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The second chapter of The Love of a friend. |
Misty Dawn Chapter Two That evening Sunshine asked Joe Joe if would it be OK they waited a few days before we turned in our ticket. Joe Joe said, “That's your ticket my friend, ever what you want will be fine with me.” Sunshine said,”Joe Joe, your are to trusting, I see right now, I will never allow you to be to far from me. Misty Dawn is so much like you; I can't wait until you meet her.” Joe told Joe Joe, “Sunshine is too modest, she is just like Sunshine in every way. Don't ever let them wear sunglasses when you talk to them or you will never tell them apart.” Sunshine looked at Joe and squinted up her nose and said, “We may be able to fool you my love but never Joe Joe.” They looked at each other and grinned. Sunshine asked Joe Joe, “Would you promise me you will always save 90 acres of that 100 acre heart just for me?” Joe Joe looked her right in the eye and said, “It is chained, locked and posted.” Joe whispered to Joe Joe, “keep it locked or she will make you pay take my word on this.” Shunshine said, “I don't know what you two are whispering about but remember I can kill.” Then she smiled and said, “I love you two dumb old boys and don't forget.” Joe Joe smiled at her and she smiled back. Joe said, “I you two would set down I could watch the fire works show.” Joe Joe smile at him and said, “You will have to wait Joe, I am going to wash Sunshine,s dishes and clean up the kitchen. Then I have to go wash a sink of my dirty dishes.” Joe and Sunshine heard Joe Joe in the kitchen. He washed, dried and put away everything. When he came out the kitchen it looked like a picture in a Goodhousing magazine. He came out with a dust cloth. They just watched him and marveled at how straight and neat he put everything. Then he came over in front of Sunshine and put his hand out to her. She took it not having a clue what he was up to. He helps lift her from her chair and led her to the couch with Joe. He all but made her sat in his lap. He smiled and said, “I am going to feed the baby and give him his bath. I will return in about 45 minutes with him and than I have to wash my dishes or buy more.” Sunshine looked Joe Joe in the eye and asked how many dirty dishes do you have?” He smiled and said, “Cup, plate, and a fork.” Joe Joe said, “Do I have to draw you two a picture. May I take the baby to my house and feed and bath him. It will take over an hour and then I will phone you when I am ready to return just in case you two are doing something private.” Sunshine said, “Joe Joe bless your heart. Yes take the baby and we have a surprise for you this afternoon.” Joe Joe did just as promised. He called and he said, “I will be at the house in about 5 minutes. You will kill me. Tadpole is wide-awake and wants to play. I will keep him all day if you want?” Sunshine said, “No Joe Joe. Now you have to do me a favor.” He said, “OK.” She said, “Don't work in the yard today, please take a nap. Tonight I will have the biggest supper you ever tasted. All your favorites will be on the table.” Joe Joe said, “Thank you Sunshine, I will come early and help you cook or keep the dishes washed up.” She said,”No Joe Joe, today I want you just to walk in and set down and eat until your heart content. You will do no dishes, this is my gift to you. Please allow me to do this. Joe Joe you forget, I love you just as much as you love me. Take a nap and I will call you for supper and your surprise. Promise me you will not go or even look out until I call. Please promise?” “I promise,” he replied. “I will be there in five minutes with the baby.” Joe Joe did as he promised. At 6:00 P.M. the phone rang. It was Sunshine. “Please come to the house my friend. Bring an appetite, everything you like the most are on the table.” When Joe Joe got out side he saw a huge moving van and two strange cars. He walked to the door and gave a little knock. He heard Sunshine say, “You need not to knock you are at home.” Joe Joe entered. Before his eyes he saw two Sunshine’s. He made eye contact with one then in a few seconds the other. This was truly a fire works show. Joe Joe never realized how beautiful Sunshine was until there were two of her. Long blond hair and skin as creamy brown as sweet brown sugar. Their teeth were white as fresh fallen snow. Joe Joe looked just for a minute. Not a word was spoken. Then Joe Joe approached one of the angels and said, “Hi Misty Dawn. It is such an honor to meet you.” She went into his arms. She said, “No, the honor is all mine.” They held and held each other. Finally Joe asked Joe Joe, “Are you sure that's not Sunshine?” Joe Joe released her and looked in her eyes again. He said, “Dang! You are right.” He put his arm around the other beautiful girl who really was Sunshine. She hugged back. Then Misty Dawn hugged Joe and said, You do know your dear wife don't you?” Joe backed up and he said. “Joe Joe, I know you cannot tell a lie. Look me in the eyes and tell me which one is Misty Dawn.” Joe Joe said, “OK.” He dropped Sunshine's hand and moved over to Misty Dawn. He said, “That is your Sunshine, I pray this will sometime be my Misty Dawn.” She looked him in the eye and either turned away. Then Misty Dawn said, “All you have to do is ask. I have loved you since I felt it through Sunshine's heart.” Then Misty Dawn asked, “Would you like to met Mom & Dad?” He said, “Please, I have waited for this day since I met Sunshine. Her name is Heather.” Joe Joe said, “Now I know why the girls are so beautiful. They look like their Mom.” Heather said, “Thank you Joe Joe, now I know why these girls love and talk of you so much.” Sunshine's Dad said, “I was there too when it happened.” Heather said, “How could I forgot that,” and just smiled at him. She said, “His name is Chip.” Joe Joe said, “It is so good to meet you Sir.” Chip said, “You have manners, Joe try to hang around Joe Joe a little more. Some of him may rub off. If I have to give up my girls I think I have done good with you two.” Misty Dawn smiled and took Joe Joe by the arm. “May I set next to you for Dinner?” Joe Joe said, “Please do, I would be honored.” Then she asked, “Has Sunshine ever told you my last name? It was her maiden name.” Sunshine said, “I'm sorry, we just never got around to that.” She said, “It is Morning Joe Joe, Misty Dawn Morning.” Joe Joe paused, quickly he turned his eyes away toward Heather. Joe Joe said, “You are as beautiful as your name.” Sunshine said, “If all are ready we will have a dinner now?” Misty Dawn taken Joe Joe by the hand while all took their seat. Sunshine smiled at Misty Dawn and said, “Don't worry, I will make sure you are beside Joe Joe.” Joe Joe said, “Thank you Sunshine, may we have one empty chair beside us if it is room.” Sunshine looked into Joe Joe's eyes for a few seconds and then she said, “That will be a must. Any time you two want an empty chair there you just ask.” They all took their seats. Misty Dawn never released Jo Jo's hand. Sunshine asked Jo Jo would you say the blessing?” He said, “Yes thank you.” As Joe Joe prayed Misty Dawn squeezed his hand. He prayed, “Oh Father why have you blessed me with so much riches. Thank you so much for giving me this family. I don't deserve any one such as them. Watch over each of them always and never forsaken or leave them. Give me the strength to be there for each of these fine people. Allow me to support and cherish Misty Dawn forever. Thank you for Sunshine and may she reap as much as she has sown. Bless her Mom & Dad and watch over them always. Thank you for Joe and being the loving Father that he is. Bless Tadpole and may he grow up to be the loving and caring person just like his Mom & Dad. Now please bless this food we are about to receive. In Jesus name Amen.” They raised their head and Misty Dawn whispered to Joe Joe, “Look beside you.” He said, “I see him. Thank you for coming Simon. Thank you.” They finished their dinner and Sunshine said, “You three go watch TV and us three girls will clean up the kitchen.” Joe Joe looked in Sunshine’s eyes and he was heart broken. She noticed it immediately. She looked in Misty Dawn’s eyes and she looked as if she had lost her best friend. Sunshine said, “I’m sorry, you two can’t stand to be apart.” Then Joe said, “I have a good ideal if it’s OK with everyone. Joe Joe you take Misty Dawn and show her your apartment. Maybe I can talk Dad into us two helping clean up and later when you two return we will tell them our surprise.” Dad said, “I love surprises,” He said, “You two get out of here and come back in a couple of hours, I want my surprise.” Misty Dawn taken Joe Joe’s hand and said, “Come on Joe Joe, I want to see your place.” Fire works were coming from their eyes. Another life long friendship was born right than. They started out of the kitchen and Tadpole got to Joe Joe and hugged his leg. He wanted to go with them. Joe Joe stopped and picked him up and hugged him. Joe Joe looked in Misty Dawn’s eyes and in a few seconds just nodded yes. Sunshine immediately said, “No you two, this is your time.” She picked up Tadpole and said, “You have to stay with Mommy.” Sunshine’s Dad said, “Son stay here and play with Granddaddy.” Tadpole looked in Joe Joe’s eyes and said, “Bye Joe Joe.” They rushed out arm in arm, just as if they had known each other for years. The closer they got to the apartment the closer each one pulled one another together. Soon they were at the door. Joe Joe looked in Misty Dawn’s eyes and he whispered, “I don’t deserve you. I don’t understand why God just keeps on giving and giving. I want you to look inside. I have so much to tell you. I want you to know all about me. I would like for you to know all I have ever done ever done.” Then Misty Dawn put her fingers to his lips and said, “I don’t care if you lived in the streets and eat out of the garbage. That was yesterday. Joe Joe, I read eyes just like you. Please look at tomorrow and not yesterday.” She said, “Please let us go in. Show me your paradise.” He opened the door. It took her breath away. With a tear in his eye he whispered, “Joe and Sunshine gave about all you see to me. The smaller things I bought.” In the corner was a little desk. There was a neat stack of papers and pens. At eye level was a picture of Sunshine Joe & Tadpole. Then off to the side was a bigger picture of Misty Dawn. He took her hand and said, “Sunshine gave this to me. I look at it for hours and hours at a time.” He touched her cheeks and said, “I talked to your eyes even though they were in a still picture.” Their eyes were no more than 6 inches apart. Then 5 and very slowly their lips were no more than 1 inch apart. In a few minutes their lips touched. Joe Joe was about to experience a different kind of love. A love that only two people can share together. Misty Dawn whispered, “Hold me, please hold me and never let go?” Joe Joe kissed her cheek and said, “Do you think Simon could fix it where this minute will never end?” She snuggled up closer somehow and said, “Forever would be nice.” Joe Joe smiled and said, “Do you want to see the rest of the apartment?” She said, “Do we have to get up?” He smiled and said, “What about your surprise? I want to give you one of them now while we are here alone.” She whispered, “Can I just hold you while you tell me?” “Yes please do, as tight as you want.” I have looked at your picture hours at a time setting there at that little desk. I wrote something just for you. After I have met you in person it even means more to me someway,” he replied. He gave her another kiss and she lay her head on his shoulder and he read these lines. “Among the great and glorious gifts Our heavenly Father sends Is the gift of understanding That we find in loving friends For in this world of trouble That is filled with anxious care Everybody needs a friend With whom they’re free to share The little secret heartaches That lay heavy on their mind Not just a mere acquaintance But someone who’s just our kind For somehow in the generous heart Of loving faithful friends The good God in his charity And wisdom always sends A sense of understanding And the power of perception And mixes these fine qualities With kindness and affection Or when we need some sympathy Or a friendly hand to touch Or an ear that listens tenderly And speaks words that mean so much We seek our true and trusted friend In the knowledge that we will find A heart that is sympathetic And understanding mine And often just without a word There seem to be a union Of thoughts and kindest feelings For God gives true friends’ communion.” This poem got Joe Joe another long and passionate kiss. With tears in her eyes she could hardly speak. With her little lip a quivering Misty Dawn said, “I don’t want a surprise, I want to stay here, I don’t want this minute to end.” He said, “My precious Angel, this is only one of the ten of thousands that are yet to come. As much as I hate to get up and release you from my arms I have to. The surprise is for the whole family. I will tell you a secret if you won’t tell Sunshine?” She looked in his eyes and said, “I will do anything you ask.” “Sunshine made me promise to save her 80 acres of my 100 acre heart. I promised but I didn’t tell her my heart was 100,000 acres.” She smiled and said, “I want 99,000 acres.” He kissed her and said, “Yours is fenced, locked and posted just like her 80. I love you.” She looked into his eyes and asked, “Please let me live here. I will sleep on this couch. Maybe Simon will stay here with us. As hard as it will be my intentions are pure and clean.” Joe Joe held her and said, “Only if you take the bedroom and I will take the couch. I’ll fix it fit for a Princess. Because a Princess will live here. I will have to ask your Dad. I pray to God he will trust me and say yes.” Then the room shined with a warm and soft light. It was though someone was about to speak but that someone was not in sight. Then they heard the voice of Simon softly say: “My precious friends you don’t understand. All of your lives by you on my knees I spent. I have prayed for this day but Father said soon but not just yet. You may live here for the duration my children, Please bewares, there will be nights of temptation.” Slowly the light vanished just as quiet as it appeared. Then Misty Dawn looked in Joe Joe’s eyes and softly said “I can’t take your bed, please allow me the couch.” Joe Joe held her and whispered, “You don’t understand. When I was 14 years old, I lost my Mom & Dad. We lived in a cardboard box. I can remember that was the coldest night we had ever had. Dad tried to find Mom & I a shelter but they all were full. That night Mom & Dad said try to sleep son. We love you so much. Please forgive me for the life I have caused you & Mom to live.” Misty Dawn held Joe Joe. She kissed away a tear. As the tears ran down her cheeks she listened. Joe Joe said, “They covered me and asked me to try to just go to sleep. They were on their knees in prayer. Soon I was warmer than any other time in my life. I can’t ever remember a better nights sleep than that night. I awoke the next morning and they were in each other’s arms. They had given me all the covers’. They had frozen. They slipped away to be with Jesus.” Joe Joe couldn’t speak anymore. Misty Dawn wiped away his tears and she said, “That’s when you got the job at the restaurant. By some unknown miracle you found the van at the junkyard.” Joe Joe and Misty Dawn never broke eye contact. She continued, “One more miracle would happed. The temperature in that van never dropped below 68 degrees. No matter how hot or how cold, it held that temperature.” Joe Joe then did speak. He said, “One more miracle has happened. You are beautiful enough to be in any magazine you choose. In fact Joe told me you and Sunshine both had refused many-many offers. Now you have ended up here with me. Are you sure you want this?” Misty Dawn said, “I was never more surer of anything in my life.” Joe Joe kissed her passionately and said, “You won’t be sorry my love, now may we got to the house and you receive your surprise?” She smiled and said, “If we don’t Dad will kill us.” Joe Joe & Misty Dawn went back to the house arm in arm. When they arrived there in that room there sat the people they loved the most in the whole world. Chip smiled at his beautiful daughter and asked Joe Joe, “You two have a glow about you. Did something happen maybe we should discuss?” Heather said, “I don’t think so Chip Morning. Our Baby is 25 years of age. It is none of our business what happens in her private life.” He said, “I know but these are my little girls.” Sunshine said, “Dad we will always be your little girls.” Then Joe Joe said, “There is one thing I would like to ask? I need your blessings before we can make this happen.” Misty Dawn said, “Please Joe Joe let me ask, this was my ideal, hold my hand and allow me to ask Daddy.” He said, “OK, but Sir I want this to happen just as much as Misty Dawn.” She looked her Dad in the eyes and said, “I over heard you and Mom talking yesterday morning. I know there is no way you can afford an apartment and food to survive. I know if some one told you a month ago you and Mom would pull up your roots and move to be close to Sunshine & my self you would have laughed. If someone had told Sunshine. Joe & myself this we would have laughed. Dad you gave up a contractor’s business that was the best in our state. You moved here knowing you couldn’t make it. You would have to start all over again an unknown. Sunshine and Joe gave up high-ranking positions as Federal government employees. I did the same Daddy. Something drew us all here. You told us all only by the grace of God could we make it. That something was Joe Joe. Sunshine was first. They became the best of friends. It was as if someone led her there. I felt his love and kindness through her heart. There would be nothing that would keep me from him. If I had to I would have eaten out of that garbage can beside him. Then you and Mom had to be close to your little girls. I also heard dad say that morning there had to be more than one car in that junkyard. That would be yours & Mom’s home. Daddy, what I am trying to ask, can I move in with Joe Joe and sleep on his couch. I know you and Mom never raised us that way but it will be just as moral as I was down stairs in the garage.” Joe Joe said, “I give you my word Sir, as hard as it will be I give you my word.” With a tear in Dad’s eyes he tried to speak. Sunshine asked, “Dad please let me tell you the surprise now.” He looked at her and asked, “Please darling let me say this first. This is the hardest thing I ever had to say, Please let me say it and then I will be quiet.” Sunshine had a tear in her eye also. Even though she knew each person in that room was millionaires, she felt the pain in his heart. Mom grasps his hand. He said, “Misty Dawn you have made this a little easier. I know you are 25 and have no job now. I would take the food from my mouth and the clothes from my back for you. I was going to ask Joe and Sunshine could us three live in the garage until we can get on our feet. With the three of us it meant leaving a car out. If you stay with Joe Joe there will be room now. Mom & I decided there was no way we could barge in on Joe & Sunshine. There is not room. But I know them they would have made room. They would have sleep on the floor and give up their bed. We just can’t do that. There is one more thing I would like to ask Joe Joe and then I will be quiet.” Joe Joe nodded yes. Chip said, “When Sunshine told you our last name a look of shook came over your face. Why son, have you heard of our name. We did a family tree a few years ago and Morning’s are few. We found out over 100 years ago there were two adopted brothers. We traced our family to one of them but the other moved away and we know not any of his family or what happened to them.” Joe Joe smiled and said, “No one ever asked my last name, not even Sunshine and Misty Dawn has not had time to get to that.” He looked into Misty Dawn’s eyes and fireworks started. He said, “It’s Morning, I am part of the other side. We are no blood kin we just have the same last name.” He looked her in the eyes and said, “I will change it if you want me too.” She said, “No you won’t. I love that name.” Sunshine said, “It’s my time to talk. Let me get this straight. And then I will tell you your surprise if Joe Joe will let me?” She looked into his eyes and said, “He thinks he is smart but I know more about that day than he thinks.” She said, Now let’s see, Misty Dawn will live with Joe Joe. Mom & Dad will live in the garage. The house will be head quarters. Mom you and Dad brink your dirty laundry to the house on Thursday. Then on Friday evening I will do all mind and Joe Joe and Misty Dawn’s laundry.” Misty Dawn asked, “Can I do mine and Joe Joe’s along with yours during the day on Friday.” She said, “Then you won’t have to be up half the night.” Dad said, “OK, we have all that settled, what about our surprise?” Sunshine looked into Joe Joe’s eyes. She asked Misty Dawn, “You might want to hold your man’s hand.” She said, “Mom, Dad Misty Dawn, Joe Joe won the 100 million dollar lottery and he gave it to Joe and I. Joe and I gave back 50 million to Joe Joe. Dad Joe Joe wants you & Mom to have 25 million of his half. Joe Joe doesn’t know it yet but Joe & I thought if Joe Joe and Misty Dawn don’t mind we will split it even 3 ways. We all are setting here tonight millionaires.” Chip Morning broke down in uncontrollable tears. All was by his side. Misty Dawn asked, ”what’s wrong Dad? Please tell us what is wrong?” Chip reached out for Joe Joe’s hand. He asked, “Why son, we are strangers. If anyone in this world ever deserved this break it would be you. He smiled; Misty Dawn lay her head on one of Joe Joe’s shoulders and Sunshine on the other. Joe Joe said, “The Love of a Friend) I don’t care about money, all I ever need is here in this room tonight.” The next morning each one of them went together to turn in the ticket and claim the money. They asked to remain anonymous for now. They had a lot to do before the world knew these new millionaires. Just a few weeks later Chip Morning came home. He was so excited. There was 50 acres of some of the most beautiful countryside had been put on the market for sale. It had planned to be divided up in 50 lots. Selling price would be $20,000.00 each. Before anyone could do anything Chip Morning bought all 50 lots. He told the surveyor to mark it off in 3 lots. Just happens that him and his two daughters and their families were looking for a place to build so they all could be close. Just happens that Chip Morning was one of the best building contractors in a 5-state area. He offered to oversee the construction of all three homes. All he needed was blueprints and he offered help with those. The girls were over come with joy. Some how Misty Dawn loved Joe Joe a little more each day. One day when Joe Joe was out, Sunshine asked to see Joe and Misty Dawn. She asked, “Please do just one thing for me and somehow try to understand?” She said, “I don’t understand fully why I have been blessed so much. I love each of you so much. Would you understand if I ask to see and speak to Joe Joe at least once each day? Misty Dawn I know you care and watch over him with your life. I just need to see and talk to him every day.” Misty Dawn said, “I insist you do this. Our love for each other is like yours and Joe’s. I know how he cares for you. I won’t be surprised if he asks Joe & I the same thing about you. He cares for you so much. The next day Joe Joe did ask the same thing. If only he could see Sunshine’s eyes and see her smile every day. They insisted he do this. Either of the two ever knew they had talked to Misty Dawn & Joe. Then a few weeks later Joe Joe & Misty Dawn would experience the temptations Simon warned them of. It was late one night and either was aware the other was up. Misty Dawn wore a thin see through negligee. They met in the hall. They both stopped. Usually Misty Dawn wore a housecoat if Joe Joe was up. Joe Joe might have his shirt off but never did he allow Misty Dawn to see him only in his shorts. As Joe Joe stood there he couldn’t believe the beauty of this young girl. Now he knew why she was offered magazine lay outs. Either spoke, they just stood within a foot of each other. Each one of them stepped toward the other and they embraced. Never in Misty Dawn’s life had she felt the warmth of a male against her naked flesh. Either had Joe Joe experienced such a thing? They stood there few a few seconds with arms around each other. Joe Joe was the first to speak. He said, “I’m sorry, Please forgive me?” Misty Dawn said, “It wasn’t your fault, I caused this. You forgive me?” Joe Joe looked her in the eyes, then he dropped to one knee. “Please marry me.” She said through the happy tears, “Yes! Yes my love! When?” Joe Joe said, “Tonight would be nice but I know better. I will ask for your hand tomorrow. You set it up my love. The sooner the better.” Joe Joe asked, “Do you think it would be proper if I got one more goodnight kiss?” Misty Dawn said, “I would be heart broken if you didn’t.” He took her in his arms once more. Each could feel the other’s heart beat against their chest. Unaware Simon stood beside them. He looked toward Heaven. He said, “Oh Father! Twenty-five of their earth years I have planned this night. Thank you my Lord.” Then Joe Joe released Misty Dawn. He said, “I love you. See you in the morning. We have a wedding to plan.” As each one turned to go to their own bed the diamonds from their eyes sparkled in the hall for hours. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |