written in the past. Seth couldn’t think of much to do for jesses death so he spoke at his funeral.
As jess had said once before “School is nothing but a battle field for young people. A place where cultures clash and your appearance could get you killed.” Well he was right. He may have lived through the battle but sadly he lost his life in the war fighting for something he believed in.

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