Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/608456-The-Mousetrap-Story
Rated: E · Short Story · Writing.Com · #608456
Why is that mousetrap in a coffee can in a suitcase?
Short story written for "Invalid Item to try and answer the question of "why".
The "Invalid Item" was a contest about a news report of a coffee can with a mousetrap inside, found in a person's suitcase at an airport.

The Mousetrap Story

         Rushing through the airport doors, as again, I glance at my watch. The time is speeding along faster then I am, and knowing if I do not pick up my pace, I will miss my flight. I rush by the counters toward the security gate, as I dig in my pocket for my ticket to have it ready. Reprimanding myself, that if I had not stopped for that second cup of coffee, I would not be late now. Last night, we all stayed up late, laughing and telling stories. I needed that second cup, to wake me up. I have told myself a million times, and everyone in my family, that I drink to much coffee. I have said I will drink less or go off the habit, "cold turkey", but it only seems I drink more. Now, on top of having to rush to catch my flight, I need to find a restroom, but there is no time.

         I skid to a halt at the end of the line of people waiting to go though the check-point. I hop from foot to foot, impatient with the wait. My ticket in one hand and my bag ready to throw on the belt, I mentally wish they would hurry or the plane would be delayed. Stepping forward, I wait for the person ahead of me to drop his bag and briefcase onto the belt and step toward the gate. Finally, my turn. I drop my suitcase on the belt, without pausing and rush to walk through the check-point. No buzzer goes of for me. I don't even have a set of car keys in my pockets. Moving ahead to where the bag will emerge, I again start my foot to foot dance, waiting. Keeping my eye out for the bag, I don't notice the guard behind the screen viewing the bags as they pass through. I didn't know anything was wrong, till two hands take hold of my arms and a voice say, "Excuse me Sir, you will have to come with us."

         My mind whirls with wondering what the problem is and my mouth goes dry in fear. I open my mouth to speak but no sound comes out. The two guards walk me to the end of the belt where another guard is opening my suitcase. My mind wonders what in the world they could be looking for. I don't have that much in it. I was only home for the weekend. Only a few changes of clothes and my toilet articles. I have no razor, since I decided to let my beard grow, months ago. There has to be a mistake and it is going to cause me to miss my flight. Now my anger is beginning and my mind is thinking of how I will complain about the missed flight, as soon as I can find my voice.

         As I look the guard pulls out my clothing, and underneath is a coffee can. Huh? My brain is numb, having no idea where it came from. As the guard lifts the can from my suitcase, we hear a hard bump from inside. Setting the coffee can on the table behind him, he slowly lifts the lid, looking inside. Motioning another guard over to look, they both turn and look at me. My mind is still blank. I don't know how the can got into my suitcase. I don't know what they found inside. My mind a jumble of thoughts, I start to think the worst. Somewhere, someone must have put something in my case, without me knowing and I was going to be blamed.

         The second guard tilts the coffee can over and lets the item inside slide out onto the table. It is a mousetrap. A mousetrap! Suddenly it hits me! I burst out laughing. I laugh so hard the two guards on either side of me, tighten their hold. I laugh harder, till tears are streaming down my face. I can hear the guards asking me what the coffee can and mousetrap are for. Why do I have them in my suitcase. Because I know why they are there, but the guards do not, I laugh harder. I know I need to get myself under control and explain, but the humor in the situation is to much after my previous fears at being detained.

         Four, unsmiling, male faces glare at me, finally causing me to get myself under control, at least enough to stop laughing so hard. I wipe the tears from my eyes, still smiling from ear to ear. Trying not to start laughing again, I explain to the guards why they have found a mousetrap in a coffee can tucked inside my suitcase.

         "I have been home for the weekend and I was complaining, to my family, about how much coffee I drink. They were all trying to come up with ways to help me stop my coffee habit. One way was thought up by my younger sister who is ten years old. She said I should put a mousetrap in my coffee can, so when I reach in to scoop some out, it will snap and scare some sense into me." At this point in my story, I start to laugh again. Hiccuping, I tell them she must have put it there so I would find it when I opened my suitcase to remind me of her idea. I told them, if they didn't believe my story, just call my family, tell them I was detained at the airport because of a mousetrap in a coffee can found in my suitcase. I am sure they will confirm and know just who put it there and why. The only request I made, was for them to let my sister know, I would be home in a month to get my revenge.

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