Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/596062-UCN-Special-Edition-Christ-mas
Rated: E · Bulletin · Religious · #596062
A special Christmas edition of the UnOfficial Christian Newsletter



Wes Roach, Cat Saxon, & Grandmapenny

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24

Table of Contents:

{1) Letter from the Editor

(2) Bible Study (or something similar)

(3) Links and other things of interest

(4) Prayer Requests


“Grandma penny” is now a new editor for UCN! We all can use a fresh and new perspective on God’s Word! We are so very happy to welcome her aboard! Thank you Grandmapenny for stepping up to the “plate”, and your wonderful willingness to teach and serve!

Letter from the Editor:

Merry Christmas everyone! Oh so soon, Christmas Day will be upon us! Where did this year go???? Everyone wrapping up presents at the last minute, cooking, baking, and going crazy with all the last minute details. The warmth of a fire in the fireplace, the Christmas tree bright with tinsel and lights. Pretty bulbs and ornaments lending color, whimsy, and celebration!

Then let us celebrate together! The first package given to us, the gift that keeps on giving, forever! The first light in our life. The brightest jewel in all our treasures! Jesus!

Today there is no Bible Study!

Today is dedicated to Him! Celebration!

Jesus! King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Hosanna, we bow before the King! He is our treasure! He is our everything that is good and right, glorious, loving way of life! He is life and more! He is the newborn King! King of our hearts, mind, will, emotions, our bodies, everything that is pertinent to life! To you Lord Jesus, with our hearts we praise you, lift
you up in honor, adore, and lift up hands acknowledging your sovereign Lordship in our lives! Today we celebrate you!

Happy Birthday Jesus! We have come bearing gifts! What are the gifts we bring to you? What gift can we possibly give, that would be worthy to you of all people? The son of God?

We bring our sins, brokenness, and ask forgiveness. We are needy people. We will always need and want you. There is no other to go to. Just you.

We bring our broken hearts for you to mend. If we could do it on our own, we would have done so. But we cannot. This is why you came so vulnerable as a babe, someone we can relate to in all of our life processes. We are vulnerable too, let us be vulnerable like you, Jesus and love.

We bring to you our mind, to filter all the strongholds out with your truth.

We bring to you our hearts, black with sin, to purify and wash white as snow!

We bring to you our failures, you are our success!

We bring to you our hopes and dreams, which you inspire to grander things, then what we confess to know!

We need you to put the pieces back again. You are our comfort. You are our friend, wonderful counselor, healer, high priest, servant to emulate. So very much more, it would take forever to fill the pages of what you are to
us, to me.

They are written in our hearts, engraved in flame, your name which burns from our lips to speak and praise!

The only thing I can truly give to you, Lord Jesus, is my heart, my soul, my spirit, my body.

All that is me, to change, rearrange, grow, shape and mold.

No one can do this for me, this is something I must do myself. I am the only one that can give you this free will gift of me.

You have already given yourself for me and all the mess on this planet. Past, present, and future!

So wondrous a gift you have given, your life. A life that started with birth. You have birthed yourself in our hearts! A gift to be given, a gift to be received.

If you have not received this gift, then this gift is useless to you and all He brings. You have only to reach out and become a receiving believer! Reach out.

Give yourself this gift of light, His!!

Thank you Lord for those who reached out!

Thank you Lord for the family that keeps on growing larger in numbers! Whose eyes see you in their everyday life! You are life!

Thank you for being born, taking so many chances, in this stress-filled life, among those who sought to take your life at such a young age.

Thank you for becoming flesh, that I, and all the I-s might live with hope and a future.

Thank you for your love you have given so freely, and keep on giving! You have given us so many gifts to treasure!

Today we celebrate the real reality of you, Jesus! We celebrate your coming! We celebrate the reason why you came! We celebrate the salvation you have brought, by being who you are! The only begotten son of God! Our deliverer! For salvation means deliverance from something! The something called Hell and death.” The second death. The death of our spirit man for all eternity! No myth, nor lie. For we are more then flesh, but spirit housed in a flesh temple.

Today we celebrate that you are no more a babe born in a manger, under the stars, with animals and wise men to worship you!

We celebrate your death and resurrection! We celebrate your sacrificial love! We celebrate that you will COME AGAIN! In glory, and honor! Strength and power!

Our deliverer, as a white hot fire in a dark and gloomy night! You come again to take your people away! We are waiting. We are ready. We are

To us a child is born, His name is Emmanuelle! Let Christmas, by His example always be in our hearts daily, forever!

Happy Birthday Jesus! We are so happy you were born! We love you Lord!

We love the growing family you have given us! We love and pray for the lost, that they be found and brought into the fold. You are the good Shepard! We are your sheep, it is sheep that beget sheep! Make us your instruments of love, that new sheep be born, especially on this day of days!

Merry Christmas to all from the Staff of UCN !!! Let us celebrate His coming forever!

Cat Saxon

Some cute writings regarding our holiday traditions and frantic days before Christmas! Also, thank you Janet for inspiring me on what to write about for this newsletter! Your poem on what to bring to the Lord really hit home! Thank you dearest heart! Please take the time to read what these people have written! Emeraldeyz, brown paper is a very good story! I
loved Janet's secret family tradition, the....? lol...Not telling! You will have to read it!

Countrymom, I really can relate to your poem! Here it is Christmas Eve...Am I ready? Nooooo!:) Jesus Girl, I really was touched by your poem also! At one point in my life, I felt the same as you. He proved me wrong also! :)

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I also want to thank each and everyone of you for allowing us to share the pieces you have written in this newsletter! We are blessed with great writers of all ages, here in Writing.Com, who love the Lord! God Bless
Storymaster and Storymistress for this site! Amen!

Have a question or comment for the Editor? Then please contact the Editor of the newsletter for that week!

Do you have an opinion on what you've read here today? Some Topics you would like addressed? Then send the Editors feedback!

A prayer request for the Body Of Christ to intercede for, and put in the newsletter?

Then send this to Wes (armyofnone) or I (tawnycatfl), and our newest editor, grandmapenny , to be put in the
newsletter to get the Body of Christ Cranked Up and On Our Knees! Find an item that you think would be
perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the UnOfficial Christian Newsletter! Again either Wes, myself or Grandmapenny

"Invalid ItemDo you need encouragement? Are you hurting for someone? Going through a trial? Read! You won' be sorry that you did! Love Ya Cat

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