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Sometimes it's best to placate your tormentor... (Nonconsensual violence) (NC) |
RAPE WARNING CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA PAIRING: Upuat/Seii (M/F) EXPLANATION: Quite a long time ago I came up with the scenario that the Egyptian wolf god Upuat had undergone some severely messed-up things in his past. This is hinted at in the in-progress novel Osiris, and just BARELY hinted at in Horus (when the character Sokar asks Horus something like, "Does he still howl in his sleep?"). Actually the Upuat/Seii scenario (one of my very, very few scenes in which a female is the victimizer) came after a somewhat similar, unwritten kinda scenario involving Seii and Thoth, back when I spelled the character's name as "Sce." (At first she was meant to be a sort of evil female counterpart of Set, but then I changed her to an unknown foreign goddess, and then changed the spelling of her name. It's pronounced "See," BTW.) In that first storyline, Seii was attracted to the god Thoth, and made advances on him. Appalled that he was even slightly attracted to such a bad element, Thoth rebuffed her, and created a crystal to entrap her should she try it again. When she did so he imprisoned her in the crystal...however, he also imprisoned her palace and everything within it, which included the relatively unknown god Upuat, whom Seii had previously kidnapped as a sort of substitute to take Thoth's place in her sick games. And so Upuat was entrapped right alongside his captor...and, realizing what had happened to her, Seii unleashed her rage upon him. Thoth, meanwhile, had no way of knowing what he'd done wrong, and as Upuat was not well known, everyone else...just forgot about him. Until another mistake on Thoth's part (he was going through a stupid phase, I guess ^_^ ) accidentally released Upuat and not Seii. Finally freed, Upuat told of what had happened the whole time he'd been imprisoned in Seii's palace...and it wasn't pretty. (See the non-erotic novella "Escape" for this part of the story, and for Upuat's version of events.) He had to become reacclimated to neteru (divine) society, and had a few false starts (see "Chosen" for one example) before fitting in as best as he could, though his bad reputation with women persisted for a very long time (see this in Osiris). Upuat, like Det. Kristeva in the D Is For Damien/Minot-crossover storyline and Lt. Djuta in the Ameni Chronicles, is one of my damaged characters who have nearly ended up becoming just like the people who hurt them, only to turn away at the last minute in an attempt to redeem themselves. They've all made horrible mistakes (things which in real life I probably would not forgive, myself), but are still living with those choices they made, and are plagued by them constantly--this drives much of their present-day behavior. As with Kristeva and Djuta I wanted to pair Upuat up with somebody who understood him...and that happened to be the lynx goddess Maftet. (See "Apophis's Day" for her story, and "Let Me" for the two of them together). After enough false starts it was about time he settled down...though there was that huge gap in his past that still needed to be filled in. These two scenes are just a small sample of what happened in that time period; Upuat tells a little more of what happened himself in "The Painful Past." DISCLAIMERS: Upuat's and Seii's very first scene together, when he refuses her attentions and is first attacked with the "stick," is not included here as it has not been written. By the time these scenes take place Upuat has already been "broken in" and plays the part of a submissive, something which does not really suit him. Perhaps someday I'll write some earlier scenes to illustrate the transition he goes through. Also, most of Seii's screaming fits stem from her rage toward Thoth. Just in case that wasn't obvious. Lastly, Pa'akh was a new character (one of Seii's servants, also entrapped with her) created for the sole purpose of barging in on the two while they were busy and causing a huge misunderstanding...though I may just keep him around a bit longer. * * * * * Role Reversal Seii screamed with fury and swept the boxes and containers from her table. Everything crashed to the floor. Upuat, seated in the corner, ducked his head at the crash, ears going back. "I loathe him!" Seii shrieked. "I despise him! How dare he keep me contained like this!" She picked up a vase and dashed it to the floor. Upuat rose and timidly came her way. He dropped to his knees before her as she seized another one and smashed it against the wall. He whimpered but she ignored him. "Someday I'll find out just what heka he's using," she murmured, voice deadly low. "And when I do--when I do--I'll imprison him for all eternity! Lord Thoth, the new plaything of Seii! We'll see how powerful he is then!" She spotted an untouched vase, made to move for it--but found herself impeded. She glanced down in some irritation to see that Upuat had moved forward and wrapped his arms around her legs. He whined and pressed the side of his face against her belly, stopping her from moving. Her first instinct was to kick him away, but his spontaneous reaction to her anger--his sudden desire to appease her, to calm her down--sparked something inside her. She hadn't even had to prompt him this time; the neter was learning. This reaction--and his submissive gesture--fueled a sudden lust within her. "On your feet, Upuat," she ordered. "Not to my bed. We stay here. To that column. I wish for you to take me from behind, to not hold yourself back--to mount me like a bull." He stood and obeyed, though she sensed his surprise. When she was angry, she always wished to take him, to bind him to her bed, unable to move, as she did what she wished; or else she would command him to kneel before her and mouth her while she kept his head down and in place, her stick ready should he nuzzle too hard. Through many shockings and beatings she'd had him perfect his techniques into an art. Now, though, she suddenly desired to feel him taking control, him riding her roughly. She couldn't explain it, except to believe that it was making her burn up inside. The more she thought about it, the hotter she got. Until Upuat approached her and she held up her hand, changing her mind. "No. I've changed my mind. We do go to my bed. I will lie flat. You upon me. Take me rough, take me hard. I wish to feel you 'rape' me. Consider me your victim, for once." She smiled wickedly, and while he didn't smile back he offered no argument. She went for her bed. He followed. On reaching it she turned to him and raised her head. "Make this believable, Upuat. Come to me--tear at my clothes, hold me down. Bruise me. Hurt me. Think of what I have done to you. Do the same to me. If you hold back, I will give you such pain as you have never felt before! You had best make me believe you truly mean to hurt me!" Upuat hesitated, but only for a moment. He must have believed her threat for he came forward and, reaching out, violently tore open the front of her dress, scoring the skin. Seii gasped. A second later Upuat had spun her around and pinned her flat on her stomach upon the cushions. Seii gasped again and wriggled, but her wrists were held tight. She felt the wolf god tear open her dress to bare her buttocks. One knee pressed down on her left thigh to keep her from moving; the other forced her legs apart. Seii laughed breathlessly. "Good, good, Lord Upuat! You are a natural at this! See how well I've taught you? Don't hesitate now, though, or you will regret it later!" She heard him snort, then he came down over her, breath fanning on her ear, their bodies close. She dropped her head and moaned and Upuat thrust within her savagely, member seeming to tear through the core of her being. She tried to arch, felt him keep her down--hips on both sides of her--only following her command as he started plunging forward and in, forward and in, growling heatedly as he did so. She didn't know if he enjoyed it or not, but she felt a brief surge of satisfaction that he'd learned so quickly. How well her efforts at beating the noble neter into submission had gone! So that he could now be the dominant one, for an interesting change of pace! He went quickly, his grasp bruising her wrists, the weight of his body crushing her into the bed; she'd never realized until now just how much bigger and stronger he was, physically, than she. The realization would have frightened her had she not had her stick. She suddenly realized now that she didn't have it. It had fallen to the bed, just beyond her reach. Upuat himself could grasp it if he wanted to! Suddenly afraid, she writhed and tried to reach for it, but couldn't, not with the god's weight keeping her down. He growled at her motions, pressed her down tighter--she quailed inside, then remembered that he was doing only as she'd commanded, making it believable. Still, she wanted her stick before he got any ideas; as he continued pushing at her she reached her hands closer to the stick until she managed to at least grasp hold of it. A wave of relief passed over her. To her surprise, she heard Upuat yelp, felt him spurt inside her abruptly, his seed releasing. She convulsed herself, his spontaneous orgasm bringing her to climax. She could only guess that the sight of her wielding the stick had caught him so offguard that he couldn't control himself. His weight left her, leaving her gasping; she rolled over onto her back to see him duck from the bed, bowing his head low, ears going back again in that submissive gesture. His member still stood erect, a last short spurt of his seed dampening the floor in front of him; as it shrank back down between his legs he too appeared to shrink, touching his head to the floor and whining plaintively. Seii sighed. Well, that had ended a little abruptly. She pushed herself to her feet, hanging the stick on her belt. One hand wiped away a bit of blood trickling down her scored skin. "Come, Upuat. I'm disappointed in you. I'll give you one more chance to redeem yourself this night. You know what to do." The wolf god stood, keeping his head bowed, and moved to the bed. As soon as he lay down Seii waved her hand and shackles appeared, closing around his wrists and ankles. He said nothing, though his look bordered on miserable. She knew that the shackles were unnecessary--he would be still and submit to anything she desired--yet their presence stimulated her. She enjoyed making the foreign neter her pleasure slave. She proved this by riding atop him for a while, her hips bucking, once in a while dismounting and moving up to his face to let him mouth her. Her bed shook as she rode hard, the feet cracking against the floor when she came, and he came with her. She took him twice this way, the second time more violently than the last, and still was not sated. The heat burned within her greater than ever. She climbed off of the panting exhausted god, a thin strand of his semen trailing down her leg as she did so. She bent to take the tip of his member in her mouth for a moment, savoring the taste, hearing him bite off a whine when she bit at him. She could tell that he was worn out, almost completely spent; but there had been nights when she'd forced him to perform even longer than this. Another long night here or there wouldn't hurt him any. "I'm still angry with you, dear Upuat. To fail me the first time, and then to perform so poorly the next two. You can do much better than this, surely. Do you have any excuse?" Once again he said nothing, just turned his head aside, ears flattening. She pulled out the stick and struck at him, the thin tip slicing the skin on his belly. He let out a small pained yip and jerked. "You must answer me this time! I command you to speak, vile dog! What is your excuse tonight?" Ears still flat, eyes narrowed almost shut. She rarely commanded him to speak, but she knew that he disliked it when she did, as she almost always disliked what he had to say. Still, he had to learn. When he did speak his voice came out weak and timid, nothing like the vicious snarls he'd tossed at her when she'd first forced him to couple with her. "I...my excuse is not learning enough from your discipline, noble Goddess." She raised the stick to hit him again before realizing what he'd said. Had he actually said that? She lowered the stick, seeing him timidly open one eye to gauge her reaction to his words. She ran it along the palm of one hand while she considered his treatment. "Well," she finally murmured. "Perhaps you are learning, after all, pretty dog. You realize who your mistress is?" "Yes, noble Goddess." "Who is she?" "You, noble One." "What does your mistress desire, Lord Upuat?" "Obedience, Mistress." "From whom?" "From this vile dog. From Upuat." "Will the noble Upuat bother to obey his mistress, now and always?" "Yes, Mistress. Always." His ears flattened again, as if realizing he'd made some kind of mistake. "Lord Upuat is not a noble one like his mistress. He is a vile foreign dog, worthy of her contempt." She hadn't even caught the mistake until he pointed it out. She smiled. "Very keen of you, Upuat. Instead of reviling you, foreign dog that you are, what do I, your noble goddess, do for you?" "My mistress teaches me. Disciplines me. She makes me her loyal dog." Such interesting responses! She should have gotten him to talk more often. "This is most correct, pretty Upuat...you are my loyal little dog. Do I punish you for this?" "No, Mistress. You treat me as your loyal dog, discipline me when I am wrong, reward me when I am right." "When are you 'right'?" "When my mistress makes love to me." He fell silent, ears flattening once more as if he'd said too much. "So...this is what I do, is it? Make love to you, foreign dog?" "I...n...no, Mistress...I speak out of line. Forgive me." She waved her hand. "Nonsense. You speak the truth, for once. But you get your facts mixed up. I discipline you when you need to learn. I discipline you further when you are right. However, if you choose to look upon the latter as...'making love,' then who am I to stop you." "You are my mistress, I am your loyal contemptible dog." She waved again and the shackles disappeared. "I wasn't searching for a response to that, loyal Upuat. Though I know you only try. Get up. Your mistress decides to be lenient tonight. One more try for you, Upuat. Only one." The wolf god sat up slowly, rubbing his wrists and keeping his ears low. "My mistress is too kind...this vile dog does not deserve her leniency." "This is true. However, if you please me this time, then you should deserve what you get. Follow me." He got up and followed her. She approached the table that she'd cleared of its contents, waving him over when he almost hesitated. "Here. Take me here. Once more, we'll try it as we did before--you in command--and this time I shall keep my stick nearby just in case--but you will be the one to take me, do you understand?" He said nothing. "Prove that you're my loyal little dog," Seii commanded. "Take me the way a dog would. Here, atop here." She climbed atop the table, knowing that it could support both their weight. "Come up now, Upuat. Prove to me what a loyal little dog you are. Take your mistress, the way a dog would. This is only fitting for your kind, is it not?" When he didn't reply again she summoned him impatiently; "Come!" and he climbed up atop the table, joining her. She pulled the torn part of her dress aside before deciding to do away with it altogether, stripping it off and setting her stick below her. Her breasts swung free and she straddled the table, hips poised high. "Hurry up, now, Upuat, follow your mistress's example and do away with that which you don't need. Then prove to me what a loyal dog you are!" He quickly removed his clothing; despite the time they'd been together she'd never seen him completely naked. The sight aroused her. The gray fur lining his head and face stopped just at his neck, where his body became that of a man--but that of a strong, virile man. His broad shoulders, tight muscles, and the dark curly hair ringing his penis excited her. Panting, she turned away, gripping the edges of the table, arching so her buttocks parted. "Lick me first, Upuat, make certain your mistress is prepared for your entry!" His tongue, long and warm, flicked over her, inside both her vagina and anus. Seii moaned. This technique he had perfected as well. Once she had been sufficiently dampened she suddenly felt his hips pressing against hers, hair tickling her skin. From above her head came the wolf god's rapid pant. His arms he placed on both sides of her; his skin was warm against her back. For a moment he was still, then he started bumping his hips forward at her, as if making love to her already, yet he didn't enter her. She paused with some surprise before realizing that he was not hard yet; he must be attempting to prepare himself, as if the motion would excite him enough to copulate with her. After a moment of this, it appeared to do the trick; she felt him swelling, hardening, and her breath--and his--quickened. She growled slightly, wriggling her hips; Upuat bumped his own at her and his member, hard and thick, penetrated her. Only a moment later he was pushing rapidly, hips pumping, growling low and lustily in his throat. Seii felt indeed as if it were a large dog and not a noble neter who coupled with her, for the look on his lupine face and the sounds that he made. She whined in turn, submitted to him; when he growled she growled, and it appeared to excite him, to her immense pleasure, and he indeed took her the way a dog takes his bitch. She spoke to him, voice husky, as they moved. "Noble Lord Upuat...what say you...loyal dog of mine...what say you of this most immense honor, the honor your mistress bestows upon you? To allow you to couple with me? You, mere vile dog, taking your most noble mistress as you would your mate...what do you say of this honor I grant you? Speak up...speak up, loyal dog...tell me what you think." Upuat answered only with a feral growl. His hips pushed roughly, incessantly. She let out a breathless laugh. "This is all the loyal dog has to say to his mistress? To speak as a dog would? This is fitting then...oh...the dog knows his place after all. If you had dared to speak and think yourself above me...oh..." she shivered in pleasure "...then it would have been pain for you, and the great displeasure of your mistress...would you have wished for this, little dog? I doubt--oh--doubt it...keep it up...keep it up, loyal dog...oh..." above her, Upuat began grunting as he pushed "...take me...just like that...now you're learning...oh...despite what you are...vile foreign dog...you do feel good inside me...oh...yes...this not-so-little dog brings his mistress much pleasure, indeed...oh...yes...that's it...keep it up...that's it...that's it...deeper...deeper, dog...more...more...ah!...more...deeper...faster...deeper...deeper...deeper, dog!...DEEPER!...DEEPER!...COME INSIDE ME, DOG!...INSIDE YOUR MISTRESS--DEEPER--MORE--MORE--MORE--MORE!!--NOW--!!" She broke off with a hoarse cry. Upuat's frenzied grunting broke off with a shattering howl. His hips pushed hard at hers, one final time; she welcomed his seed this time, the hot healthy spurt, deep within her; when she leaned over panting and he pulled out from her she nodded almost to herself, almost unable to speak, not having yet caught her breath. Upuat said nothing, only panted in turn, waiting for her word. Seii turned her head to him, nodding exhaustedly, managing a sort of smile. "Yes...loyal little dog...you've finally managed to please your mistress for tonight...come...back to my bed...we shall lie together, and if your mistress wishes she shall take you again, but if you behave well she may allow you some rest to recover yourself, loyal dog. Is this good?" Flattened ears, subjugated look of respect. "This vile dog does not deserve his mistress's kindness...still, he will do what he can to please her." Seii smiled, spent and satisfied. Yes...he was definitely learning. Most definitely. Master For A Day Seii stared at her hands for a moment, rage and pain and frustration welling up inside her. With a scream she threw a tantrum, knocking all of the contents of her table to the floor in an almost exact re-creation of how she'd acted before. She knew it was childish but didn't care. The pain was too great. She knew that Upuat, crouched respectfully back in his corner, must have flinched back at the action, and for the first time she was angered that he had to see this. What she did next, though, was completely unexpected. She put her hands down on the table, chest suddenly heaving. Her vision grew blurry; before she could fight it, loud racking sobs suddenly burst forth and the tears streamed from her eyes. If Upuat had not been the only one there, she would have hidden her face in shame. Such a childish reaction! Upuat's ears, first flattened back against his head, slowly rose again and she knew that his look grew perplexed. She wasn't supposed to cry. This, she supposed, was the reason why she didn't wish him to see it--after all of his training, just what he needed was something like this to confuse him as to who was master and who was slave. From the corner of her eye she saw him slowly stand up without being asked, yet keeping his head low; still, he stared at her as if that would make her stop. It didn't. So he whined. Seii did cover her face this time, turning away. Her sobbing didn't abate. "Mistress?" She didn't reply to him. She didn't feel like doing so, especially since she couldn't explain it to herself either. She felt like slamming her fists through the tabletop, but knew that it would do no good. She sensed him coming closer, still keeping his head down. He whined at her and she clenched her teeth. She hated when he whined, unless it was in pain. She didn't much care about the details now though. She was too preoccupied with herself to punish him for irritating her. His whine grew louder until it almost joined hers, and then it broke off and she started abruptly to feel his arms around her. Her first instinct was to whirl around and push him off--he must be after her wand. Then she noticed that his hands were nowhere near her waist at all, but crossed around her chest to clasp her close. She could feel his broad chest against her back, the fancy pectoral that she'd given him pressing into her skin. His furry muzzle met the back of her neck and then the side of her face. "Mistress, please don't cry!" "Leave me alone," she muttered, without much conviction. She couldn't tell if he saw through her words or decided to disobey her, since he didn't let go, nor did he leave. If anything his grasp grew tighter. "Please Mistress, you must not cry." She sucked in a breath, determined to quit, and to thrash him soundly for ordering her around. Instead a fresh torrent of tears escaped her, and instead of pushing him away she turned around in his arms and pressed herself to his chest, sobbing loudly. He held her tight, muzzle to her cheek, whimpering. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing, and simply cried herself out against him, until her breath came raw and her eyes were too puffy and worn to cry any longer. She sucked in ragged breaths instead, one hand scrubbing at her stinging eyes. The whole time, Upuat didn't let go. After the longest time Seii recovered her breath, still rubbing her eyes, and managed to address him. "Lord Upuat," she croaked; on hearing his name he started moving, only taking her along with him. She almost started again. Something soft met the back of her legs, and she realized that he had steered her toward her bed and set her down upon the edge of it. He sat beside her, holding her hands in his own, whining softly but still keeping his head low. She drew one of her hands back and wiped it across her face. "Lord Upuat," she said again, voice clearer. "You disobeyed me. Not once, but twice. You forget your place." "This vile dog apologizes...but the mistress must not cry." "You dare to tell me what I shall and shall not do? How poorly have I trained you, dog?" "I apologize, Mistress...but..." "Never mind." Her voice came out sharper than she'd intended, and he flinched back, bringing his hands back to himself. He kept his eyes from her now and she knew that he expected punishment. For a brief second her hand hovered over the stick at her side--but only for a moment. The way he had comforted her without asking, how he'd known that it was not her place to cry... She reached out to him, even as his eyes squinted shut and he whined, and stroked the side of his face. His tensed muscles relaxed slightly and his eyes opened, blinking at her. She smiled at the confused look there, and gently ruffled his fur. "Sweet little dog," she murmured, touching his neck. "To bring comfort to your mistress...you get your orders confused sometimes, but you are a good little dog." He still didn't seem convinced of her change of heart. When she stood he shrank back, but she took his hand and ordered him. "Come, little dog. I have yet to take the day's bath, before I forget. Follow." He stood and obeyed without a word. They made their way out of her room, down the dark echoing hallways, to the sumptuous pool room. Within here, a large pool of the darkest obsidian water filled the middle of the room, surrounded by black pillars and tiling and openings to the courtyards outside. It was always dark in this realm. A sort of twilight reigned outside, though small lamps lent a soft flickering light to the whole. They glittered on the surface of the water like tiny fires. Seii stepped up to the side of the pool, shedding her clothes. She touched one foot into the water and sighed. It was cool, not cold enough to freeze, but just the right temperature to calm her after the long day. She turned to face Upuat, still behind her, and smiled at him again, moving close. "Dear little dog," she said, running her hand down his chest. He was dressed in the fine new clothes she had given him, as a reward for his excellent performance the past several nights; they were in the style of his own people, all gold and white and blue, and his whole body seemed to glitter while he wore them. He looked every bit a god, which he was; though she knew that he was her god, her toy, her plaything, to do with as she liked. She smiled inwardly now... "Sweet Upuat." Her eyes met his. "You look divine, truly divine, in these clothes...please remove them for your mistress, dear dog." He reached behind himself to unlatch the pectoral. She turned her attention briefly to the dark pool, waiting patiently. She had never brought him here before, yet he hadn't hesitated. She would enjoy her bath very much tonight. Turning back, she watched him slip his kilt down over his hips and remove his sandals. "You may keep your jewelry, dear Upuat. I wouldn't ask you to remove it, not now. You have a very pretty face." He didn't reply; she hadn't asked a question. She moved forward to place her hand on his chest, her mouth to his nipple, teeth teasing it slightly. He still didn't speak, though she knew he felt it. With a growing smile she took his hands and led him toward the pool, giggling softly as she stepped down into its inky depths. The wolf god followed without question, the water rising up to his chest. Seii allowed herself to float around him, touching him, hand slipping beneath the surface to caress the warm sac between his legs. "Dear little Upuat," she murmured, though he was in no way little. "I hope you enjoy it here as I do...it's always been so lonely, taking my baths by myself...I wish I had thought of inviting you along before." No response, though his breath had picked up slightly. Her own smile did as well. She steered him to the shallow corner, motioned him to sit upon the step leading into the water. He did so, and it trickled down his skin; only his lower legs disappeared beneath the surface. Seii brought herself up, reaching under again to caress him, then leaned forward into his lap, directing his penis into her mouth. Upuat's chest hitched. She smiled to herself. Her tongue ran along the warm hardening surface, fingers digging lightly in the thick hair surrounding it. Upuat began to pant uncontrollably, and Seii admired the size of him within her mouth. Her tongue flicked over the tip of his shaft, a grin in her eyes. "I see that you like your mistress to play slave to you, dear little puppy...is this something you desire?" He barely shook his head. "N...no, Mistress...you are my mistress and I am your slave." "Still, silly Upuat, I can tell you lie, that you enjoy it...tell me this is true?" "I...no, Mistress...I merely can't..." "Fear not, sweet little puppy...there is no trick in my words this time. You will not be punished if you can satisfy me this night. I'm feeling kindly tonight." "My Mistress is most forgiving and tolerant." She rose, taking his hands again and drawing him down into the water with her so their chests touched. Her breasts bobbed at the surface as she stroked his neck. "Dear Upuat, I think you should play at being master just for this day...and I your slave." Her lips brushed his ear. "You could take me whenever you like, as many times as you like...however you like." "Mis--" "Hush, little dog." She put a finger to his lips. "I am still your mistress. So I command it. You will be the master. Just for tonight. We shall have some great fun with each other, yes?" His eyes were conflicted and desiring. She smiled. "I can see the lust in your eyes, dear Upuat...so do not tell me lack of interest is an excuse. I can tell you wish to take me...so I give you the choice...to do it however you like...whichever brings you the most pleasure. For tonight," she whispered, mouth lightly pressing to his own, before pulling back. Her smile grew and she floated in the water. "Well?" "Mistress, if I..." "Shh, Master Upuat. I belong to you now." She tucked her hands behind her back, eyes beckoning. "Well...Master?" The anxiety failed to leave his eyes--he must have been waiting for some sort of trick--but when she allowed him no other choice...when she slipped closer to rub her body against him, staring up into his eyes worshipfully...then his demeanor changed, as she knew it would. He was good at roleplaying. After all, she had taught him. His eyes narrowed slightly and his pant increased. Seii placed her head against his chest. "Lord Upuat? Master? Tell your slave what you most desire, and it will be yours..." His hands took her arms. Her inward smile grew. He steered her around him, back to the shallow corner of the pool, and, swimming toward it, he pushed her down over the steps so she lay prostrate. She laughed silently, body shivering, when he parted her buttocks, spreading her legs wide so they draped over the edges into the water. "Does my master desire to take me like a dog?" she questioned. "As any strong wolf takes his bitch...is this how my master wishes to take me?" He growled. She laughed again. Upuat's body suddenly crushed down into hers, almost knocking the breath from her; she clutched at the pool's edge to brace herself and let out a groan when his massive hardness penetrated her. His hands pressed flat on her shoulderblades, keeping her shoved down underneath him. She caught her breath and shut her eyes, moaning desirously as Upuat thrust within her. Oh gods...he was always good. Even when he failed to bring her as much satisfaction as she required, he was always good. She assumed that his size was part of it. But also his training. She had trained him very well, so the slave now took his mistress as her master. She whined, as she figured that he would do. The sound aroused him and he growled again. "Does my master desire me?" Seii whispered, breathless. "Does he find his bitch satisfying?" The wolf god's breath came hot and close to her ear. She sensed his sharp teeth next to her. "You wish an answer, slave?" Her whole body tingled. Slave! She'd taught him so well! "If a lowly slave may ask questions of her master," she said, to which he replied: "This bitch is satisfactory, slave, if she continues to do her master's bidding." Seii shrieked with laughter, and then with surprise when he viciously impaled her. His hips ground hers into the stone. Her feet splashed in the water and she yelped, only to feel his nails raking her back savagely. This time she nearly screamed in pain. She liked it. * * * * * Pa'akh wandered through the halls, seeking the source of the noise. He was the only other one in Seii's dark palace, and a eunuch at that, and so he could not serve her as he knew she wanted men to. She had the god for that. The Kemeti neter, whom she had broken down to do her bidding, whenever she wished. He had been a difficult one to break, but she had done it, and quickly. Now he was nothing more than her slave--a pretty, godly slave, but a slave nonetheless. He hardly thought of this at the moment, though...not long ago the first shrill scream had drawn his attention, and at first he had assumed that his mistress was angry again. But when the screaming only continued, in a strange staccato rising and falling pattern, he realized that something must be wrong. She never screamed like that. Not when she was angry. The sound had taken on an edge that was pained or...fearful. What would cause her to become fearful? It took much to frighten her...he had to find out what was going on. He finally neared the source of the sound--it came from the pool room. Heart squeezing up into his chest, he raised the stick that he carried, moving swiftly and silently. Seii's scream only grew, and he then heard a strange sharp growling from within--she wasn't alone in there! His heart felt ready to burst from his throat. He reached the door and pushed it open, peering inside fearfully. He saw his mistress almost immediately--and what was happening--and jammed a hand to his mouth in shock. Seii hung tossed over a small wooden stand, legs hanging off one side, head and arms off the other. She gripped onto the stand's legs to keep from falling on her head, but screamed and thrashed as much as she could, nonetheless. Her legs were spread wide. And the neter, Upuat, was clenching her hips, slamming himself inside her repeatedly, raping her as she screamed ceaselessly. Her legs flailed at his sides as he pushed, loud lustful grunts of obvious pleasure escaping him. "Nooooooo-oooo!!" Seii shrieked, head jerking back. Her eyes were shut tight, tears streaming down her face; she had bitten her lip through so blood trickled down her chin. Vicious clawmarks lined her naked back, bruises upon her hips and thighs where he had grabbed her and forced her down underneath him. Upuat just snarled, buttocks pumping, hips pushing her forward into the stand. Pa'akh noticed how large he was--how badly he must be hurting her as he pushed inside as far as she would allow him--and beyond. The wolf god leaned down over his victim, hands squeezing her hips so tight that she winced in pain. "Do you like pain, slave? You've proven that you do. I'll give you great pain such as you've never felt! And make you beg for it!" Seii's voice came back ragged and pained. "N-no, Master--please!--" Upuat's snarl grew. He stood with his back straight, bent at the knees to be able to reach her as he was so much taller. However, at her plea he stood up completely, dragging her up with him so she screamed in agony. His plunging only grew harder, more vicious, his grunting louder and more frenzied. Pa'akh finally came to his senses. The wolf god savaged his mistress before him--he had evidently overcome her somehow, perhaps by taking her stick, and had turned upon her. What better punishment for serving as her personal sex slave, than inflicting the same pain and humiliation that she'd inflicted on him, by raping her? It was obvious that he enjoyed the act immensely, if the lust in his eyes and the pleasured sounds that he let out were any indication. And his assault had only become more violent since he'd first looked in. Pa'akh had to stop him--before he killed her. With a sudden yell, he charged into the room, raising the stick and bringing it down. He had just the chance to see a look of surprise come across the wolf god's face, and delighted in it before the heavy stick came down--not on his head as had been planned, but on his shoulder, when the neter pulled himself from the gasping Seii and dodged to the side, raising his arm. He let out a startled yelp--Good, filthy dog! Pa'akh thought viciously--before Pa'akh thought to raise the stick and bring it down again, raining blows over the god's body. Now that he was under attack, he didn't fight back; he kept his arms up to shield his face, trying to scuttle toward the pool, but Pa'akh decided that he wouldn't let him get that far. He'd already defiled his mistress enough. He tried to aim for the god's head, striking his arm and hearing bone crack as the pathetic neter yelped again in agony. "You FOOL!!" Pa'akh had just enough time to wonder who Seii was yelling at when something struck him in the side of the head, knocking him to the floor. His stick flew from his hand, beyond his reach. Holding one hand up against the sudden throbbing, feeling blood, he glanced up in surprise. Seii stood over him, naked, fists clenched and teeth bared in rage. She wasn't staring at the cowering Upuat--but at him. "M-Mistress--?" Pa'akh managed to get out, before she flung up her arms and screamed. "You stupid ASS! What do you think you were doing? No one may beat him but ME! He is MY slave! You may NOT touch him!" "But--M-Mistress--he was attacking you--" "He was 'attacking' me because I WANTED him to!" She let out a frustrated yell and flung her arm out at Upuat, still cowering on the floor, arms over his head, a small pitiful whining sound escaping him. "See what you've done? It will take him HOURS to come out of that sulk! He cannot perform when he's completely terrified, not without force. He will be useless the rest of this day! All because you presumed to RESCUE me from him!" Pa'akh started crawling away from her now, his own arms going up to protect himself. "I apologize, Noble Goddess, I had no way of knowing--I'm sorry--I thought he was hurting you--!" "You think this pathetic dog can hurt ME?" The goddess's voice rose to an ear-shattering shriek and she waved an arm at the wolf god again, her screaming drowning out his whining.. "LOOK AT HIM! He cowers like a beaten puppy! He thinks you too now have the same power stick that I possess to punish him. You have ruined EVERYTHING! I must start to train him anew simply so he does not begin to look to YOU as his master!" "I'm sorry, Mistress!" Pa'akh sobbed, beyond terrified now. "Your apologies will NOT suffice!" Pa'akh shrieked and scrambled to his feet when Seii's stick whipped against his back, sending a bolt of hideous pain shooting through him. Upuat only curled in on himself more, his howls growing louder. Seii whipped Pa'akh completely from the room--and he was only relieved that she chose not to follow him from there. * * * * * Beyond furious, Seii watched the pathetic eunuch go running from the room before turning back to Upuat. She bared her teeth again, eyes glowing in anger. Once again the day had been spoiled. That was the one thing she hadn't been able to beat into the neter...the ability to overcome his beatings to pleasure her yet more. She knew that he had to fear her in order to perform, but when he was most afraid he was least pleasurable. This she couldn't stand. Nevertheless, she put the stick away--it would do no good, he was already terrified--and approached him, kneeling down in front of him. As soon as he noticed her near he yelped and shrank back in on himself. She suppressed an irritated sigh and reached under his arm to touch his face. "Shhh, sweet little dog," she murmured, stroking his bruised skin. "No, you have not angered me this day. Calm yourself. Don't fear me now. I won't hurt you tonight, I promise." He whimpered piteously, but one arm lowered slightly so she could see his eye. Pa'akh had managed to strike him in the face, so a large bruise darkened his eye. She felt like ripping the eunuch's head off when she saw it marring his pretty face. "Poor dog." She touched the bruise and he flinched. "Don't worry. I'll fix you up. No more pain for you tonight. Come, back with me to my room. I'll make you feel better. And perhaps we may make each other feel better, at love, yes, little puppy?" The wolf god only whined. She stood, taking his hands and helping him to his feet. They were both still naked; she allowed herself to admire his build briefly--he had not yet managed to lose his erection, and his member, long and hard, thrust out from him, quivering--perhaps the day would not be so wasted after all, if she could maintain his mood. With a gentle caress to the shoulder she took his arm and led him from the pool room, leaving their clothes behind for later retrieval, leading him back to her quarters to tend to his wounds and possibly allow him to come inside her again. Her ache, her desire was still there...and from the looks of it, his was, too. No, this day is not wasted, after all... Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |